954 resultados para Spinal nerve ligation
Objective: The objective of this study is to conduct a description of the features of optic neuropathy associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in relation to their possible incidence within our population, regarding that there is no data in our population in terms of frequency of this pathology (1,2). Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study of a clinical series of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus, but AIDS, and the thickness of optic nerve´s layer of fibers studied with OCT technology (optical coherence tomography), patients were cited once captured. OCT was performed by the same observer, by taking 3 shots and picking the one with better reliability. Patients were given personally to the Ophthalmologic Foundation of Santander to conduct the review called OCT (optical coherence tomography). Results: In terms of viral load variable, we found a clear correlation in which validates the hypothesis that lower viral load means a thicker layer of fibers finding statistically significant differences for the 6 hours in right eye and 12 and 6 hours in left eye. Comparison between the known nomogram of fiber layer thickness for the population of Bucaramanga, Santander and thickness found in our sample, we note a clear decrease in the upper and lower quadrants, specifically in 7 hours and 11 hours, being more important in 7 hours, showing statistically significant differences. Conclusions: The pattern of thinning of the nerve fiber layer in HIV positive patients without AIDS, and antiretroviral treatment type HAART, showed a statistically significant thinning targeted at 7 hours and 11 hours, being higher in first. Viral load figures have a direct relation with loss fiber layer, showing a statistically significant difference for the 6 and 12 hours.
Primary dysmenorrhea is pelvic pain during the menstrual cycle. The A delta and C fibers aresensitized by the increased release of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, thus causing pain. TransElectric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigatespain sensation. Objective: The aim of this paper is to present six cases of women in childbearingage who were diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea and received transcutaneous electricnerve stimulation. Materials and methods: A type of study, case report, was conducted with sixwomen between 15 and 25 years of age with medical diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhea. Weassessed pain intensity utilizing the visual analogue pain scale and located the pain by usinga pain test map. Results: Pain intensity decreased in all treated women. Conclusion: Transcutaneouselectric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a physiotherapeutic strategy that mitigates painsensation. We conclude that high frequency TENSis a safe noninvasive modality to achievereduction of pain in primary dysmenorrhea.
Objective: To determine the effect of ankle joint mobilization on the H reflex amplitude of thesoleus muscle in people with spasticity. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental study withcrossover design and simple masking was conducted in 24 randomized subjects to initiate thecontrol or experimental group. Traction and rhythmic oscillation were applied for five minutesto the ankle joint. H wave amplitude changes of Hoffmann reflex (electrical equivalent of themonosynaptic spinal reflex) was assessed, stimulating the tibial nerve at the level of the poplitealfossa and recording in the soleus muscle. In each subject 12 measurements were taken: basalrate, during and after mobilization. Changes in H reflex amplitude were calculated in relationto basal measurement. For each measurement a hypothesis test was performed (Student t test).Results: In groups of patients with brain injury and incomplete spinal cord injury, a significantdifference was found between measurements of both studies, concerning variation in H reflexamplitude during the application of joint mobilization techniques, with a decrease in the experimentalgroup and an increase in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences werefound after mobilization therapy. Patients with complete spinal cord injury showed no significantdifferences in any measurements. Conclusion: We demonstrate the effectiveness of jointmobilization in the decrease of H reflex amplitude in patients with brain injury or incompletespinal cord injury during the mobilization maneuver, but no residual effect after completion ofthe trial. This research showed no evidence regarding excitability reduction in complete spinalcord injury. We suggest that therapeutic interventions to decrease muscle tone based on the jointmobilization should be reconsidered.
Introducción: La herniorrafia inguinal se asocia hasta en un 50% de los casos con dolor crónico posoperatorio (DCP), y en algunos puede ser incapacitante. En este estudio se evaluaron los factores asociados al DCP en pacientes llevados a herniorrafia inguinal. Métodología: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte multicéntrico. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y de antecedentes personales. Se determinó la presencia e intensidad de dolor agudo posoperatorio (DAP) y se evaluaron los factores asociados al DCP con seguimiento a los dos meses del posoperatorio. Se establecieron asociaciones con la prueba chi cuadrado. Mediante una regresión lineal se evaluó el papel de los factores de confusión. Resultados: Se analizaron 108 pacientes. 54.7% presentaron DCP. La edad menor de 40 años, el DAP no controlado, el DAP severo, y el dolor no controlado entre la primera y tercera semanas del POP se relacionaron con mayor riesgo de DCP. La edad mayor a 65, el uso de opioides intratecales, la visualización y preservación de los nervios durante la cirugía, y el uso de tres o más analgésicos intravenosos con bloqueo ilioinguinal/iliohipogástrico fueron factores protectores. Discusión: El DCP es frecuente en nuestro medio. La prevención y manejo eficientes del DAP utilizando analgesia multimodal, el uso de opioide intratecal, y la identificación y preservación de los nervios en el área quirúrgica ayudan a prevenir el desarrollo de DCP. Estudios de este tipo realizados a una escala más grande, permitirán identificar otros factores relacionados con esta patología. Palabras clave: Dolor crónico postoperatorio, herniorrafia inguinal, inguinodina, factores asociados.
El presente trabajo es un capítulo de libro titulado “Anestesia Regional y Periférica Guiada por Ultrasonido en el Paciente Crítico” que será incluido en la última edición del libro “Manual de Ultrasonido en Terapia Intensiva y Emergencias” cuyo editor es el Doctor José de Jesús Rincón Salas y que será publicado por la Editorial Prado de México para distribución latinoamericana desde dicho país. Por solicitud del editor y teniendo en cuenta el enfoque del libro, el presente trabajo está dirigido a estudiantes de formación, médicos graduados y especialistas en las áreas de cuidado intensivo, anestesiología, dolor, medicina interna y medicina de urgencias. Tiene como propósito empapar de conocimientos necesarios y prácticos en anestesia regional a personas que usualmente no han tenido contacto con la anestesia regional, pues desafortunadamente sólo en los últimos años ha sido posible que la anestesia regional haya comenzado a salir de las salas de cirugía, ámbito donde ha estado confinada tradicionalmente. El lenguaje utilizado es sencillo y el capítulo ha sido escrito para que sea fácil de leer y consultar, dejando así mensajes muy claros sobre la utilidad, viabilidad e implicaciones que tiene el uso de anestesia regional guiada por ultrasonido en cuidado intensivo. Los autores esperamos que de esta manera, el presente capítulo permita continuar superando los obstáculos que se interponen entre los invaluables beneficios de la anestesia regional y los pacientes de cuidado intensivo que necesitan de ella.
This paper discusses the effectiveness of repair procedures on the rat facial nerve using the current clinical surgical procedure of suturing nerve ends and a proposed technique utilizing splints made of collagen.
This paper reviews a study to obtain baseline values for the density of myelinated nerve fibers of the chinchilla cochlea.
This paper discusses a study to investigate the effectiveness of collagen splints for the enhancement of regeneration of the peripheral portion of the eighth nerve.
This paper discusses a study done to examine regeneration of spiral ganglion cells in the deafness mouse.
-Aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors, a family of Cl-permeable ion channels, mediate fast synaptic inhibition as postsynaptically enriched receptors for -aminobutyric acid at GABAergic synapses. Here we describe an alternative type of inhibition mediated byGABAA receptors present on neocortical glutamatergic nerve terminals and examine the underlying signaling mechanism(s). By monitoring the activity of the presynaptic CaM kinase II/synapsin I signaling pathway in isolated nerve terminals, we demonstrate that GABAA receptor activation correlated with an increase in basal intraterminal [Ca2]i. Interestingly, this activation of GABAA receptors resulted in a reduction of subsequent depolarization-evoked Ca2 influx, which thereby led to an inhibition of glutamate release. To investigate how the observed GABAA receptor-mediated modulation operates, we determined the sensitivity of this process to the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter 1 antagonist bumetanide, as well as substitution of Ca2 with Ba2, or Ca2/calmodulin inhibition by W7. All of these treatments abolished the modulation by GABAA receptors. Application of selective antagonists of voltage-gated Ca2 channels (VGCCs) revealed that the GABAA receptor-mediated modulation of glutamate release required the specific activity of L- and R-type VGCCs. Crucially, the inhibition of release by these receptors was abolished in terminals isolated from R-type VGCC knock-out mice. Together, our results indicate that a functional coupling between nerve terminal GABAA receptors and L- or R-type VGCCs is mediated by Ca2/calmodulin-dependent signaling. This mechanism provides a GABA-mediated control of glutamatergic synaptic activity by a direct inhibition of glutamate release.
Neoglycolipid technology is the basis of a microarray platform for assigning oligosaccharide ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins. The strategy for generating the neoglycolipid probes by reductive amination results in ring opening of the core monosaccharides. This often limits applicability to short-chain saccharides, although the majority of recognition motifs are satisfactorily presented with neoglycolipids of longer oligosaccharides. Here, we describe neoglycolipids prepared by oxime ligation. We provide evidence from NMR studies that a significant proportion of the oxime-linked core monosaccharide is in the ring-closed form, and this form selectively interacts with a carbohydrate-binding protein. By microarray analyses we demonstrate the effective presentation with oxime-linked neoglycolipids of (1) Lewis(x) trisaccharide to antibodies to Lewisx, (2) sialyllactose analogs to the sialic acid-binding receptors, siglecs, and (3) N-glycans to a plant lectin that requires an intact N-acetylglucosamine core.
This paper specifically examines the implantation of a microelectrode array into the median nerve of the left arm of a healthy male volunteer. The objective was to establish a bi-directional link between the human nervous system and a computer, via a unique interface module. This is the first time that such a device has been used with a healthy human. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy, compatibility, and long term operability of the neural implant in allowing the subject to perceive feedback stimulation and for neural activity to be detected and processed such that the subject could interact with remote technologies. A case study demonstrating real-time control of an instrumented prosthetic hand by means of the bi-directional link is given. The implantation did not result in infection, and scanning electron microscope images of the implant post extraction have not indicated significant rejection of the implant by the body. No perceivable loss of hand sensation or motion control was experienced by the subject while the implant was in place, and further testing of the subject following the removal of the implant has not indicated any measurable long term defects. The implant was extracted after 96 days. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.