876 resultados para Magnetic resonance imaging, perfusion-weighted
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a promising method for both investigation and therapeutic treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders and, more recently, for brain mapping. This study describes the application of navigated TMS for motor cortex mapping in patients with a brain tumor located close to the precentral gyrus. Materials and methods: In this prospective study, six patients with low-grade gliomas in or near the precentral gyrus underwent TMS, and their motor responses were correlated to locations in the cortex around the lesion, generating a functional map overlaid on three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain. To determine the accuracy of this new method, we compared TMS mapping with the gold standard mapping with direct cortical electrical stimulation in surgery. The same navigation system and TMS-generated map were used during the surgical resection procedure. Results: The motor cortex could be clearly mapped using both methods. The locations corresponding to the hand and forearm, found during intraoperative mapping, showed a close spatial relationship to the homotopic areas identified by TMS mapping. The mean distance between TMS and direct cortical electrical stimulation (DES) was 4.16 +/- 1.02 mm (range: 2.56-5.27 mm). Conclusion: Preoperative mapping of the motor cortex with navigated TMS prior to brain tumor resection is a useful presurgical planning tool with good accuracy.
The encapsulation of magnetic transition-metal (TM) clusters inside carbon cages (fullerenes, nanotubes) has been of great interest due to the wide range of applications, which spread from medical sensors in magnetic resonance imaging to photonic crystals. Several theoretical studies have been reported; however, our atomistic understanding of the physical properties of encapsulated magnetic TM 3d clusters is far from satisfactory. In this work, we will report general trends, derived from density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation proposed by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE), for the encapsulation properties of the TMm@C-n (TM = Fe, Co, Ni; m = 2-6, n = 60,70,80,90) systems. Furthermore, to understand the role of the van der Waals corrections to the physical properties, we employed the empirical Grimme's correction (PBE + D2). We found that both PBE and PBE + D2 functionals yield almost the same geometric parameters, magnetic and electronic properties, however, PBE + D2 strongly enhances the encapsulation energy. We found that the center of mass of the TMm clusters is displaced towards the inside C-n surfaces, except for large TMm clusters (m = 5 and 6). For few cases, e. g., Co-4 and Fe-4, the encapsulation changes the putative lowest-energy structure compared to the isolated TMm clusters. We identified few physical parameters that play an important role in the sign and magnitude of the encapsulation energy, namely, cluster size, fullerene equatorial diameter, shape, curvature of the inside C-n surface, number of TM atoms that bind directly to the inside C-n surface, and the van der Waals correction. The total magnetic moment of encapsulated TMm clusters decreases compared with the isolated TMm clusters, which is expected due to the hybridization of the d-p states, and strongly depends on the size and shape of the fullerene cages.
Abstract Background: Left ventricular free wall rupture occurs in up to 10% of the in-hospital deaths following myocardial infarction. It is mainly associated with posterolateral myocardial infarction and its antemortem diagnosis is rarely made. Contrast echocardiography has been increasingly used for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with acute myocardial infarction, with important prognostic implications. In this case, we reported its use for the detection of a mechanical complication following myocardial infarction. Case presentation: A 50-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall underwent myocardial contrast echocardiography for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion in the third day post-infarction. A perfusion defect was detected in lateral and inferior walls as well as the presence of contrast extrusion from the left ventricular cavity into the myocardium, forming a serpiginous duct extending from the endocardium to the epicardial region of the lateral wall, without communication with the pericardial space. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of impending rupture of the left ventricular free wall. While waiting for cardiac surgery, patient presented with cardiogenic shock and died. Anatomopathological findings were consistent with acute myocardial infarction in the lateral wall and a left ventricular free wall rupture at the infarct site. Conclusion: This case illustrates the early diagnosis of left ventricular free wall rupture by contrast echocardiography. Due to its ability to be performed at bedside this modality of imaging has the potential to identify this catastrophic condition in patients with acute myocardial infarction and help to treat these patients with emergent surgery.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to monitor the migration of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)-labeled C6 cells, which were used to induce glioblastoma tumor growth in an animal model, over time using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with the goal of aiding in tumor prognosis and therapy. METHODS: Two groups of male Wistar rats were used for the tumor induction model. In the first group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of SPION-labeled C6 cells. In the second group (n=3), the tumors were induced via the injection of unlabeled C6 cells. Prussian Blue staining was performed to analyze the SPION distribution within the C6 cells in vitro. Tumor-inducing C6 cells were injected into the right frontal cortex, and subsequent tumor monitoring and SPION detection were performed using T2- and T2*-weighted MRI at a 2T field strength. In addition, cancerous tissue was histologically analyzed after performing the MRI studies. RESULTS: The in vitro qualitative evaluation demonstrated adequate distribution and satisfactory cell labeling of the SPIONs. At 14 or 21 days after C6 injection, a SPION-induced T2- and T2*-weighted MRI signal reduction was observed within the lesion located in the left frontal lobe on parasagittal topography. Moreover, histological staining of the tumor tissue with Prussian Blue revealed a broad distribution of SPIONs within the C6 cells. CONCLUSION: MRI analyses exhibit potential for monitoring the tumor growth of C6 cells efficiently labeled with SPIONs.
Although the diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy is primarily made clinically based on laboratory tests indicative of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity, imaging studies, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and color Doppler imaging, play an important role both in the diagnosis and follow-up after clinical or surgical treatment of the disease. Imaging studies can be used to evaluate morphological abnormalities of the orbital structures during the diagnostic workup when a differential diagnosis versus other orbital diseases is needed. Imaging may also be useful to distinguish the inflammatory early stage from the inactive stage of the disease. Finally, imaging studies can be of great help in identifying patients prone to develop dysthyroid optic neuropathy and therefore enabling the timely diagnosis and treatment of the condition, avoiding permanent visual loss. In this paper, we review the imaging modalities that aid in the diagnosis and management of Graves' orbitopathy, with special emphasis on the diagnosis of optic nerve dysfunction in this condition.
Die diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) mit dem hyperpolarisierten Edelgas-Isotop 3He ist ein neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Erkrankungen der Atem-wege und der Lunge. Die Diffusionsbewegung der 3He-Atome in den Luftwegen der Lunge wird durch deren Wände begrenzt, wobei diese Einschränkung sowohl von den Dimensionen der Atemwege als auch von den Messparametern abhängt. Man misst daher einen scheinbaren Diffusionskoeffizienten (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC) der kleiner ist als der Diffusionskoeffizient bei freier Diffusion. Der ADC gestattet somit eine qualitative Abschät-zung der Größe der Luftwege und deren krankhafte Veränderung, ohne eine direkte Abbil-dung der Luftwege selbst. Eine dreidimensionale Abbildung der räumlichen Verteilung von Lungenschädigungen wird dadurch möglich. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein tieferes physikalisch fundiertes Verständnis der 3He-Diffusionsmessung zu ermöglichen und die Methode der diffusionsgewichteten 3He-MRT hin zur Erfassung des kompletten 3He-Diffusionstensors weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu wurde systematisch im Rahmen von Phantom- und tierexperimentellen Studien sowie Patientenmes-sungen untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren das Ergebnis der ADC-Messung beeinflussen. So konnte beispielsweise nachgewiesen werden, dass residuale Luftströmungen am Ende der Einatmung keinen Einfluss auf den ADC-Wert haben. Durch Simulationsrechnungen konnte gezeigt werden, in welchem Maße sich die durch den Anregungspuls hervorgerufene Abnah-me der Polarisation des 3He-Gases auf den gemessenen ADC-Wert auswirkt. In einer Studie an lungengesunden Probanden und Patienten konnte die Wiederholbarkeit der ADC-Messung untersucht werden, aber auch der Einfluss von Gravitationseffekten. Diese Ergebnisse ermöglichen genauere Angaben über systematische und statistische Messfehler, sowie über Grenzwerte zwischen normalem und krankhaft verändertem Lungengewebe. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die bestehende diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung methodisch zur Erfassung des kompletten Diffusionstensors von 3He in der Lunge weiterentwickelt. Dies war wichtig, da entlang der Luftwege weitestgehend freie Diffusion vorherrscht, während senkrecht zu den Luftwegen die Diffusion eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe von Simulationsrech-nungen wurde der kritische Einfluss von Rauschen in den MRT-Bildern auf die Qualität der Messergebnisse untersucht. Diese neue Methodik wurde zunächst an einem Phantom beste-hend aus einem Bündel aus Glaskapillaren, deren innerer Durchmesser mit dem des mensch-lichen Azinus übereinstimmt, validiert. Es ergab sich eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen theoretischen Berechnungen und experimentellen Ergebnissen. In ersten Messungen am Menschen konnten so unterschiedliche Anisotropiewerte zwischen lungengesunden Proban-den und Patienten gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu isotroper Diffusion bei Patienten mit einem Lungenemphysem. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einem besseren Ver-ständnis der ADC-Messmethode bei und helfen zukünftige Studien aufgrund des tieferen Verständnisses der die 3He Messung beeinflussenden Faktoren besser zu planen.
Scopo dello studio: Stabilire se cambiamenti della perfusione di una lesione target di epatocarcinoma (HCC), valutati quantitativamente mediante ecografia con contrasto (CE-US) alla settimana 2 e 4 di terapia con sorafenib, possono predire la progressione di malattia alla settimana 8, valutata con la tomografia computerizzata o la risonanza magnetica con mezzo di contrasto (TC-RM) usando i criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors). Pazienti e metodi: Il comitato etico ha approvato lo studio ed i pazienti hanno fornito un consenso informato scritto prima dell’arruolamento. Lo studio è stato effettuato su un campione di soggetti con epatocarcinoma avanzato o non suscettibile di trattamento curativo, in monoterapia con sorafenib. La valutazione della risposta tumorale è stata effettuata con TC o RM a 2 mesi usando i criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati. La CE-US è stata effettuata entro 1 settimana prima dell’inizio del trattamento con sorafenib e durante la terapia alla settimana 2, 4, 8, 16 e 32. I parametri quantitativi funzionali sono stati ottenuti impiegando un software dedicato. I cambiamenti dei valori dei parametri suddetti tra il tempo zero ed i punti temporali successivi sono stati confrontati con la risposta tumorale basata sui criteri RECIST/RECIST modificati. Risultati: La riduzione dei valori dei parametri relativi alla perfusione tumorale, in particolare di WiAUC e PE (parametri correlati con il volume ematico), al T2/T4 (settimana 2, 4), predice la risposta tumorale a 2 mesi, valutata secondo i criteri RECIST e RECIST modificati, risultata indicativa di malattia stabile (responders). Conclusione: L’ecografia con contrasto può essere impiegata per quantificare i cambiamenti della vascolarizzazione tumorale già alla settimana 2, 4 dopo la somministrazione di sorafenib nei pazienti con HCC. Questi precoci cambiamenti della perfusione tumorale possono essere predittivi della risposta tumorale a 2 mesi e possono avere un potenziale nella valutazione precoce dell'efficacia della terapia antiangiogenica nell’epatocarcinoma.
Since the discovery of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) phenomenon, countless NMR techniques have been developed that are today indispensable tools in physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. As one of the main obstacles in NMR is its notorious lack of sensitivity, different hyperpolarization (HP) methods have been established to increase signals up to several orders of magnitude. In this work, different aspects of magnetic resonance, using HP noble gases, are studied, hereby combining different disciplines of research. The first part examines new fundamental effects in NMR of HP gases, in theory and experiment. The spin echo phenomenon, which provides the basis of numerous modern experiments, is studied in detail in the gas phase. The changes of the echo signal in terms of amplitude, shape, and position, due to the fast translational motion, are described by an extension of the existing theory and computer simulations. With this knowledge as a prerequisite, the detection of intermolecular double-quantum coherences was accomplished for the first time in the gas phase. The second part of this thesis focuses on the development of a practical method to enhance the dissolution process of HP 129Xe, without loss of polarization or shortening of T1. Two different setups for application in NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are presented. The continuous operation allows biological and multidimensional spectroscopy in solutions. Also, first in vitro MRI images with dissolved HP 129Xe as contrast agent were obtained at a clinical scanner.