935 resultados para Comportamento organizacional - Aspectos morais e éticos
This research is part of the field of organizational studies, focusing on organizational purchase behavior and, specifically, trust interorganizational at the purchases. This topic is current and relevant by addressing the development of good relations between buyer-supplier that increases the exchange of information, increases the length of relationship, reduces the hierarchical controls and improves performance. Furthermore, although there is a vast literature on trust, the scientific work that deal specifically at the trust interorganizational still need further research to synthesize and validate the variables that generate this phenomenon. In this sense, this investigation is to explain the antecedents of trust interorganizational by the relationship between the variable operational performance, organizational characteristics, shared values and interpersonal relationships on purchases by manufacturing industries, in order to develop a robust literature, most consensual, that includes the current sociological and economic, considering the effect of interpersonal relationships in this phenomenon. This proposal is configured in a new vision of the antecedents of interorganizational trust, described as significant quantitative from models Morgan and Hunt (1994), Doney and Cannon (1997), Zhao and Cavusgil (2006) and Nyaga, Whipple, Lynch (2011), as well as qualitative analysis of Tacconi et al. (2011). With regard to methodological aspects, the study assumes the form of a descriptive, survey type, and causal trace theoretical and empirical. As for his nature, the investigation, explicative character, has developed a quantitative approach with the use of exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling SEM, with the use of IBM software SPSS Amos 18.0, using the method of maximum verisimilitude, and supported by technical bootstraping. The unit of analysis was the buyer-supplier relationship, in which the object under investigation was the supplier organization in view of the purchasing company. 237 valid questionnaires were collected among key informants, using a simple random sampling developed in manufacturing industries (SIC 10-33), located in the city of Natal and in the region of Natal. The first results of descriptive analysis demonstrate the phenomenon of interorganizational trust, in which purchasing firms believe, feel secure about the supplier. This demonstration showed high levels of intensity, predominantly among the vendors that supply the company with materials that are used directly in the production process. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, performed on each variable alone, generated a set of observable and unobservable variables more consistent, giving rise to a model, that needed to be further specified. This again specify model consists of trajectories was positive, with a good fit, with a composite reliability and variance extracted satisfactory, and demonstrates convergent and discriminant validity, in which the factor loadings are significant and strong explanatory power. Given the findings that reinforce the model again specify data, suggesting a high probability that this model may be more suited for the study population, the results support the explanation that interorganizational trust depends on purchases directly from interpersonal relationships, sharing value and operating performance and indirectly of personal relationships, social networks, organizational characteristics, physical and relational aspect of performance. It is concluded that this trust can be explained by a set of interactions between these three determinants, where the focus is on interpersonal relationships, with the largest path coefficient for the factor under study
This study aimed to understand the relations inside the organizational Structuring of the shrimp Field - the shrimp agribusiness placed in Rio Grande do Norte State and the strategies adopted by its players. In order to achieve that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with samples of various organizations that act in the field, like cooperatives, associations, enterprises of different links in the chain, universities and state agencies. The interviews built up a large collection of secondary data. As expected, it was found that Field and strategies are related in a recursive way: the configuration of the field, a result from his own biography, has decisively influenced the strategies adopted by its actors, who, as evolved, eventually caused further changes in the Field and outlines the plot of this area of interaction. It was found, for example, that after thirty-five years of its genesis, the Field of shrimp RN still has a low level of institutionalization, which helps to understand the difficulty of its actors in establish strategies based on partnerships and cooperation; Those actions are so necessary to alleviate the effects of the crisis that devastated the industry since 2004. It was noticed, however, that this level of institutionalization is a result, beside other factors, the very strategies that field actors are embracing along its trajectory. Thus, this study hopes to have contributed both to the necessary revival of the agency to institutional phenomenon, cited by Oliver (1991), and to meet the need for more contextualized approaches to organizational strategies (MINTZBERG, 1987; CLEGG, 2004; WHITTINGTON, 2004; 2006; SARAIVA and CARRIERI, 2007). It is an exploratory study that needs further investigation in order to get deep in this research. In this sense, others methodologies and theoretical perspectives need to be used, especially those relating to the seizure of the disputes and discursive aspects of power, as salient in the field investigated. Moreover, in terms of "practical actions", it is suggested that, as soon as possible, the main actors of the field (cooperatives, companies, and state entities in class) can be able of agglutinate efforts to support the shrimp field in RN State and make sustainable actions, which can promote the development of activity in a global view. On the apse of shrimp activities everybody wanted to be the "father of the child," Now, someone has to "stay in the goal."
The information technology - IT- benefits have been more perceived during the last decades. Both IT and business managers are dealing with subjects like governance, IT-Business alignment, information security and others on their top priorities. Talking about governance, specifically, managers are facing it with a technical approach, that gives emphasis on protection against invasions, antivirus systems, access controls and others technical issues. The IT risk management, commonly, is faced under this approach, that means, has its importance reduced and delegated to IT Departments. On the last two decades, a new IT risk management perspective raised, bringing an holistic view of IT risk to the organization. According to this new perspective, the strategies formulation process should take into account the IT risks. With the growing of IT dependence on most of organizations, the necessity of a better comprehension about the subject becomes more clear. This work shows a study in three public organizations of the Pernambuco State that investigates how those organizations manage their IT risks. Structured interviews were made with IT managers, and later, analyzed and compared with conceptual categories found in the literature. The results shows that the IT risks culture and IT governance are weakly understood and implemented on those organizations, where there are not such an IT risk methodology formally defined, neither executed. In addition, most of practices suggested in the literature were found, even without an alignment with an IT risks management process
The research in question looked for to establish the relation between the motivation (of the proprietor of apartment) to change itself of another one apartment, in closed vertical condominium (residential mobility) in the period of the recognition of the necessity, and the satisfaction with the apartment after consume. The universe or the population chosen for the development of the study was of proprietors of apartment in vertical condominiums located in the region metropolitan of Natal. The analysis of data was made using the techniques of linear regression and logistic regression between variables. The linear regression found relations between the motivations for housing change and the satisfaction in after consume with some attributes of the apartment. The logistic regression showed that relations between the motivations for change and the general satisfaction to the apartment exist as a whole, in the period after consumes. With regard to the motivation to change itself of a apartment for another one, some reasons shown more motivation them the others. The research found different degrees of satisfaction with certain characteristics of the apartment and degrees of no satisfaction with others. Finally the results of the research had contributed for the reply of the problem that guided the present study, therefore had obtained in such a way to find how much logistic not linear relations between the two periods purchase (recognition of the necessity and evaluation after consume) and had elucidated the process that goes since the choice the product until the satisfaction of the necessities
O advento das novas tecnologias e a dinamicidade das mudanças que estas provocam, impactam diretamente em vários aspectos da sociedade, dentre estes, na educação. Novas metodologias e mudanças no processo de ensino-aprendizagem tornam-se práticas cada vez mais frequentes neste campo. O elemento basilar desta nova constituição é o docente, capaz de transformar a utilização desses recursos em ferramentas que favoreçam o processo educativo. Essa readequação do comportamento exigida por essas constantes mudanças é orientada pelos valores pessoais dos sujeitos que vivenciam a situação. Os valores são idealizados como critérios que interferem diretamente nas atitudes, preferências e até mesmo no comportamento humano, influenciando no modo como o indivíduo interpreta as suas próprias atitudes e as dos outros, inclusive no âmbito profissional. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral da presente pesquisa é analisar as relações entre o perfil de uso da tecnologia e os valores dos docentes da UFRN Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, baseado na escala de valores de Schwartz. Para isso foram utilizados os tipos motivacionais que compõem a teoria de valores de Schwartz, através de questionário aplicado junto aos docentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de enfoque analítico quantitativo que utiliza um questionário da escala de valores desenvolvida por Schwartz et al. (2001) conhecida como PVQ (Portrait Values Questionnaire). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de uma amostra de 200 docentes entre atuantes da modalidade presencial e/ou na modalidade de ensino a distância. A estratégia de análise dos dados utilizou técnicas de estatística descritiva, análise de gráficos, análise das frequências relativas e a técnica estatística MANOVA (Análise Multivariada de Variância). Os resultados apontaram que os docentes utilizam moderadamente os recursos tecnológicos avaliados nesta pesquisa, como ferramenta de apoio pedagógico. Com relação ao perfil de valores, os docentes apresentaram prioridade entre os tipos motivacionais Autodeterminação, Benevolência e Universalismo, enquanto os menos priorizados foram os de Tradição, Realização e Poder, respectivamente. Contudo, não foram identificadas relações significativas entre o perfil de valores e o perfil de uso da tecnologia entre os docentes estudados nesta pesquisa
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
The aim of this study was to test the sediment preference of L. vannamei shrimp. It was observed shrimp visit frequency, swimming and burying behaviour at different sediment compositions for 24h. Juvenile (0.93 ± 0.29g) and sub-adult shrimps (10.0 ± 1.18g) were obtained from the aquaculture station at Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido UFERSA, and held in a plastic tank (water volume 500 L) supplied with aerated water and kept at constant temperature, pH, and salinity. Shrimp was fed by commercial shrimp dry food. The experimental substrates were composed by A: medium sand + thick sand + very thick sand + gravel; B: very fine sand + fine sand; and C: silt + clay. Thus, six different substrate combinations were tested: A, B, C, A+B, A+C, B+C. To test preference, it was used a cylindrical tank (40 l) divided into six differently substrate compartments. A single shrimp was introduced each tank and the frequency at which this shrimp visited each compartment was recorded over a 24h study period. It was tested 54 shrimp (18 sub-adult males, 18 subadult females and 18 juveniles). For each trial, sediment and water were changed to avoid pheromones and residues influence. Shrimp were weighted and sub-adults were divided by sex: males present petasma and females present thelycum. Data were collected on the experimental day at 19:30; 20:30; 00:30; 1:30; 05:30; 06:30; 13:30 and 14:30 h. At each time point, shrimp were observed for 20-min periods, in which we noted down which compartment the shrimp was occupying at 2-min intervals. Thus, for each period we had eleven observations (88 observations per day). For observations at night, it was used dim red light that did not affect shrimp behaviour. At each 20-min period, it was observed visit frequency in each substrate, if shrimp was burred or not or if it was swimming. There was not significant difference between light and dark burry activity for females. Swimming activity was significantly higher at night, mainly at 00:30 and 01:30 h. All L. vannamei shrimp showed preference for sediment B. This animal presents cyclic activity, spends the day light period buried and swims at night
Os poços HPHT atravessam zonas anormalmente pressurizadas e com altos gradientes de temperatura. Esses poços apresentam elevadas concentrações de tensões produzidas pelas operações de perfuração e fraturamento hidráulico, flutuações da pressão e temperatura, forças dinâmicas geradas durante a perfuração, formações inconsolidadas, entre outros aspectos, podendo resultar em falhas mecânicas na bainha de cimento. Tais falhas comprometem a estabilidade mecânica do poço e o isolamento das zonas produtoras de óleos e/ou gás. Para que operações corretivas não se façam necessárias, é preciso adequar as pastas às condições de cada poço. Sistemas de pastas de cimento para poços HPHT requerem um bom controle de suas propriedades termo-mecânicas. Visto que a temperaturas superiores a 110 oC (230 oF) o cimento, após alcançar um valor máximo de resistência, inicia um processo de perda de resistência (retrogressão). Para prevenir esse efeito substitui-se parcialmente o cimento Portland por sílica com objetivo de incrementar a reação pozolânica. Esta reação modifica a trajetória do processo natural de hidratação do cimento, o gel de silicato de cálcio hidratado (C-S-H) se converte em várias outras fases com maior resistência. Polímeros também são adicionados para proporcionar maior flexibilidade e agir como barreira à propagação de trincas desenvolvidas sob tensão. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento do sistema cimento/sílica/polímero quando submetido às condições de alta temperatura e alta pressão. Foram formuladas pastas de cimento puro, pastas contendo 40 % BWOC de sílica flour e pastas com diferentes concentrações de poliuretana (5 % a 25 %) e 40 % BWOC de sílica flour. O peso específico das pastas foi fixado em 1,87 g/cm3 (15,6 lb/gal). Os resultados demonstram que as resistências da pasta contendo 40% de sílica e das com adição de polímero foram muito superiores a da pasta de cimento puro, não ocorrendo o efeito da retrogressão. As pastas com polímero apresentaram um crescente aumento da tenacidade com o aumento da concentração da mesma, sendo assim capaz de suportar as tensões. Além de se manterem estáveis termicamente acima de 180 ºC. O sistema também apresentou excelentes resultados de filtrado, reologia, água livre, estabilidade e permeabilidade. Sendo assim, o mesmo mostrou ser aplicável a poços HPHT
The sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) is currently appointed as the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. The growth of cities in areas originally endemics to American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL) resulted in the spread of the disease at the same time that observed the adaptation of this species to the urban environment.Changes in behavior of L.longipalpis that enabled the adapt to increasing losings of biodiversity, as well as the frequent exposure of the vector to insecticides evident in urban areas, could justify the increasing population of the species and consequently the spread of disease for these environments .Thus, we selected sixty houses spread among three areas with increasing stages of occupation of an area endemic for AVL in Teresina-PI. We evaluated the correlation between the density of L.longipalpis captured and different aspects, such as population density of animals, vegetation cover and socio-economic aspects in each house. In addition to the correlations, the feeding preference of the vector between the predominant plant species in the neighborhoods, as well as the presence of metabolic mechanisms of resistance among the captured insects were tested. The results showed that over the growing occupations, represented by three areas, L.longipalpis demonstrate its adaptive nature through an apparent opportunistic behavior in relation to sources of carbohydrates and blood. On the evolutionary point of view, this behavior may have favored its vector competence in urban areas among the limited presence of food sources, as well as in various environments encountered.
Objetivo: analisar o estado da arte dos aspectos diagnósticos, periciais e jurisprudenciais das LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos / Distúrbios Osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho) no Brasil. Materiais e Método: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, com formato documental, utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A avaliação evolutiva da legislação previdenciária relacionada as LER/DORT foi realizada através da pesquisa no banco de dados disponibilizado pelo Governo Federal e mediante a consulta ao DATAPREV/Sislex. A avaliação dos aspectos diagnósticos foi instrumentalizada através, principalmente, de artigos científicos publicados entre 2003 e 2008, nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa, espanhola e francesa, relacionados com os métodos de diagnósticos complementares das LER-DORT (ressonância magnética, tomografia computadorizada, ultrassonografia e eletroneuromiografia). As jurisprudências foram obtidas através da busca dos julgados sobre o tema, entre 2003 e 2008, pertencentes ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, Tribunais Regionais Federais, Tribunal Superior do Trabalho e Tribunais Regionais do Trabalho. Resultados: foram identificados 48 artigos abordando os aspectos diagnósticos das LER-DORT, observando-se que os exames por ressonância magnética, ultrassonografia e eletromiografia demonstraram ser mais efetivos, dentro das suas especificidades, para a complementação do exame clínico de patologias relacionadas às LER-DORT. A análise das 123 jurisprudências selecionadas demonstrou, de forma geral, que as LER-DORT equiparam-se ao acidente de trabalho, devendo apresentar nexo de causalidade (atestado através de laudo médico-pericial) e, ainda, ensejam a ação por danos morais, a qual, devido à EC nº 45 passou a ser competência da Justiça do Trabalho. O Estado da arte dos aspectos periciais encontra-se representado pela vigência da Instrução Normativa n. 98/2003, a qual traz como aspecto fundamental a determinação de novos parâmetros a serem considerados na definição de um quadro de LER-DORT, dispondo, ainda, sobre a conduta ética que deve ser adotada pelo médico perito, bem como chama a atenção para a necessidade dessas doenças do trabalho serem comunicadas às autoridadades competentes, através da emissão da Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusão: as LER-DORT representam, hoje, um problema de importante impacto, não apenas previdenciário, mas também econômico em diversos países, nos quais o Brasil encontra-se inserido. Estudos sobre o estado da arte relacionados às LER-DORT são fundamentais para auxiliar na construção de um modelo crítico e consciente que colabore com a garantia de sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário no Brasil
Visceral leishmaniasis hás adapted in the past 20 years to periurban and urban areas, and in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, it became endemic. Thid study aimed to evaluate the environmental and social aspectsof Leishmania chagasi infection and its epidemiologic transmission chain in an urban, periurban and rural area of Parnamirim-RN. A study with three sections was conducted: Section 1: Sectional study of the human and canine infection by L. chagasi and its environmental and social determinants. Section 2: Observational longitudinal cohort to evaluate the dynamics of the canine infection. Section 3: Longitudinal study to evaluate the behavior of Lu. Longipalpis vector and the seasonal factors related to its dynamics. To include in the study the hauses were randomly selected and georreferenciated. Montenegro skin test was done in the human population and blood samples were collected for anti-Leishmania antibody detection. The canine population was examinated for L. chagasi infection by RIFI, ELISA and ELISA for rK39. An entomologic surveillance was monthly done with CDC light trapsin 10 houses of each locality. Quantitative and qualitative analyses was done using STATISC 6.0. Probality and prediction maps were done using ArcGis 9.0 model. In the human population L. chagasi infection was associated with the area of the hause, age, sex, population densyti, vegetation, kind of the floor of thr hause, water and resides destiny. In the canine population L. chagasi infection was associated with the breed, size, time of living in the hause, presence of dogs in the neighborhood, presence of horses and donkeys in the neighborhood, vegetation, kind of the floor and walls of the hause. The human infection was associated with canine infction only when analyzed taking into account the locality. In the prospective study, serum conversion and antibody lost observed in 30,8% and 22% of the animals examined, respectively. The human infection rate by L. chagasi was 24,6%, by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody and 38,6% by the Montenegro skin test. The canine infection rate 32,5% by the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The vector Lu longipalpis showed an atypical behavior. These results indicate that environmental and social factors are important variables associated with L. chagasi infection in humans and canines, with punctual association of thr last two. Control measures of the infection on the studied points are necessary, in the aim to reduce the endemic focus of the disease in the study area. This research was carried out in a multidisciplinary involving the categories of: doctor, biologist, veterinarian, statistical, pharmaceutical and biochemical
Purpose: assess the frequency of stress and anxiety levels in infertile women, correlate these aspects with risk factors and qualitatively analyze feelings resultant from the inability to conceive, in order to obtain data for specific psychological guidance. Methods: the case-control study included a total of 302 women, 152 being infertile (case group: 30.3 ± 5.4 years), and 150 non-fertile (control group: 25.7 ± 7.9 years). The quantitative approach involved the application of Lipp s Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), whereas the qualitative approach consisted of a semi-structured interview. Response variables considered were: stress frequency and anxiety scores (State and Trait). Statistical analysis compared frequencies and medians between groups, by means of qui-squared and Mann-Whitney tests, respectively, and constructed logistical regression models to test associations between response variables and risk factors considered. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively and categorized in order to perform correspondence analysis. The level of significance was 5%. Results: in the study sample, stress frequency was higher in the case group than in the control(61.8 and 36.0%, respectively), however, significant differences were not observed between groups in relation to stress phases and predominant symptomology type. With respect to anxiety, there were no significant differences between case and control groups as to median state scores [39.5 (35.0 46.0) and 41.0 (35.7 47.0 ); respectively) and anxiety trait scores [44.0 (34.0 51.0) and 42.0 (36.0 49.2); respectively). Risk factors significantly associated with greater risk for high anxiety scores in the case group were: primary infertility, unawareness of the causal factor, diagnostic phase investigation, religion, lack of children from other marriages and the fact that the woman was previously married. The qualitative approach demonstrated that infertility provokes emotional responses, such as sadness, anxiety, anger, fear and guilt. Conclusions: it can be concluded that infertile women are more vulnerable to stress; however, they are capable of adapting to stressful events without serious physical or psychological compromising
The present work shows trajectories of life of seated women agricultural, with the objective to apprehend on aspects to the experience of its sexuality. The daily one of the seated woman is constructed in a new space, called agricultural nesting whose formation if presents with proper singularity to a social and economic context and politician of the Great River of the North. Its passages of life are permeaty by different violences suffered in its daily one and its sexuality is weaveeed by a set of rules that the naturalization of the subordination of the woman in relation to the man keeps. The societies use the systems of the relations between men and women and transform the biological characteristic into activities human beings
O jambo-vermelho (Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merryl et Perry), espécie pertencente à família Myrtaceae, possui frutos ricos em vitaminas, ferro e fósforo. Este trabalho teve por objetivos fornecer informações sobre aspectos morfológicos do fruto, semente e plântula e avaliar a influência do tamanho da semente na germinação dessa espécie. O fruto é uma baga piriforme, carnoso e indeiscente. O epicarpo é delgado, liso e avermelhado; o mesocarpo e o endocarpo são esbranquiçados e suculentos. Os frutos pesam, em média, 35,57g e medem 7,16cm de comprimento e 5,15cm de largura. As sementes são poliembriônicas e exalbuminosas, pesando, em média, 7,62g. Os cotilédones são maciços e esverdeados. A germinação é hipógea, e a emergência das plântulas inicia-se aos 36 dias após a semeadura. A raiz primária é longa e esbranquiçada. As raízes secundárias são curtas e filiformes. As sementes de maior tamanho são as mais vigorosas, não havendo diferença entre as de tamanho médio e pequeno. O estudo morfológico do jambo-vermelho pode ser utilizado para a identificação da espécie ou em relações ecológicas interespecíficas.
The gas retail represents the end of a section of the oil and natural gas derivative chain, for it is at this stage where the commercialization of those merchandises takes place towards the costumers. This process involves an enormous amount of economic agents, which reflects on an activity of great influence on the citizen's everyday. By the time of the gas retail price liberalization, in 2002, there were great expectations towards that measure, for the insertion of that segment in a competitive market was likely to create a decrease in prices. As there was not a drastic drop off in cost, the question was no longer the price itself, but, predominantly, the conduct taken by the economic agents that operate the market. Not in vain, the segment introduces a greater number of different procedures combined with the organs that compose the Brazilian System of Competition Protection. What is understood, however, is that many of these complaints are made in a lightly way, without a proper analysis of the market and its practices, that being why, in this paper, evidences the causes of these complaints and explained what, in fact, occurs in this market. Also, the organs that protect the free initiative in the sector use different methods to assess anticompetitive practices, which are counterproductive on the combat of anticompetitive practice, that being why the present paper analyzes the used methods on a critic perspective, choosing one which is believed to be the most adequate. The present work also tries to present the gas retail prices on a constitutional, free competition, free initiative and consumers defense perspective, analyzing the competition s aspects on the gas market; the shaping of the gas prices; the market boundaries; the anti-competitive practices under the gas market; and analyze the possibility, according to the defined economic standards in the constitutional text of existing a greater control or gas price indexing and/or regulation which limits the distributors and resellers profit on gas. Still, in consequence of this analysis, a study on Natal s market behavior will be developed in its competitive feature. That being said, moreover being a theoretical-descriptive study, data and statistics gathered is used, which will lead, willing to grasp an experiential study on a few aspects of the Potiguar gas retail market