959 resultados para Smart Vending Machine, Automation, Programmable Logic Controllers, Creativity, Innovation
Identification and Semiactive Control of Smart Structures Equipped with Magnetorheological Actuators
This paper deals with the problem of identification and semiactive control of smart structures subject to unknown external disturbances such as earthquake, wind, etc. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological actuators being installed in WUSCEEL. The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
El GREP (grup de recerca de producte, procés i producció) de la UdG actualmentdisposa d’una eina informàtica desenvolupada en un PFC del 2003 que li permet fer la seqüenciació de la producció d’un taller mecànic amb un màxim de cinc productes, un nombre definit de possibles rutes de fabricació per a cada producte i tres màquines. Aquesta eina és molt resolutiva per a aquests casos, ja que estudia totes les possibilitats i les comprova una per una. No obstant aquest fet presenta una sèrie de limitacions com són el temps d’execució doncs al comprovar totes les seqüències té un elevat cost computacional i la rigidesa del sistema doncs no ens permet seqüenciar més productes ni més màquines. Per tal de donar solució a aquest problema es planteja generar una nova eina informàtica a partir de l’actual però que permeti seqüenciar més peces sense ocupar tanta memòria per així implementar-hi futures millores com el temps de preparació etc... Per a desenvolupar l’eina informàtica s’han utilitzat mètodes heurístics, concretament dos que són: algoritmes genètics i cerca TABU. Aquests mètodes destaquen perquè no busquen totes les combinacions possibles sinó que estudien una sèrie de combinacions i utilitzant mètodes de creuament i generació d’entorns busquen una solució
It has been estimated that more than 70% of all medical activity is directly related to information providing analytical data. Substantial technological advances have taken place recently, which have allowed a previously unimagined number of analytical samples to be processed while offering high quality results. Concurrently, yet more new diagnostic determinations have been introduced - all of which has led to a significant increase in the prescription of analytical parameters. This increased workload has placed great pressure on the laboratory with respect to health costs. The present manager of the Clinical Laboratory (CL) has had to examine cost control as well as rationing - meaning that the CL's focus has not been strictly metrological, as if it were purely a system producing results, but instead has had to concentrate on its efficiency and efficacy. By applying re-engineering criteria, an emphasis has had to be placed on improved organisation and operating practice within the CL, focussing on the current criteria of the Integrated Management Areas where the technical and human resources are brought together. This re-engineering has been based on the concepts of consolidating and integrating the analytical platforms, while differentiating the production areas (CORE Laboratory) from the information areas. With these present concepts in mind, automation and virological treatment, along with serology in general, follow the same criteria as the rest of the operating methodology in the Clinical Laboratory.
Mitjançant el presentprojecte es pretén donar solució a la monitorització,control i automatitzaciód'unamàquina de colat.S'englobadins de la brancad'automàtica i control de processos.En ell a partir d'una estructura de la màquinaja definida i un cicle detreballrequeritpelclient es trienelselements per complirambaquest cicle,incorporant les mesures de seguretatnecessàries per minimitzarels riscos.Per a l'automatització del procés, s'hamuntat un PLC marca Telemecaniqueen un armari de control, acompanyat per les cartesd'entrades isortidesrequerides per a poder controlar totes les variables del procés.Per al monitoratge i control del procés, per part de l'operari, s'hainstal.laten l'armari de control un panell HMI "human machine Interface"acompanyatd'unpanell de comandament.En la pròpiamemòria es dónaexplicació al funcionament del programa delPLC i les pantalles de la consola HMI.En elsannexos es detalla tot elconnexionatrealitzatdelsdiferentselementsesmentats, el programa dissenyatper al PLC i el pressuposteconòmic.
A study of how the machine learning technique, known as gentleboost, could improve different digital watermarking methods such as LSB, DWT, DCT2 and Histogram shifting.
Studies of the EU accession of the East and Central European Countries have stressed the importance of neo-liberal institutionalism as an explanation for Member State preferences. In this paper it is argued that Member States’ preferences over Turkish EU accession are better explained by power politics and neo-realism. It seems therefore that Turkey’s way to the EU follows another path than the East and Central Countries. Turkish accession raises the question of the EU’s role in a uni-polar world order – whether the EU should develop into an independent actor on the world stage or not. However, when it comes to the interaction among the Member States in order to decide on when to open accession negotiations with Turkey the constitutive values of the EU seriously modify the outcome that pure power politics would have let to.
Emotions are crucial for user's decision making in recommendation processes. We first introduce ambient recommender systems, which arise from the analysis of new trends on the exploitation of the emotional context in the next generation of recommender systems. We then explain some results of these new trends in real-world applications through the smart prediction assistant (SPA) platform in an intelligent learning guide with more than three million users. While most approaches to recommending have focused on algorithm performance. SPA makes recommendations to users on the basis of emotional information acquired in an incremental way. This article provides a cross-disciplinary perspective to achieve this goal in such recommender systems through a SPA platform. The methodology applied in SPA is the result of a bunch of technology transfer projects for large real-world rccommender systems
Our work is concerned with user modelling in open environments. Our proposal then is the line of contributions to the advances on user modelling in open environments thanks so the Agent Technology, in what has been called Smart User Model. Our research contains a holistic study of User Modelling in several research areas related to users. We have developed a conceptualization of User Modelling by means of examples from a broad range of research areas with the aim of improving our understanding of user modelling and its role in the next generation of open and distributed service environments. This report is organized as follow: In chapter 1 we introduce our motivation and objectives. Then in chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 we provide the state-of-the-art on user modelling. In chapter 2, we give the main definitions of elements described in the report. In chapter 3, we present an historical perspective on user models. In chapter 4 we provide a review of user models from the perspective of different research areas, with special emphasis on the give-and-take relationship between Agent Technology and user modelling. In chapter 5, we describe the main challenges that, from our point of view, need to be tackled by researchers wanting to contribute to advances in user modelling. From the study of the state-of-the-art follows an exploratory work in chapter 6. We define a SUM and a methodology to deal with it. We also present some cases study in order to illustrate the methodology. Finally, we present the thesis proposal to continue the work, together with its corresponding work scheduling and temporalisation