964 resultados para Guarda Civil Municipal


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The Republican National Guard (GNR) is a military structure and hierarchical force where discipline and obedience is a serious matter, but at the same time, the scope of its activity relates to the protection of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens and the primacy of public interest. While security force, GNR ensures democratic law, guarantee the internal security and the rights of citizens. The controversial issue that lies at the heart of this work its related with the balance between the hierarchy and the written law. The hierarchy, also established by law, with given powers, exist to apply the law. However, the rule of law has exceptions. Which institute to prioritize, hierarchy or the law. And within the law, its rules or the exceptions. Who decides? The GNR's officers have to obey the laws and regulations and comply with the accuracy and timeliness determinations, orders and instructions issued by a superior, given in terms of service, as long as does not involve the practice of crime. The GNR´s officer with command tasks exercises power of authority inherent in these functions, and the corresponding disciplinary authority, being responsible for acts by himself or by his order are practiced. Identify situations of exception to law enforcement, the situations in which one must obey illegal orders, is difficult and thankless, it requires conferred authority and raises the weight of responsibility for decisions and orders issued.


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The contemporary society is characterized by high risks. Today, the prevention of damages is as important as compensation. This is due to the fact that the potentiality of several damages is not in line with compensation, because often compensation proves to be impossible. Civil law should be at the service of the citizens, which explains that the heart of the institution of non-contractual liability has gradually moved towards the victim's protection. It is requested from Tort law an active attitude that seeks to avoid damages, reducing its dimension and frequency. The imputation by risk proves to be necessary and useful in the present context as it demonstrates the ability to model behaviors, functioning as a warning for agents engaged in hazardous activities. Economically, it seeks to prevent socially inefficient behaviors. Strict liability assumes notorious importance as a deterrent and in the dispersion of damage by society. The paradigm of the imputation founded on fault has proved insufficient for the effective protection of the interests of the citizens, particularly if based in an anachronistic vision of the concept of fault. Prevention arises in several areas, especially in environmental liability, producer liability and liability based on infringement of copyright and rights relating to the personality. To overcome the damage as the gauge for compensation does not inevitably mean the recognition of the punitive approach. Prevention should not be confused with reactive/punitive objectives. The deterrence of unlawful conduct is not subordinated to punishment.


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The public consultation is a methodology for the interaction between the bodies responsible for drafting the law and the parties likely to be affected or to be interested in normative acts in question. This work seeks to encourage the use of public consultation in the process of elaboration of the Brazilian law. Therefore, some aspect of the knowledge area called Science of Legislation, with attention to the concept of “quality of the law” and to of the public consultation tool are addressed. We present the advantages of preparing public consultation mainly in the case of proposals that impose costs or benefits relevant to the economic agents involved in or promoting major change in the distribution of resources in society. Finally, it discusses the Brazilian legislative procedure and what the Brazilian law requires from legislative projects forwarded to the National Congress, as well as build a synthesis of the tools and the exiting possibilities of participation in the Brazilian context of elaboration of norms.


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This study, in the Family Law area, aims to examine the civil liability for emotional distance from a multidisciplinary perspective. The work and reflection made thereunder tend to corroborate the cognizance that self-representation, sociability and the ability of future adults to define their life’s projects, depend, to a large extent, on the emotional stability and maturity that has been assured to them, as children, by the material and emotional care that has been provided to them by both parents. It is therefore crucial to tend to the feelings of loss and to the potential lack of self-esteem that the affective rupture with either parents may cause. Thus, we promote an analysis of the sustainability, under Portuguese law, of the imposition of compensatory measures, independent from other injunctions foreseen in civil and guardianship law, upon the dissolution of family ties in result of a guilty injury of parental obligations, which have caused serious and evident injuries to the children.


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Este estudo, sob o tema “Abordagem do Léxico Toponímico Municipal do Cuito da Província do Bié: Caso de Bairros, Comunas, Embalas e Aldeias”, teve os seguintes objectivos: identificar e inventariar os topónimos do município do Cuito e harmonizar a sua ortografia; analisar os topónimos que apresentam variações e mudanças ortográficas, e propor a sua harmonização ortográfica, assim como os gentílicos; descrever a origem etimológica, a formação lexical, a pronúncia/transcrição fonética e a motivação dos topónimos. A metodologia de trabalho foi baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, que foi concretizada através de entrevista aos regedores, aos sobas e aos anciãos, bem como através de conversas informais. Portanto, o objectivo principal foi propor a harmonização ortográfica e criar uma base de dados de topónimos do município do Cuito.


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O planeamento territorial, independentemente do nível hierárquico em que na prática é desenvolvido, só é credível se sujeito a um processo de avaliação. Esta avaliação deverá ser vista não como uma etapa adicional ao processo de planeamento, mas como parte integrante do processo. Neste contexto é entendível a necessidade de avaliação do planeamento, que ao nível municipal se fixa na figura da implementação do Plano Director Municipal (PDM). Esta avaliação, para além de tornar mais robusto e credível o processo de planeamento de âmbito municipal, permite também tornar visível o grau de sucesso de concretização das políticas municipais e possibilita ajustes do plano à nova realidade municipal. O PDM constitui um instrumento de carácter estratégico e a avaliação da sua implementação deve também ser de carácter estratégico. Contudo, a avaliação estratégica acarreta incertezas derivadas das dinâmicas territoriais, principalmente ao nível socioeconómico. É, então, fundamental que se construa um modelo de avaliação aplicável às diferentes políticas e mudanças de paradigmas, e que permita, em simultâneo, a sua adequação a um processo participativo, contínuo no tempo, e que, incluído no processo de planeamento, promova um desenvolvimento sustentável do território. O processo de avaliação da implementação do PDM que se propõe, construído para o contexto da República de Cabo Verde, afigura-se como um contributo muito válido para a capacitação dos técnicos que intervêm no processo de planeamento do território no arquipélago, processo que nos últimos anos viu reformulado o seu sistema de gestão territorial pela via legislativa. Afigura-se também como elemento de auxílio para o aumento da qualidade de vida da população municipal. Da aplicação da metodologia de avaliação proposta, e já testada no Município do Tarrafal de Santiago em Cabo Verde, pôde concluir-se que os valores dos indicadores utilizados permitiram um melhor conhecimento do estado do município, construir caminhos para a melhoria dos pontos negativos identificados e reforçar as bases dos pontos positivos através de novas linhas de acção que garantam a solução dos principais problemas da sociedade tarrafalense.


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O presente relatório pretende ilustrar os resultados do estágio na área de programação artística desenvolvido no Teatro Municipal Maria Matos, em Lisboa. Apresenta um enquadramento desta organização e uma reflexão crítica e teórica sobre o conceito de curadoria de artes performativas, especificamente, no que diz respeito ás práticas para estruturar um programa temático no teatro municipal enquanto centro de exibição, produção e divulgação das artes performativas. O relatório articula três partes. Na primeira parte, aborda-­‐se uma aproximação institucional e a descrição das tarefas da área de programação no Teatro Maria Matos. Na segunda parte, apresentam-­‐se conceptualmente as questões da programação temática Gender Trouble -­‐ performance, performatividade e política de género, as relações com a arte contemporânea e a história de arte. E, finalmente, na terceira apresentam-­‐se algumas observações sobre a estrutura de programação e produção de Gender Trouble, no âmbito da rede internacional House on Fire, em colaboração com parceiros internacionais, tornando-­‐se esta linha programática um convite para uma reflexão sobre a genealogia do conceito “performatividade de género” que espelha reflexões teóricas e práticas artísticas, académicas e ativistas.


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This work aims to stress the concept of a security culture in the sense that each one of us is an emergency responder, the first one to respond, and the more prepared we are, with better training and awareness, the better we will perform, this applies even to the relationship between us and the Emergency Responders. All this will lead to a better probability of surviving an accident. If there is an accident, anywhere at any time, each one of us is alone. And the bigger the accident is the longer we stay alone. There is no firefighter, no policeman, no doctor, so it is very important to be competent, in other words, knowing how to react, wanting to react and being able to react. This is a basic requirement to understand the phenomenon, to know the consequences arising from the way we act and that we have to perform according to the situation: before, during and after it occurred. In brief, let’s not make resilience be just a word, let’s make it a concept that belongs to the higher definition of the Security Culture.


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The purpose of the following study is to analyze the relevance of the principle of confidentiality concerning mediation on civil and commercial matters developed in Portugal. We will, essentially, try to determine just how pivotal is this principle and how it affects the effectiveness of that method of alternative dispute resolution. We believe it is fundamental to understand the true extent of this principle and its goals, emphasizing the protection given to those who decide to resort to mediation and its impact on this process. For this dissertation, we have based our analysis on the interpretation of the set rules assembled by Law nr 29/2013, April 19th, while combining it with data gathered from other laws and regulations that had also addressed mediation. Furthermore, given the fact that this subject has been regulated by Directive 2008/52/EC, we deem pertinent to include references to other European mediation regulations, namely from Germany, Spain and France. With this study, we have established that, even though the Portuguese mediation law is based on a European Directive, we have determined a more restrictive regulation for the principle of confidentiality. We have concluded that the rules regarding this principle try to preserve, above all, the trust and honesty established during the course of the mediation, while restricting the possibility of using the information disclosed during these sessions on other cases. Additionally, we believe confidentiality is such a distinctive and relevant feature that its legal framework leads us to deem it as a true obstacle to the parties’ private autonomy and their power to determine how the mediation should be carried out.


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The study now presented a research study aimed at the exercise of security activity of the prison guard corps (CGP) in the specific context of the prison system (SP). The study also focused on the phenomenon of globalization and its influence on the current panorama of world crime and their relationship with the prison security object of study was the security activity of the CGP on the current inmate population, as well as the typology of crimes inherent to it and that requires the interpretation of the amendment to the correctional paradigm. In the preparation of the study we have tried to identify the legal framework of the profession based on the main laws and decree-laws governing the institution DGRSP and CGP's career. The difficulties and constraints were analyzed the performance of the security function of the CGP, resulting from the infrastructure, the interaction with the inmates and the need of assigning the status of Criminal Police (OPC). Really connected the relevant importance of OPC so the Corporation can establish a cooperation interaction and sharing of information with different security forces. We noted the importance of the CGP being OPC status before the framework for its action in work situations, specifically, on gatehouses, prison wings, area, and high-complexity operations such as escorts and riot control interventions.The explanation of this study enabled us to assess the importance of the actions of a police officer of the elements of the CGP for maintaining internal security. The analyses and studies were complemented by twenty years of career and exercise of the activity of the master's degree, during which time he served as guard and head of the CGP, the intervention Group and Prison Security, the Lisbon Prison, Prison, Prison of Caxias, Sintra and Monsanto.


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A permanently changing occidental society framework, simultaneously, to a world Globalization and a market liberalization, requires to know how important and which role the agents plays, in Estates representation, to guarantee their own intern security. Portugal is an example of that since has been integrated in European and world politics that allowed the borders opening, with all the negative consequences of that kind of measures. In way to struggle with those debilities emerge, in our Juridical Order, several security forces such as Prison Guards Corporation, whose contribute to intern security seems undefined and confuse, being urgent legislation in way to describe and clearly define their goals and functions. We begin with a brief history view to understand the evolution, focusing on the present moment, correlate several laws in way to clarify their juridical situation. Using a own critical sense, it draws attention to legislation lack problem in opposition to the conclusion that, Prison Guards Corporation is a security force with specialized expertise in matter and territory fields. Their activity occurs, generally, in penitentiaries where people see themselves without their freedom, legally determinated and confined to places as other individuals with deviant behaviors that deserve society refutation, establishing a separation period having rehabilitation as a goal – it is called general and special prevention. Penitentiaries specificities requires specially police force because penitentiaries are places where tensions are often, both between inmates and against employees, above all prison guards, the first to struggle inmates daily frustrations. In way that institutions achieve their purpose, it is necessary that citizens respect all the rules, although, to their efficacy is necessary to inflict punishment to those who did not respect the rules. Furthermore, it will be indispensable to act immediately in situations as impeding runaway helping, illegally standing in jail and to avoid violent acts against personal and patrimonial belongings. Juridical Order has a few security tools that are available to administration, in which is included coercive methods, that as damaging to citizens in whom they are use, are restricted, unavoidably, to inflexible control rules. Concluding, Prison Guards and Penitentiaries General Direction last goal is to give back recovered inmates to society, in a way to conduct their lives responsibly, without committing crimes.


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The challenge of this work is to assess the importance of the municipal police in improving the safety of citizens, if gauging from this reality through contributions from the Municipal Police Guimarães. The IV Constitutional Review in 1997, enabled the Portuguese municipalities creating administrative police bodies. These services, known as Municipal Police, have gradually come up in several municipalities. Currently the Municipal Police have their fundamental legal regulations of Law No. 19/2004 of 20 May, which, according to the Portuguese Constitution provides that these must be seen as municipal services, which act in a space territorially delimited, which corresponds to the municipality that each belongs. Under Article 237, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, the Municipal Police are municipal services, which shall cooperate in the maintenance of public order and protection of local communities, acting in cooperation with the security forces, public security functions. The safety concept has been taking an increasingly significant importance within the population. Is also no doubt say that, currently, insecurity affects all of society and is a major concern of law enforcement authorities. To find suitable answers we found that there are several studies on these subjects. In order to be able to make our contribution, text looks us on this subject, having had the support of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in the preparation of this work. Thus, based on a survey, they were sounded out, as privileged actors, agents of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in order to know their perceptions with regard to security issues faced in the context of security. We understand ask them to answer in particular the following questions: What are the most facilitators situations of crime? How important is the Municipal Police Guimarães in crime prevention? What are the strategies for prevention of incivilities? What other skills that can be conferred upon the Municipal Police? The results obtained allowed us to conclude that incivilities facilitate the occurrence of crimes and that the Municipal Police may have a more active role in the security of the population. If you were given other duties, in addition to that already have, the Municipal Police could reach another level of effectiveness. However we understand that any change to the tasks of this police need a serious and profound reflection, to find complementary alternatives with the security forces, which does not conflict with current assignments of any of the parties or with the interests of citizens.


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Este relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio curricular na Câmara Municipal de Almeida, como componente não letiva de formação no Mestrado de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. O estágio teve como principal objetivo a elaboração da carta arqueológica do território das freguesias da Amoreira, Parada e Cabreira, uma parcela do concelho de Almeida. A carta foi elaborada a partir de evidências arqueológicas identificadas em prospeções, de análises da toponímia, da topografia, cartografia, fotografias aéreas e fontes orais do território almeidense. Paralelamente, e no quadro do Museu Histórico-Militar de Almeida, realizou-se um trabalho de organização da reserva arqueológica do município, através da inventariação de todo o espólio arqueológico existente e a elaboração de uma proposta preliminar de conservação preventiva do depósito museal, criando deste modo condições para a receção de novas coleções arqueológicas.


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O atual panorama dos teatros municipais do país configurou-se, sobretudo, a partir de finais da década de 1990, com iniciativas do governo central e do governo local. A diversidade de gestão desses equipamentos culturais leva a refletir sobre o conceito de teatro municipal. Neste trabalho de projeto, propõe-se uma definição do conceito de teatro municipal e uma análise do caso do Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite em Almada. Apresenta-se também uma análise da programação para os anos de 2007 a 2012.