858 resultados para basque feminist genealogy


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The book contains account information and also lists some birth and death dates.


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Another account book with some pages missing and some damaged.


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Handwritten note (1 page, single sided) stating that Ezekiel Woodruff was born in Littlefield Ct. July 29, 1763. He married Sally Hall who was born in Middleton, Ct on May 21 [the date is listed as the 23 in the Woodruff Genealogy book], 1765. She was the daughter of Capt. Giles and A. Hall. Ezekiel Woodruff died in Niagara Falls, New York on January 7, 1836 [the 6 is crossed out and a 7 penciled in]. Sally Woodruff died in Niagara Falls, New York on Nov. 26, 1835, n.d.


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Genealogical and Historical Sketch of the name and family of Woodruff compiled by the Media Research Bureau of Washington, D.C. This document traces the Woodruff name to its Anglo-Saxon origins and lists members of the family who have distinguished themselves in America in more recent times, n.d.


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Family Record of the Clement Family (1 printed page) listing Clement family members born from 1750 – 1808, n.d.


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Family Record of the Clement Family (1 printed page) exactly as above, but printed on fabric, n.d.


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Drawing and explanation of the Cleveland Family coat of arms. Pro Deo et Patria means For God and Country. The name is Saxon in origin and in 1403 the “de” was dropped from the name. The drawing and text are said to be from Cleveland Genealogy by J.B. Cleveland, 1881. It can also be found in An Account of the Lineage of General Moses Cleaveland (founder of the city of Cleveland, Ohio) of Canterbury, compiled by H.G. Cleveland, n.d.


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Letter from the President’s Office of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. The letter is addressed to Welland D. Woodruff in response to his request regarding his ancestry. It is confirmed that the family descended through Matthew Woodruff who was the original proprietor of Farmingham Connecticut. The writer says that he has had interviews with several Woodruffs from Chicago and other places. The letter is signed by Wilford Woodruff [4th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints from 1889-1898], Dec. 7, 1887.


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This thesis critically examines the online marketing tactics of 10 (English language) Canadian cosmetic surgery clinics’ websites that offer Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS), specifically, labiaplasty (labial reduction) and vaginoplasty (vaginal tightening). Drawing on a qualitative Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) and a feminist-informed social constructionist framework (Lazar, 2007), I examine how FGCS discourses reiterate and reinforce heteronormative sexual scripts for women, and impose restrictive models of femininity through the pathologization of genital diversity and the appropriation of postfeminist and neoliberal discourses of individual choice and empowerment. I explore feminist analyses of the links between FGCS and contemporary Western women’s postfeminist subjectivity, and the reconfiguration of women’s sexual agency, to better understand what these contemporary shifts may mean for women’s sexual anxiety and expression. My analysis highlights several discourses that organize the online marketing material of Canadian FGCS websites, including: the pathologization of genital diversity; restrictive models of femininity; heteronormative sexual scripts; neoliberal and post-feminist rhetorics of individual choice and empowerment; and psychological and sexual transformation. Overall, these discourses undermine acceptance of women’s genital diversity, legitimize the FGCS industry and frame FGCS as the only viable solution to alleviate women’s genital and sexual distress despite the lack of evidence regarding the long-term benefits and risks of these procedures, and the recommendations against FGCS by professional medical organizations.


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Comparant l’Allemagne à l’ensemble des pays occidentaux, nombreux ont été les chercheurs et les activistes qui ont affirmé que les « gains » féministes n’avaient pas été aussi importants en Allemagne qu’à l’étranger. Cet état provisoire des lieux n’implique cependant pas l’absence de féministes en Allemagne. Le présent mémoire se penche sur la féministe allemande contemporaine la plus connue : Alice Schwarzer. À travers la vie, la pensée, les campagnes et les revendications de cette féministe de la « deuxième vague », le mémoire vise à mettre en lumière l’évolution du féminisme en Allemagne de l’Ouest dans la seconde moitié du 20e siècle. À travers l’étude de cas, le mémoire retrace de nombreuses luttes féministes et les situe dans leur contexte sociopolitique. Cette présentation permet de retracer l’histoire du féminisme allemand et de cerner les facteurs qui ont contribué à l’atteinte —ou l’absence— de certains « gains » féministes au 20e siècle en Allemagne. Par le biais de discussions récentes, l’étude permet également de mettre en lumière des différends entre des féministes comme Schwarzer et des féministes de la « troisième vague » en Allemagne. Le présent travail est divisé en deux parties. Après une présentation de la problématique et des concepts employés, il retrace dans la première partie l’histoire de l’héritage familial et social de Schwarzer. Dans une deuxième partie, il explore sa pensée féministe à travers les thèmes qu’elle privilégie : la socialisation de la sexualité et le caractère public du privé. Pour ce faire, le mémoire s’appuie sur les livres d’Alice Schwarzer, au premier plan La petite différence et ses grandes conséquences (1975), le magazine EMMA qu’elle a fondé en 1977, des articles de journaux ainsi que sur des sources secondaires.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit LL.M. (2-325-1-0)"


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Section des étudiants / Student's section


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales


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In this paper, I argue that intersectionality, the prevailing way of conceptualizing the relation between axes or systems of oppression (race, class, gender), illicitly imports the very model it purports to overcome: that is, the unitary model of identity. I first define “intersectionality” and distinguish between three senses that are frequently conflated. Then I subject the model to an analytic critique, revealing its hidden presuppositions about identity. Finally, I suggest that solidarity serves as a better norm for feminist practice than inclusion of “difference,” which seems to be the norm underlying many intersectional accounts.


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I argue that it is time for many feminists to rethink their attitudes towards evolutionary biology, not because feminists have been wrong to be deeply sceptical about many of its claims, both explicit and implicit, but because biology itself has changed. A new appreciation for the importance of development in biology has become mainstream and a new ontology, associated with developmental systems theory (DST), has been introduced over the last two decades. This turn challenges some of the features of evolutionary biology that have most troubled feminists. DST undermines the idea of biologicales sence and challenges both nature /nurture and nature/culture distinctions. Freed from these conceptual constraints, evolutionary biology no longer poses the problems that have justified feminist scepticism. Indeed, feminists have already found useful applications for DST and I argue that they should expand their use of DST to support more radical and wide-ranging political theories.