702 resultados para intimate
The goal of this study was to understand how and whether policy and practice relating to violence against women in Uganda, especially Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act of 2010, have had an effect on women’s beliefs and practices, as well as on support and justice for women who experience abuse by their male partners. Research used multi-sited ethnography at transnational, national, and local levels to understand the context that affects what policies are developed, how they are implemented, and how, and whether, women benefit from these. Ethnography within a local community situated global and national dynamics within the lives of women. Women who experience VAW within their intimate partnerships in Uganda confront a political economy that undermines their access to justice, even as a women’s rights agenda is working to develop and implement laws, policies, and interventions that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. This dissertation provides insights into the daily struggles of women who try to utilize policy that challenges duty bearers, in part because it is a new law, but also because it conflicts with the structural patriarchy that is engrained in Ugandan society. Two explanatory models were developed. One explains factors relating to a woman’s decision to seek support or to report domestic violence. The second explains why women do and do not report DV. Among the findings is that a woman is most likely to report abuse under the following circumstances: 1) her own, or her children’s survival (physical or economic) is severely threatened; 2) she experiences severe physical abuse; or, 3) she needs financial support for her children. Research highlights three supportive factors for women who persist in reporting DV. These are: 1) the presence of an “advocate” or support 2) belief that reporting will be helpful; and, 3) lack of interest in returning to the relationship. This dissertation speaks to the role that anthropologists can play in a multi-disciplinary approach to a complex issue. This role is understanding – deeply and holistically; and, articulating knowledge generated locally that provides connections between what happens at global, national and local levels.
O ser humano vive maior parte do seu tempo em contato direto com o ambiente construído, portanto tornou-se fundamental pesquisar as relações de alteridade, qualidade de vida e pertencimento dentro de um espaço específico, a casa. Ressaltando que a casa nesta pesquisa é todo e qualquer lugar de moradia, percebe-se que ela exprime um estilo de vida, ou seja, um modo de viver e conviver, de pensar, de sentir, e de se relacionar com as pessoas e com o espaço. A partir das relações de seis moradores do Município de Rio Grande com suas respectivas casas pudemos conhecer os processos que ali ocorrem e quais são os efeitos deles na vida e atitudes de cada morador dentro e fora da morada. O estudo é fundamentado primordialmente na Educação Ambiental e na Ecologia Onírica. Mais especialmente, na Educação Estética Ambiental e Educação Estética Onírica, porém também dialoga com outras áreas do conhecimento, como a Psicologia Ambiental. Esta avalia e compreende o homem, como ele reage, interpreta e sente os espaços, e consequentemente, como ele é constituído através de todas as experiências, vivências, memórias neste meio tão íntimo que é a casa de cada um. O objetivo da pesquisa foi, a partir das relações dos moradores entre si e com o espaço da casa, conhecer qual é o significado desta na vida dos seus moradores, despertar a valorização do espaço/morada e o sentimento de pertencimento a ela, promovendo através dessa consciência uma maior qualidade de vida dentro e fora de casa.
The defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 transformed Vietnamese men into fleeing refugees, boat people, and state-sponsored asylees. Writing against the popular and scholarly representations of Vietnamese refugee men as incapacitated objects of rescue, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the intimate, insightful, and intense portrayal of Vietnamese masculinities in lê thi diem thúy’s novel, The Gangster We Are All Looking For. Focusing on the “sad and broken” father in the novel, the article conceptualizes his bouts of domestic violence neither as a private family matter nor an example of individual failing, but as a social, historical, and transnational affair that exposes the conditions—war, urban neglect, poverty—under which Vietnamese masculinity is continually produced, negotiated and transformed.
Today's man is socially absorbed by problematic body issues and everything that this means and involves. Literature, publicity, science, technology and medicine compound these issues in a form of this theme that has never been seen before. In the artistic framework, body image is constantly suffering modifications. Body image in sculpture unfolds itself, assuming different messages and different forms. The body is a synonym of subject, an infinite metaphorical history of our looks, desires, that leads one to interrogate his/her image and social and sexual relations. These are understood as a manifestation of individual desires freed from a moral and social imposition. It attempts a return to profound human nature before we are turned into a cloning industry. In thisstudy it isimportant for usto understand in which form doessculpture reflect body image as a sociocultural and psychological phenomenon within the coordinates of our time. To understand how they represent and what artists represent in sculpture as a multiple and complex structure of human sexuality. Today, the sculptural body, expanding its representation, no longer as a reproduction of the corporal characteristics, presents the body in what it possesses of most intimate, unique, human and real, that moves, reacts, feels, suffers and pulsates, a mirror of us all.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica
“Falling Out of the Sky” is a collection of poems, both formal and free verse, that explores an intimate familial landscape. In particular, these poems raise the question of what it means to be human through examinations of family mythology and its changes as bodies and memories become unreliable with time.
This collection exhibits the relationships between generations of mothers and daughters that are often frayed by misgivings about each others’ perspectives and situations. My Four Thousand Bibles is an emotive critique of ideologies that yield these generational problems, while it embraces the fluidity of spirit, being both intimate and echoing. The collection traces an arch of disquietude from a pressurized girlhood, which for the speaker bears the inevitable condition of guilt, unknowingness, and loving faith. Complemented by the records of her grandmother from poor Appalachia and by the challenges of love and partnership, the speaker’s understanding of herself and her position in time develops patience as an observer and participator in the world’s larger turning.
Muitos são os estudos e ativismos que chamam a atenção para a necessidade de ampliar as investigações e visibilidades de lésbicas na academia brasileira. Com vista a ampliar o conhecimento sobre essa população, propomos com a dissertação “O que sei, o que eu acho e o que me disseram: diálogos com jovens sobre lesbianidade”, desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande/RS, interrogar, problematizar e compreender as representações sobre a(s) lesbianidade(s) produzidas por cinco jovens de uma escola agrícola da região sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa, orientada pelos Estudos Culturais Lesbofeministas, produziu seus dados a partir da Etnografia pós-crítica, subsidiada pelas abordagens metodológicas proporcionadas pelas “rodas de conversas” e anotações no “diário de campo”. Partindo das análises dos dados, podemos apontar que as estudantes possuem visões e entendimentos conceituais a respeito da(s) lesbianidade(s) e que esses já possuem um posicionamento crítico frente à forma como a mulher é retratada na sociedade. Entretanto, podemos verificar que a temática “lesbianidade(s)” – não diferente da forma como as demais mulheres são retratadas na escola, que é atravessada pela invisibilidade histórico-escolar – ancora-se em representações mediadas pela violência, limitadas às relações afetivo-sexuais e/ou dimensões domésticas e íntimas da sexualidade.
A relação marca/consumidor é importante e, atualmente, com a evolução tecnológica e com a disseminação das redes sociais, a sua importância subiu de nível pois o meio online permite que os consumidores estejam mais informados e tenham mais consciência das diversas opções que existem no mercado. Como tal, as marcas aproveitam as redes sociais, tais como o Facebook, para se fazerem notar, para mostrarem o seu lado mais humano e assim estabelecer comunicação com os utilizadores de forma a criar ou manter uma relação mais íntima com o mesmo. Contudo, a liberdade de expressão que existe nas redes sociais nem sempre é favorável às marcas, o que faz com que estas optem por utilizar critérios de gatekeeping para filtrar alguns conteúdos. O que se pretende deste estudo não experimental de tipo exploratório e de método qualitativo, é aferir que critérios de gatekeeping é que são mais suscetíveis de serem utilizados pelas marcas, de forma a evitarem que a relação forte que detêm com o consumidor fique comprometida e manchada pelo ódio e, consequentemente, perceber como é feita a gestão das próprias páginas de Facebook. O objeto do estudo em causa envolve, assim, duas empresas do setor eletrónico que são concorrentes diretas e que têm consumidores muito dedicados e que foram selecionadas através de um método de amostragem não aleatório intencional.
In this study we apply the versatile/specialist offender debate to the research of intimate partner violence. We propose the existence of two types of imprisoned male batterers: the generalist and the specialist batterer. The individual, family, and community characteristics of these types of batterers are further explored in 110 imprisoned males in the Penitentiary of Villabona (Spain). As for the individual characteristics, results indicate that the generalist batterer present higher levels of psychopathology (specially antisocial and borderline personality), sexist attitudes, and substance dependence. Specialist batterers presented higher levels of conflict in their family of origin. Finally, generalist batterers reported coming from more socially disordered communities and showed lower levels of participation and integration in these communities than the specialist batterer. These results suggest that the classical distinctions among batterers based on psychopathology and context of violence (whether general or family only) might be of little utility when applied to imprisoned male batterers.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
O turismo é um setor de atividade em crescimento a nível mundial, sendo essa, também, a tendência em Portugal nos últimos anos. Dada a diversificação da oferta, optámos por nos centrar numa tipologia de turismo recente e inovadora – o Glamping, uma vertente sustentável, ligada à natureza. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo definir um conceito abrangente de Glamping, através da desconstrução da imagem percebida pelos indivíduos que utilizam esta tipologia de turismo, a qual, sendo bastante procurada por turistas estrangeiros, não é ainda muito conhecida pelos portugueses. A metodologia adotada apresenta duas fases: 1)Teórica que consubstancia uma revisão de literatura criteriosa sobre os conceitos associados a uma experiência de Glamping, uma experiência intimista que reverte nas dimensões de Ryan (2003/2004). Estas dimensões alimentam a análise e interpretação dos comentários deixados pelos turistas no Tripadvisor. 2) Prática - usando as observações escritas dos turistas que experimentaram este "camping de luxo " e com base no programa de codificação ATLAS.ti , foram analisados os códigos associados à intimidade (física, verbal, intelectual e espiritual ) a partir dos 135 comentários transcritos e codificados, com o objetivo último de materializar o conceito de Glamping . Os resultados sugerem que esta experiencia é fundamentalmente espiritual, como comprovado pelos comentários dos turistas, designadamente a tranquilidade, o ambiente calmo e a relação que se estabelece com os anfitriões. No entanto, o que realmente sobressaiu neste estudo, é a maneira como as várias intimidades se interligam neste meio, sugerindo que os turistas procuram neste espaço recuperar o seu equilíbrio e o seu bem estar. Este trabalho exploratório na sua essência pretende materializar conceito geral de Glamping, partilhá-lo, fomentando o seu desenvolvimento e disseminação.
This work intends to describe and analyze the parties of forró that happen in Serra da Gameleira, in São Tomé/RN. Serra is a divided social space: groups of different ethnic origins live together in Gameleira de Baixo, Salgadinho (or Gameleira de Cima) and Chaves Belas. They are approximately two hundred families that live exclusively from agriculture. We try to understand how the parties inform about the social organization, the ethnic composition of the families that live there and the past of Serra, through the genealogy offorró players. In the discussion, we identify the festive places: in the total, we have Five houses of forró that function regularly one of them has been described. The private and public spaces inside them are intimate related, with no clear limits between the house of forró and the residence. Each house of forró has an owner, that regularly makes the parties, mobilizing a big part of the inhabitants, and provoking the straitening of the social relations. Observing the festive sociability between different social segments, the forró appears like na element that minimizes social conflicts, providing news ways of association and cooperation in the space of Serra da Gameleira. For the collection of facts, we used the ethnographic method, through the direct observation, interviewing and documentary research. The local history is recounted following the routes of oral memory and historical documents analysis. In the end of the analysis, we concluded that music and party are elements that aggregate the different groups that live in the location and determine forms of expression of what is seen as a traditional culture
Antecedentes: La infección del tracto urinario es una de las patologías más comunes y forma parte de las principales causas de consulta médica y hospitalización. (1, 2) Es frecuente en mujeres, personas con vida sexual activa, mujeres embarazadas y diabéticos. El 10 al 20 % de mujeres entre los 18 y 40 años experimentan infección del tracto urinario, en hombres mayores a 50 años se asocia a problemas por hiperplasia prostática y en personas de la tercera edad la frecuencia es similar tanto en hombres como en mujeres. (1) Objetivo: Identificar infección de vías urinarias mediante el examen elemental y microscópico de orina en los habitantes de la comuna Sunicorral Tambo- Cañar 2015. Metodología: Estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal en habitantes la comuna Sunicorral, la muestra fue de 202 personas. Luego firmar del consentimiento y asentimiento informado, se llenó las encuesta con información relacionada a las variables de estudio, se recolectaron las muestras de orina y el análisis se realizó en el laboratorio del Centro de Diagnóstico de la Universidad de Cuenca, los datos obtenidos fueron analizado en el programa SPSS y Microsoft Excel y presentados en tablas y gráficos estadísticos. Resultados: De 202 muestras el 15% reportó infección del tracto urinario, el 87,1% fue mujer, el 25,8% correspondió a la edad de 10 a 19 años, el 64,6% realizó su higiene intima pasando uno o más días, el 62,0% tiene actividad sexual siendo un factor importante.
The atomic-level structure and chemistry of materials ultimately dictate their observed macroscopic properties and behavior. As such, an intimate understanding of these characteristics allows for better materials engineering and improvements in the resulting devices. In our work, two material systems were investigated using advanced electron and ion microscopy techniques, relating the measured nanoscale traits to overall device performance. First, transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy (TEM-EELS) were used to analyze interfacial states at the semiconductor/oxide interface in wide bandgap SiC microelectronics. This interface contains defects that significantly diminish SiC device performance, and their fundamental nature remains generally unresolved. The impacts of various microfabrication techniques were explored, examining both current commercial and next-generation processing strategies. In further investigations, machine learning techniques were applied to the EELS data, revealing previously hidden Si, C, and O bonding states at the interface, which help explain the origins of mobility enhancement in SiC devices. Finally, the impacts of SiC bias temperature stressing on the interfacial region were explored. In the second system, focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) was used to reconstruct 3D models of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. Since the specific degradation mechanisms of SOFC cathodes are poorly understood, FIB/SEM and TEM were used to analyze and quantify changes in the microstructure during performance degradation. Novel strategies for microstructure calculation from FIB-nanotomography data were developed and applied to LSM-YSZ and LSCF-GDC composite cathodes, aged with environmental contaminants to promote degradation. In LSM-YSZ, migration of both La and Mn cations to the grain boundaries of YSZ was observed using TEM-EELS. Few substantial changes however, were observed in the overall microstructure of the cells, correlating with a lack of performance degradation induced by the H2O. Using similar strategies, a series of LSCF-GDC cathodes were analyzed, aged in H2O, CO2, and Cr-vapor environments. FIB/SEM observation revealed considerable formation of secondary phases within these cathodes, and quantifiable modifications of the microstructure. In particular, Cr-poisoning was observed to cause substantial byproduct formation, which was correlated with drastic reductions in cell performance.