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Evidence shows that cardiac hypertrophy (CH) is a risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases. Several stimuli may cause CH-like manifestations and promote volume or pressure overload. Exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy is an expected adaptation to regular exercise training. Salt intake has been shown to be the most important determinant of blood pressure in different populations. The purpose of the present work was to verify the influence of physical exercise and sodium intake on the blood pressure and myocardium. The study was performed on 36 rats divided into six groups: Group I (diet without salt overload), Group II (diet without salt overload and swimming), Group III (diet with 2.5% NaCl solution and swimming), Group IV (diet with 5% NaCl solution and swimming), Group V (diet with 2.5% NaCl solution without exercise), Group VI (diet with 5% NaCl solution without exercise). The arterial pressure was significantly lower in Group I when compared with Group IV. The ratio of cardiac mass/body mass was increased in Groups III and IV. In conclusion, there was evidence that exercise training and NaCl intake promotes arterial hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy.
Staphylococcus aureus is an important opportunistic pathogen that can cause a wide variety of diseases from mild to life-threatening conditions. S. aureus can colonize many parts of the human body but the anterior nares are the primary ecological niche. Its clinical importance is due to its ability to resist almost all classes of antibiotics available together with its large number of virulence factores. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus) strains are particularly important in the hospital settings, being the major cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. MRSA resistance to β-lactam antibiotics involves the acquisition of the exogenous mecA gene, part of the SCCmec cassette. Fast and reliable diagnostic techniques are needed to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with MRSA infections, through the early identification of MRSA strains. The current identification techniques are time-consuming as they usually involves culturing steps, taking up to five days to determine the antibiotic resistance profile. Several amplification-based techniques have been developed to accelerate the diagnosis. The aim of this project was to develop an even faster methodology that bypasses the DNA amplification step. Gold-nanoprobes were developed and used to detect the presence of mecA gene in S. aureus genome, associated with resistance traits, for colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method. Our results showed that the mecA and mecA_V2 gold-nanoprobes were sensitive enough to discriminate the presence of mecA gene in PCR products and genomic DNA (gDNA) samples for target concentrations of 10 ng/μL and 20 ng/μL, respectively. As our main objective was to avoid the amplification step, we concluded that the best strategy for the early identification of MRSA infection relies on colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method with gDNA samples that can be extracted directly from blood samples.
Prolonged total food deprivation in non-obese adults is rare, and few studies have documented body composition changes in this setting. In a group of eight hunger strikers who refused alimentation for 43 days, water and energy compartments were estimated, aiming to assess the impact of progressive starvation. Measurements included body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), arm muscle circumference (AMC), and bioimpedance (BIA) determinations of water, fat, lean body mass (LBM), and total resistance. Indirect calorimetry was also performed in one occasion. The age of the group was 43.3±6.2 years (seven males, one female). Only water, intermittent vitamins and electrolytes were ingested, and average weight loss reached 17.9%. On the last two days of the fast (43rd-44th day) rapid intravenous fluid, electrolyte, and vitamin replenishment were provided before proceeding with realimentation. Body fat decreased approximately 60% (BIA and TSF), whereas BMI reduced only 18%. Initial fat was estimated by BIA as 52.2±5.4% of body weight, and even on the 43rd day it was still measured as 19.7±3.8% of weight. TSF findings were much lower and commensurate with other anthropometric results. Water was comparatively low with high total resistance, and these findings rapidly reversed upon the intravenous rapid hydration. At the end of the starvation period, BMI (21.5±2.6 kg/m²) and most anthropometric determinations were still acceptable, suggesting efficient energy and muscle conservation. Conclusions: 1) All compartments diminished during fasting, but body fat was by far the most affected; 2) Total water was low and total body resistance comparatively elevated, but these findings rapidly reversed upon rehydration; 3) Exaggerated fat percentage estimates from BIA tests and simultaneous increase in lean body mass estimates suggested that this method was inappropriate for assessing energy compartments in the studied population; 4) Patients were not morphologically malnourished after 43 days of fasting; however, the prognostic impact of other impairments was not considered in this analysis.
Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is one of leading causes of death in children, especially among those younger than 3 years of age. The inhalation of a foreign body may cause a wide variety of symptoms, and early diagnosis is highly associated with the successful removal of the inhaled foreign material. Despite the great advances in endoscopic procedures and anesthesia, a large number of difficulties and complications still result from foreign body aspiration. We describe 5 cases of serious acute complications following aspiration of foreign bodies that became lodged in the tracheobronchial tree, including pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, total atelectasis, foreign body dislodgment, and need for thoracotomy in children admitted into our intensive care unit in 1999 and 2000; these were all situations that could have been prevented with early recognition and prompt therapeutic intervention.
Splenectomy is the best available treatment for severe forms of hereditary spherocytosis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and other hematologic conditions when these prove refractory to conservative management. It has been employed for many decades with low mortality and favorable remission rates. The use of laparoscopic splenectomy in recent years has been rapidly and even enthusiastically adopted in this field. However, the exact role of laparoscopic versus open surgery for hematologic diseases is still debated. In this study of 58 adult patients, laparoscopic procedures were compared with conventional splenectomies for similar indications. METHODS: All patients were operated on within an 8-year period. Subjects underwent similar procedures under the supervision of the same surgical school and were compared regarding age, gender, body mass index, and diagnosis. Laparoscopically managed cases (Group I, n = 30) were prospectively followed according to a written protocol, whereas the same investigation was retrospectively done with regard to traditional laparotomy (Group II, n = 28). Methods included general and demographic findings, duration and technical steps of operation, blood loss, weight of spleen, need for conversion (in minimally invasive subjects), intraoperative and postoperative complications, time until realimentation, postoperative hospitalization, mortality, and late follow-up including recurrence rate. RESULTS: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was the surgical indication in over 50% of the patients in both groups, but familial spherocytosis, thalassemia, myelodysplasia, and lymphomas were also represented in this series. Laparoscopic procedures took more time to perform (P = 0.004), and postoperative hospitalization was 2 days shorter, but this difference was not statistically significant. Postoperative hematocrit and volume of blood transfusions was equivalent, although the laparoscopic cases had a somewhat lower preoperative hematocrit (NS) and displayed better recovery for this measurement (P = 0.03). More patients in Group I were able to accept oral food on the first day than subjects undergoing conventional operations (P < 0.05). Relatively few conversions were necessary during the minimally invasive surgeries (13.3%), and postoperative early and late complications as well as recurrences occurred in similar proportions. Also, the mean weight of the spleen was not statistically different between the groups, although there was a marked numerical tendency toward larger masses in conventional procedures. No spleen in Group I exceeded 2.0 kg, whereas in Group II values up to 4.0 kg occurred, and the mean weight was 50% higher in the latter group. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Minimally invasive splenectomy was essentially comparable to open surgery with regard to safety, efficacy, and late results; 2) Advantages concerning shorter postoperative hospitalization could not be shown, despite earlier food intake and a non-significant tendency toward earlier discharge; 3) This new modality should be considered an option in cases of hematologic conditions whenever the spleen is not hugely enlarged.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia in a Brazilian population in relation to body mass index. METHOD: Retrospective evaluation of 1213 adults (mean age: 45.2 ± 12.8; 80.6% females) divided into groups according to body mass index [normal (18.5 - 24.4 kg/m²); overweight (25 - 29.9 kg/m²); grade 1 obesity (30 - 34.9 kg/m²); grade 2 obesity (35 - 39.9 kg/m²), and grade 3 obesity (> 40 kg/m²)]. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were analyzed in each group. The severity of cardiovascular risk was determined. High-risk patients were considered those reporting 2 or more of the following factors: systemic hypertension, HDL < 35 mg/dL, total cholesterol > 240 mg/dL, triglycerides > 200 mg/dL when HDL < 35 mg/dL, and glycemia > 126 mg/dL. Moderate-risk patients were those reporting 2 or more of the following factors: systemic hypertension, HDL < 45, triglycerides > 200 mg/dL, and total cholesterol > 200 mg/dL. RESULTS: The prevalence of systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL-cholesterol levels increased along with weight, but the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia did not. The odds ratio adjusted for gender and age, according to grade of obesity compared with patients with normal weight were respectively 5.9, 8.6, and 14.8 for systemic hypertension, 3.8, 5.8, and 9.2 for diabetes mellitus and 1.2, 1.3, and 2.6 for hypertriglyceridemia. We also verified that body mass index was positively related to cardiovascular high risk (P < .001) CONCLUSION: In our population, cardiovascular risk increased along with body mass index.
RESUMO:Contexto: A avaliação do estado de nutrição do doente com indicação para transplante hepático (TH) deve ser abrangente, considerando o amplo espetro de situações clínicas e metabólicas. As alterações metabólicas relacionadas com a doença hepática podem limitar a aplicação de métodos de avaliação nutricional, subestimando a desnutrição. Após o TH, é expectável a reversão dos distúrbios metabólicos da doença hepática, pela melhoria da função do fígado. No entanto, algumas complicações metabólicas podem surgir após o TH, relacionadas com a má-nutrição, a desnervação hepática e o uso prolongado de imunossupressão, comprometendo os resultados clínicos a longo-prazo. A medição longitudinal e confiável do metabolismo energético e dos compartimentos corporais após o TH, avaliada em conjunto com fatores influentes no estado de nutrição, pode identificar precocemente situações de risco e otimizar e individualizar estratégias clínicas e nutricionais com vantagens no prognóstico. Objetivo: Avaliar longitudinalmente, a curto prazo, o estado de nutrição após o TH em doentes com insuficiência hepática por doença crónica e identificar os fatores, para além da cirurgia, que determinam diferentes evoluções do metabolismo energético e da composição corporal. Métodos: Foi estudada uma coorte de indivíduos com indicação para TH por doença hepática crónica, admitidos consecutivamente para TH ortotópico eletivo, durante 2 anos. Foram programados 3 momentos de avaliação: na última consulta pré-TH (T0), logo que adquirida autonomia respiratória e funcional após o TH (T1) e um mês após o TH (T2). Nesses momentos, foram medidos no mesmo dia: o suprimento nutricional por recordatório das últimas 24 horas, o estado de nutrição por Avaliação Subjetiva Global (ASG), o gasto energético em repouso (GER) por calorimetria indireta, a antropometria, a composição corporal por bioimpedância elétrica tetrapolar multifrequências e a força muscular por dinamometria de preensão palmar. O índice de massa magra (IMM) e a massa celular corporal (MCC) foram usados como indicadores do músculo esquelético e a percentagem de massa gorda (%MG) e o índice de massa gorda (IMG) como indicadores de adiposidade. O GER foi comparado com o estimado pelas fórmulas de Harris-Benedict para classificação do estado metabólico em:hipermetabolismo (GER medido >120% do GER estimado), normometabolismo (GER medido entre 80 e 120% do GER estimado) e hipometabolismo (GER medido <80% do GER estimado). Foi utilizada análise multivariável: por regressão logística, para identificar variáveis associadas à possibilidade (odds ratio – OR) de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH; por regressão linear múltipla, para identificar variáveis associadas à variação dos compartimentos corporais no período pós-TH; e por modelos de efeitos mistos generalizados, para identificar variáveis associadas à evolução do GER e dos compartimentos corporais entre o período pré- e pós-TH. Resultados: Foram incluídos 56 indivíduos com idade, média (DP), 53,7 (8,5) anos, 87,5% do sexo masculino, 23,2% com doença hepática crónica de etiologia etanólica. Após o TH, em 60,7% indivíduos foi administrado regime imunossupressor baseado no tacrolimus. Os indivíduos foram avaliados [mediana (AIQ)] 90,5 (P25: 44,2; P75: 134,5) dias antes do TH (T0), 9,0 (P25: 7,0; P75: 12,0) dias após o TH (T1) e 36,0 (P25: 31,0; P75: 43,0) dias após o TH (T2). Após o TH houve melhoria significativa do estado de nutrição, com diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição classificada pela ASG (37,5% em T0, 16,1% em T2, p<0,001). Antes do TH, 41,1% dos indivíduos eram normometabólicos, 37,5% hipometabólicos e 21,4% hipermetabólicos. A possibilidade de pertencer a cada grupo metabólico pré-TH associou-se à: idade (OR=0,899, p=0,010) e desnutrição pela ASG (OR=5,038, p=0,015) para o grupo normometabólico; e índice de massa magra (IMM, OR=1,264, p=0,049) e etiologia viral da doença hepática (OR=8,297, p=0,019) para o grupo hipermetabólico. Não se obteve modelo múltiplo para o grupo de hipometabólico pré-TH, mas foram identificadas associações univariáveis com a história de toxicodependência (OR=0,282, p=0,047) e com a sarcopénia pré- TH (OR=8,000, p=0,040). Após o TH, houve normalização significativa e progressiva do estado metabólico, indicada pelo aumento da prevalência de normometabolismo (41,1% em T0, 57,1% em T2, p=0,040). Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução do GER após o TH, estratificado pelo estado metabólico pré-TH: no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH, o GER (Kcal) aumentou significativa e progressivamente (1030,6 em T0; 1436,1 em T1, p=0,001; 1659,2 em T2, p<0,001); no grupo hipermetabólico pré-TH o GER diminuiu significativa e progressivamente (2097,1 em T0; 1662,5 em T1, p=0,024; 1493,0 em T2, p<0.001); no grupo normometabólico não houve variações significativas. Os perfis de evolução do GER associaram-se com: peso corporal (β=9,6, p<0,001) e suprimento energético (β=13,6, p=0,005) na amostra total; com peso corporal (β=7,1, p=0,018) e contributo energético dos lípidos (β=18,9, p=0,003) no grupo hipometabólico pré-TH; e com peso corporal (β=14,1, p<0,001) e desnutrição pela ASG (β=-171,0, p=0,007) no grupo normometabólico pré-TH.Houve redução transitória dos compartimentos corporais entre T0 e T1, mas a maioria destes recuperou para valores semelhantes aos pré-TH. As exceções foram a água extracelular, que diminuiu entre T0 e T2 (média 18,2 L e 17,8 L, p=0,042), a massa gorda (média 25,1 Kg e 21,7 Kg, p<0,001) e o IMG (média 10,6 Kg.m-2 e 9,3 Kg.m-2, p<0,001) que diminuíram entre T1 e T2. Relativamente à evolução dos indicadores de músculo esquelético e adiposidade ao longo do estudo: a evolução do IMM associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,06, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=2,28, p<0,001) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,21, p<0,001); a evolução da MCC associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=0,16, p<0,001), creatininémia (β=4,17, p=0,008) e número total de fármacos administrados (β=-0,46, p<0,001); a evolução da %MG associou-se com força de preensão palmar (β=-0,11, p=0,028), história de toxicodependência (β=-5,75, p=0,024), creatininémia (β=-5,91, p=0,004) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,06, p=0,001); a evolução do IMG associou-se com história de toxicodependência (β=- 2,64, p=0,019), creatininémia (β=-2,86, p<0,001) e suprimento proteico (β=-0,02, p<0,001). A variação relativa (%Δ) desses compartimentos corporais entre T1 e T2 indicou o impacto da terapêutica imunossupressora na composição corporal: o regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se positivamente com a %Δ do IMM (β=23,76, p<0,001) e %Δ da MCC (β=26,58, p<0,001) e negativamente com a %Δ MG (β=-25,64, p<0,001) e %Δ do IMG (β=-25,62, p<0,001), relativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus. Os esteróides não influenciaram a evolução do GER nem com a dos compartimentos corporais. Conclusões: O estado de nutrição, avaliado por ASG, melhorou significativamente após o TH, traduzida pela diminuição da prevalência de desnutrição. O normometabolismo pré-TH foi prevalente e associou-se à menor idade e à desnutrição pré- TH. O hipometabolismo pré-TH associou-se à história de toxicodependência e à sarcopénia pré-TH. O hipermetabolismo pré-TH associou-se ao maior IMM e à etiologia viral da doença hepática. Após o TH, houve normalização progressiva do estado metabólico. Foram identificados três perfis de evolução do GER, associando-se com: peso corporal e suprimento energético na amostra total; peso corporal e contributo energético dos lípidos no grupo hipometabólico pré- TH; e peso corporal e desnutrição pela ASG no grupo normometabólico pré-TH. Foram identificados diferentes perfis de evolução da composição corporal após TH. A evolução do músculo esquelético associou-se positivamente com a força de preensão palmar e a creatininémia e negativamente com o número total de fármacos administrados. A evolução da adiposidade (%MG e IMG) associou-se inversamente com a história de toxicodependência, a creatininémia e o suprimento proteico; adicionalmente, a %MG associou-se inversamente com a força de preensão palmar. O regime baseado na ciclosporina associou-se independentemente com diminuição da adiposidade e aumento do músculo esquelético, comparativamente ao regime baseado no tacrolimus.---------------------------ABSTRACT:Background: The assessment of nutritional status in patients undergoing liver transplantation (LTx) should be comprehensive, accounting for the wide spectrum of the clinical and metabolic conditions. The metabolic disturbances related to liver disease may limit the precision and accuracy of traditional nutritional assessment methods underestimating the undernourishment. After LTx, it is expected that many metabolic derangements improve with the recovery of liver function. However, some metabolic complications arising after LTx, related to nutritional status, hepatic denervation, and prolonged immunosuppression, may compromise the longterm outcome. A reliable longitudinal assessment of both energy metabolism and body compartments after LTx, combined with assessments of other factors potentially affecting the nutritional status, may enable a better interpretation on the relationship between the metabolic and the nutritional status. These reliable assessments may precociously identify nutritional risk conditions and optimize and customize clinical and nutritional strategies improving the prognosis. Objective: To assess longitudinally the nutritional status shortly after orthotopic LTx in patients with chronic liver disease, and identify factors, beyond surgery, determining different energy metabolism and body composition profiles.Methods: A cohort of consecutive patients who underwent LTx due to chronic liver disease was studied within a period of two years. The assessments were performed in three occasions: at the last visit before LTx (T0), after surgery as soon as respiratory and functional autonomy was established (T1), and approximately one month after surgery (T2). On each occasion all assessments were performed on the same day, and included: the dietary assessment by 24- hour dietary recall, nutritional status by the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), the resting energy expenditure (REE) by indirect calorimetry, anthropometry, body composition by multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, and muscle strength by handgrip strength. Both the lean mass index (LMI) and body cell mass (BCM) were used as surrogates of skeletal muscle, and both the percentage of fat mass (%FM) and fat mass index (FMI) of adiposity. The REE was predicted according to the Harris and Benedict equation. Hypermetabolism was defined as a measured REE more than 120% of the predicted value; normometabolism as a measured REE within 80-120% of the predicted value; and hypometabolism as a measured REE less than 80% of the predicted value. Multiple regression analysis was used: by logistic regression to identify variables associated with odds of belong each pre-LTx metabolic groups; by linear multiple regression analysis to identify variables associated with body compartments relative variations (%Δ) in the post-LTx period; and by mixed effects models to identify variables associated with the REE and body compartments profiles pre- and post-LTx. Results: Fifty six patients with a mean (SD) of 53.7 (8.5) years of age were included, 87.5% were men and 23.2% with alcoholic liver disease. After LTx 60.7% individuals were assigned to tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimen. The patients were assessed at a median time (inter-quartil range) of 90.5 (P25 44.2; P75 134.5) days before LTx (T0), at a median time of 9.0 (P25 7.0; P75 12.0) (T1) and 36 (P25 31.0; P75 43.0) (T2) days after LTx. After LTx the nutritional status significantly improved: the SGA-undernourishment decreased from 37.5% (T0) to 16.1% (T2) (p<0.001). Before LTx, 41.1% patients were normometabolic, 37.5% hypometabolic, and 21.4% hypermetabolic. The predictors of each pre-LTx metabolic group were: age (OR=0.899, p=0.010) and SGA-undernourishment (OR=5.038, p=0.015) for the normometabolic group; and LMI (OR=1.264, p=0.049) and viral etiology of liver disease (OR=8.297, p=0.019) for the hypermetabolic group. No multiple model was found for the pre-LTx hypometabolic group, but univariate association was found with history of drug addiction (OR=0.282, p=0.047) and pre- LTx sarcopenia (OR=8.000, p=0.040). After LTx a significant normalization of the metabolic status occurred, indicated by the increase in the prevalence of normometabolic patients (from T0: 41.1% to T2: 57.1%, p=0.040). Different REE profiles were found with REE stratified by preoperative metabolic status: in the hypometabolic group a significant progressive increase in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 1030.6; T1: 1436.1, p=0.001; T2: 1659.2, p<0.001); in the hypermetabolic group, a significant progressive decrease in mean REE (Kcal) was observed (T0: 2097.1; T1: 1662.5, p=0.024; T2: 1493.0, p<0.001); and in the normometabolic group, no significant differences were found. The REE profiles were associated with: body weight (β- estimate=9.6, p<0.001) and energy intake (β-estimate=13.6, p=0.005) in the whole sample; with body weight (β-estimate=7.1, p=0.018) and %TEV from lipids (β-estimate=18.9, p=0.003) in the hypometabolic group; and with body weight (β-estimate=14.1, p<0.001), and SGAundernourishment (β-estimate=-171, p=0.007) in the normometabolic group. A transient decrease in most body compartments occurred from T0 to T1, with subsequent catch-up to similar preoperative values. Exceptions were the extracellular water, decreasing from T0 to T2 (mean 18.2 L to 17.8 L, p=0.042), the fat mass (mean 25.1 Kg to 21.7 Kg, p<0.001) and FMI (mean 10.6 Kg.m-2 to 9.3 Kg.m-2, p<0.001), decreasing from T1 to T2. Significant predictors of skeletal muscle and adiposity profiles were found: LMI evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.06, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β- estimate=2.28, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.21, p<0.001); BCM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=0.16, p<0.001), serum creatinine (β-estimate=4.17, p<0.001) and number of medications (β-estimate=-0.46, p<0.001); the %FM evolution was associated with handgrip strength (β-estimate=-0.11, p=0.028), history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-5.75, p=0.024), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-5.91, p=0.004) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.06, p=0.001); and FMI evolution was associated with history of drug addiction (β-estimate=-2.64, p=0.019), serum creatinine (β-estimate=-2.86, p<0.001) and protein intake (β-estimate=-0.02, p<0.001). The %Δ of the aforementioned body compartments from T1 to T2 indicated the influence of immunosuppressive agents on body composition: the cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was positively associated with %Δ LMI (β-estimate=23.76, p<0.001) and %Δ BCM (β- estimate=26.58, p<0.001), and inversely associated with %Δ FM (β-estimate=-25.64, p<0.001) and %Δ FMI (β-estimate=-25.62, p<0.001). No significant changes in REE or body composition were observed associated with dose or duration of steroid therapy. Conclusions: The SGA-assessed nutritional status improved shortly after LTx, with significant decrease in prevalence undernourished individuals. XXI Preoperative normometabolism was prevalent and was associated with younger age and SGAundernourishment before LTx. Preoperative hypometabolism was associated with history of drug addiction and pre-LTx sarcopenia. Preoperative hypermetabolism was associated with higher LMI and viral etiology of liver disease. A significant normalization of the metabolic status was observed after LTx. The REE profiles were positively predicted by body weight and energy intake in the whole sample, by body weight and percentage of energy intake from lipids in the preoperative hypometabolic patients, and by body weight and SGA–undernourishment in the preoperative normometabolic patients. Different body composition profiles were found after LTx. Skeletal muscle profile was positively associated with handgrip strength and serum creatinine, and inversely with the number of medications. The adiposity profile was inversely associated with history of drug addiction, serum creatinine and protein intake. Additionally, the %FM evolution was inversely associated with handgrip strength. The cyclosporine-based regimen, compared with tacrolimus-based regimen, was independently associated with skeletal muscle increase and adiposity decrease.
A pictorial field guide to the 30 species of sandfly most commonly encountered in Pará State is presented, based on the easily recognised external characters of the length of the 5th palpal segment, thoracic infuscation, abdominal colour and head and body size. In most cases this allows identification to the species. In others, especially with females, it gives an indication of the species, which may then be confirmed with data from more detailed taxanomix studies. This type of field guide helps in teaching, rapid sorting of flies prior to dissection and in acquainting visitors with the variety of species present in a given area.A rapid technique for the taxonomic sorting of unmounted, freshly killed female sandflies is required, prior to the dissection of large numbers of a particular species. Such a method is useful in areas where numerous species occur in studies on natural flagellate infections, age determination and for ecological studies. With the above points in mind a pictorial field guide has been designed that enables the identification of unmounted, unmacerated specimens of the 30 more commonly encountered species of phleboto-mine sandflies (***) in Pará State, North Brazil. It is based on the easily recognised external characters of the length of the 5th palpal segment, thoracic infuscation, ad-dominal colour and proboscis and body size.Taxonomy of male phlebotomine sandflies is based on the structure of the genitalia and, as most of this is external, a wholly external character key is readily made. Female taxonomy, however, is based on the internal character of the cibarium, pharynx and sperma thecae. In order to produce an external character key we therefore return to an unso phisticated "phlebotometry" (see Martins et al., 1978 p. 3 for review), using relative lengths of the proboscis, palpal segments and body, along with the degree of infuscation. Ihis idea is not new; indeed many sandfly specialists presently use external characters to separate certain species (H. Fraiha, R. P. Lane, P. D. Ready, D. G. Young and R. D. Ward personal communications 1983 & 1984).A key used to separate five anthropophillic sandflies by Biagi (1966), in Mexico, was based mainly on palpal segment length and infuscation. Floch and Abonnenc (1952) stressed the use of relative lengths of palpal segments in their keys to the sandflies of French Guiana, and four members of the shannoni group have been similarly separated according to the degree of infuscation by Morales et al. (1982). The use of thoracic infuscation as a reliable character seems to be gaining favour, having been used by young & Fairchild (1974) and Ready & Fraiha (1981). Indeed Chariotis 1974) showed the usefulness of thoracic infuscation to sepenate 7 anthropophillic species, during studies onvesicular stomatitis in Panama. Identification using external characters is essential for work on viral isolations from sandflies, where bulk samples of whole sandflies are used.Perhaps the major advantage of a simple visual guide is for teaching purposes. Technical staff in this lnstitute are able to identify most of the species they encounter without having to use the standard, more unwieldly (and in many cases unavailable) internal character keys, and the guides presented below have allowed rapid species sorting prior to the dissection of sandflies in our leismaniasis study areas (Ryan et at. ,1985).
Este trabalho de investigação começou por ser estruturado em torno de quatro grandes capítulos (quatro grandes linhas de orientação temática), todos eles amplamente desenvolvidos no sentido de podermos cartografar alguns dos principais territórios e sintomas da arte contemporânea, sendo certo também, que cada um deles assenta precisamente nos princípios de uma estrutura maleável que, para todos os efeitos, se encontra em processo de construção (work in progress), neste caso, graças à plasticidade do corpo, do espaço, da imagem e do uso criativo das tecnologias digitais, no âmbito das quais, aliás, tudo se parece produzir, transformar e disseminar hoje em dia à nossa volta (quase como se de uma autêntica viagem interactiva se tratasse). Por isso, a partir daqui, todo o esforço que se segue procurará ensaiar uma hipótese de trabalho (desenvolver uma investigação) que, porventura, nos permita desbravar alguns caminhos em direcção aos intermináveis túneis do futuro, sempre na expectativa de podermos dar forma, função e sentido a um desejo irreprimível de liberdade criativa, pois, a arte contemporânea tem essa extraordinária capacidade de nos transportar para muitos outros lugares do mundo, tão reais e imaginários como a nossa própria vida. Assim sendo, há que sumariar algumas das principais etapas a desenvolver ao longo desta investigação. Ora, num primeiro momento, começaremos por reflectir sobre o conceito alargado de «crise» (a crise da modernidade), para logo de seguida podermos abordar a questão da crise das antigas categorias estéticas, questionando assim, para todos os efeitos, quer o conceito de «belo» (Platão) e de «gosto» (Kant), quer ainda o conceito de «forma» (Foccilon), não só no sentido de tentarmos compreender algumas das principais razões que terão estado na origem do chamado «fim da arte» (Hegel), mas também algumas daquelas que terão conduzido à estetização generalizada da experiência contemporânea e à sua respectiva disseminação pelas mais variadas plataformas digitais. Num segundo momento, procuraremos reflectir sobre alguns dos principais problemas da inquietante história das imagens, nomeadamente para tentarmos perceber como é que todas estas transformações técnicas (ligadas ao aparecimento da fotografia, do cinema, do vídeo, do computador e da internet) terão contribuído para o processo de instauração e respectivo alargamento daquilo que todos nós ficaríamos a conhecer como a nova «era da imagem», ou a imagem na «era da sua própria reprodutibilidade técnica» (Benjamin), pois, só assim é que conseguiremos interrogar este imparável processo de movimentação, fragmentação, disseminação, simulação e interacção das mais variadas «formas de vida» (Nietzsche, Agamben). Entretanto, chegados ao terceiro grande momento, interessa-nos percepcionar a arte contemporânea como uma espécie de plataforma interactiva que, por sua vez, nos levará a interpelar alguns dos principais dispositivos metafóricos e experimentais da viagem, neste caso, da viagem enquanto linha facilitadora de acesso à arte, à cultura e à vida contemporânea em geral, ou seja, todo um processo de reflexão que nos incitará a cartografar alguns dos mais atractivos sintomas provenientes da estética do flâneur (na perspectiva de Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Long e Benjamin) e, consequentemente, a convocar algumas das principais sensações decorrentes da experiência altamente sedutora daqueles que vivem mergulhados na órbita interactiva do ciberespaço (na condição de ciberflâneurs), quase como se o mundo inteiro, agora, fosse tão somente um espaço poético «inteiramente navegável» (Manovich). Por fim, no quarto e último momento, procuraremos fazer uma profunda reflexão sobre a inquietante história do corpo, principalmente com o objectivo de reforçar a ideia de que apesar das suas inúmeras fragilidades biológicas (um ser que adoece e morre), o corpo continua a ser uma das «categorias mais persistentes de toda a cultura ocidental» (Ieda Tucherman), não só porque ele resistiu a todas as transformações que lhe foram impostas historicamente, mas também porque ele se soube reinventar e readaptar pacientemente face a todas essas transformações históricas. Sinal evidente de que a sua plasticidade lhe iria conferir, principalmente a partir do século XX («o século do corpo») um estatuto teórico e performativo verdadeiramente especial. Tão especial, aliás, que basta termos uma noção, mesmo que breve, da sua inquietante história para percebermos imediatamente a extraordinária importância dalgumas das suas mais variadas transformações, atracções, ligações e exibições ao longo das últimas décadas, nomeadamente sob o efeito criativo das tecnologias digitais (no âmbito das quais se processam algumas das mais interessantes operações de dinamização cultural e artística do nosso tempo). Em suma, esperamos sinceramente que este trabalho de investigação possa vir a contribuir para o processo de alargamento das fronteiras cada vez mais incertas, dinâmicas e interactivas do conhecimento daquilo que parece constituir, hoje em dia, o jogo fundamental da nossa contemporaneidade.
Esta tese de doutoramento tem como objectivo geral compreender as experiências de autonomia individual na actual geração de adultos mais velhos, enquadrados pelas construções identitárias de género e assumindo como plataforma de observação as vivências quotidianas de saúde. Para tanto, justifica-se a centralidade do valor da autonomia individual na contemporaneidade, para depois se problematizar o conceito a partir de uma perspectiva feminista, com base na conceptualização proposta por este corpo teórico. O feminismo propõe a adopção do conceito de autonomia relacional, que ao reconhecer a natureza social do self e das identidades, é capaz de proporcionar uma leitura crítica e contextualizada da autonomia de cada sujeito, por integrar não só as especificidades, estímulos, oportunidades e contingências de um tempo e de um espaço social, como também o poder resolutivo, transformador e de resistência da agência individual. A vivência da velhice constitui, cada vez mais, um exercício de individualidade. No envelhecer, a vivência da saúde ganha especiais contornos. Não só porque o cuidar de si se tornou um aspecto biográfico de progressiva acentuação, como também por ser este um tempo da vida em que os dilemas, inquietações e exigências com o corpo se acentuam. A individualização dos trajectos biográficos que nas sociedades contemporâneas surge com cada vez maior expressão sugere a importância do estudo das diferentes ecologias sociais, com base na precisão e no detalhe. A tese adoptou uma estratégia metodológica de estudos de casos, concretizada num estudo de caso múltiplo, de tipo qualitativo. Os sentidos conferidos às experiências da autonomia individual pela actual geração de adultos mais velhos, nos seus quotidianos de saúde, mobilizam e matizam diferentes modelos culturais, iluminando a ideia de uma transição sociocultural que abandona parcialmente certos aspectos, mas que mantém tantos outros. No envelhecer, a vivência da autonomia individual é mediatizada por diferentes performatividades femininas e masculinas, tendo sido três os espaços principais de expressão social da autonomia, resultantes do seu cruzamento com o género, enquanto dimensão de análise principal. Tem-se que estas diferenças entre espaços factoriais vêm demonstrar o hibridismo dos posicionamentos resultante da crescente individualidade das trajectórias de vida. Face à saúde, a capacidade de adaptação e de auto-gestão mais positivos relacionam-se, face às mulheres, com a expressão singular de uma maior individualidade e, face aos homens, com o valor social conferido a diferentes masculinidades.
The leaf-feeding species Syntermes molestus and S. spinosus are two dominant termite species in Reserva Ducke in Central Amazonia; two other species (S. aculeosus, S. longiceps) exist in the area. All species except S. aculeosus were also found in urban areas. The workers of S. molestus and S. spinosus have average body dry weights of 4.5±0.2 and 13.1±1.4 mg, and the weight of their soldiers is 8.2±0.2 and 51.0±1.7 mg, respectively. Therefore, S. spinosus is among the largest termites of the world. In both species, fresh weight is about 4.7 higher than dry weight (a wider relation than in other termite species). The biomass of the populations of both species amounted to about 1 g m-2 (dry weight; indirect estimate), which rises previous assessments of the total termite biomass by about 36-45%, to a value of 3.0-3.5 g m-2.
This study, which involved a target population comprised by 292 workers of different industrial areas (metalmechanics, foundry, chemical, wood, food), aimed to verify the association between energy expenditure-EE, physical activity level-PAL and body composition (Body Mass Index-BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio-WHR and Waist To Height Ratio, WTHR) of participants. The work was completed with the description of the variables relating to the gender of the individuals (male and female) and the activities carried out in the two sectors of industrial work (administrative sector and productive sector). In this research, the statistical technique of principal components analysis (PCA) and the hierarchical analysis of clusters (HCA) were used. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected as well as the level of physical activity and energy expenditure were assessed. The vast majority of individuals who spend greater energy expenditure and has more intense physical activity were male. Most of these workers are in the production sector. We can confirm that that both, gender and labor activity, are factors that have influence on the EE and the PAL.
An exterior body panel solution containing a polydicyclopentadiene skin attached to an interior metallic reinforcement through adhesive bonding is being studied to be applied in the MobiCar bonnet. With this solution is expected to achieve lightness, adequate structural integrity and cost-efficiency. However, there is uncertainty regarding to the bonnet adhesiveness since different metallic materials and adhesive types are being considered for its development. Thus, in this paper, several samples are tested through shear loading with the aim of understanding the loading magnitude expected by using polydicyclopentadiene, steel DC04+ZE and aluminum alloy AW5754-H111 as substrates adhesively bonded by an epoxy or a methacrylate. Methacrylate adhesive have shown greater shear strength in all types of adhesive joints. PDCPD joints presented the highest displacements. Surface degradation was considered adequate over abrading once none strength difference was seen between the different surface treatments. Steel treated by cataphoresis has shown the highest joint interface strength.
Results of a search for decays of massive particles to fully hadronic final states are presented. This search uses 20.3 fb−1 of data collected by the ATLAS detector in s√=8TeV proton--proton collisions at the LHC. Signatures based on high jet multiplicities without requirements on the missing transverse momentum are used to search for R-parity-violating supersymmetric gluino pair production with subsequent decays to quarks. The analysis is performed using a requirement on the number of jets, in combination with separate requirements on the number of b-tagged jets, as well as a topological observable formed from the scalar sum of the mass values of large-radius jets in the event. Results are interpreted in the context of all possible branching ratios of direct gluino decays to various quark flavors. No significant deviation is observed from the expected Standard Model backgrounds estimated using jet-counting as well as data-driven templates of the total-jet-mass spectra. Gluino pair decays to ten or more quarks via intermediate neutralinos are excluded for a gluino with mass mg~<1TeV for a neutralino mass mχ~01=500GeV. Direct gluino decays to six quarks are excluded for mg~<917GeV for light-flavor final states, and results for various flavor hypotheses are presented.