996 resultados para Lieko, Anneli: Finnish for translators


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After a productivity decrease of established national export industries in Finland such as mobile and paper industries, innovative, smaller companies with the intentions to internationalize right from the start have been proliferating. For software companies early internationalization is an especially good opportunity, as Internet usage becomes increasingly homogeneous across borders and software products often do not need a physical distribution channel. Globalization also makes Finnish companies turn to unfamiliar export markets like Latin America, a very untraditional market for Finns. Relationships consisting of Finnish and Latin American business partners have therefore not been widely studied, especially from a new-age software company’s perspective. To study these partnerships, relationship marketing theory was taken into the core of the study, as its practice focuses mainly on establishing and maintaining relationships with stakeholders at a profit, so that the objectives of all parties are met, which is done by a mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises. The most important dimensions of relationship marketing were identified as trust, commitment and attraction, which were then focused on, as the study aims to understand the implications Latin American business culture has for the understanding, and hence, effective application of relationship marketing in the Latin American market. The question to be answered consecutively was how should the dimensions of trust, commitment and attraction be understood in business relationships in Latin America? The study was conducted by first joining insights given by Latin American business culture literature with overall theories on the three dimensions. Through pattern matching, these insights were compared to empirical evidence collected from business professionals of the Latin American market and from the experiences of Finnish software businesses that had recently expanded into the market. What was found was that previous literature on Latin American business culture had already named many implications for the relationship marketing dimensions that were relevant also for small Finnish software firms on the market. However, key findings also presented important new drivers for the three constructs. Local presence in the area where the Latin American partner is located was found to drive or enhance trust, commitment and attraction. High-frequency follow up procedures were in turn found to drive commitment and attraction. Both local presence and follow up were defined according to the respective evidence in the study. Also, in the context of Finnish software firms in relationships with Latin American partners, the national origins or the foreignness of the Finnish party was seen to enhance trust and attraction in the relationship


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With the proliferation of Internet, online shopping has become an increasingly essential part of global economy and thus, increasingly important field of research. While the internationalization process of a company has for long been in the focus of academic research, internationalization of e-commerce is a much newer field of study. The earlier empirical research has amply pointed out the difficulties of traditional internationalization models to explain the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conversely, business networks have been argued to play a major role in the e-commerce internationalization. The purpose of this study is to study how business networks influence the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conducted as a case study, this research studies the internationalization process of two Finnish e-commerce companies, Hong Kong and Hifi Studio, into possibly one of the most booming online markets - Russia. The empirical findings of the study concur with the earlier literature. The observed internationalization process differs from the assumptions of traditional international business models, and business networks are found influential for the process. However, the behavior of the two studied organizations is observed more independent than the network view to internationalization presumes. The trigger to internationalize rises from within the organizations and market potential is the primary explanation for selection of target markets. No network relationships were found to have an effect on foreign market selection, nor selection of mode of operations. This study indicates that exploring foreign markets is actually about investing in specific relationships within a business network, rather than overcoming economic, institutional, and cultural barriers. Companies utilize a wide array of relationships in their internationalization process and may effectively overcome disadvantages of operating in a foreign market by adopting partnerships with correct partners. However, building and maintaining operational business relationships is a demanding process, and organizations should prefer quality over quantity in their partner selection. Moreover, relationships where the focal party possess significant influence and leverage over other actor should be favored. Lastly, relationships need to be continuously evaluated and assessed in comparison with strategic business goals. Ultimately, e-commerce can be considered a new, low-risk, cost-effective, and relationship-oriented internationalization method, suitable especially in volatile market conditions as Russia today. This revolutionary new mode of international business activity calls for more profound focus of business managers and academia alike, as its weight on global trade continues to grow.


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Presentation at the CRIS2016 conference in St Andrews, June 10, 2016


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A rapidly changing business environment has necessitated most small and medium sized enterprises with international ambitions to reconsider their sources of competitive advantage. To survive in the face of a changing business environment, firms should utilize their dynamic organizational capabilities as well as their internationalization capabilities. Firms develop a competitive advantage if they can exploit their unique organizational competences in a new or foreign market and also if they can acquire new capabilities as a result of engaging in foreign markets. The acquired capabilities from foreign locations enhance the existing capability portfolio of a firm with a desire to internationalize. The study combined the research streams of SME organizational dynamic capability and internationalization capability to build a complete picture on the existing knowledge. An intensive case study was used for empirically testing the theoretical framework of the study and compared with the literature on various organizational capability factors and internationalization capabilities. Sormay Oy was selected because it is a successful medium sized company operating in Finland in the manufacturing industry which has a high international profile. In addition, it has sufficient rate of growth in sales that warrants it to engage internationally in matters such as, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships. The key findings of the study suggests that, medium sized manufacturing firms have a set of core competences arising from their organizational capabilities which were identified to be employee know how and relationship with stakeholders which aid the firm in its quest for attaining competitive advantage, ensuring production flexibility and gaining benefits present in a network. In addition, internationalization capabilities were identified under both the RAT test and CAT test whereby the primary findings suggests that, firms that outperform their competitors produce products that meet specific customer and country requirements, foresee the pitfalls of imitation brought about by the foreign local companies and members of a particular network through joint ventures, acquisitions or partnerships as well as those firms that are capable to acquire new capabilities in the foreign markets and successfully use these acquired capabilities to enhance or renew their capability portfolio for their competitive advantage. Additional significant findings under internationalization capabilities were discovered whereby, Sormay Oy was able to develop a new market space for its products despite the difficult institutional environment present in Russia.


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One of the most disputable matters in the theory of finance has been the theory of capital structure. The seminal contributions of Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963) gave rise to a multitude of studies and debates. Since the initial spark, the financial literature has offered two competing theories of financing decision: the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. The trade-off theory suggests that firms have an optimal capital structure balancing the benefits and costs of debt. The pecking order theory approaches the firm capital structure from information asymmetry perspective and assumes a hierarchy of financing, with firms using first internal funds, followed by debt and as a last resort equity. This thesis analyses the trade-off and pecking order theories and their predictions on a panel data consisting 78 Finnish firms listed on the OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Estimations are performed for the period 2003–2012. The data is collected from Datastream system and consists of financial statement data. A number of capital structure characteristics are identified: firm size, profitability, firm growth opportunities, risk, asset tangibility and taxes, speed of adjustment and financial deficit. A regression analysis is used to examine the effects of the firm characteristics on capitals structure. The regression models were formed based on the relevant theories. The general capital structure model is estimated with fixed effects estimator. Additionally, dynamic models play an important role in several areas of corporate finance, but with the combination of fixed effects and lagged dependent variables the model estimation is more complicated. A dynamic partial adjustment model is estimated using Arellano and Bond (1991) first-differencing generalized method of moments, the ordinary least squares and fixed effects estimators. The results for Finnish listed firms show support for the predictions of profitability, firm size and non-debt tax shields. However, no conclusive support for the pecking-order theory is found. However, the effect of pecking order cannot be fully ignored and it is concluded that instead of being substitutes the trade-off and pecking order theory appear to complement each other. For the partial adjustment model the results show that Finnish listed firms adjust towards their target capital structure with a speed of 29% a year using book debt ratio.


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As a result of globalization, two thirds of the world’s business takes place nowadays in the service sector. In line, professional service firms are growing their share of the global service production. However, saturation of the professional service sector has forced professional service firms to search for more heuristic ways to conduct business in the international markets. By leveraging effectively the firm’s professionals, a professional service firm can lower its costs to clients and simultaneously generate additional value for the company and thus gain competitive advantage. Even though the academic field has shown growing interest towards services for decades, the fields of service productization and service internationalization are heavily understudied even today. Hence, the objective of this study was to contribute to the research on professional service internationalization and productization. The study concentrated on examining the impact that productization has on knowledge sharing and leveraging in professional service firms operating internationally. The research question focused on examining what implications productization has on knowledge transfer and leveraging during professional service internationalization by leaning on the existing research and on an empirical research. The empirical research was conducted as a single case study within a professional service firm operating in debt-related administrative service business. The case company is one of the leading operators in its field of business and therefore offered a fruitful environment to observe and analyze the topics in question. Additionally, the case company has a strong international presence and a large scale of operations in the selected markets, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Based on the previous literature and on the empirical research, this study found that for professional service firms to efficiently utilize individual, tacit knowledge, in its internationalization processes, it must be shared with the whole organization. By exploiting productization as a knowledge leveraging mechanism, a PSF can apply and transfer knowledge profoundly during its internationalization processes that would otherwise be difficult to tap into. Productization might not be sufficient alone, but by complementing it with a favorable organizational structure and culture, and by encouraging open communication, a PSF may take advantage of the whole potential that productization has to offer.


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This thesis focused on medical students’ language learning strategies for patient encounters. The research questions concerned the types of learning strategies that medical students use and the differences between the preclinical students and the clinical students, two groups who have had varying amounts of experience with patients. Additionally, strategy use was examined through activity systems to gain information on the context of language learning strategy use in order to learn language for patient encounters. In total, 130 first-year medical students (preclinical) and 39 fifth-year medical students (clinical) participated in the study by filling in a questionnaire on language learning strategies. In addition, two students were interviewed in order to create activity systems for the medical students at different stages of their studies. The study utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methods; the analysis of the results relies on Oxford’s Strategic Self-Regulation Model in the quantitative part and on activity theory in the qualitative part. The theoretical sections of the study introduced earlier research and theories regarding English for specific purposes, language learning strategies and activity theory. The results indicated that the medical students use affective, sociocultural-interactive and metasociocultural-interactive strategies often and avoid using negative strategies, which hinder language learning or cease communication altogether. Slight differences between the preclinical and clinical students were found, as clinical students appear to use affective and metasociocultural-interactive strategies more frequently compared to the preclinical students. The activity systems of the two students interviewed were rather similar. The students were at different stages of their studies, but their opinions were very similar. Both reported the object of learning to be mutual understanding between the patient and the doctor, which in part explains the preference for strategies that support communication and interaction. The results indicate that the nature of patient encounters affects the strategy use of the medical students at least to some extent.


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The use of dialects in audiovisual texts is increasing, but the use of standard language in Finnish subtitles is still the prevalent norm and seldom flouted. This may not be in the best interest of the audience as the way the characters speak – their idiolects – is very important for the atmosphere of the audiovisual text and widely used to give the characters personalities and background. This thesis studies whether the viewing experience could be enhanced by taking the characters’ idiolects into account in subtitling. The study was executed as a survey, and the respondents were recruited from social media and an university of applied sciences. A total of 113 respondents were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=59) and the control group (n=54). Both groups were shown an excerpt of the British situation comedy Peep Show, but with different subtitles. In the experimental subtitles, three characters were given a written idiolect with a level of colloquial language corresponding to the spoken idiolect of the character, while the control subtitles followed the norm of using standard language. The questionnaire contained background questions, a Likert-scale question and open questions. The quantitative responses were analysed statistically through cross tabulation and Mann–Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test (CI=95%, α=0,05). The results showed a statistically significant difference in keeping track on which of the characters was speaking for the benefit of the experimental subtitles. In the other items no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. In the open questions the use of colloquial language was mostly commented favourably.


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This thesis reviews the development of CSR reporting in the Finnish banking sector. This was achieved by analyzing the content of specific CSR reports published by three banks during years 2012-2014. The banks selected represent the three largest banks operating in Finland according to their market share, constituting approximately 70 percent of the total perceived market share. The purpose of the analysis is to establish a clear descriptive overview of the status of CSR reporting and how it has thematically developed over the years. The research was conducted with the qualitative content analysis method. By analyzing the contents of the CSR reports it was found that CSR reporting is understood in 3 different themes that reflect the general CSR theory: economic, social and environmental responsibility. The following research focused on analyzing these three core themes separately during years 2012-2014 in order to find specific tendencies in the development of CSR reporting. The results confirm that CSR reporting is developing in the Finnish banking sector. Reporting about economic responsibility is based on core financial performance reporting, and it’s mainly developing in the assessment of the global recession and how the potential fiscal reforms affect to the bank sector’s performance. Economic responsibility is also being understood and reported as a wider concept, including intertwined and shared meanings with the other responsibility reporting themes. The research also suggests that banks value social responsibility reporting increasingly each year. Environmental responsibility reporting is the most standardized form of reporting, however, the reporting development includes the increased use of digitalization as source of lessening the environmental impact.


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Wrongdoing in health care is harmful action that jeopardizes patient safety and can be targeted at the patient or employees. Wrongdoing can vary from illegal, unethical or unprofessional action to inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Whistleblowing can be considered as a process where wrongdoing is suspected or oberved in health care by health care professionals and disclosed to the party that can influence the wrongful action. Whistleblowing causes severe harm to the whistleblower and to the object of whistleblowing complaint, to their personnel life and working community. The aim of this study was to analyze whistleblowing process in Finnish health care. The overall goal is to raise concern about wrongdoing and whistleblowing in Finnish health care. In this cross-sectional descriptive study the data were collected (n = 397) with probability sampling from health care professionals and members of The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals in Finland Tehy. The data were collected with questionnaire: “Whistleblowing -väärinkäytösten paljastaminen terveydenhuollossa” developed for this study and by using Webropol questionnaire -software during 26.6.-17.7.2015. The data were analyzed statistically. According to the results of this study health care professionals had suspected (67 %) and observed (66 %) wrongdoing in health care, more often than once a month (30%). Mostly were suspected (37 %) and observed (36%) inadequacy of the personnel and least violence toward the patient (3 %). Wrongdoing was whistle blown (suspected 29 %, observed 40 %) primarily inside the organization to the closest supervisor (76 %), face-to-face (88 %). Mostly the whistle was blown on nurses’ wrongdoing (58 %). Whistleblowing act didn’t end the wrongdoing (52 %) and whistleblowing had negative consequences to the whistleblower such as discrimination by the manager (35 %). Respondents with work experience less than ten years (62 %), working in temporary position (75 %) or in management position (88 %) were, more unwilling to blow the whistle. Whistleblowing should be conducted internally, to the closest manager in writing and anonymously. Wrongdoing should be dealt between the parties involved, and written warning should ensue from wrongdoing. According to the results of this study whistleblowing on wrongdoing in health care causes negative consequences to the whistleblower. In future, attention in health care should be paid to preventing wrongdoing and enhancing whistleblowing in order to decrease wrongdoing and lessen the consequences that whistleblowers face after blowing the whistle.


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Poster presented at Open Repositories 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, June 14, 2016


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International teams are permanent features of the global market, and multinational companies cannot ignore them. This thesis discusses an individual’s adaptation to a team of host culture domination by looking at the experiences of Finnish and British expatriates. The research question is: How does a foreigner adapt to a Finnish-British team where all the other members are from the local culture? The theoretical framework of this thesis consists of theories on multicultural teamwork and Finnish and British cultures. Based on theories, the impact of diversity on teamwork and whether it improves or deteriorates a team’s performance is unclear but the idea of multicultural teams is not just to live with cultural differences but to use and benefit of them. The main differences between Finnish and British cultures are in management styles and level of hierarchy. Still, these two cultures seem to be very similar. This is a qualitative study and expert interviews were used as a method for data collection. The results of the empirical research showed that Finns and Brits have differences in decision-making, level of hierarchy and communication. None of the informants saw the challenges that they have faced to result from being the only representative of a foreign culture – they only perceived them resulting from the characteristics of the host culture. In addition, all the informants had to change their habits and behaviour in the host culture in order to fit into the new culture and to become a part of the team. However, all the informants saw advantages in cross-cultural teams. Based on this thesis, team members from the host culture do not value cultural differences and they seem to be an issue only for the team member from the minority culture. It seems that a Finn or a Brit adapts to a Finnish-British team where the host culture dominates by changing their own behaviour in order to become a part of the team – even though people often see their own culture’s methods and habits as the right ones. Finnish and British cultures seem to be similar in fundamental issues like views and attitudes, which could mean that it is fairly easy for a Finn to get used to working in a British team and vice versa. Even though there are many challenges in cross-cultural and bi-cultural teams, there are even more advantages.


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In November 2013 the European Commission issued the “Proposal for a Directive on the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure” (referred to as “TSD”). The TSD offers minimum harmonisation and aims at promoting sharing of knowledge, and the exploitation of innovations on the Internal Market. The European Parliament adopted the TSD on April 14, 2016 and the EU Member States will have two years to implement it. The TSD includes a harmonised definition of a trade secret that builds on the definition provided in Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement. Moreover, it also ensures the freedom of expression and information and the protection of whistle-blowers. Appropriate means of actions and remedies against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure of trade secrets are also included, such as provisional and pecuniary measures, injunctions and corrective measures or allocation of damages. This study examines the protection of trade secrets in the course of litigation regulated in Article 9 of the TSD. Currently, the protection of trade secrets within the EU is fragmented especially in this regard, which makes companies reluctant to resort to litigation when a trade secret has unlawfully been misappropriated or it is suspected that a trade secret is being misused. The regulations in Article 9 expand only to the hearing in court. Such protection is welcomed and a step in the right direction. However, in my study I have found that in order for the protection to be sufficient there is a need to further establish measures to protect trade secrets during the entire process, from the filing of the claim to the end when the judgement is given. Consequently, I also discuss different measures that could be used to strengthen the protection of trade secrets before the hearing in court, as evidence are gathered.