995 resultados para MAPK ACTIVATION


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T cell receptor (TCR-CD3) triggering involves both receptor clustering and conformational changes at the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 subunits. The mechanism by which TCRalphabeta ligand binding confers conformational changes to CD3 is unknown. By using well-defined ligands, we showed that induction of the conformational change requires both multivalent engagement and the mobility restriction of the TCR-CD3 imposed by the plasma membrane. The conformational change is elicited by cooperative rearrangements of two TCR-CD3 complexes and does not require accompanying changes in the structure of the TCRalphabeta ectodomains. This conformational change at CD3 reverts upon ligand dissociation and is required for T cell activation. Thus, our permissive geometry model provides a molecular mechanism that rationalizes how the information of ligand binding to TCRalphabeta is transmitted to the CD3 subunits and to the intracellular signaling machinery.


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Objectives: We tested the effects of the three forms of basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals (octacalcium phosphate (OCP), carbonate-substituted apatite (CA) and hydroxyapatite (HA)) on monocytes and macrophages on IL-1β secretion. The requirement for the NALP3 inflammasome and TLR2 and TLR4 receptors in this acute response was analyzed.


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Evidence from neuropsychological and activation studies (Clarke et al., 2oo0, Maeder et al., 2000) suggests that sound recognitionand localisation are processed by two anatomically and functionally distinct cortical networks. We report here on a case of a patientthat had an interruption of auditory information and we show: i) the effects of this interruption on cortical auditory processing; ii)the effect of the workload on activation pattern.A 36 year old man suffered from a small left mesencephalic haemotrhage, due to cavernous angioma; the let% inferior colliculuswas resected in the surgical approach of the vascular malformation. In the acute stage, the patient complained of auditoryhallucinations and of auditory loss in right ear, while tonal audiometry was normal. At 12 months, auditory recognition, auditorylocalisation (assessed by lTD and IID cues) and auditory motion perception were normal (Clarke et al., 2000), while verbal dichoticlistening was deficient on the right side.Sound recognition and sound localisation activation patterns were investigated with fMRI, using a passive and an activeparadigm. In normal subjects, distinct cortical networks were involved in sound recognition and localisation, both in passive andactive paradigm (Maeder et al., 2OOOa, 2000b).Passive listening of environmental and spatial stimuli as compared to rest strongly activated right auditory cortex, but failed toactivate left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation could not be visual&d onthe right and only minimally on the left convexity. A very different activation pattern was obtained in the active condition wherea motor response was required. Workload not only increased the activation of the right auditory cortex, but also allowed theactivation of the left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation were almostcompletely present in both hemispheres.These results show that increasing the workload can i) help to recruit cortical region in the auditory deafferented hemisphere;and ii) lead to processing auditory information within specific cortical networks.References:Clarke et al. (2000). Neuropsychologia 38: 797-807.Mae.der et al. (2OOOa), Neuroimage 11: S52.Maeder et al. (2OOOb), Neuroimage 11: S33


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After antigen driven activationnaïve CD8 T cells develop intocytolytic effector cells and subsequentlyinto memory cells. The molecularinteractions orchestrating Tcell activation are complex and we sofar have a limited understanding howindividual signals impact the Tcell response.Using OT-1 TCR transgeniccells and Listeria monocytogenesstrains expressing a set of altered peptideligands (APL) for the OT-1 TCRwe have recently studied how thelevel of TCR stimulation impacts theT cell response in vivo. We therebyobserved that even very low levels ofTCR stimulation are sufficient forfunctional effector and memoryT celldifferentiation. In order to addresshow much further the level of TCRstimulation can be reduced until the Tcells do not become activated anymore,we generated additional OT-1APL expressing Listeria strains. TheAPLused in our present study cover arange of potency down to the level ofpositive selection. Using all our APLListeria strains we can demonstratethat the threshold of peripheral T cellactivation is above the level of positiveselection but far below the levelthat is thought to be required for negativeselection. Furthermore, we characterizedthe thresholds of activatingmemory T cells and found them intrinsicallyto be very similar to thoseof naïve T cells. However, we observedthat T cell competition at thelevel of antigen presenting cells criticallyraises the activation threshold ofmemory CD8 T cells. Taken togetherour data indicate that the threshold foractivating T cells critically dependson the context and the environment inwhich T cells respond to antigen.


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Whether adenosine, a crucial regulator of the developing cardiovascular system, can provoke arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart remains controversial. Here, we aimed to establish a mechanistic basis of how an adenosinergic stimulation alters function of the developing heart. Spontaneously beating hearts or dissected atria and ventricle obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to adenosine or specific agonists of the receptors A(1)AR (CCPA), A(2A)AR (CGS-21680) and A(3)AR (IB-MECA). Expression of the receptors was determined by quantitative PCR. The functional consequences of blockade of NADPH oxidase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase C (PKC) and L-type calcium channel (LCC) in combination with adenosine or CCPA, were investigated in vitro by electrocardiography. Furthermore, the time-course of ERK phosphorylation was determined by western blotting. Expression of A(1)AR, A(2A)AR and A(2B)AR was higher in atria than in ventricle while A(3)AR was equally expressed. Adenosine (100μM) triggered transient atrial ectopy and second degree atrio-ventricular blocks (AVB) whereas CCPA induced mainly Mobitz type I AVB. Atrial rhythm and atrio-ventricular propagation fully recovered after 60min. These arrhythmias were prevented by the specific A(1)AR antagonist DPCPX. Adenosine and CCPA transiently increased ERK phosphorylation and induced arrhythmias in isolated atria but not in ventricle. By contrast, A(2A)AR and A(3)AR agonists had no effect. Interestingly, the proarrhythmic effect of A(1)AR stimulation was markedly reduced by inhibition of NADPH oxidase, ERK, PLC, PKC or LCC. Moreover, NADPH oxidase inhibition or antioxidant MPG prevented both A(1)AR-mediated arrhythmias and ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that pacemaking and conduction disturbances are induced via A(1)AR through concomitant stimulation of NADPH oxidase and PLC, followed by downstream activation of ERK and PKC with LCC as possible target.


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Recent findings have implicated Fas/Fas ligand (FasL) in mediating the death of keratinocytes in spongiotic lesions. We asked whether dying keratinocytes could potentially initiate a protective response of the skin to limit the destruction of the epidermis in the spongiotic areas. In addition to apoptosis, treatment of keratinocyte cultures in vitro with FasL triggers a profound phoshorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and of its downstream effectors ERK and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). Using a variety of inhibitors and blocking antibodies, we demonstrated that: (i) apoptosis is required for the generation of the signal(s) leading to the activation of EGFR, ERK, and Akt; (ii) the activation of EGFR, ERK, and Akt by FasL is indeed mediated by its bona fide receptor Fas; (iii) the activation of EGFR is essential for the subsequent activation of ERK and Akt; and (iv) apoptotic keratinocytes secrete soluble EGFR ligands (including amphiregulin) that are processed from membrane-bound proligand forms by metalloproteinase(s). Our findings demonstrate a potential mechanism for the restriction and repair of spongiotic damage in eczemas.


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Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by aggressive osteolysis, particularly affecting the carpal and tarsal bones, and is frequently associated with progressive renal failure. Using exome capture and next-generation sequencing in five unrelated simplex cases of MCTO, we identified previously unreported missense mutations clustering within a 51 base pair region of the single exon of MAFB, validated by Sanger sequencing. A further six unrelated simplex cases with MCTO were also heterozygous for previously unreported mutations within this same region, as were affected members of two families with autosomal-dominant MCTO. MAFB encodes a transcription factor that negatively regulates RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and is essential for normal renal development. Identification of this gene paves the way for development of novel therapeutic approaches for this crippling disease and provides insight into normal bone and kidney development.


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The NLRP3 inflammasome has a major role in regulating innate immunity. Deregulated inflammasome activity is associated with several inflammatory diseases, yet little is known about the signaling pathways that lead to its activation. Here we show that NLRP3 interacted with thioredoxin (TRX)-interacting protein (TXNIP), a protein linked to insulin resistance. Inflammasome activators such as uric acid crystals induced the dissociation of TXNIP from thioredoxin in a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-sensitive manner and allowed it to bind NLRP3. TXNIP deficiency impaired activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and subsequent secretion of interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta). Akin to Txnip(-/-) mice, Nlrp3(-/-) mice showed improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. The participation of TXNIP in the NLRP3 inflammasome activation may provide a mechanistic link to the observed involvement of IL-1beta in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.


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SUMMARY LatY136F knock-in mice harbor a point mutation in tyrosine 136 of the linker for activation of T cells (LAT), and show accumulation of TH2 effector cells leading to IgG1 and IgE hypergammaglobulinemia. The observed polyclonal. B cell activation was not a direct effect of the mutation on B cells since in the absence of T cells mutant B cells did not show an activated phenotype. After adoptive transfer of LAT mutant T cells into wild type (WT) Tcell-deficient recipients, recipient B cells became activated. We show in vivo and in vitro that the LatY136F mutation promotes Tcell-dependent B cell activation leading to germinal center, memory and plasma cell formation even in the absence of MHC class II. This effect was, however, dependant on CD40 and CD80/CD86. All the plasma and memory B cell populations found in physiological T cell-dependent B cell responses were found. Characterization of the abundant plasmablasts observed in. secondary lymphoid organs of LatY136F mice revealed the presence of a previously uncharacterized CD93expressing subpopulation, whose existence was confirmed in WT mice after immunization. In LatY136F mice, B cell activation was polyclonal and not antigen-driven, since the increase in serum IgG1 and IgE concentrations involved antibodies and autoantibodies with different specificities equally. Although the non-complement-fixing IgG1 and IgE were the only isotypes significantly increased in LatY136F serum, we observed early onset of systemic autoimmunity with nephritis showing IgE autoantibody deposits and severe proteinuria. These results show that TH2 cells developing in LatY136F mice can trigger polyclonal B cell activation and thereby lead to systemic autoimmune disease. RESUME Les souris présentent une mutation ponctuelle au niveau de la tyrosine 136 de l'adaptateur requis pour l'activation des cellules T (LAT) et développent, de ce fait, une accumulation de cellules T effectrices de type TH2 ainsi qu'une hypergammaglobulémie des isotypes IgG1 et IgE. Dans ce modèle murin, l'activation des cellules B et la production d'anticorps qui y est associée ne sont pas dues à un effet direct de la mutation. Nous avons mis en évidence que l'interaction physique entre cellules T activées et cellules B est indispensable au développement de ce phenotype. D'un point de vue moléculaire, cette interaction ne requiert pas l'intervention des complexes majeurs d'histocompatibilité de classe II, garant de la spécificité d'une réponse immunitaire. Cependant, les molécules de costimulation CD40 et CD80/CD86 sont indispensables à une réponse complète des cellules B. Les souris LatY136F développent d'importantes populations de cellules B des centres germinatifs, de cellules B mémoires ainsi que de cellules sécrétant des anticorps, qui présentent les mêmes caractéristiques que lors d'une réponse immunitaire à un antigène classique. En observant plus précisément les plasmablastes présents dans les ganglions des souris LatY13sF, nous avons détecté une sous-population exprimant CD93; l'expression de ce marqueur par les cellules B n'a jamais été mise en évidence durant une réponse immunitaire. Cependant, notre étude a permis de confirmer sa présence, dans les ganglions de souris de type sauvage, lors d'immunisation avec différents antigènes. Nous avons montré que l'activation des cellules B des souris LatY136F est polyclonale et n'est pas dirigée par un antigène; les taux d'autoanticorps augmentent de manière proportionnelle à ceux des anticorps totaux. Bien que les IgG1 et les IgE ne soient pas des isotypes connus pour leurs propriétés pathogéniques, nous avons observé le développement d'une autoimmunité systémique caractérisée par une néphrite impliquant des dépôts d'autoanticorps du type IgE ainsi que par une sévère proteinurée.


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AbstractEstablishment of a functional nervous system occurs through an orchestrated multistep process during embryogenesis. As dendrites are the primary sites of synaptic connections, development of dendritic arborization is essential for the formation of functional neural circuits. Maturation of dendritic arbor occurs through dynamic processes that are regulated by intrinsic genetic factors and external signals, such as environmental stimuli, neuronal activity and growth factors. Among the latter, the neurotrophic factor BDNF is a key regulator of dendritic growth. However, the mechanisms by which BDNF controls dendritic development remain elusive.In this study, we first showed that activation of the MAPK signaling pathway and phosphorylation of the transcription factor CREB are required to mediate the effects of BDNF on dendritic development of cortical neurons. However, phosphorylation of CREB alone is not sufficient to induce dendritic growth in response to BDNF. Thus, by using a mutant form of CREB unable to bind its coactivator CRTC1, we demonstrated that BDNF-induced dendritic elaboration requires the functional interaction between CREB and CRTC1. Consistent with these observations, inhibition of CRTC1 expression by shRNA-mediated knockdown was found to suppress the effects of BDNF on dendritic length and branching of cortical neurons.The nuclear translocation of CRTC1, a step necessary for the interaction between CREB and CRTC1, was shown to result from the activation of NMD A receptors by glutamate, leading to the dephosphorylation of CRTC1 by the protein phosphatase calcineurin. In line with these findings, prevention of CRTC1 nuclear translocation in the absence of glutamate, or by inhibiting NMDA receptors or calcineurin suppressed the promotion of dendritic growth by BDNF.Increasing evidence supports a role for the growth factor HGF in the regulation of dendritic morphology during brain development. Despite these observations, little is known about the cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of HGF on dendritic elaboration of cortical neurons. The second part of this study was aimed at elucidating the cellular processes that mediate the effects of HGF on dendritic differentiation. We found that HGF increases cortical dendritic growth through mechanisms that involve MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of CREB, and interaction of CREB with its coactivator CRTC1. These data indicate that the mechanisms underlying the promotion of dendritic growth by HGF are similar to those that mediate the effects of BDNF, suggesting that the role of CREB and CRTC1 in the regulation of dendritic development may not be limited to HGF and BDNF, but may extend to other neurotrophic factors that control dendritic differentiation.Together, these results identify a previously unrecognized mechanism by which CREB and its coactivator CRTC1 mediate the effects of BDNF and HGF on dendritic growth of cortical neurons. Moreover, these data highlight the important role of the cooperation between BDNF/HGF and glutamate that converges on CREB to stimulate the expression of genes that contribute to the development of dendritic arborization.RésuméL'établissement d'un système nerveux fonctionnel s'accomplit grâce à des mécanismes précis, orchestrés en plusieurs étapes au cours de l'embryogenèse. Les dendrites étant les principaux sites de connexions synaptiques, le développement de l'arborisation dendritique est essentiel à la formation de circuits neuronaux fonctionnels. La maturation de l'arbre dendritique s'effectue grâce à des processus dynamiques qui sont régulés par des facteurs génétiques intrinsèques ainsi que par des facteurs externes tels que les stimuli environnementaux, l'activité neuronale ou les facteurs de croissance. Parmi ces derniers, le facteur neurotrophique BDNF est - connu pour être un régulateur clé de la croissance dendritique. Cependant, les mécanismes par lesquels BDNF contrôle le développement dendritique demeurent mal connus.Au cours de cette étude, nous avons montré dans un premier temps que l'activation de la voie de signalisation de la MAPK et la phosphorylation du facteur de transcription CREB sont nécessaires aux effets du BDNF sur le développement dendritique des neurones corticaux. Toutefois, la phosphorylation de CREB en tant que telle n'est pas sûffisante pour permettre la pousse des dendrites en réponse au BDNF. Ainsi, en utilisant une forme mutée de CREB incapable de se lier à son coactivateur CRTC1, nous avons démontré que l'élaboration des dendrites induite par le BDNF nécessite également une interaction fonctionnelle entre CREB et CRTC1. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par d'autres expériences qui ont montré que l'inhibition de l'expression de CRTC1 par l'intermédiaire de shRNA supprime les effets du BDNF sur la longueur et le branchement dendritique des neurones corticaux.Les résultats obtenus au cours de ce travail montrent également que la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1, qui est une étape nécessaire à l'interaction entre CREB et CRTC1, résulte de l'activation des récepteurs NMDA par le glutamate, entraînant la déphosphorylation de CRTC1 par la protéine phosphatase calcineurine. De plus, le blocage de la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1 en absence de glutamate, ou suite à l'inhibition des récepteurs NMDA ou de la calcineurine, supprime complètement la pousse des dendrites induite par le BDNF.De nombreuses d'évidences indiquent que le facteur de croissance HGF joue également un rôle important dans la régulation de la morphologie dendritique au cours du développement cérébral. Malgré ces observations, peu d'éléments sont connus quant aux mécanismes cellulaires qui sous-tendent les effets du HGF sur la croissance dendritique des neurones corticaux. Le but de la seconde partie de cette étude a eu pour but d'élucider les processus cellulaires responsables des effets du HGF sur la différenciation dendritique des neurones corticaux. Au cours de ces expériences, nous avons pu mettre en évidence que le HGF induit la pousse dendritique par des mécanismes qui impliquent la phosphorylation de CREB par la MAPK, et l'interaction de CREB avec son coactivateur CRTC1. Ces données indiquent que les mécanismes impliqués dans la stimulation de la croissance dendritique par le HGF sont similaires à ceux régulant les effets du BDNF, ce qui suggère que le rôle de CREB et de CRTC1 dans la régulation du développement dendritique n'est vraisemblablement pas limité aux effets du HGF ou du BDNF, mais pourrait s'étendre à d'autres facteurs neurotrophiques qui contrôlent la différenciation dendritique.En conclusion, ces résultats ont permis l'identification d'un nouveau mécanisme par lequel CREB et son coactivateur CRTC1 transmettent les effets du BDNF et du HGF sur la croissance dendritique de neurones corticaux. Ces observations mettent également en évidence le rôle important joué par la coopération entre BDNF/HGF et le glutamate, dans l'activation de CREB ainsi que dans l'expression de gènes qui participent au développement de l'arborisation dendritique des neurones corticaux.


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Plasmodium sporozoites traverse several host cells before infecting hepatocytes. In the process, the plasma membranes of the cells are ruptured, resulting in the release of cytosolic factors into the microenvironment. This released endogenous material is highly stimulatory/immunogenic and can serve as a danger signal initiating distinct responses in various cells. Thus, our study aimed at characterizing the effect of cell material leakage during Plasmodium infection on cultured mouse primary hepatocytes and HepG2 cells. We observed that wounded cell-derived cytosolic factors activate NF-kappaB, a main regulator of host inflammatory responses, in cells bordering wounded cells, which are potential host cells for final parasite infection. This activation of NF-kappaB occurred shortly after infection and led to a reduction of infection load in a time-dependent manner in vitro and in vivo, an effect that could be reverted by addition of the specific NF-kappaB inhibitor BAY11-7082. Furthermore, no NF-kappaB activation was observed when Spect(-/-) parasites, which are devoid of hepatocyte traversing properties, were used. We provide further evidence that NF-kappaB activation causes the induction of inducible NO synthase expression in hepatocytes, and this is, in turn, responsible for a decrease in Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes. Furthermore, primary hepatocytes from MyD88(-/-) mice showed no NF-kappaB activation and inducible NO synthase expression upon infection, suggesting a role of the Toll/IL-1 receptor family members in sensing cytosolic factors. Indeed, lack of MyD88 significantly increased infection in vitro and in vivo. Thus, host cell wounding due to parasite migration induces inflammation which limits the extent of parasite infection


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The aim of a large number of studies on G protein-coupled receptors was centered on understanding the structural basis of their main functional properties. Here, we will briefly review the results obtained on the alpha1-adrenergic receptor subtypes belonging to the rhodopsin-like family of receptors. These findings contribute, on the one hand, to further understand the molecular basis of adrenergic transmission and, on the other, to provide some generalities on the structure-functional relationship of G protein-coupled receptors.