944 resultados para FORTRAN IV


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des arts et sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M. Sc.) en criminologie


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Modern Painters vol. III, IV et V est une œuvre tripartite développée après 1850, en synchronie avec la guerre de Crimée (1854-56), la répression de la révolte indienne (1857-59) et la deuxième guerre d’indépendance d’Italie (1859). Marqué par ces événements politiques, Ruskin met en œuvre une stratégie complexe pour configurer dans un langage symbolique les frontières et les taxonomies impériales de l’espace européen. Il développe des stratégies de présentation qui combinent le texte et les illustrations pour créer des allégories mentales et visuelles, construites à partir des stéréotypes littéraires et culturels véhiculés dans l’espace britannique. L’auteur met ses derniers volumes de Modern Painters sous le signe de « la crise de la civilisation » représentée par les conflagrations de Crimée, d’Inde et d’Italie, en exprimant son soutien pour la nouvelle alliance entre l’Angleterre et la France. Un autre motif est son obsession avec la réforme sociale via un retour aux valeurs chrétiennes traditionnelles.


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Les systèmes bactériens de sécrétion de type IV (T4SS) sont constitués d’un ensemble de 8 à 12 protéines conservées. Ces dernières sont utilisées lors de la translocation de protéines, la translocation de complexes ADN-protéines mais aussi pour le transport de ces derniers au travers de la membrane cellulaire. Les T4SS, en tant que facteurs de virulence pour beaucoup de pathogènes comme Brucella suis, sont donc d’excellents modèles cibles pour le développement de médicaments d’antivirulence. Ces médicaments, en privant le pathogène de son facteur essentiel de virulence : le T4SS, constituent une alternative ou encore une amélioration des traitements antibiotiques utilisés actuellement. VirB8, un facteur d’assemblage conservé dans le T4SS, forme des dimères qui sont importants pour la fonction des T4SS dans ces pathogènes. De par ses interactions multiples, VirB8 est un excellent modèle pour l’analyse des facteurs d’assemblage mais aussi en tant que cible de médicaments qui empêcheraient son interaction avec d’autres protéines et qui, in fine, désarmeraient les bactéries en les privant de leur fonctions essentielles de virulence. À ce jour, nous savons qu’il existe un équilibre monomère-dimère et un processus d’homodimerization de VirB8 dont l’importance est vitale pour la fonctionnement biologique des T4SSs. En se basant sur des essais quantitatifs d’interaction, nous avons identifié (i) des sites potentiels d’interaction avec d’autres protéines VirB du T4SS mais aussi (ii) isolé des petites molécules inhibitrices afin de tester la fonction protéique de VirB8. Afin de déterminer les acides aminés importants pour l’hétérodimérization de VirB8 avec VirB10, nous avons effectué des expériences de mutagenèse aléatoire, de phage display et d’arrimage moléculaire in silico. Ces expériences ont démontré l’importance de trois acides aminés localisés sur le feuillet β : R160, S162, T164 et I165. Ces derniers seraient importants pour l’association de VirB8 avec VirB10 étant donné que leur mutagenèse entraine une diminution de la formation du complexe VirB8-VirB10. L’objectif actuel de notre projet de recherche est de pouvoir mieux comprendre mais aussi d’évaluer le rôle de VirB8 dans l’assemblage du T4SS. Grace à un méthode de criblage adaptée à partir de la structure de VirB8, nous avons pu identifié une petite molécule inhibitrice BAR-068, qui aurait un rôle prometteur dans l’inhibition du T4SS. Nous avons utilisé la spectroscopie par fluorescence, l’essai à deux hybrides, le cross-linking et la cristallographie afin de déterminer le mécanisme d'interaction existant entre VirB8 et BAR-068. Ces travaux pourraient permettre de nombreuses avancées, notamment en termes de compréhension des mécanismes d’inhibition du T4SS. Notre objectif ultime est de pouvoir caractériser la séquence d’évènements essentiels à l’assemblage et au fonctionnement du T4SS. De manière globale, notre projet de recherche permettrait de révéler les grands principes d’assemblage des protéines membranaires, les processus de sécrétion de protéines chez les bactéries mais aussi de proposer une nouvelle stratégie lors du développement de drogues antimicrobiennes.


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Cet article propose une modeste contribution au débat portant sur le rapport entre la tripartition de l’âme et de la cité dans la République de Platon. Dans un premier temps, nous soutenons, sur la base d’une analyse textuelle du livre IV, que la tripartition de l’âme et celle de la cité ne peuvent être pensées indépendamment l’une de l’autre, dans la mesure où elles participent toutes deux d’une dialectique qui s’élève jusqu’à la forme intelligible 1 ( ε ἶ δος ) de la justice. Dans un second temps, nous tâchons, en mobilisant des réflexions de l’interprète Giovanni R. F. Ferrari, de penser effectivement la justice comme synthèse intelligible dans son rapport avec le motif psycho-politique de la République.


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The thesis entitled “Synergistic solvent extraction of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) with β-diketones in presence of oxo-donors” embodies the results of the investigations carried out on the extraction of thorium(IV) an uranium(VI) with heterocyclic β-diketones in the presence and absence of various macrocyclic ligands and neutral organophosphorus extractants. The objective of this work is to generate the knowledge base to achieve better selectivity between thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) by understanding the interactions of crown ethers or neutral organophosphorus extractants with metal-heterocyclic β-diketonate complexes. Para-substituted 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-aroyl-5-pyrazolones, namely,1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-5-pyrazolone (HPMFBP) and 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(4-toluoyl)-5-pyrazolone (HPMTP) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and H NMR spectral data. The synthesized ligands have been utilized for the extraction of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) from nitric acid solutions in the presence and absence of various crown ethers. Thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) complexes with HPMPP(1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-pivaloyl-5-pyrazolone) and neutral organophosphorus extractants were synthesized and characterized by IR and P NMR spectral data to further understand the interactions of neutral organophosphorus extractants with metal-chelates. Solid complexes of thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) with para-substituted 4-aroyl-5-isoxazolones and crown ethers were isolated and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques to further clarify the nature of the extracted complexes.


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The current study is aimed at the development of a theoretical simulation tool based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) to 'interpret granular dynamics of solid bed in the cross section of the horizontal rotating cylinder at the microscopic level and subsequently apply this model to establish the transition behaviour, mixing and segregation.The simulation of the granular motion developed in this work is based on solving Newton's equation of motion for each particle in the granular bed subjected to the collisional forces, external forces and boundary forces. At every instant of time, the forces are tracked and the positions velocities and accelarations of each partcle is The software code for this simulation is written in VISUAL FORTRAN 90 After checking the validity of the code with special tests, it is used to investigate the transition behaviour of granular solids motion in the cross section of a rotating cylinder for various rotational speeds and fill fraction.This work is hence directed towards a theoretical investigation based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) of the motion of granular solids in the radial direction of the horizontal cylinder to elucidate the relationship between the operating parameters of the rotating cylinder geometry and physical properties ofthe granular solid.The operating parameters of the rotating cylinder include the various rotational velocities of the cylinder and volumetric fill. The physical properties of the granular solids include particle sizes, densities, stiffness coefficients, and coefficient of friction Further the work highlights the fundamental basis for the important phenomena of the system namely; (i) the different modes of solids motion observed in a transverse crosssection of the rotating cylinder for various rotational speeds, (ii) the radial mixing of the granular solid in terms of active layer depth (iii) rate coefficient of mixing as well as the transition behaviour in terms of the bed turnover time and rotational speed and (iv) the segregation mechanisms resulting from differences in the size and density of particles.The transition behaviour involving its six different modes of motion of the granular solid bed is quantified in terms of Froude number and the results obtained are validated with experimental and theoretical results reported in the literature The transition from slumping to rolling mode is quantified using the bed turnover time and a linear relationship is established between the bed turn over time and the inverse of the rotational speed of the cylinder as predicted by Davidson et al. [2000]. The effect of the rotational speed, fill fraction and coefficient of friction on the dynamic angle of repose are presented and discussed. The variation of active layer depth with respect to fill fraction and rotational speed have been investigated. The results obtained through simulation are compared with the experimental results reported by Van Puyvelde et. at. [2000] and Ding et at. [2002].The theoretical model has been further extended, to study the rmxmg and segregation in the transverse direction for different particle sizes and their size ratios. The effect of fill fraction and rotational speed on the transverse mixing behaviour is presented in the form of a mixing index and mixing kinetics curve. The segregation pattern obtained by the simulation of the granular solid bed with respect to the rotational speed of the cylinder is presented both in graphical and numerical forms. The segregation behaviour of the granular solid bed with respect to particle size, density and volume fraction of particle size has been investigated. Several important macro parameters characterising segregation such as mixing index, percolation index and segregation index have been derived from the simulation tool based on first principles developed in this work.


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Thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere form part of the input to numerical forecasting models. Usually these parameters are evaluated from a thermodynamic diagram. Here, a technique is developed to evaluate these parameters quickly and accurately using a Fortran program. This technique is tested with four sets of randomly selected data and the results are in agreement with the results from the conventional method. This technique is superior to the conventional method in three respects: more accuracy, less computation time, and evaluation of additional parameters. The computation time for all the parameters on a PC AT 286 machine is II sec. This software, with appropriate modifications, can be used, for verifying various lines on a thermodynamic diagram


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Oxovanadium(IV/V) complexes of 2-hydroxyacetophenone- 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoylhydrazone (H2L) have been synthesized and characterized. The complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, IR, electronic and EPR spectra. The oxovanadium(V) complex [VOL (OCH3)] is crystallized in two polymorphic forms, denoted by 1a and 1b, with space groups Pn21a and P 1, respectively. Both have distorted square pyramidal structures.


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Four hydrazone ligands: 2-benzoylpyridine benzoyl hydrazone (HBPB), di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoyl hydrazone (HDKN), quinoline-2-carbaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone (HQCB), and quinoline-2-carbaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone (HQCN) and four of their complexes with vanadyl salts have been synthesized and characterized. Single crystals of HBPB and complexes [VO(BPB)(l2-O)]2 (1) and [VO(DKN)(l2-O)]2 ½H2O (2) were isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Each of the complexes exhibits a binuclear structure where two vanadium(V) atoms are bridged by two oxygen atoms to form distorted octahedral structures within cis-N2O4 donor sets. In most complexes, the uninegative anions function as tridentate ligands, coordinating through the pyridyl- and azomethine-nitrogen atoms and enolic oxygen whereas in complex [VO(HQCN)(SO4)]SO4 4H2O (4) the ligand is coordinated in the keto form. Complexes [VO(QCB)( OMe)] 1.5H2O (3) and 4 are found to be EPR active and showed well-resolved axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line pattern


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Four oxovanadium and one dioxovanadium complex with 2-hydroxyacetophenone N(4)- phenylthiosemicarbazone (H2L) which are represented as [VOLphen]·2H2O (1), [VOLbipy] (2), [VOLdmbipy] (3), [VOL]2 (4) and [VO2HL]·CH3OH (5) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, electronic, infrared and EPR spectral techniques. In all the complexes 1–4 the ligand coordinates through phenolic oxygen, azomethine nitrogen and thiolate sulfur. But in complex [VO2HL]·CH3OH, coordination takes place in thione form instead of thiolate sulfur. All the complexes except [VO2HL]·CH3OH are EPR active due to the presence of an unpaired electron. In frozen DMF at 77 K, all the oxovanadium(IV) complexes show axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line patterns


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The photoionization cross sections for the production of the Kr II 4s state and Kr II satellite states were studied in the 4s ionization threshold region. The interference of direct photoionization and ionization through the autoionization decay of doubly-excited states was considered. In the calculations of doubly-excited state energies, performed by a configuration interaction technique, the 4p spin-orbit interaction and the (Kr II core)-(excited electron) Coulomb interaction were included. The theoretical cross sections are in many cases in good agreement with the measured values. Strong resonant features in the satellite spectra with threshold energies greater than 30 eV are predicted.


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Results of relativistic (Dirac-Slater and Dirac-Fock) and nonrelativistic (Hartree-Fock-Slater) atomic and molecular calculations have been compared for the group 5 elements Nb, Ta, and Ha and their compounds MCl_5, to elucidate the influence of relativistic effects on their properties especially in going from the 5d element Ta to the 6d element Ha. The analysis of the radial distribution of the valence electrons of the metals for electronic configurations obtained as a result of the molecular calculations and their overlap with ligands show opposite trends in behavior for ns_1/2, np_l/2, and (n -1 )d_5/2 orbitals for Ta and Ha in the relativistic and nonrelativistic cases. Relativistic contraction and energetic stabilization of the ns_1/2 and np_l/2 wave functions and expansion and destabilization of the (n-1)d_5/2 orbitals make hahnium pentahalide more covalent than tantalum pentahalide and increase the bond strength. The nonrelativistic treatment of the wave functions results in an increase in ionicity of the MCl_5 molecules in going from Nb to Ha making element Ha an analog of V. Different trends for the relativistic and nonrelativistic cases are also found for ionization potentials, electronic affinities, and energies of charge-transfer transitions as well as the stability of the maximum oxidation state.