938 resultados para First Cohomology Group


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Quantum mechanics, optics and indeed any wave theory exhibits the phenomenon of interference. In this thesis we present two problems investigating interference due to indistinguishable alternatives and a mostly unrelated investigation into the free space propagation speed of light pulses in particular spatial modes. In chapter 1 we introduce the basic properties of the electromagnetic field needed for the subsequent chapters. In chapter 2 we review the properties of interference using the beam splitter and the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In particular we review what happens when one of the paths of the interferometer is marked in some way so that the particle having traversed it contains information as to which path it went down (to be followed up in chapter 3) and we review Hong-Ou-Mandel interference at a beam splitter (to be followed up in chapter 5). In chapter 3 we present the first of the interference problems. This consists of a nested Mach-Zehnder interferometer in which each of the free space propagation segments are weakly marked by mirrors vibrating at different frequencies [1]. The original experiment drew the conclusions that the photons followed disconnected paths. We partition the description of the light in the interferometer according to the number of paths it contains which-way information about and reinterpret the results reported in [1] in terms of the interference of paths spatially connected from source to detector. In chapter 4 we briefly review optical angular momentum, entanglement and spontaneous parametric down conversion. These concepts feed into chapter 5 in which we present the second of the interference problems namely Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with particles possessing two degrees of freedom. We analyse the problem in terms of exchange symmetry for both boson and fermion pairs and show that the particle statistics at a beam splitter can be controlled for suitably chosen states. We propose an experimental test of these ideas using orbital angular momentum entangled photons. In chapter 6 we look at the effect that the transverse spatial structure of the mode that a pulse of light is excited in has on its group velocity. We show that the resulting group velocity is slower than the speed of light in vacuum for plane waves and that this reduction in the group velocity is related to the spread in the wave vectors required to create the transverse spatial structure. We present experimental results of the measurement of this slowing down using Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.


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The effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral group therapy model for the treatment of girls victims of sexual violence (SV) was investigated when applied by different groups of practitioners: researchers/psychologists who developed it (G1) and psychologists from the public social care network trained by the first group (G2). A quasi-experimental study was carried out, in which the group therapy model was applied by the two groups. A total of 103 girls victims of sexual violence (SV), aged between seven and 16 years (M=11.76 years, SD=2.02 years) were included, with 49 attended by G1, and 54 by G2. The results indicated a significant reduction in the symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD. The comparison between the results obtained by the two groups of practitioners in the application of the model indicated no significant differences in the rates of improvement of the participants. These results indicate the effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral group therapy model evaluated and the possibility of it being used as a care strategy by psychology practitioners working in public services.


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The following paper is an action research made with a group of 6 teenagers aged 11-13 from the city of Cali. The project was carried out at a non-formal education institution and basically describes the process of a teaching intervention in which the concepts of Critical Pedagogy and Task-Based Learning were the protagonists. The results show first, that students really need to feel motivated in order to accept a critical approach; second, that the role of the teacher in the achievement of the objectives is extremely relevant; it is necessary for them to have a critical perspective before working on this field besides the constant seeking of information in order to innovate in their classes; third, that the TBL (Task Based Learning) and the critical pedagogy are processes that need some time in order to bear fruits; and fourth, that a needs analysis is essential for the quality of the intervention.


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Screening Diversity: Women and Work in Twenty-first Century Popular Culture explores contemporary representations of diverse professional women on screen. Audiences are offered successful women with limited concerns for feminism, anti-racism, or economic justice. I introduce the term viewsers to describe a group of movie and television viewers in the context of the online review platform Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and the social media platforms Twitter and Facebook. Screening Diversity follows their engagement in a representative sample of professional women on film and television produced between 2007 and 2015. The sample includes the television shows, Scandal, Homeland, VEEP, Parks and Recreation, and The Good Wife, as well as the movies, Zero Dark Thirty, The Proposal, The Heat, The Other Woman, I Don’t Know How She Does It, and Temptation. Viewsers appreciated female characters like Olivia (Scandal), and Maya (Zero Dark Thiry) who treated their work as a quasi-religious moral imperative. Producers and viewsers shared the belief that unlimited time commitment and personal identification were vital components of professionalism. However, powerful women, like The Proposal’s Margaret and VEEP’s Selina, were often called bitches. Some viewsers embraced bitch-positive politics in recognition of the struggles of women in power. Women’s disproportionate responsibility for reproductive labor, often compromises their ability to live up to moral standards of work. Unlike producers, viewsers celebrated and valued that labor. However, texts that included serious consideration of women as workers were frequently labelled chick flicks or soap operas. The label suggested that women’s labor issues were not important enough that they could be a topic of quality television or prestigious film, which bolstered the idea that workplace equality for women is not a problem in which the general public is implicated. Emerging discussions of racial injustice on television offered hope that these formations are beginning to shift.


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The survival and descent of cells is universally dependent on maintaining their proteins in a properly folded condition. It is widely accepted that the information for the folding of the nascent polypeptide chain into a native protein is encrypted in the amino acid sequence, and the Nobel Laureate Christian Anfinsen was the first to demonstrate that a protein could spontaneously refold after complete unfolding. However, it became clear that the observed folding rates for many proteins were much slower than rates estimated in vivo. This led to the recognition of required protein-protein interactions that promote proper folding. A unique group of proteins, the molecular chaperones, are responsible for maintaining protein homeostasis during normal growth as well as stress conditions. Chaperonins (CPNs) are ubiquitous and essential chaperones. They form ATP-dependent, hollow complexes that encapsulate polypeptides in two back-to-back stacked multisubunit rings, facilitating protein folding through highly cooperative allosteric articulation. CPNs are usually classified into Group I and Group II. Here, I report the characterization of a novel CPN belonging to a third Group, recently discovered in bacteria. Group III CPNs have close phylogenetic association to the Group II CPNs found in Archaea and Eukarya, and may be a relic of the Last Common Ancestor of the CPN family. The gene encoding the Group III CPN from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans and Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator was cloned in E. coli and overexpressed in order to both characterize the protein and to demonstrate its ability to function as an ATPase chaperone. The opening and closing cycle of the Chy chaperonin was examined via site-directed mutations affecting the ATP binding site at R155. To relate the mutational analysis to the structure of the CPN, the crystal structure of both the AMP-PNP (an ATP analogue) and ADP bound forms were obtained in collaboration with Sun-Shin Cha in Seoul, South Korea. The ADP and ATP binding site substitutions resulted in frozen forms of the structures in open and closed conformations. From this, mutants were designed to validate hypotheses regarding key ATP interacting sites as well as important stabilizing interactions, and to observe the physical properties of the resulting complexes by calorimetry.


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Background - Several studies have shown that celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, is highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Aim - To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of Brazilian celiac patients. Methods - First degree relatives of celiac patients attending the Brasilia University Hospital Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic or the Celiac Disease Investigation Center, Brasília, DF, Brazil, between March 2001 and November 2004 were invited to undergo serological screening for celiac disease applying the IgA anti-endomysium antibody test (IgA-EMA). All positive IgA-EMA sera underwent a second screening using the IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies test. Duodenal or small intestinal biopsies were performed in all subjects positive to serological testing. Biopsy samples were classified as type (O) normal, (I) infiltrative, (II) infiltrative hyperplastic, (III) flat destructive, and (IV) atrophic hypoplastic. The final diagnosis was ascertained in subjects showing positive serological tests and a grade I to III small intestinal lesion. Results - Nine new cases of celiac disease were found among the 188 first degree relatives tested (4.8%). Conclusion - The present study confirms the high prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients’ relatives and reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group.


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The ICES Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberic waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) met in Copenhagen, Denmark during 13–14 May 2016. There were 22 stocks in its remit distributed from ICES Divisions 3.a–4.a though mostly distributed in Sub Areas 7, 8 and 9. There were 21 participants, some of whom joined the meeting re-motely. The group was tasked with conducting assessments of stock status for 22 stocks using analytical, forecast methods or trends indicators to provide catch forecasts for eight stocks and provide a first draft of the ICES advice for 2016 for fourteen stocks. For the remaining stocks, the group had to update catch information and indices of abundance where needed. Depending on the result of this update, namely if it would change the perception of the stock, the working group drafted new advice. Analytical assessments using age-structured models were conducted for the northern and southern stocks of megrim and the Bay of Biscay sole. The two hake stocks and one southern stock of anglerfish were assessed using models that allow the use of only length-structured data (no age data). A surplus-production model, without age or length structure, was used to assess the second southern stocks of anglerfish. No ana-lytical assessments have been provided for the northern stocks of anglerfish after 2006. This is mostly due to ageing problems and to an increase in discards in recent years, for which there is no reliable data at the stock level. The state of stocks for which no analytical assessment could be performed was inferred from examination of commer-cial LPUE or CPUE data and from survey information. Three nephrops stocks from the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian waters are scheduled for benchmark assessments in October 2016. The WGBIE meeting spent some time review-ing the progress towards the benchmark (see Annex 6) together with longer term benchmarks (2017 and after, see section 1.) for sea bass in the Bay of Biscay, all an-glerfish and hake stocks assessed by the WG. For the northern megrim stock, the sched-ule an inter-benchmark meeting was completed successfully and the group reviewed the outcome and accepted the category 1 update assessment. A recurrent issue significantly constrained the group’s ability to address the terms of reference this year. Despite an ICES data call with a deadline of six weeks before the meeting, data for several stocks were resubmitted during the meeting which lead to increased workloads during the working group, as in that case, the assessments could not be carried out in National Laboratories prior to the meeting as mentioned in the ToRs. This is an important matter of concerns for the group members. Section 1 of the report presents a summary by stock and discusses general issues. Sec-tion 2 provides descriptions of the relevant fishing fleets and surveys used in the as-sessment of the stocks. Sections 3–18 contains the single stock assessments.


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El crecimiento de la actividad turística ha permitido que exista una oferta muy variada de servicios para los turistas que llegan a un determinado país. Es de gran importancia conocer la percepción que tienen los turistas acerca de los servicios que contratan para saber si estos son de calidad puesto que un buen servicio finalmente lleva a un crecimiento de la actividad turística. En la ciudad de Cuenca se brindan varios servicios a los turistas, entre estos, los tours con guianza en el idioma inglés. En este caso de investigación se provee información sobre la percepción que tienen los turistas cuando realizan un tour en inglés con el servicio de los guías del pool de operadores South Explorer Group. Mediante encuestas se facilita información acerca del manejo del idioma inglés por parte del guia, específicamente en las áreas de expresión oral, interacción oral y compresión auditiva. El trabajo se compone de tres capítulos, el primero de ellos da a conocer la actividad turística mundial, nacional y local, aquí se detalla el incremento de visitantes y los países de donde provienen los turistas así como su idioma. El segundo capítulo contiene la clasificación de las agencias de viajes y los requisitos según la Ley para guiar en el país, así también se da a conocer la historia del pool de operadores y el perfil de turistas y guías que operan para esta alianza. El capítulo tres hace referencia a las encuestas aplicadas a los turistas y guías del pool así como también los resultados obtenidos mediante este instrumento. Por último, se da a conocer las conclusiones obtenidas y las recomendaciones pertinentes.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar se grupos monossexuais de machos gastam mais energia e exibem perfil agonístico diferente de grupos formados por um macho e uma fêmea na tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Tais diferenças são esperadas, pois machos e fêmeas competem por diferentes recursos reprodutivos. Foram utilizadas duplas de machos (MM) e duplas de macho-fêmea (MF) que permaneceram pareadas por 40 minutos. Durante esse período foi feito o registro da interação agonística (10 minutos iniciais e 10 minutos finais do pareamento) e determinado o gasto energético (consumo de O2) pelo Método de Winckler. A latência para o início dos confrontos (média ± DP, MM = 27,40 ± 25,15 s; MF = 14,22 ± 21,19 s; Mann-Whitney, U = 33,50, P = 0,21) e a freqüência de todas as unidades comportamentais (média ± DP, MM < 72,30 ± 25,29; MF < 73,50 ± 21,65.10/min; Mann-Whitney, P > 0,10) foram semelhantes entre os grupos MM e MF nos 10 minutos iniciais. Isso indica que cada intruso foi considerado um potencial competidor no início da interação. No entanto, a freqüência de ondulação (interação também exibida durante a corte) foi maior para o residente do grupo MF nos 10 minutos finais (média ± DP, MM = 3,56 ± 5,89; MF = 8,56 ± 4,00.10/min; Mann-Whitney, U = 15,50, P = 0,01). A freqüência de fuga, entretanto, foi menor para o intruso do mesmo grupo (média ± DP, MM = 3,90 ± 4,33; MF = 0,44 ± 0,96.10/min; Mann-Whitney, U = 23,50, P = 0,04). Além disso, o perfil agonístico no grupo MM foi composto por um maior número de itens comportamentais do que o MF (para residentes e intrusos). Apesar das diferenças comportamentais, o consumo de O2 não foi afetado pela composição sexual do grupo (média ± DP, MM = 1,93 ± 0,54; MF = 1,77 ± 0,46 mgO2.g peso seco-1.40/min; t-teste de Student, t = 0,71, P = 0,49).


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Group testing has long been considered as a safe and sensible relative to one-at-a-time testing in applications where the prevalence rate p is small. In this thesis, we applied Bayes approach to estimate p using Beta-type prior distribution. First, we showed two Bayes estimators of p from prior on p derived from two different loss functions. Second, we presented two more Bayes estimators of p from prior on π according to two loss functions. We also displayed credible and HPD interval for p. In addition, we did intensive numerical studies. All results showed that the Bayes estimator was preferred over the usual maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for small p. We also presented the optimal β for different p, m, and k.


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The role played by the Big Three credit rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch) in the creation of the recent Financial Crisis has been well documented, as too has their conduct in the aftermath of the Crisis where they contributed to the prolonging of the effects of the systemic breakdown. Also, with a string of record fines and cease-and-desist orders in the wake of the Crisis lending weight to the notion that the Big Three have no plans of performing any more ethically, there are a number of organisations that are endeavouring to provide a better alternative to the stranglehold of the Big Three. In the first instalment of the Viability of a Response series we were introduced to the International Non-Profit Credit Rating Agency who, through the amalgamation of forward-looking and non-profit ideals, intends to inject some much needed ethical consideration into the process of providing ratings that are crucial to the marketplace . In this edition of the series, we will be introduced to the Universal Credit Rating Group (UCRG) which is an alliance between Dagong Global Ratings, RusRating, and Egan-Jones Rating Company. We will start by learning more about this alliance that is due to come into effect in the next few years, and then the article will examine the reality of the situation to come to a conclusion on what the Group’s chances of success may be.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on oral health, at age 9 years, of daily oral supplementation with the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri, strain ATCC 55730, to mothers during the last month of gestation and to children through the first year of life. The study was a single-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial involving 113 children: 60 in the probiotic and 53 in the placebo group. The subjects underwent clinical and radiographic examination of the primary dentition and carious lesions, plaque and gingivitis were recorded. Saliva and plaque were sampled for determination of mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) in saliva and plaque as well as salivary secretory IgA (SIgA). Forty-nine (82%) children in the probiotic group and 31 (58%) in the placebo group were caries-free (p < 0.01). The prevalence of approximal caries lesions was lower in the probiotic group (0.67 ± 1.61 vs. 1.53 ± 2.64; p < 0.05) and there were fewer sites with gingivitis compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to frequency of toothbrushing, plaque and dietary habits, but to intake of fluoride supplements (p < 0.05). There were no intergroup differences with respect to L. reuteri, MS, LB or SIgA in saliva. Within the limitation of this study it seems that daily supplementation with L. reuteri from birth and during the first year of life is associated with reduced caries prevalence and gingivitis score in the primary dentition at 9 years of age.


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.


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Context - It is well recognized that celiac disease is an immune-mediated systemic disorder highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Objectives - The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of celiac children, and to access the frequency of human leukocyte antigen HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 in celiac disease patients and their affected relatives. Methods - A survey was conducted of 39 children with celiac disease with follow-up in the Pediatric outpatient’s clinic of Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital, in Madeira Island, Portugal. Were invited 110 first degree relatives to undergo serological screen for celiac disease with IgA antibody to human recombinant tissue transglutaminase (IgA-TGG) quantification. In all seropositive relatives, small intestinal biopsy and HLA typing was recommended. Results - HLA- typing was performed in 38 celiac patients, 28/74% DQ2 positive, 1/2% DQ8 positive and 9/24% incomplete DQ2. Positive IgA-TGG was found in five out of the 95 relatives, and CD was diagnosed in three of them. Three relatives had the presence of HLA-DQ2, two were DQ2 incomplete (DQB1*02). Conclusion - The prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients´ relatives was 3.1%, 4.5 times higher than the general Portuguese population (0,7%) witch reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group. HLA-DQ2 typing may be a tool in the diagnostic approach.