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This work project serves as the very first milestone for my own future social start-up GLONATE. The idea is to create a social giving and storytelling platform that connects donors, messengers and recipients through social interaction. The platform will enable potential donor`s to connect to messengers in order to mutually contribute to a social cause. An innovative donation chain that does not only help the needy people but also at the same time creates and shares emotional stories among all participants. The objective of this paper is to analyse the feasibility of this social giving platform and to demonstrate value proposition. Key words Social Entrepreneurship,
The scope of the following study is to present an alternative and preventive dispute resolution method known as Dispute Resolution Board. The Dispute Resolution Board mechanism is included in construction contracts to support project participants in avoiding and resolving disputes. Over the years the construction industry dealt with the resolution of claims and disputes through several methods. One of the most successful and lasting is the Dispute Resolution Board. A Dispute Resolution Board is a board of impartial professionals formed at the start of the project to follow construction progress, prevent arising disputes, and assist in the resolution of disputes during the project. When a dispute arises the Board meets with the parties to settle this dispute. The recommendation of this Board is non-binding for the parties. In Portugal there is no experience with this form of conciliation.
Considerando a língua como um produto da sociedade, mas também como um meio fundamental para o estabelecimento de relações entre os homens, procuramos perceber o seu lugar na sociedade globalizada, com o objectivo de desenvolver uma metodologia de análise terminológica que contribua para uma maior qualidade da comunicação especializada na sociedade em rede. Este trabalho está organizado em duas partes, sendo a primeira dedicada à reflexão sobre o papel da língua na sociedade em rede, focando questões essenciais em torno da tensão existente entre o multilinguismo e a hegemonia do inglês enquanto lingua franca, sobretudo no espaço europeu. Interessa-nos, por um lado, reflectir sobre a definição de políticas linguísticas, concretamente na Europa multilingue dos 28, e, por outro, salientar o papel preponderante que a língua tem na transmissão do conhecimento. A segunda parte deste trabalho concretiza a investigação efectuada na primeira com base na análise do relato financeiro, um domínio do saber que não só é inerentemente multilingue ¾ porque a sua aplicação é transnacional ¾ mas também reflecte a tensão identificada na primeira parte, na medida em que o inglês assume, no mundo dos negócios em geral e nos mercados financeiros em particular, o papel hegemónico de lingua franca. A abordagem terminológica que defendemos é semasiológica para fins onomasiológicos, pelo que partimos da análise do texto de especialidade, organizado em corpora de especialidade. Discutimos subsequentemente os resultados da nossa análise com os especialistas que os irão validar e cuja colaboração em diversos vi momentos do processo de análise terminológica e conceptual é fundamental para garantir a qualidade dos recursos terminológicos produzidos. Nesta óptica, exploramos um corpus de textos legislativos no âmbito do Sistema de Normalização Contabilística (SNC), de modo a delinearmos uma metodologia de trabalho que, no futuro, conduzirá à construção de uma base de dados terminológica do relato financeiro. Concomitantemente, efectuamos também um estudo sobre a Estrutura Conceptual do SNC, para o qual elaboramos uma comparação ao nível da tradução especializada no relato financeiro, com base num corpus paralelo composto pela legislação contabilística internacional endossada pela União Europeia. Utilizamos o corpus paralelo constituído por textos redigidos originalmente em inglês e traduzidos para português, em articulação com o corpus de especialidade criado com a legislação relativa ao normativo contabilístico português, para testar uma metodologia de extracção de equivalentes. Defendemos, por fim, que a harmonização no relato financeiro para além de se reger por políticas contabilísticas comuns, deve ter subjacentes questões terminológicas. É necessário, portanto, harmonizar a terminologia do relato financeiro, possibilitando aos especialistas uma comunicação em português isenta da interferência do inglês herdado das normas internacionais, através dos dois processos que identificamos: a tradução e a adaptação das Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade.
A tese que de seguida se esboça assenta sobre uma inquietação fundamental: o facto de cada um dar por si atirado na vida, de, quando cada um dá por si, dar por si a ser vida, etc. Acontece que, logo que se tenta focar mais precisamente de que é de que se trata quando se trata da “vida”, nota-se que esse fenómeno tem habitualmente a forma de um acontecimento anónimo: não se sabe bem a que é que corresponde, que conteúdos tem, que estruturas fundamentais a suportam, etc. Isto é: somos levados pela vida (passamos pela vida, atravessamo-la, estamos expostos a ela, etc.) sem saber exactamente a que é que estamos expostos, o que é que nos leva, sobre que pilares assenta a nossa vivência e a nossa compreensão dela, etc. A tese que se segue não tem a pretensão de deixar definitivamente respondidas estas perguntas; tudo o que faz, na verdade, é meramente proceder a um breve levantamento ou a um registo de algumas das estruturas fundamentais da vida a partir do ângulo da experiência da vida. E, como se espera deixar claro, procurar a resposta a partir do ângulo da experiência (do ângulo da experiência da vida) não é algo acidental ou fortuito. O que se procurará apurar é se não haverá tais laços de afinidade entre “vida” e “experiência” que todas as operações próprias da experiência têm lugar numa vinculação e estão subordinadas às estruturas fundamentais da vida (estruturas que ultrapassam o âmbito da “experiência”) e que, assim também, a vida tenha, de raiz, no modo como nela somos levados e conduzidos, a estrutura ou a forma da “experiência”.
In the present report I intend to study the Chinese higher education market and Chinese students’ rationales behind the selection of a foreign university, so as to propose simple, feasible, effective measures that will ultimately attract more Chinese students to Nova SBE. In order to do so, it was developed a qualitative research that lead to some interesting highlights, namely the fact that parents have a fairly large influence on the foreign school and country the student chooses. Regarding Nova SBE, the research revealed that Chinese students find courses and professors interesting, but they have difficulties in communicating with locals and claim that the school lacks a systematic, coordinated approach to their integration in the university, something that should start earlier in the process.
Nowadays, a significant number of banks in Portugal are facing a bank-branch restructuring problem, and Millennium BCP is not an exception. The closure of branches is a major component of profit maximization through the reduction in operational and personnel costs but also an opportunity to approach the idea of “baking of future” and start thinking on the benefits of the digital era. This dissertation centers on a current high-impact organizational problem addressed by the company and consists in a proposal of optimization to the model that Millennium BCP uses. Even though measures of performance are usually considered the most important elements in evaluating the viability of branches, there is evidence suggesting that other general factors can be important to assess branch potential, such as the influx on branches, business dimensions of a branch and its location, which will be addressed in this project.
This case-study examined the use of the BeGloCal Framework applied to B2C E-commerce, for a fast moving consumer goods European manufacturing firm. It explains how the framework supported the team within the company to identify the right local market as to where to start the project, the problem for the company was to find the most appealing area to invest resources. By going through all the steps of the framework the findings led the company to London (Kensington and Chelsea). It shows how managers should act when they have to find a trade-off between standardization and adaptation.
The case describes the development of MyFARM’s internationalization plan, a service of Deimos Engenharia, under the GloCal Radar. This space engineering company hired Lisbon Consulting Company to undertake the project to overcome its lack of market orientation. The consultants’ analysis revealed Stevens County, Kansas, as the market with the highest potential for MyFARM. A suitable entry strategy and adaptation of the service for the local market was proposed. The case culminates with the Board of Directors discussing the viability of implementing the consultants’ recommendations to start diversifying their sources of revenue streams.
This study has the purpose of presenting the path of a social microcredit start-up in Mozambique. Its members had just gotten out of college and decided to put in practice what they had learnt. Even though the whole foundation of the project was developed in Mozambique, the team has extended its experience to other countries: São Tomé and Timor. However, the focus of this study will be solely in the Ilha de Mozambique’s project and the difficulties that it is facing right now, in order to try to find answers that would allow the project entrepreneurs to overcome what is keeping them from having a more successful return rate. The main issue of the project and the worse and unexpected default rate is within the fishing sector. This is peculiar, since the mission is in an island where there are plenty of fish and shellfish. By addressing this problem, and presenting the whole structure of the venture, it is its goal to understand better ways to deal with the difficulties. Its format will be as a case study and it will present as well the macroeconomics of Mozambique to justify the choice of the place, align with the team itself, and why it is possible to have a successful project with as many contacts and sponsors as this one does.
Crowdfunding, as we know it today, is a very recent activity that was born almost accidentally in the end of the 90’s decade. Due to the advent of the internet and the social networks, entrepreneurs are now able to promote their projects to a very large community. Whether it is composed by family, friends, acquaintances or simply people that are interested in the same topic or share the passion, the community is able to fund new ventures by individually investing modest amounts of money. In return, the entrepreneur can offer symbolic rewards, shares or other financial returns. New crowdfunding platforms are born almost every day all over the world, offering a new way of raising capital for their projects or a new way to invest their money in innovative ventures. Although crowdfunding is still finding its place in the financial services, successful cases such as Kickstarter demonstrate the power of the crowd in boosting creativity and productivity, financing thousands of projects by raising millions of dollars from thousands of investors. Due to regulatory restrictions, the most prominent model for now is reward-based crowdfunding, where the investors are prized with symbolic returns or privileged access to the products or services offered by the entrepreneurs. Other models such as peer-to-peer lending are also surging, allowing borrowers access to capital at a lower cost compared to so-called traditional financial institutions, and offering lenders a higher rate of return. But when it comes to offering shares to investors, i.e. using equity-based crowdfunding, entrepreneurs face regulatory obstacles in almost every country, where legislation was passed decades ago with the objective of promoting financially-capable ventures and protecting investors. Access to capital has become more difficult after the global economic recession of 2008, and for most countries it will not get easier in the near future, leaving start-ups and small enterprises with few options to start or expand their operations. In this study we attempt to answer the following research questions: how has equity-based crowdfunding evolved since its creation? Where and how has equity-based crowdfunding been implemented so far? What are the constraints and opportunities for implementing equity-crowdfunding in the world, and more particularly in Portugal? Finally, we will discuss the risks of crowdfunding and reflect on the future of this industry.
Crowdfunding is a collaborative initiative, usually via internet, where people network to collectively raise funds in order to invest in and support projects delivered by other people or organizations. Tools such as crowdfunding are born and thrive in a grassroots environment, with a strong potential to positively disrupt the entrepreneurial generation setting and grow to a position of significant relevance in society, namely at a time when alternatives to traditional forms of finance are welcome and the technology to deliver them is abundant. Entrepreneurship is the act of transforming ideas and projects into economic products or services. Entrepreneurship related to starting new businesses is better known as start‐up ventures. Entrepreneurs face a series of challenges, from idea conception and business plan design, to obtaining finance, promoting new products and services, generating revenues and profits and generally growing and sustaining a business for the long‐run. These challenges can be overwhelming, namely in the start‐up phase of a new venture, leaving several ideas on paper without them having a chance to “grow legs and walk”. This paper and its analysis offer important insights about the contribution of crowdfunding to facilitate the attainment of critical factors for successful entrepreneurship. With extensive use of real practical examples, leveraging previous analytical studies of other crowdfunding implications and reviewing expert literature, by interviewing entrepreneurs, crowdfunding platform owners and by benefitting from hands on experience of working in such an organization, we intend to clarify the impact of crowdfunding in what we considered to be 7 key entrepreneurial requirements detailed further in the introduction section and later in the body of the paper. The findings have implications for entrepreneurs, naturally, and for business generation theory, extending current entrepreneurial guidelines with innovative tools and methodologies capable of sustaining successful ventures in a newly highlighted cooperative world. We live in innovative times where the channels for the transfer of funds and resources suffer disruptive changes with the potential to significantly improve the ability to generate new initiatives for the well‐being of entrepreneurs and all related communities.
The growth of a solid, knowledge-intensive firm, OutSystems—an IT company recognized in 2003 by Fortune magazine as one of the most promising start-ups in the world—is accompanied by efforts to create a strong culture that preserves the traits that have driven OutSystems’ success and that drives innovation, adaptability, high performance, and accountability. The lessons OutSystems learned from previous international experiences are presented along with its latest growth model of branded local partners. The case study is intended to introduce concepts related to organizational culture, traits of cultures that drive innovation, national versus organizational culture, and the challenges of globalization. It is designed to be used in Organizational Behavior classes and is appropriate for MBA- and Master’s-level courses in the area of management. It is suggested as a guideline for 60- to 90-minute classes. Participants are invited to discuss the importance of organizational cultures and their fit with the company strategy. Participants are also encouraged to brainstorm about the best approach to face OutSystems’ new stage of growth, specifically the advantages and consequences of growing as a metanational company. Finally, in the conclusion, the most relevant findings taken from the discussions proposed are revisited: The importance of an organizational culture adapted to the market needs and the potential of innovation behind metanational companies. Other considerations are made about: how the case illustrates the importance of leadership, group age, and group size in the process of building a culture; and how OutSystems’ culture solves the apparent contradiction behind adaptable culture.
This work project analyses the possibility for a company to trade their goods and services for bitcoins, by joining the Bitcoin network. It analyses the technological and business requirements to join the Bitcoin Network by looking at Bitcoin’s potential to act as a mean of exchange for trade, unit of account and store of value. The analysis points to the motives, benefits and risks for investors to use the Bitcoin as a traditional currency and recommends on strategies for addressing those risks and maximizing benefits. Other than companies this report, to a lesser extent, will also analyse the Bitcoin from an investor’s point of view, this is, should an investor buy bitcoins for trade and make savings on a regular and everyday basis? A major finding in this work project is that companies could start using the Bitcoin system as a legit form of payment since the benefits of using this technology outweigh the costs and risks, given the right approach. This form of payment will contribute for the upgrade of a company’s business’ image, attract a new pool of consumers and businesses that already trade in bitcoins and pressure existing financial institutions and electronic payment vendors to upgrade their service levels.
Welle Laser is a Brazilian company that manufactures marking and engraving machines mainly for large-scale industry segments providing solutions that help increase productivity. Welle laser has 60% market share in Brazil and decided to go internationally in 2015, mainly to increase revenues and diversify business risks. Welle opened an office in Switzerland and celebrated a contract with a Mexican company to distribute their machines in Mexico. The next step for Welle is expanding its operation to USA. In my project I accessed the viability and reasons to enter the US market, the region where Welle should start its operation, and the best entry mode strategy.
Injectable biomaterials with in situ cross-linking reactions have been suggested to minimize the invasiveness associated with most implantation procedures. However, problems related with the rapid liquid-to-gel transition reaction can arise because it is difficult to predict the reliability of the reaction and its end products, as well as to mitigate cytotoxicity to the surrounding tissues. An alternative minimally invasive approach to deliver solid implants in vivo is based on injectable microparticles, which can be processed in vitro with high fidelity and reliability, while showing low cytotoxicity. Their delivery to the defect can be performed by injection through a small diameter syringe needle. We present a new methodology for the continuous, solvent- and oil-free production of photopolymerizable microparticles containing encapsulated human dermal fibroblasts. A precursor solution of cells in photo-reactive PEG-fibrinogen (PF) polymer was transported through a transparent injector exposed to light-irradiation before being atomized in a jet-in-air nozzle. Shear rheometry data provided the cross-linking kinetics of each PF/cell solution, which was then used to determine the amount of irradiation required to partially polymerize the mixture prior to atomization. The partially polymerized drops fell into a gelation bath for further polymerization. The system was capable of producing cell-laden microparticles with high cellular viability, with an average diameter of between 88.1 µm to 347.1 µm and a dispersity of between 1.1 and 2.4, depending on the parameters chosen.