928 resultados para Life cycle stages


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Echinopsis leucantha (Gillies ex Salm- Dyck) Walp. es una especie endémica ampliamente distribuida en Argentina. En el centro oeste de Argentina y en la provincia de Mendoza las poblaciones de este cactus están siendo cada vez más afectadas por las urbanizaciones y cultivos que ponen en peligro su supervivencia. Una de las fases críticas del ciclo de vida de dicho cactus es la germinación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la germinación a diferentes concentraciones de calcio bajo temperaturas de 20 y 27°C. La mejor respuesta de la germinación de las semillas de Echinopsis leucantha fue lograda con temperaturas de 27°C ya que adelantó los tiempos de inicio de germinación (4 días) y alcanzó a tener el 50% de germinación (entre 9 y 11 días). La mejor respuesta de la germinación a los tratamientos con las concentraciones de calcio fue obtenida con 10 meq/l a temperaturas de 27°C, aunque no altamente significativa. Los porcentajes finales de germinación (aproximadamente 90%) no fueron significativos ya que bajo estas dos temperaturas y a diferentes concentraciones, incluyendo los testigos, lograron resultados semejantes.


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The paleoecology of Cretaceous planktic foraminifera during the Late Cenomanian to Coniacian period (~95-86 Ma) remains controversial since much of the tropical marine record is preserved as chalk and limestone with uncertain geochemical overprints. Here we present delta13C and delta18O data from sieve size fractions of monospecific samples of exceptionally well preserved planktic foraminifera recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 (Demerara Rise, western tropical Atlantic). Our results suggest that all species studied (Hedbergella delrioensis, Heterohelix globulosa, Marginotruncana sinuosa, Whiteinella baltica) grew primarily in surface waters and did not change their depth habitat substantially during their life cycle. Comparison of size-related ontogenetic trends in delta13C in Cretaceous and modern foraminifera further suggests that detection of dinoflagellate photosymbiosis using delta13C is confounded by physiological effects during the early stages of foraminifer growth, raising doubts about previous interpretations of photosymbiosis in small foraminifera species. We propose that obligate photosymbiosis involving dinoflagellates may not have evolved until the Campanian or Maastrichtian since our survey of Cenomanian-Coniacian species does not find the delta18O and delta13C size-related trends observed in modern foraminifer-dinoflagellate symbioses.


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There is a long tradition of river monitoring using macroinvertebrate communities to assess environmental quality in Europe. A promising alternative is the use of species life-history traits. Both methods, however, have relied on the time-consuming identification of taxa. River biotopes, 1-100 m**2 'habitats' with associated species assemblages, have long been seen as a useful and meaningful way of linking the ecology of macroinvertebrates and river hydro-morphology and can be used to assess hydro-morphological degradation in rivers. Taxonomic differences, however, between different rivers had prevented a general test of this concept until now. The species trait approach may overcome this obstacle across broad geographical areas, using biotopes as the hydro-morphological units which have characteristic species trait assemblages. We collected macroinvertebrate data from 512 discrete patches, comprising 13 river biotopes, from seven rivers in England and Wales. The aim was to test whether river biotopes were better predictors of macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition (genera, families, orders) in rivers, independently of the phylogenetic effects and catchment scale characteristics (i.e. hydrology, geography and land cover). We also tested whether species richness and diversity were better related to biotopes than to rivers. River biotopes explained 40% of the variance in macroinvertebrate trait profiles across the rivers, largely independently of catchment characteristics. There was a strong phylogenetic signature, however. River biotopes were about 50% better at predicting macroinvertebrate trait profiles than taxonomic composition across rivers, no matter which taxonomic resolution was used. River biotopes were better than river identity at explaining the variability in taxonomic richness and diversity (40% and <=10%, respectively). Detailed trait-biotope associations agreed with independent a priori predictions relating trait categories to near river bed flows. Hence, species traits provided a much needed mechanistic understanding and predictive ability across a broad geographical area. We show that integration of the multiple biological trait approach with river biotopes at the interface between ecology and hydro-morphology provides a wealth of new information and potential applications for river science and management.


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Understanding how copepods may respond to ocean acidification (OA) is critical for risk assessments of ocean ecology and biogeochemistry. The perception that copepods are insensitive to OA is largely based on experiments with adult females. Their apparent resilience to increased carbon dioxide (pCO2) concentrations has supported the view that copepods are 'winners' under OA. Here, we show that this conclusion is not robust, that sensitivity across different life stages is significantly misrepresented by studies solely using adult females. Stage-specific responses to pCO2 (385-6000 µatm) were studied across different life stages of a calanoid copepod, monitoring for lethal and sublethal responses. Mortality rates varied significantly across the different life stages, with nauplii showing the highest lethal effects; nauplii mortality rates increased threefold when pCO2 concentrations reached 1000 µatm (year 2100 scenario) with LC50 at 1084 µatm pCO2. In comparison, eggs, early copepodite stages, and adult males and females were not affected lethally until pCO2 concentrations >= 3000 µatm. Adverse effects on reproduction were found, with >35% decline in nauplii recruitment at 1000 µatm pCO2. This suppression of reproductive scope, coupled with the decreased survival of early stage progeny at this pCO2 concentration, has clear potential to damage population growth dynamics in this species. The disparity in responses seen across the different developmental stages emphasizes the need for a holistic life-cycle approach to make species-level projections to climate change. Significant misrepresentation and error propagation can develop from studies which attempt to project outcomes to future OA conditions solely based on single life history stage exposures.


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The worldwide effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine species are a growing concern. In temperate coastal seas, seaweeds are dominant primary producers that create complex habitats and supply energy to higher trophic levels. Studies on OA and macroalgae have focused on calcifying species and adult stages but, critically, they have overlooked the microscopic stages of the reproductive life cycle, which, for other anthropogenic stress e.g. UV-B radiation, are the most susceptible life-history phase. Also, environmental cues and stressors can cause changes in the sex ratio which has implications for the mating system and recruitment success. Here, we report the effects of pH (7.59-8.50) on meiospore germination and sex determination for the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales), in the presence and absence of additional dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Lowered pH (7.59-7.60, using HCl-only) caused a significant reduction in germination, while added DIC had the opposite effect, indicating that increased CO2 at lower pH ameliorates physiological stress. This finding also highlights the importance of appropriate manipulation of seawater carbonate chemistry when testing the effects of ocean acidification on photosynthetic organisms. The proportion of male to female gametophytes did not vary significantly between treatments suggesting that pH was not a primary environmental modulator of sex. Relative to the baseline (pH 8.19), gametophytes were 32% larger under moderate OA (pH 7.86) compared to their size (10% increase) under extreme OA (pH 7.61). This study suggests that metabolically-active cells can compensate for the acidification of seawater. This homeostatic function minimises the negative effects of lower pH (high H+ ions) on cellular activity. The 6-9% reduction in germination success under extreme OA suggests that meiospores of M.pyrifera may be resistant to future ocean acidification.


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Early life history stages of marine organisms are generally thought to be more sensitive to environmental stress than adults. Although most marine invertebrates are broadcast spawners, some species are brooders and/or protect their embryos in egg or capsules. Brooding and encapsulation strategies are typically assumed to confer greater safety and protection to embryos, although little is known about the physico-chemical conditions within egg capsules. In the context of ocean acidification, the protective role of encapsulation remains to be investigated. To address this issue, we conducted experiments on the gastropod Crepidula fornicata. This species broods its embryos within capsules located under the female and veliger larvae are released directly into the water column. C. fornicata adults were reared at the current level of CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) (390 µatm) and at elevated levels (750 and 1400 µatm) before and after fertilization and until larval release, such that larval development occurred entirely at a given pCO2. The pCO2 effects on shell morphology, the frequency of abnormalities and mineralization level were investigated on released larvae. Shell length decreased by 6% and shell surface area by 11% at elevated pCO2 (1400 µatm). The percentage of abnormalities was 1.5- to 4-fold higher at 750 µatm and 1400 µatm pCO2, respectively, than at 390 µatm. The intensity of birefringence, used as a proxy for the mineralization level of the larval shell, also decreased with increasing pCO2. These negative results are likely explained by increased intracapsular acidosis due to elevated pCO2 in extracapsular seawater. The encapsulation of C. fornicata embryos did not protect them against the deleterious effects of a predicted pCO2 increase. Nevertheless, C. fornicata larvae seemed less affected than other mollusk species. Further studies are needed to identify the critical points of the life cycle in this species in light of future ocean acidification.


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Under the 12th International Conference on Building Materials and Components is inserted this communication related to the field of management of those assets that constitute the Spanish Cultural Heritage and maintenance. This work is related to the field of management of those assets that constitute the Spanish Cultural Heritage which share an artistic or historical background. The conservation and maintenance become a social demand necessary for the preservation of public values, requiring the investment of necessary resources. The legal protection involves a number of obligations and rights to ensure the conservation and heritage protection. The duty of maintenance and upkeep exceeds the useful life the property that must endure more for their cultural value for its usability. The establishment of the necessary conditions to prevent deterioration and precise in order to fulfill its social function, seeking to prolong the life of the asset, preserving their physical integrity and its ability to convey the values protected. This obligation implies a substantial financial effort to the holder of the property, either public or private entity, addressing a problem of economic sustainability. Economic exploitation, with the aim of contributing to their well-maintained, is sometimes the best way to get resources. The work will include different lines of research with the following objectives. - Establishment of processes for assessing total costs over the building life cycle (LCC), during the planning stages or maintenance budgets to determine the most advantageous operating system. - Relationship between the value of property and maintenance costs, and establishing a sensitivity analysis.


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The improvement of energy efficiency in existing buildings is always a challenge due to their particular, and sometimes protected, constructive solutions. New constructive regulations in Spain leave a big undefined gap when a restoration is considered because they were developed for new buildings. However, rehabilitation is considered as an opportunity for many properties because it allows owners to obtain benefits from the use of the buildings. The current financial and housing crisis has turned society point of view to existing buildings and making them more efficient is one of the Spanish government’s aims. The economic viability of a rehabilitation action should take all factors into account: both construction costs and the future operative costs of the building must be considered. Nevertheless, the application of these regulations in Spain is left to the designer’s opinion and always under a subjective point of view. With the research work described in this paper and with the help of some case-studies, the cost of adapting an existing building to the new constructive regulations will be studied and Energetic Efficiency will be evaluated depending on how the investment is recovered. The interest of the research is based on showing how new constructive solutions can achieve higher levels of efficiency in terms of energy, construction and economy and it will demonstrate that Life Cycle Costing analysis can be a mechanism to find the advantages and disadvantages of using these new constructive solutions. Therefore, this paper has the following objectives: analysing constructive solutions in existing buildings - to establish a process for assessing total life cycle costs (LCC) during the planning stages with consideration of future operating costs - to select the most advantageous operating system – To determine the return on investment in terms of construction costs based on new techniques, the achieved energy savings and investment payback periods.


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The purpose of this study is to determine the critical wear levels of the contact wire of the catenary on metropolitan lines. The study has focussed on the zones of contact wire where localised wear is produced, normally associated with the appearance of electric arcs. To this end, a finite element model has been developed to study the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction. The model includes a zone of localised wear and a singularity in the contact wire in order to simulate the worst case scenario from the point of view of stresses. In order to consider the different stages in the wire wear process, different depths and widths of the localised wear zone were defined. The results of the dynamic simulations performed for each stage of wear let the area of the minimum resistant section of the contact wire be determined for which stresses are greater than the allowable stress. The maximum tensile stress reached in the contact wire shows a clear sensitivity to the size of the local wear zone, defined by its width and depth. In this way, if the wear measurements taken with an overhead line recording vehicle are analysed, it will be possible to calculate the potential breakage risk of the wire. A strong dependence of the tensile forces of the contact wire has also been observed. These results will allow priorities to be set for replacing the most critical sections of wire, thereby making maintenance much more efficient. The results obtained show that the wire replacement criteria currently borne in mind have turned out to be appropriate, although in some wear scenarios these criteria could be adjusted even more, and so prolong the life cycle of the contact wire.


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En el estudio buscamos caracterizar el análisis de la SOSTENIBILIDAD (Suficiencia) del CICLO DE VIDA de una INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA centrándonos en la evaluación de los aspectos SOCIALES (de forma Interdisciplinaria o Transversal) que le afectan y considerando todos los AGENTES involucrados (ingenieros/ operadores/ mantenedores/ usuarios/ stakeholders/ etc.). La complejidad de las interacciones entre los edificios y su entorno hace que sea difícil definir y evaluar con precisión la sostenibilidad de un edificio. Las NORMAS AMBIENTALES para la construcción (unas pocas existentes y algunos en fase de desarrollo) se centran en la sostenibilidad ECONÓMICA, SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL que caracteriza a un edificio, siendo los aspectos socio-económicos difíciles de evaluar. En consecuencia, los métodos existentes para la evaluación de la construcción sostenible (por ejemplo, LEED, BREEAM, SBTool) tienden a superar los aspectos ambientales pues son más fáciles de evaluar de manera cuantitativa. Así desde el punto de vista holístico (global) y utilizando la teoría de sistemas complejos, la sostenibilidad debe ser evaluada, en parte, utilizando los INDICADORES DE SOSTENIBILIDAD SOCIALES Y ECONÓMICOS para cubrir todos los factores de Sostenibilidad. El estudio propone una metodología para valorar la sostenibilidad en la construcción aeroportuaria a través de la evaluación de los indicadores sostenibles de la construcción (SKPIs) sin y superando las carencias presentadas. Para ello hemos implementado una herramienta de evaluación de la sostenibilidad, donde: Puede evaluar, en primer aproximación e independientemente, la sostenibilidad del CICLO DE VIDA de la INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA Puede COMPLETAR otras herramientas comerciales disponibles (ej. BREEAM, LEED), bajo un enfoque ECONÓMICO-SOCIAL y complementando el enfoque ambiental La evaluación de los KPIs se realiza por medio de TECNOLOGÍAS Y ESTRATEGIAS SOSTENIBLES, cuya aplicación supondría un aumento de la sostenibilidad del edificio La herramienta propuesta considera la complejidad y transdisciplinariedad del problema, fundada en un SISTEMA DE CRÉDITOS fácil de usar. Así el programa diseñado permite el análisis y la comparación del CICLO DE VIDA de la INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA: Abarcando las etapas de construcción (diseño, operación, mantenimiento, etc.) Incluyendo a todos los agentes de construcción (ocupantes, stakeholders, constructores, etc.) Finalmente, se aporta un ejemplo teórico de una INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA (Terminal Aeroportuaria) para fijar, demostrar y discutir el estudio presentado Abstract We seek to characterize the sustainability analysis of the life cycle of a building focus us on the evaluation of social aspect. From a holistic point of view and using complex systems theory, sustainability must be evaluated, in part, using social key performance indicator (KPI) to cover all factors of sustainability. The most remarkable of the proposed framework is to provide a methodology to achieve the sustainability in construction through the assessment of social KPIs. Besides we implement a tool to assess sustainability, where this tool could complete other commercial tools available (e.g. BREEAM, LEED). The proposed tool considers the complexity and trans-disciplinary of the problem. The procedure is based on a credit system easy to use. It also allows analysis and comparison of the boundary conditions of the building, embracing construction stages (design, operation), involving all the building agents (occupants, stakeholders, etc.)


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Insulating materials in buildings are one of the main factors that should be taken into account when talking about sustainability since with a correct application it could imply important savings for the citizens. In the course of its life, a building requires a series of supplies to perform the duties it has been built for, generating an impact on the environment. The selection of one material or another will establish partly the global environmental impact of the building. Choosing the right insulating material will determine the building's general degree of sustainability, both in its heating savings (energy consumption) and in the environmental impacts caused by its LCA (greenhouse gas emissions). Therefore, we propose to establish guidelines to characterize the insulating material with a better environmental performance in all the stages of its life cycle, taking into account the construction system, the use of the building and its location.


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La producción y el transporte a obra de los productos cerámicos de carácter estructural suponen un importante consumo energético, que conlleva la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. El objetivo de la presente Tesis es demostrar la existencia de importantes diferencias en el valor del impacto ambiental asociado a los productos de cerámica estructural fabricados en España, y que estas diferencias podrían quedar cuantificadas y reflejadas mediante un análisis de Huella de Carbono y de la Energía Embebida. Se parte de la inexistencia en España, de base de datos contrastada y consensuada, que establezca las cargas medioambientales en función del tipo de producto cerámico a utilizar. Se realiza en la primera parte del estudio una revisión del estado actual de la Huella de Carbono y la Energía Embebida en el campo de los materiales de construcción, y más concretamente en el sector de la cerámica estructural, que sirve para acotar los límites del estudio y justificar el objeto de la Tesis. La investigación se acota a las etapas de producción y transporte a obra de los productos (estudio cuna a puerta con opciones), al considerar que son éstas, a priori, las que tienen una mayor incidencia en el comportamiento ambiental del producto. Siguiendo los pasos definidos en la normativa aplicable (definición del mapa de procesos – límites y alcance – inventario – cálculo y evaluación), se establece un método específico de identificación y cuantificación de las variables que determinan la Huella de Carbono y Energía Embebida de los productos cerámicos, en función de la tipología de producto. La información necesaria (inventario) se obtiene principalmente con recogida de datos “in situ” de fábricas de productos cerámicos, lo que garantiza que la información tratada en este estudio es de primer nivel. La información se complementa/contrasta con fuentes bibliográficas. Se determinan 6 variables con influencia global en el impacto ambiental, 44 variables principales y 39 secundarias, estableciendo las fórmulas de cálculo a partir de dichas variables. Los resultados de cálculo y evaluación determinan que, para unas mismas condiciones de fabricación, las diferencias entre productos cerámicos llegan hasta un 27% para la Huella de Carbono y un 35% para Energía Embebida. La relevancia que alcanza el impacto asociado al transporte del producto a obra puede llegar hasta un 40% del total. El método de cálculo y las fórmulas desarrolladas se integran en una hoja de cálculo, para el cálculo de Huella de Carbono y Energía Embebida de los productos cerámicos, que permite, a su vez, conocer la repercusión medioambiental que tiene la introducción de modificaciones o innovaciones en el proceso de producción o transporte a obra. Así mismo, el trabajo desarrollado ha servido para poner en relieve una serie de problemas y falta de información en el campo de la cerámica estructural y el medioambiente que pueden ser objeto de futuras líneas de investigación, tanto para el sector de la edificación como para la comunidad científica, pudiendo implementar la metodología desarrollada en otras investigaciones. Se considera que la investigación realizada y sus resultados suponen una aportación importante para conocer y reducir el impacto ambiental de los edificios, desde la perspectiva del ciclo de vida y considerando que el impacto ambiental de un edificio comienza desde el momento en que se extraen las materias primas para la fabricación de los materiales con los que se construyen los edificios. ABSTRACT The production and transport of structural ceramic products involves an important energy consumption, which leads to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The objective of the research is to demonstrate the existence of significant differences in the value of the environmental impact of structural ceramic products manufactured in Spain, and these differences could be quantified by the Carbon Footprint and Embodied Energy. It starts from the absence in Spain, of contrasted and agreed databases that establish the environmental loads depending on the type of ceramic product. In the first part of the study reviews the current state of the Carbon Footprint and Embedded Energy in the field of building materials, and more specifically in the field of structural ceramics, which serves to limit the scope of the study and justify the purpose of this Thesis. The Research is bounded to production and transportation stages of (cradle to gate with options), considering they are the stages that have a greater impact on the environmental performance of the product. Following the steps defined in applicable rules (definition of process map - boundaries and scope – inventory analysis- calculation and impact assessment), it sets a specific method for the identification and quantification of the variables that determine the Carbon Footprint and Embedded Energy of structural ceramic products, depending on the type of product. The information (inventory) is given mainly with a data collection in ceramic factories (and in a consultation with the manufactures of the products), ensuring that the information handled in this Thesis is a first rate data. It is established 6 variables with a global influence in the environmental impact, 44 primary and 39 secondary variables, establishing calculation formula from these variables. The results of calculation and assessment determined that, for same manufacturing conditions, the differences between ceramic products reach 27% for Carbon Footprint and 35% for Embodied Energy. The relevance that reaches the impact of transport can reach 40% of the total. The method of calculation and formulas developed are integrated into a simple calculation tool, excel base, to calculate the Carbon Footprint and Embodied Energy of structural ceramic products, which allows, know the environmental impact of changes or innovations in the production process or transport to work. The work also has served to find a problems and gaps in the field of structural ceramics and the environment that may well be the subject of future research, both for the building sector to the scientific community, implementing the methodology developed in other research. It is considered that the research and its results represent an important contribution to understand and reduce the environmental impact of buildings from the perspective of the life cycle, considering that the environmental impact of a building starts from the time that the raw materials are extracted for the manufacture of building materials.


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El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se prevé que lo siga haciendo en los próximos, pero este crecimiento ha estado limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos que, en algunos casos, han llevado a las organizaciones a asumir de nuevo esos servicios (insourcing). Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: falta de experiencia, de capacidades para asumir los proyectos, dificultad en la comunicación,… A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras disciplinas, no existe una metodología que ayude, tanto a los clientes como a los proveedores de servicios de outsourcing de TI, a gobernar y gestionar sus proyectos y conseguir los resultados buscados. En los últimos años han aparecido, al mismo tiempo que la expansión del outsourcing, algunos modelos y marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de los proyectos de outsourcing, pero generalmente sólo cubren algunos aspectos de la gestión. No se los puede considerar metodologías, porque no definen roles, responsabilidades ni entregables. Por lo general, son el resultado de la experiencia en la gestión de otros tipos de proyectos. Hay que considerar también que, excepto eSCM-SP, que es un modelo de buenas prácticas para mejorar la capacidad en la provisión de servicios, están todos orientados al cliente. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por un lado, demostrar la necesidad de contar con una metodología que guíe a los proveedores durante todo el ciclo de vida un proyecto de outsourcing y, por otro, proponer una metodología que contemple desde la fase inicial de la búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio, evaluación de las propuestas RFP, la decisión de hacer una oferta o no para la prestación de servicios, la participación en la due diligence, la firma del contrato, la transición y la entrega de servicios, hasta la finalización del contrato. La metodología se ha organizado en base a un ciclo de vida del outsourcing de cinco etapas, definiendo para cada una de ellas los roles que participan y las responsabilidades que deberán asumir, las actividades a realizar y los entregables que se deberán generar, y que servirán de elementos de control tanto para la gestión del proyecto como para la provisión del servicio. La validación de la metodología se ha realizado aplicándola en proyectos de provisión de servicios de TI de una mediana empresa española y comparando los resultados obtenidos con los conseguidos en proyectos anteriores. ABSTRACT The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing so in the coming years, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects that, in some cases, has led organizations to take back those services (insourcing). These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects, and difficulties of communication. Unlike what happens in other disciplines, there is no methodology for helping both customers and providers of outsourcing services. In recent years, some good practice frameworks have also appeared at the same time as the expansion of outsourcing. They are not methodologies because they have not defined any roles, responsibilities and deliverables. These frameworks aim to help organizations to be successful at managing and governing outsourcing projects. They are usually the result of their experience in managing other kinds of projects. In consequence, it is not appropriate to name them "methodologies" for managing outsourcing projects and much less "standards". It is also important to note that all existing good practice frameworks, except eSCM-SP, are client-oriented. The aim of this thesis is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management, and the proposal of a methodology in which the stages, activities, deliverables, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. The proposed methodology cover all the stages of the outsourcing life cycle, from the early stage of searching for business opportunities, evaluation of the RFP proposals, the decision to bid or not to bid for the service provision, participation in the due diligence if necessary, the signing of the contract, the transition and delivery of service to the termination of the contract. For each activity, roles, responsibilities and deliverables have been defined. The validation of the methodology has been done by applying it in the provision of some outsourcing projects carried out by a Spanish IT medium company and comparing the results with those obtained in previous projects.


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Four European fuel cycle scenarios involving transmutation options (in coherence with PATEROS and CPESFR EU projects) have been addressed from a point of view of resources utilization and economic estimates. Scenarios include: (i) the current fleet using Light Water Reactor (LWR) technology and open fuel cycle, (ii) full replacement of the initial fleet with Fast Reactors (FR) burning U?Pu MOX fuel, (iii) closed fuel cycle with Minor Actinide (MA) transmutation in a fraction of the FR fleet, and (iv) closed fuel cycle with MA transmutation in dedicated Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS). All scenarios consider an intermediate period of GEN-III+ LWR deployment and they extend for 200 years, looking for long term equilibrium mass flow achievement. The simulations were made using the TR_EVOL code, capable to assess the management of the nuclear mass streams in the scenario as well as economics for the estimation of the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and other costs. Results reveal that all scenarios are feasible according to nuclear resources demand (natural and depleted U, and Pu). Additionally, we have found as expected that the FR scenario reduces considerably the Pu inventory in repositories compared to the reference scenario. The elimination of the LWR MA legacy requires a maximum of 55% fraction (i.e., a peak value of 44 FR units) of the FR fleet dedicated to transmutation (MA in MOX fuel, homogeneous transmutation) or an average of 28 units of ADS plants (i.e., a peak value of 51 ADS units). Regarding the economic analysis, the main usefulness of the provided economic results is for relative comparison of scenarios and breakdown of LCOE contributors rather than provision of absolute values, as technological readiness levels are low for most of the advanced fuel cycle stages. The obtained estimations show an increase of LCOE ? averaged over the whole period ? with respect to the reference open cycle scenario of 20% for Pu management scenario and around 35% for both transmutation scenarios. The main contribution to LCOE is the capital costs of new facilities, quantified between 60% and 69% depending on the scenario. An uncertainty analysis is provided around assumed low and high values of processes and technologies.