824 resultados para Interpretive interactionism
Myrtle Smith Livingston became a physical education instructor in 1928 at Lincoln University, and while at Lincoln she established several formal athletic programs for female students. Livingston’s contributions made it possible for females to engage in principal sports for the first time. Livingston was also very active as a dancer and formed the first chapter of the Orchesis Group in 1936; the first chapter to be formed at a black college. The group gave both indoor and outdoor performances in tap and interpretive dance. In addition to these activities, she taught first aid to Jefferson City citizens during World War II and wrote several plays during this time period. Livingston’s most famous play, For Unborn Children, was published in the July 1926 issue of The Crisis magazine after winning 3rd prize in a literary competition. The play, which is about miscegenation and lynching, reflects the historical movements that helped shape her generation. Since then, scholars of black drama have recognized the play’s value and have ensured its availability by including it in anthropologies. Livingston died in Hawaii, only one and a half years into her retirement. There is a park named in her honor on Lincoln University’s campus that remains open today. Livingston’s life reflected the movements of her time and her dedication to community centered art.
Since the first decade of the 21st century, the Valley of the Fallen has been established as an object of controversy related to the new policies of memory. In recent years the "Historical Memory" has been a recurring concept in the mass media. While it is true that since 2011 this issue has been overshadowed in the political agenda, even today we continue to access information that refers to our recent past, from perspectives that demand actions of ethic, symbolic, political or economic repair. Many of these reports could be framed within a broader discourse, akin to a concept of "historical memory". These media texts are part of a larger problem that is troubling modern western societies and that has presented a remarkable recovery since the late nineties: debates or polemics on memory. In this paper we propose to study the nature of these media texts. We assume that the mass media configure their texts from frameworks or pre-existing frames. For this research, we propose an analysis of content based on the theory of framing to identify what is the typical journalistic discourse and the modalities of interpretive general framework applied in a number of texts and broadcasts about the Valley of the Fallen...
Delaware sets the governance standards for most public companies. The ability to attract corporations could not be explained solely by the existence of a favorable statutory regime. Delaware was not invariably the first or the only state to implement management friendly provisions. Given the interpretive gaps in the statute and the critical importance of the common law in the governance process, courts played an outsized role in setting legal standards. The management friendly nature of the Delaware courts contributed significantly to the state’s attraction to public corporations. A current example of a management friendly trend in the case law had seen the recent decisions setting out the board’s authority to adopt bylaws under Section 109 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL), particularly those involving the shifting of fees in litigation against the corporation or its directors. The DGCL allows bylaws that address “the business of the corporation, the conduct of its affairs, and its rights or powers or the rights or powers of its stockholders, directors, officers or employees.” The broad parameters are, however, subject to limits. Bylaws cannot be inconsistent with the certificate of incorporation or “the law.” Law includes the common law. The Delaware courts have used the limitations imposed by “the law” to severely restrict the reach of shareholder inspired bylaws. The courts have not used the same principles to impose similar restraints on bylaws adopted by the board of directors. This can be seen with respect to bylaws that restrict or even eliminate the right of shareholders to bring actions against management and the corporation. In ATP Tour, Inc. v. Deutscher Tennis Bund the court approved a fee shifting bylaw that had littl relationship to the internal affairs of the corporation. The decision upheld the bylaw as facially valid.The decision ignored a number of obvious legal infirmities. Among other things, the decision did not adequately address the requirement in Section 109(b) that bylaws be consistent with “the law.” The decision obliquely acknowledged that the provisions would “by their nature, deter litigation” but otherwise made no effort to assess the impact of this deterrence on shareholders causes of action. The provision in fact had the practical effect of restricting, if not eliminating, litigation rights granted by the DGCL and the common law. Perhaps most significantly, however, the bylaws significantly limited common law rights of shareholders to bring actions against the corporation and the board. Given the high dismissal rates for these actions, fee shifting bylaws imposed a meaningful risk of liability on plaintiffs. Moreover, because judgments in derivative suits were paid to the corporation, shareholders serving as plaintiffs confronted the risk of liability without any offsetting direct benefit. By preventing suits in this area, the bylaw effectively insulated the behavior of boards from legal challenge. The ATP decision was poorly reasoned and overstepped acceptable boundaries. The management friendly decision threatened the preeminent role of Delaware in the development of corporate law. The decision raised the specter of federal intervention and the potential for meaningful competition from the states. Because the opinion examined the bylaw in the context of non-stock companies, the reasoning may remain applicable only to those entities and never make the leap to for-profit stock corporations. Nonetheless, the analysis reflects a management friendly approach that does not adequately take into account the impact of the provision on the rights of shareholders.
This Master’s Research Paper investigates Olafur Eliasson’s The weather project as a case study for the dialogue between Gothic artistic principles and prominent elements of contemporary art. A product of a post-modern mindset, weakened historicity allows us to examine these connections anew; past, present, and future blur and artists (and viewers) have the whole of time from which to gain inspiration and meaning in works of art. I demonstrate similarities through theories on phenomenology; the spatiotemporal relationship between viewer and artwork; the convergence of art and science; and the communal, quasi-liminal experience of pilgrimage. I embrace Eliasson’s belief in the self-reflexive potential of art and the importance of the viewer’s own values, memories, and methods of seeing. This new interpretive layer will hopefully offer a richer experience for future participants of both Gothic cathedrals and environments produced by Studio Olafur Eliasson.
Objetivo: este trabajo pretende analizar el apoyo social formal a un grupo de madres con hijos menores de un año. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo interpretativo, en el cual participaron diez mujeres en un grupo focal que se reunió en siete ocasiones. Resultados: a partir del análisis de contenido de las dinámicas grupales se detecta que el apoyo formal informativo es el más frecuente y resulta difícil separarlo del emocional. Los profesionales, a través del apoyo informativo, tratan temas relacionados con la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad y acompañan a las madres en este rol. Conclusión: para las madres el apoyo formal brindado por el personal de enfermería es positivo y percibido como un refuerzo en su vivencia de la maternidad, y debe estar enmarcado en un contexto cultural.
La disciplina de enfermería necesita identificarse con una filosofía que le permita otorgar un sentido interpretativo a los fenómenos sociales o individuales; y la investigación cualitativa ofrece la metodología necesaria para llevar a cabo la interpretación de los significados bajo un análisis crítico y reflexivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue reflexionar sobre diferentes tradiciones filosóficas en torno a la fenomenología, al explorar los pensamientos de Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger y Alfred Schütz. Se realizó un ensayo teórico cuyo insumo literario se obtuvo de repositorios y fuentes de datos electrónicas, se incluyeron artículos publicados de los años 2010 al 2014, se utilizaron combinaciones de ocho palabras clave y se excluyeron aquellos artículos que no mencionaron el enfoque teórico de los filósofos de interés. Se concluye que las tres perspectivas filosóficas plantean una estrategia metodológica factible de ser utilizada dentro de la investigación cualitativa en enfermería, ya sea bajo la escuela descriptiva de Husserl, la postura interpretativa de Heidegger o la visión social de Schütz.
O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), inserida no plano de estudos do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança, do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Com este relatório, pretendemos apresentar as experiências de ensino aprendizagem que consideramos relevantes e representativas do trabalho desenvolvido com as crianças ao longo da nossa PES em ambos os contextos educativos. Estas reportam-se à descrição, reflexão e investigação acerca da ação educativa. A prática pedagógica foi desenvolvida na Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE), com um grupo de 25 crianças, com idades de 3 e 4 anos e, no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), com um grupo de 10 crianças pertencentes ao 1.º ano de escolaridade. O contexto na Educação Pré-Escolar caraterizava-se por ser uma Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) e o contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico pertencia à rede pública. No decorrer da ação educativa, tivemos em conta a articulação curricular, onde mantivemos sempre presente as necessidades das crianças, os seus interesses e ritmos de aprendizagem. Para tal, apoiamo-nos nos documentos oficiais e orientadores da prática pedagógica, sendo estes as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar e o Programa Nacional do 1.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, indo ao encontro da questão problema: De que forma os diferentes suportes (papel/digital) motivam as crianças no seu processo de leitura em contexto jardim de infância e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico? Para dar resposta delineamos os seguintes objetivos: (i) Perceber se o tipo de suporte em que as crianças efetuam as suas leituras influencia a sua motivação; (ii) Perceber se a leitura em suporte digital contribui para o desenvolvimento do gosto pela leitura; (iii) Verificar se a leitura em suporte papel permite uma maior motivação na criança em relação ao suporte digital. Os dados foram recolhidos no decorrer das intervenções, através da observação, com recurso às notas de campo, ao registo fotográfico e ao questionário. A apresentação das experiências de ensino/aprendizagem presentes neste relatório traduzem-se num processo descritivo, interpretativo e reflexivo, enquadrado numa abordagem qualitativa. É de salientar que ao longo da nossa prática educativa adotamos uma atitude reflexiva e crítica face ao nosso trabalho, tornando-nos observadores ativos neste processo, assumindo ao mesmo tempo, o papel de investigadoras.
It was Christmas day when an intriguing news piece about a kitchen technology was published in the Wall Street Journal in 2013 (Kowsmann, 2013). Immediately after, the piece went viral in the Portuguese (social) media (TV, blogs, press). It reported an odd 'obsession' of Portuguese consumers with a pricey German-made kitchen appliance - the Bimby (Figure 7.1) - during a difficult period of 'painful budget slashing in return for an international bailout'. The news piece served to unveil the irony: how come ''Western Europe's poorest country' could afford such an expensive technology 'that outsells high-end iPads [...] and is more popular on Facebook than the country's best-known rock band?' The journalistic piece advanced explanations for this technology craze: 'But the Portuguese love gadgets and seem determined, despite hard times, to maintain their tradition of regularly getting together for dinner. In this explanatory attempt, Bimby is portrayed as an intermediary that opens up the possibility for thinking about meal practices in a particular way, in this case, linking nation and meals through ideas around commensality.
Summary. Synthetic biology is an emerging technology with potentially far-reaching benefits and risks. As a cross-cutting issue, different aspects of synthetic biology fall within the scope of different international agreements. Contemporary biosafety and biosecurity frameworks are characterized by important regulatory gaps which policy makers need to address to minimize risks that may arise in the future both from commercial use and weaponization. In some cases, this may require formal treaty amendments, whereas others can possibly be resolved at lower levels, for instance through interpretive statements of treaties’ decision-making bodies.
El siguiente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la constitución del campo de la cultura física y de la educación física en la Argentina durante las primeras cuatro décadas del siglo XX. Centrará su atención en la disputa entre, por lo menos, dos grupos con sus instituciones de formación específicas. El Instituto Nacional Superior de Educación Física (INEF), cuyos orígenes se remontan a 1901 y la Escuela de Gimnasia y Esgrima del Ejército en creada en 1897 (Saraví Riviere, 1998; Bertoni, 1996, 2001; Aisenstein & Scharagrodsky, 2006).Cada una de estas matrices de formación pensó la pedagogía, la didáctica, la metodología y más ampliamente la política, la nación, la patria, los cuerpos o la sexualidad de formas diferentes y con sentidos y significados particulares. El objetivo será explorar las diferencias y similitudes entre ambas instituciones retomando algunos de los tópicos mencionados a partir de los discursos que legitimaron a los mismos, centrando el análisis tanto en el discurso pedagógico moderno como en el discurso médico hegemónico. En especial, analizaremos el discurso médico como legitimador del campo, y en particular, indagaremos las cuatro sub-disciplinas que se constituyeron en la grilla interpretativa por excelencia de los cuerpos en movimiento: la anatomía descriptiva, la fisiología del ejercicio, la ginecología y la antropometría
El siguiente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la constitución del campo de la cultura física y de la educación física en la Argentina durante las primeras cuatro décadas del siglo XX. Centrará su atención en la disputa entre, por lo menos, dos grupos con sus instituciones de formación específicas. El Instituto Nacional Superior de Educación Física (INEF), cuyos orígenes se remontan a 1901 y la Escuela de Gimnasia y Esgrima del Ejército en creada en 1897 (Saraví Riviere, 1998; Bertoni, 1996, 2001; Aisenstein & Scharagrodsky, 2006).Cada una de estas matrices de formación pensó la pedagogía, la didáctica, la metodología y más ampliamente la política, la nación, la patria, los cuerpos o la sexualidad de formas diferentes y con sentidos y significados particulares. El objetivo será explorar las diferencias y similitudes entre ambas instituciones retomando algunos de los tópicos mencionados a partir de los discursos que legitimaron a los mismos, centrando el análisis tanto en el discurso pedagógico moderno como en el discurso médico hegemónico. En especial, analizaremos el discurso médico como legitimador del campo, y en particular, indagaremos las cuatro sub-disciplinas que se constituyeron en la grilla interpretativa por excelencia de los cuerpos en movimiento: la anatomía descriptiva, la fisiología del ejercicio, la ginecología y la antropometría
"Digest of decisions by Workmen's Compensation Board in selected cases, full text of court and board decisions under the Disability benefits law and Volunteer firemen's law, referee bulletins, interpretive bulletins and new rules and regulations."
No. 1-3 issued without numbering.
El siguiente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la constitución del campo de la cultura física y de la educación física en la Argentina durante las primeras cuatro décadas del siglo XX. Centrará su atención en la disputa entre, por lo menos, dos grupos con sus instituciones de formación específicas. El Instituto Nacional Superior de Educación Física (INEF), cuyos orígenes se remontan a 1901 y la Escuela de Gimnasia y Esgrima del Ejército en creada en 1897 (Saraví Riviere, 1998; Bertoni, 1996, 2001; Aisenstein & Scharagrodsky, 2006).Cada una de estas matrices de formación pensó la pedagogía, la didáctica, la metodología y más ampliamente la política, la nación, la patria, los cuerpos o la sexualidad de formas diferentes y con sentidos y significados particulares. El objetivo será explorar las diferencias y similitudes entre ambas instituciones retomando algunos de los tópicos mencionados a partir de los discursos que legitimaron a los mismos, centrando el análisis tanto en el discurso pedagógico moderno como en el discurso médico hegemónico. En especial, analizaremos el discurso médico como legitimador del campo, y en particular, indagaremos las cuatro sub-disciplinas que se constituyeron en la grilla interpretativa por excelencia de los cuerpos en movimiento: la anatomía descriptiva, la fisiología del ejercicio, la ginecología y la antropometría
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06