946 resultados para GAS-LIQUID FLOW


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Domestic gas burners are investigated experimentally and numerically in order to further understand the fluid dynamics processes that drive the cooking appliance performances. In particular, a numerical simulation tool has been developed in order to predict the onset of two flame instabilities which may deteriorate the performances of the burner: the flame back and flame lift. The numerical model has been firstly validated by comparing the simulated flow field with a data set of experimental measurements. A prediction criterion for the flame back instability has been formulated based on isothermal simulations without involving the combustion modelization. This analysis has been verified by a Design Of Experiments investigation performed on different burner prototype geometries. On the contrary, the formulation of a prediction criterion regarding the flame lift instability has required the use of a combustion model in the numerical code. In this analysis, the structure and aerodynamics of the flame generated by a cooking appliance has thus been characterized by experimental and numerical investigations, in which, by varying the flow inlet conditions, the flame behaviour was studied from a stable reference case toward a complete blow-out.


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Ein eindimensionales numerisches Modell der maritimenGrenzschicht (MBL) wurde erweitert, um chemische Reaktionenin der Gasphase, von Aerosolpartikeln und Wolkentropfen zu beschreiben. Ein Schwerpunkt war dabei die Betrachtung derReaktionszyklen von Halogenen. Soweit Ergebnisse vonMesskampagnen zur Verfuegung standen, wurden diese zurValidierung des Modells benutzt. Die Ergebnisse von frueheren Boxmodellstudien konntenbestaetigt werden. Diese zeigten die saeurekatalysierteAktivierung von Brom aus Seesalzaerosolen, die Bedeutung vonHalogenradikalen fuer die Zerstoerung von O3, diepotentielle Rolle von BrO bei der Oxidation von DMS und dievon HOBr und HOCl in der Oxidation von S(IV). Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Beruecksichtigung derVertikalprofile von meteorologischen und chemischen Groessenvon grosser Bedeutung ist. Dies spiegelt sich darin wider,dass Maxima des Saeuregehaltes von Seesalzaerosolen und vonreaktiven Halogenen am Oberrand der MBL gefunden wurden.Darueber hinaus wurde die Bedeutung von Sulfataerosolen beidem aktiven Recyceln von weniger aktiven zu photolysierbarenBromspezies gezeigt. Wolken haben grosse Auswirkungen auf die Evolution und denTagesgang der Halogene. Dies ist nicht auf Wolkenschichtenbeschraenkt. Der Tagesgang der meisten Halogene ist aufgrundeiner erhoehten Aufnahme der chemischen Substanzen in die Fluessigphase veraendert. Diese Ergebnisse betonen dieWichtigkeit der genauen Dokumentation der meteorologischenBedingungen bei Messkampagnen (besonders Wolkenbedeckungsgrad und Fluessigwassergehalt), um dieErgebnisse richtig interpretieren und mit Modellresultatenvergleichen zu koennen. Dieses eindimensionale Modell wurde zusammen mit einemBoxmodell der MBL verwendet, um die Auswirkungen vonSchiffemissionen auf die MBL abzuschaetzen, wobei dieVerduennung der Abgasfahne parameterisiert wurde. DieAuswirkungen der Emissionen sind am staerksten, wenn sie insauberen Gebieten stattfinden, die Hoehe der MBL gering istund das Einmischen von Hintergrundluft schwach ist.Chemische Reaktionen auf Hintergrundaerosolen spielen nureine geringe Rolle. In Ozeangebieten mit schwachemSchiffsverkehr sind die Auswirkungen auf die Chemie der MBL beschraenkt. In staerker befahrenen Gebieten ueberlappensich die Abgasfahnen mehrerer Schiffe und sorgen fuerdeutliche Auswirkungen. Diese Abschaetzung wurde mitSimulationen verglichen, bei denen die Emissionen alskontinuierliche Quellen behandelt wurden, wie das inglobalen Chemiemodellen der Fall ist. Wenn die Entwicklungder Abgasfahne beruecksichtigt wird, sind die Auswirkungendeutlich geringer da die Lebenszeit der Abgase in der erstenPhase nach Emission deutlich reduziert ist.


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Design parameters, process flows, electro-thermal-fluidic simulations and experimental characterizations of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) suited for gas-chromatographic (GC) applications are presented and thoroughly described in this thesis, whose topic belongs to the research activities the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM)-Bologna is involved since several years, i.e. the development of micro-systems for chemical analysis, based on silicon micro-machining techniques and able to perform analysis of complex gaseous mixtures, especially in the field of environmental monitoring. In this regard, attention has been focused on the development of micro-fabricated devices to be employed in a portable mini-GC system for the analysis of aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) like Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene and Xylene (BTEX), i.e. chemical compounds which can significantly affect environment and human health because of their demonstrated carcinogenicity (benzene) or toxicity (toluene, xylene) even at parts per billion (ppb) concentrations. The most significant results achieved through the laboratory functional characterization of the mini-GC system have been reported, together with in-field analysis results carried out in a station of the Bologna air monitoring network and compared with those provided by a commercial GC system. The development of more advanced prototypes of micro-fabricated devices specifically suited for FAST-GC have been also presented (silicon capillary columns, Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) Metal OXide (MOX) sensor, Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)), together with the technological processes for their fabrication. The experimentally demonstrated very high sensitivity of ULP-MOX sensors to VOCs, coupled with the extremely low power consumption, makes the developed ULP-MOX sensor the most performing metal oxide sensor reported up to now in literature, while preliminary test results proved that the developed silicon capillary columns are capable of performances comparable to those of the best fused silica capillary columns. Finally, the development and the validation of a coupled electro-thermal Finite Element Model suited for both steady-state and transient analysis of the micro-devices has been described, and subsequently implemented with a fluidic part to investigate devices behaviour in presence of a gas flowing with certain volumetric flow rates.


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A numerical model for studying the influences of deep convective cloud systems on photochemistry was developed based on a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and chemistry from a global chemistry transport model. The transport of trace gases, the scavenging of soluble trace gases, and the influences of lightning produced nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) on the local ozone-related photochemistry were investigated in a multi-day case study for an oceanic region located in the tropical western Pacific. Model runs considering influences of large scale flows, previously neglected in multi-day cloud resolving and single column model studies of tracer transport, yielded that the influence of the mesoscale subsidence (between clouds) on trace gas transport was considerably overestimated in these studies. The simulated vertical transport and scavenging of highly soluble tracers were found to depend on the initial profiles, reconciling contrasting results from two previous studies. Influences of the modeled uptake of trace gases by hydrometeors in the liquid and the ice phase were studied in some detail for a small number of atmospheric trace gases and novel aspects concerning the role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas that is retained in the ice phase upon freezing) on the vertical transport of highly soluble gases were illuminated. Including lightning NOx production inside a 500 km 2-D model domain was found to be important for the NOx budget and caused small to moderate changes in the domain averaged ozone concentrations. A number of sensitivity studies yielded that the fraction of lightning associated NOx which was lost through photochemical reactions in the vicinity of the lightning source was considerable, but strongly depended on assumptions about the magnitude and the altitude of the lightning NOx source. In contrast to a suggestion from an earlier study, it was argued that the near zero upper tropospheric ozone mixing ratios which were observed close to the study region were most probably not caused by the formation of NO associated with lightning. Instead, it was argued in agreement with suggestions from other studies that the deep convective transport of ozone-poor air masses from the relatively unpolluted marine boundary layer, which have most likely been advected horizontally over relatively large distances (both before and after encountering deep convection) probably played a role. In particular, it was suggested that the ozone profiles observed during CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) were strongly influenced by the deep convection and the larger scale flow which are associated with the intra-seasonal oscillation.


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The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.


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The objective of this thesis was to improve the commercial CFD software Ansys Fluent to obtain a tool able to perform accurate simulations of flow boiling in the slug flow regime. The achievement of a reliable numerical framework allows a better understanding of the bubble and flow dynamics induced by the evaporation and makes possible the prediction of the wall heat transfer trends. In order to save computational time, the flow is modeled with an axisymmetrical formulation. Vapor and liquid phases are treated as incompressible and in laminar flow. By means of a single fluid approach, the flow equations are written as for a single phase flow, but discontinuities at the interface and interfacial effects need to be accounted for and discretized properly. Ansys Fluent provides a Volume Of Fluid technique to advect the interface and to map the discontinuous fluid properties throughout the flow domain. The interfacial effects are dominant in the boiling slug flow and the accuracy of their estimation is fundamental for the reliability of the solver. Self-implemented functions, developed ad-hoc, are introduced within the numerical code to compute the surface tension force and the rates of mass and energy exchange at the interface related to the evaporation. Several validation benchmarks assess the better performances of the improved software. Various adiabatic configurations are simulated in order to test the capability of the numerical framework in modeling actual flows and the comparison with experimental results is very positive. The simulation of a single evaporating bubble underlines the dominant effect on the global heat transfer rate of the local transient heat convection in the liquid after the bubble transit. The simulation of multiple evaporating bubbles flowing in sequence shows that their mutual influence can strongly enhance the heat transfer coefficient, up to twice the single phase flow value.


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A fundamental gap in the current understanding of collapsed structures in the universe concerns the thermodynamical evolution of the ordinary, baryonic component. Unopposed radiative cooling of plasma would lead to the cooling catastrophe, a massive inflow of condensing gas toward the centre of galaxies, groups and clusters. The last generation of multiwavelength observations has radically changed our view on baryons, suggesting that the heating linked to the active galactic nucleus (AGN) may be the balancing counterpart of cooling. In this Thesis, I investigate the engine of the heating regulated by the central black hole. I argue that the mechanical feedback, based on massive subrelativistic outflows, is the key to solving the cooling flow problem, i.e. dramatically quenching the cooling rates for several billion years without destroying the cool-core structure. Using an upgraded version of the parallel 3D hydrodynamic code FLASH, I show that anisotropic AGN outflows can further reproduce fundamental observed features, such as buoyant bubbles, cocoon shocks, sonic ripples, metals dredge-up, and subsonic turbulence. The latter is an essential ingredient to drive nonlinear thermal instabilities, which cause cold gas condensation, a residual of the quenched cooling flow and, later, fuel for the AGN feedback engine. The self-regulated outflows are systematically tested on the scales of massive clusters, groups and isolated elliptical galaxies: in lighter less bound objects the feedback needs to be gentler and less efficient, in order to avoid drastic overheating. In this Thesis, I describe in depth the complex hydrodynamics, involving the coupling of the feedback energy to that of the surrounding hot medium. Finally, I present the merits and flaws of all the proposed models, with a critical eye toward observational concordance.


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Five different methods were critically examined to characterize the pore structure of the silica monoliths. The mesopore characterization was performed using: a) the classical BJH method of nitrogen sorption data, which showed overestimated values in the mesopore distribution and was improved by using the NLDFT method, b) the ISEC method implementing the PPM and PNM models, which were especially developed for monolithic silicas, that contrary to the particulate supports, demonstrate the two inflection points in the ISEC curve, enabling the calculation of pore connectivity, a measure for the mass transfer kinetics in the mesopore network, c) the mercury porosimetry using a new recommended mercury contact angle values. rnThe results of the characterization of mesopores of monolithic silica columns by the three methods indicated that all methods were useful with respect to the pore size distribution by volume, but only the ISEC method with implemented PPM and PNM models gave the average pore size and distribution based on the number average and the pore connectivity values.rnThe characterization of the flow-through pore was performed by two different methods: a) the mercury porosimetry, which was used not only for average flow-through pore value estimation, but also the assessment of entrapment. It was found that the mass transfer from the flow-through pores to mesopores was not hindered in case of small sized flow-through pores with a narrow distribution, b) the liquid penetration where the average flow-through pore values were obtained via existing equations and improved by the additional methods developed according to Hagen-Poiseuille rules. The result was that not the flow-through pore size influences the column bock pressure, but the surface area to volume ratio of silica skeleton is most decisive. Thus the monolith with lowest ratio values will be the most permeable. rnThe flow-through pore characterization results obtained by mercury porosimetry and liquid permeability were compared with the ones from imaging and image analysis. All named methods enable a reliable characterization of the flow-through pore diameters for the monolithic silica columns, but special care should be taken about the chosen theoretical model.rnThe measured pore characterization parameters were then linked with the mass transfer properties of monolithic silica columns. As indicated by the ISEC results, no restrictions in mass transfer resistance were noticed in mesopores due to their high connectivity. The mercury porosimetry results also gave evidence that no restrictions occur for mass transfer from flow-through pores to mesopores in the small scaled silica monoliths with narrow distribution. rnThe prediction of the optimum regimes of the pore structural parameters for the given target parameters in HPLC separations was performed. It was found that a low mass transfer resistance in the mesopore volume is achieved when the nominal diameter of the number average size distribution of the mesopores is appr. an order of magnitude larger that the molecular radius of the analyte. The effective diffusion coefficient of an analyte molecule in the mesopore volume is strongly dependent on the value of the nominal pore diameter of the number averaged pore size distribution. The mesopore size has to be adapted to the molecular size of the analyte, in particular for peptides and proteins. rnThe study on flow-through pores of silica monoliths demonstrated that the surface to volume of the skeletons ratio and external porosity are decisive for the column efficiency. The latter is independent from the flow-through pore diameter. The flow-through pore characteristics by direct and indirect approaches were assessed and theoretical column efficiency curves were derived. The study showed that next to the surface to volume ratio, the total porosity and its distribution of the flow-through pores and mesopores have a substantial effect on the column plate number, especially as the extent of adsorption increases. The column efficiency is increasing with decreasing flow through pore diameter, decreasing with external porosity, and increasing with total porosity. Though this tendency has a limit due to heterogeneity of the studied monolithic samples. We found that the maximum efficiency of the studied monolithic research columns could be reached at a skeleton diameter of ~ 0.5 µm. Furthermore when the intention is to maximize the column efficiency, more homogeneous monoliths should be prepared.rn


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A study of the pyrolysis and oxidation (phi 0.5-1-2) of methane and methyl formate (phi 0.5) in a laboratory flow reactor (Length = 50 cm, inner diameter = 2.5 cm) has been carried out at 1-4 atm and 300-1300 K temperature range. Exhaust gaseous species analysis was realized using a gas chromatographic system, Varian CP-4900 PRO Mirco-GC, with a TCD detector and using helium as carrier for a Molecular Sieve 5Å column and nitrogen for a COX column, whose temperatures and pressures were respectively of 65°C and 150kPa. Model simulations using NTUA [1], Fisher et al. [12], Grana [13] and Dooley [14] kinetic mechanisms have been performed with CHEMKIN. The work provides a basis for further development and optimization of existing detailed chemical kinetic schemes.


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The last decade has witnessed very fast development in microfabrication technologies. The increasing industrial applications of microfluidic systems call for more intensive and systematic knowledge on this newly emerging field. Especially for gaseous flow and heat transfer at microscale, the applicability of conventional theories developed at macro scale is not yet completely validated; this is mainly due to scarce experimental data available in literature for gas flows. The objective of this thesis is to investigate these unclear elements by analyzing forced convection for gaseous flows through microtubes and micro heat exchangers. Experimental tests have been performed with microtubes having various inner diameters, namely 750 m, 510 m and 170 m, over a wide range of Reynolds number covering the laminar region, the transitional zone and also the onset region of the turbulent regime. The results show that conventional theory is able to predict the flow friction factor when flow compressibility does not appear and the effect of fluid temperature-dependent properties is insignificant. A double-layered microchannel heat exchanger has been designed in order to study experimentally the efficiency of a gas-to-gas micro heat exchanger. This microdevice contains 133 parallel microchannels machined into polished PEEK plates for both the hot side and the cold side. The microchannels are 200 µm high, 200 µm wide and 39.8 mm long. The design of the micro device has been made in order to be able to test different materials as partition foil with flexible thickness. Experimental tests have been carried out for five different partition foils, with various mass flow rates and flow configurations. The experimental results indicate that the thermal performance of the countercurrent and cross flow micro heat exchanger can be strongly influenced by axial conduction in the partition foil separating the hot gas flow and cold gas flow.


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Waste management represents an important issue in our society and Waste-to-Energy incineration plants have been playing a significant role in the last decades, showing an increased importance in Europe. One of the main issues posed by waste combustion is the generation of air contaminants. Particular concern is present about acid gases, mainly hydrogen chloride and sulfur oxides, due to their potential impact on the environment and on human health. Therefore, in the present study the main available technological options for flue gas treatment were analyzed, focusing on dry treatment systems, which are increasingly applied in Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) incinerators. An operational model was proposed to describe and optimize acid gas removal process. It was applied to an existing MSW incineration plant, where acid gases are neutralized in a two-stage dry treatment system. This process is based on the injection of powdered calcium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate in reactors followed by fabric filters. HCl and SO2 conversions were expressed as a function of reactants flow rates, calculating model parameters from literature and plant data. The implementation in a software for process simulation allowed the identification of optimal operating conditions, taking into account the reactant feed rates, the amount of solid products and the recycle of the sorbent. Alternative configurations of the reference plant were also assessed. The applicability of the operational model was extended developing also a fundamental approach to the issue. A predictive model was developed, describing mass transfer and kinetic phenomena governing the acid gas neutralization with solid sorbents. The rate controlling steps were identified through the reproduction of literature data, allowing the description of acid gas removal in the case study analyzed. A laboratory device was also designed and started up to assess the required model parameters.


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Liquid crystalline elastomers (LCEs) are known to perform a reversible change of shape upon the phase transition from the semi-ordered liquid crystalline state to the chaotic isotropic state. This unique behavior of these “artificial muscles” arises from the self-organizing properties of liquid crystals (mesogens) in combination with the entropy-elasticity of the slightly crosslinked elastomer network. In this work, micrometer-sized LCE actuators are fabricated in a microfluidic setup. The microtubular shear flow provides for a uniform orientation of the mesogens during the crosslinking, a perquisite for obtaining actuating LCE samples. The scope of this work was to design different actuator geometries and to broaden the applicability of the microfluidic device for different types of liquid crystalline mesogens, ranging from side-chain to main-chain systems, as well as monomer and polymer precursors. For example, the thiol-ene “click” mechanism was used for the polymerization and crosslinking of main-chain LCE actuators. The main focus was, however, placed on acrylate monomers and polymers with LC side chains. A LC polymer precursor, comprising mesogenic and crosslinkable side-chains was synthesized. Used in combination with an LC monomer, the polymeric crosslinker promoted a stable LC phase, which allowed the mixture to be isothermally handled in the microfluidic reactor. If processed without the additional LC components, the polymer precursor yielded actuating fibers. A suitable co-flowing continuous phase facilitates the formation of a liquid jet and lowers the tendency for drop formation. By modification of the microfluidic device, it was further possible to prepare core-shell particles, comprised of an LCE shell and filled with an isotropic liquid. In analogy to the heart, a hollow muscle, the elastomer shell expels the inner liquid core upon its contraction. The feasibility of the core-shell particles as micropumps was demonstrated. In general, the synthesized LCE microactuators may be utilized as active components in micromechanical and lab-on-chip systems.


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In this thesis cholesteric films made of liquid crystalline cellulose derivatives with improved optical properties were prepared. The choice of the solvent, hydrogen bond influencing additives, the synthetic realization of a very high degree of substitution on the cellulosic polymer and the use of mechanical stirring at the upper concentration limit of the liquid crystalline range were the basis for an improved alignment of the applied cellulose tricarbamates. In combination with a tuned substrate treatment and film preparation method, cholesteric films were obtained, with optical properties that were theoretically predicted and only known from low molecular weight liquid crystals so far. Subsequent polymerization allowed a permanent fixing of the alignment and the fabrication of free standing and insensitive films.rnThe incorporation of inorganic nanorods into the cholesteric host material was mediated with tailored block copolymers, available via controlled radical polymerization methods. In addition to the shape match between the rodlike mesogens of the host and the nanorods it was possible to increase the miscibility of both materials. Nevertheless, the size of the nanorods, in comparison to the mesogens, in these densely packed liquid crystalline phases as well as their long equilibration times were the reasons for phase separation. Nanorods are, in principle, valuable substitutes for organics, but their utilization in cellulosic CLC was not to be combined with a high quality alignment of the cholesteric structure.rnA swelling process of polymerized films in a dye solution or dissolving dyes in non-polymerized CLC was used for incorporation of the organic chromophores. With the first method the CLC could be aligned and polymerized without any disturbance due to dye molecules. The optical properties of dye and CLC were matched, with regard to mirrorless lasing devices. The dye was optically excited and laser emission supported by the cholesteric cavity was obtained. The polarization and wavelength of the emitted radiation as well as its bandwidth, the obtained interference pattern and threshold behavior of the emission proofed the feedback mechanism that was not believed to be realizable in liquid crystalline polymers. rnUtilization of a microfluidic co-flow injection device enabled us to transfer the properties of cellulosic CLC from the planar film shape to spherical micrometer sized particles. The pure material yielded particles with distorted mesogen alignment similar to films prepared by capillary flow. Dilution of the CLC with a solvent that migrated into the carrier phase during particle preparation provided the basis for particles with well ordered areas. rnAlthough cellulose derivatives were known for their liquid crystalline behavior for decades and synthesized in mass production, their application as feedback material was affected by bad optical properties. In comparison to low molar mass compounds, the low degree of order in the CLC phase was the cause. With the improved material, defined lasing emission was shown and characterized. Derivatives of cellulose are desirable materials, because, as a renewable resource, they are available in large amounts for a low price and need only simple derivatization reactions. The fabrication of CLC films with tunable lasing emission, for which this thesis can provide a starting point, is in good agreement with today's requirements of modern technology and its miniaturization.rn


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The purpose of the first part of the research activity was to develop an aerobic cometabolic process in packed bed reactors (PBR) to treat real groundwater contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE) and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA). In an initial screening conducted in batch bioreactors, different groundwater samples from 5 wells of the contaminated site were fed with 5 growth substrates. The work led to the selection of butane as the best growth substrate, and to the development and characterization from the site’s indigenous biomass of a suspended-cell consortium capable to degrade TCE with a 90 % mineralization of the organic chlorine. A kinetic study conducted in batch and continuous flow PBRs and led to the identification of the best carrier. A kinetic study of butane and TCE biodegradation indicated that the attached-cell consortium is characterized by a lower TCE specific degredation rates and by a lower level of mutual butane-TCE inhibition. A 31 L bioreactor was designed and set up for upscaling the experiment. The second part of the research focused on the biodegradation of 4 polymers, with and with-out chemical pre-treatments: linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), polyethylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Initially, the 4 polymers were subjected to different chemical pre-treatments: ozonation and UV/ozonation, in gaseous and aqueous phase. It was found that, for LLDPE and PP, the coupling UV and ozone in gas phase is the most effective way to oxidize the polymers and to generate carbonyl groups on the polymer surface. In further tests, the effect of chemical pretreatment on polyner biodegrability was studied. Gas-phase ozonated and virgin polymers were incubated aerobically with: (a) a pure strain, (b) a mixed culture of bacteria; and (c) a fungal culture, together with saccharose as a co-substrate.


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Progetto relativo al sistema di ventilazione di un cabinato contenente una centrale di compressione di gas naturale da immettere nella rete nazionale. La centrale è sita a Poggio Renatico. Il progetto è suddiviso in tre parti: - dimensionamento e posizionamento dell'impianto di ventilazione; - valutazione delle atmosfere esplosive, con la Guida CEI 31-35; - studio fluidodinamico interno al cabinato, con Solidworks Flow Simulation.