992 resultados para Wine industry -- Spain


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In March of 2004, the Observatory of European Foreign Policy published a special monograph about Spain in Europe (1996-2004) in digital format. The objective of the monograph was to analyse Spain’s foreign policy agenda and strategy during the period of José María Aznar’s presidency. As the title suggests, one of the initial suppositions of the analysis is the Europeanization of Spanish foreign activities. Is that how it was? Did Aznar’s Spain see the world and relate to it through Brussels? The publication was well received, considering the number of visits received and above all the institutions which asked to link the publication to their web pages. Among these, the EUobserver published the introduction to the piece in English titled Aznar: thinking locally, acting in Europe (described by the EUobserver as a paper of utmost importance). The fact that the elections were held three days after the tragic events of the 11th of March dramatically increased interest in Spain and the implications for Europe. This publication is the second of its type, in this case analysing the period of the Zapatero government (2004-2008). Once again the starting premise (the Europeanization of the agenda and the methods employed) has been considered by the analysts. And once again the articles collected in this publication serve to “triangulate” the analysis. Spain and Europe are two vertices (more or less distant, in essence and in form) which the authors handle in their analysis of the case (third vertex).


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“Thinking globally, acting locally" is an essential slogan in the current political discourse. Yet, in view of the policies on the European Union carried out by the two governments of the People’s Party (PP) headed by José María Aznar between 1996 and 2004, we could coin a quite different slogan: "thinking locally, acting in Europe". Indeed, José María Aznar’s policy-making during the last eight years has been characterised by turning his domestic concerns into the ‘exclusive factor’ of his European strategy, regardless of the context and the need for fitting in national objectives with Europeans’. Hence, it was natural that the electoral campaign preceding the general elections held on Sunday, 14 March, did not deal with any of the topics prevailing in the EU’s current agenda. Neither enlargement nor the Constitution, nor the process of shaping a core group within the EU, seem to have room in Spain’s political debate...


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Els objectius d’aquest treball han estat l’obtenció de seroalbúmina porcina en pols per caracteritzar-la físico-químicament i funcional i utilitzar-la com a substituta de la clara d’ou en la producció de magdalenes


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Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) of the CTX-M, SHV, and TEM families were recognized in 76 (67%), 31 (27%), and 6 (5%) isolates, respectively, among 162 ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-Kp) strains obtained in a multicenter study in Spain. Predisposing factors for ESBL-Kp acquisition included invasive procedures, mechanical ventilation, and previous antimicrobial use.


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OBJECTIVE To assess Spanish and Portuguese patients' and physicians' preferences regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatments and the monthly willingness to pay (WTP) to gain benefits or avoid side effects. METHODS An observational, multicenter, exploratory study focused on routine clinical practice in Spain and Portugal. Physicians were recruited from multiple hospitals and outpatient clinics, while patients were recruited from eleven centers operating in the public health care system in different autonomous communities in Spain and Portugal. Preferences were measured via a discrete choice experiment by rating multiple T2DM medication attributes. Data were analyzed using the conditional logit model. RESULTS Three-hundred and thirty (n=330) patients (49.7% female; mean age 62.4 [SD: 10.3] years, mean T2DM duration 13.9 [8.2] years, mean body mass index 32.5 [6.8] kg/m(2), 41.8% received oral + injected medication, 40.3% received oral, and 17.6% injected treatments) and 221 physicians from Spain and Portugal (62% female; mean age 41.9 [SD: 10.5] years, 33.5% endocrinologists, 66.5% primary-care doctors) participated. Patients valued avoiding a gain in bodyweight of 3 kg/6 months (WTP: €68.14 [95% confidence interval: 54.55-85.08]) the most, followed by avoiding one hypoglycemic event/month (WTP: €54.80 [23.29-82.26]). Physicians valued avoiding one hypoglycemia/week (WTP: €287.18 [95% confidence interval: 160.31-1,387.21]) the most, followed by avoiding a 3 kg/6 months gain in bodyweight and decreasing cardiovascular risk (WTP: €166.87 [88.63-843.09] and €154.30 [98.13-434.19], respectively). Physicians and patients were willing to pay €125.92 (73.30-622.75) and €24.28 (18.41-30.31), respectively, to avoid a 1% increase in glycated hemoglobin, and €143.30 (73.39-543.62) and €42.74 (23.89-61.77) to avoid nausea. CONCLUSION Both patients and physicians in Spain and Portugal are willing to pay for the health benefits associated with improved diabetes treatment, the most important being to avoid hypoglycemia and gaining weight. Decreased cardiovascular risk and weight reduction became the third most valued attributes for physicians and patients, respectively.


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The publishing industry is at a turning point. Facing the first major disruptive innovation in five centuries, its long-established structure and business model are at stake. Building on literature based on the pitfalls for incumbents, we interviewed key executives from the major publishers in Brazil to understand their perspective. We find that not only are they facing those pitfalls, but we also propose a new one, The Industry View Trap, concerning challenges created by convergence, the difficulty to deal with changes in the ecosystem and the fact that the very definition of the industry you're part of might have changed.


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Seasonal trends in littertall and potential mineral return were studied in two cork-oak forest sites in the northeastern Iberian peninsula. The estimated average litter production was 3.9.M- gy.e1ahar for one site and 4.6 .M- gy.e1ahar for the other; these figures are similar to those reported for holm-oak (Quercus ilex) forests in the same area. Seasonal litterfall patterns were typical of Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Leaves accounted for 46 to 78% of the total dry matter. Their annual weighted-average mineral composition was low in macronutrients (N 8-9; K 4-5; Mg 0.8-1.3; Ca 9-10 and P 0.4-1 m-)g.1g and relatively high in micronutrients such as Mn (2-2.2 m-)g.1g or Fe (0.3-0.4 m)-g..1g Minimum N and P concentrations were found during the growth period. Estimates of potential mineral return for an annual cycle were N 38-52, P 2.1-5.2, K 20-28, Ca 44-53 and Mg 5.4-5.0 k-,g.1ha depending on the site biomass and fertility


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Les produccions ramaderes en el seu conjunt no es podrien atendre en el món actual sensela participació de la indústria del pinso compost. L’alternativa de treballar en base a pinsosimple o senzillament amb cereals o altres primeres matèries individuals, faria inviablel’abastiment en qualitat i quantitat del que es consumeix.La realització de pinso compost és el resultat de la barreja de variades substànciesalimentàries, sals minerals i fàrmacs per a la nutrició del bestiar.Les fàbriques de pinso aglutinen diverses explotacions agràries, garantint diàriament un treballcontinu sense grans fluctuacions, una dosificació exacta depenent de la recepta que hagiprogramat el veterinari i flexibilitat davant els canvis.Aquestes fàbriques requereixen de maquinària més precisa per fer front a les molt variades receptesnutricionals depenent del tipus de bestiar i de l’època estacional.La dimensió de les fàbriques també serà més gran, per poder atendre la major demanda decomandes i assegurar una producció de qualitat.Moltes fàbriques de pinso són velles o provenen d’antigues explotacions ramaderesreconvertides, les quals d’acord amb l’actual necessitat de control de qualitat, efectivitat irapidesa s’han modernitzat o s’estan reciclant, car el propi mercat i competència els estàprecipitant a fer-ho.Una fàbrica moderna de pinso és una planta de processos que incorpora tecnologies defabricació i control, iguals que qualsevol indústria.S’ha de dissenyar per produir pinso compost de forma competitiva i tindre en tot momentcapacitat per controlar els seus processos, així com assegurar la qualitat del producte final,tant a nivell nutricional com el sanitari.Això s’ha de realitzar amb el màxim nivell de seguretat pels operaris, alhora que s’elimininels efectes de contaminació ambiental, com la pols i el soroll.Amb l’automatització de la fàbrica ja no es repetiran les errades per l’accionament demotors, malmetent una dosificació i perdent un temps molt valuós


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Ens trobem davant una fàbrica de pinsos per aviram sense cap tipus de controlautomatitzat. Actualment totes les actuacions són semiautomàtiques i amb necessitat de personal. La fàbrica té tots els elements mecànics necessaris per poder funcionar, per tant, només falta algun element elèctric per automatitzar la planta i un PC per poder implementar un SCADA.Els objectius principals a portar a terme serien: obtenir millor producte, més homogeni i poder augmentar el volum de la producción diària, prescindir de personal per reduir costos i així la producció sigui més rendible, preparar la planta per a futures ampliacions


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Taking as an example three study cases in the Costa Brava area, this paper examines the social perceptionof floods through surveys, interviews and Focus Group sessions. Perception is then related to vulnerability, flood management, and citizen’s preferences regarding alternatives to curb flood losses in the future. The study concludes that flood awareness and the willingness to take actions regarding this hazard are clearly related to the degree of social involvement with the affairs of the local community. Furthermore, participatory settings such as Focus Group sessions appear to enable a better environment for assessing and implementing flood management options that attempt to modify human activities rather than modify natural processes as has been frequently the case in the past


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El projecte es centra en l’automatització d’una màquina que permeti desenvolupar elsprocessos de rentar i igualat de taps suro, exercint el control i la gestió dels processos.La finalitat d’aquesta automatització es tracta en generar una interfície fàcil de fer servir pera governar la màquina, que permeti: treballar tant en mode manual com en automàtic, peròamb restriccions que puguin evitar possibles errors en la manipulació d’aquesta que puguinespatllar la matèria prima carregada al interior del cistell. Amb la possibilitat de posardiferents receptes de tractaments de rentat, modificables en funció de la necessitat detreball.Tots aquests punts permetran millorar el rendiments de treball de la màquina reduint elstemps morts, i limitant la possibilitat de fer errors en els processos a aplicar, punt moltimportant degut al cost elevat del material a tractar


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Using a panel of 48 provinces for four years we empirically analyze a series of temporary policies aimed at curbing fuel consumption implemented in Spain between March and June 2011. The first policy was a reduction in the speed limit in highways. The second policy was an increase in the biofuel content of fuels used in the transport sector. The third measure was a reduction of 5% in commuting and regional train fares that resulted in two major metropolitan areas reducing their overall fare for public transit. The results indicate that the speed limit reduction in highways reduced gasoline consumption by between 2% and 3%, while an increase in the biofuel content of gasoline increased this consumption. This last result is consistent with experimental evidence that indicates that mileage per liter falls with an increase in the biofuel content in gasolines. As for the reduction in transit fares, we do not find a significant effect for this policy. However, in specifications including the urban transit fare for the major cities in each province the estimated cross-price elasticity of the demand for gasoline -used as a proxy for car use- with respect to the price of transit is within the range reported in the literature. This is important since one of the main eficiency justification for subsidizing public transit rests on the positive value of this parameter and most of the estimates reported in the literature are quite dated.


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L’objectiu principal del projecte és el desenvolupament de noves formulacions de pastes ceràmiques per a la fabricació de rajoles ceràmiques no esmaltades per a paviments amb les següents característiques: baixa porositat, elevada resistència a la flexió, i baixa absorció d’aigua. La qualitat de les rajoles ceràmiques depèn, entre d’altres factors, de la porositat oberta a la superfície. Aquesta porositat es relaciona directament amb l’absorció d’aigua en condicions normalitzades. Si la porositat oberta és baixa, les rajoles presenten major resistència als esforços, a la climatologia variable, i als agents agressius externs (com els productes de neteja). Per tal de disminuir la porositat de les rajoles ceràmiques, sense perjudicar-ne l’aspecte extern, i atès que l’ús de materials fundents comporta aquest efecte no desitjat, s’estudia la introducció del vidre triturat. El vidre presentaria una reactivitat mínima amb la resta dels components de les pastes, i les partícules de vidre reduirien la interconnexió entre porus. El segon objectiu és la determinació de la influència que té cadascun dels paràmetres del procés (barreja, extrusió, assecatge, cocció i refredament) sobre les característiques anteriorment citades del producte final


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To perform a climatic analysis of the annual UV index (UVI) variations in Catalonia, Spain (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula), a new simple parameterization scheme is presented based on a multilayer radiative transfer model. The parameterization performs fast UVI calculations for a wide range of cloudless and snow-free situations and can be applied anywhere. The following parameters are considered: solar zenith angle, total ozone column, altitude, aerosol optical depth, and single-scattering albedo. A sensitivity analysis is presented to justify this choice with special attention to aerosol information. Comparisons with the base model show good agreement, most of all for the most common cases, giving an absolute error within 0.2 in the UVI for a wide range of cases considered. Two tests are done to show the performance of the parameterization against UVI measurements. One uses data from a high-quality spectroradiometer from Lauder, New Zealand [45.04°S, 169.684°E, 370 m above mean sea level (MSL)], where there is a low presence of aerosols. The other uses data from a Robertson–Berger-type meter from Girona, Spain (41.97°N, 2.82°E, 100 m MSL), where there is more aerosol load and where it has been possible to study the effect of aerosol information on the model versus measurement comparison. The parameterization is applied to a climatic analysis of the annual UVI variation in Catalonia, showing the contributions of solar zenith angle, ozone, and aerosols. High-resolution seasonal maps of typical UV index values in Catalonia are presented