Report produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Alemanya, entre 2010 i 2012. El principal objectiu d’aquest projecte era estudiar en detall les estructures subcorticals, en concret, el rol dels ganglis basals en control cognitiu durant processament lingüístic i no-lingüístic. Per tal d’assolir una diferenciació minuciosa en els diferents nuclis dels ganglis basals s’utilitzà ressonància magnètica d’ultra-alt camp i alta resolució (7T-MRI). El còrtex prefrontal lateral i els ganglis basals treballant conjuntament per a mitjançar memòria de treball i la regulació “top-down” de la cognició. Aquest circuit regula l’equilibri entre respostes automàtiques i d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Es crearen tres condicions experimentals principals: frases/seqüències noambigües, no-gramatical i ambigües. Les frases/seqüències no-ambigües haurien de provocar una resposta automàtica, mentre les frases/seqüències ambigües i no-gramaticals produïren un conflicte amb la resposta automàtica, i per tant, requeririen una resposta de d’alt-ordre cognitiu. Dins del domini de la resposta de control, la ambigüitat i no-gramaticalitat representen dues dimensions diferents de la resolució de conflicte, mentre per una frase/seqüència temporalment ambigua existeix una interpretació correcte, aquest no és el cas per a les frases/seqüències no-gramaticals. A més, el disseny experimental incloïa una manipulació lingüística i nolingüística, la qual posà a prova la hipòtesi que els efectes són de domini-general; així com una manipulació semàntica i sintàctica que avaluà les diferències entre el processament d’ambigüitat/error “intrínseca” vs. “estructural”. Els resultats del primer experiment (sintax-lingüístic) mostraren un gradient rostroventralcaudodorsal de control cognitiu dins del nucli caudat, això és, les regions més rostrals sostenint els nivells més alts de processament cognitiu
The protein topology database KnotProt, http://knotprot.cent.uw.edu.pl/, collects information about protein structures with open polypeptide chains forming knots or slipknots. The knotting complexity of the cataloged proteins is presented in the form of a matrix diagram that shows users the knot type of the entire polypeptide chain and of each of its subchains. The pattern visible in the matrix gives the knotting fingerprint of a given protein and permits users to determine, for example, the minimal length of the knotted regions (knot's core size) or the depth of a knot, i.e. how many amino acids can be removed from either end of the cataloged protein structure before converting it from a knot to a different type of knot. In addition, the database presents extensive information about the biological functions, families and fold types of proteins with non-trivial knotting. As an additional feature, the KnotProt database enables users to submit protein or polymer chains and generate their knotting fingerprints.
Richer and healthier agents tend to hold riskier portfolios and spend proportionally less on health expenditures. Potential explanations include health and wealth effects on preferences, expected longevity or disposable total wealth. Using HRS data, we perform a structural estimation of a dynamic model of consumption, portfolio and health expenditure choices with recursive utility, as well as health-dependent income and mortality risk. Our estimates of the deep parameters highlight the importance of health capital, mortality risk control, convex health and mortality adjustment costs and binding liquidity constraints to rationalize the stylized facts. They also provide new perspectives on expected longevity and on the values of life and health.
For the ∼1% of the human genome in the ENCODE regions, only about half of the transcriptionally active regions (TARs) identified with tiling microarrays correspond to annotated exons. Here we categorize this large amount of “unannotated transcription.” We use a number of disparate features to classify the 6988 novel TARs—array expression profiles across cell lines and conditions, sequence composition, phylogenetic profiles (presence/absence of syntenic conservation across 17 species), and locations relative to genes. In the classification, we first filter out TARs with unusual sequence composition and those likely resulting from cross-hybridization. We then associate some of those remaining with proximal exons having correlated expression profiles. Finally, we cluster unclassified TARs into putative novel loci, based on similar expression and phylogenetic profiles. To encapsulate our classification, we construct a Database of Active Regions and Tools (DART.gersteinlab.org). DART has special facilities for rapidly handling and comparing many sets of TARs and their heterogeneous features, synchronizing across builds, and interfacing with other resources. Overall, we find that ∼14% of the novel TARs can be associated with known genes, while ∼21% can be clustered into ∼200 novel loci. We observe that TARs associated with genes are enriched in the potential to form structural RNAs and many novel TAR clusters are associated with nearby promoters. To benchmark our classification, we design a set of experiments for testing the connectivity of novel TARs. Overall, we find that 18 of the 46 connections tested validate by RT-PCR and four of five sequenced PCR products confirm connectivity unambiguously.
Schizophrenia is a devastating mental disorder that has a largeimpact on the quality of life for those who are afflicted and isvery costly for families and society.[1] Although the etiology ofschizophrenia is still unknown and no cure has yet beenfound, it is treatable, and pharmacological therapy often producessatisfactory results. Among the various antipsychoticdrugs in use, clozapine is widely recognized as one ofthemost clinically effective agents, even if it elicits significant sideeffects such as metabolic disorders and agranulocytosis. Clozapineand the closely related compound olanzapine are goodexamples ofdrug s with a complex multi-receptor profile ;[2]they have affinities toward serotonin, dopamine, a adrenergic,muscarinic, and histamine receptors, among others.
Selenoproteins are a diverse group of proteinsusually misidentified and misannotated in sequencedatabases. The presence of an in-frame UGA (stop)codon in the coding sequence of selenoproteingenes precludes their identification and correctannotation. The in-frame UGA codons are recodedto cotranslationally incorporate selenocysteine,a rare selenium-containing amino acid. The developmentof ad hoc experimental and, more recently,computational approaches have allowed the efficientidentification and characterization of theselenoproteomes of a growing number of species.Today, dozens of selenoprotein families have beendescribed and more are being discovered in recentlysequenced species, but the correct genomic annotationis not available for the majority of thesegenes. SelenoDB is a long-term project that aims toprovide, through the collaborative effort of experimentaland computational researchers, automaticand manually curated annotations of selenoproteingenes, proteins and SECIS elements. Version 1.0 ofthe database includes an initial set of eukaryoticgenomic annotations, with special emphasis on thehuman selenoproteome, for immediate inspectionby selenium researchers or incorporation into moregeneral databases. SelenoDB is freely available athttp://www.selenodb.org.
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.
The recent wave of upheavals and revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East goes back to an old question often raised by theories of collective action: does repression act as a negative or positive incentive for further mobilization? Through a review of the vast literature devoted to this question, this article aims to go beyond theoretical and methodological dead-ends. The article moves on to non-Western settings in order to better understand, via a macro-sociological and dynamic approach, the causal effects between mobilizations and repression. It pleads for a meso- and micro-level approach to this issue: an approach that puts analytical emphasis both on protest organizations and on individual activists' careers.
Background: One of the main goals of cancer genetics is to identify the causative elements at the molecular level leading to cancer.Results: We have conducted an analysis of a set of genes known to be involved in cancer in order to unveil their unique features that can assist towards the identification of new candidate cancer genes. Conclusion: We have detected key patterns in this group of genes in terms of the molecular function or the biological process in which they are involved as well as sequence properties. Based on these features we have developed an accurate Bayesian classification model with which human genes have been scored for their likelihood of involvement in cancer.
A new multimodal biometric database designed and acquired within the framework of the European BioSecure Network of Excellence is presented. It is comprised of more than 600 individuals acquired simultaneously in three scenarios: 1) over the Internet, 2) in an office environment with desktop PC, and 3) in indoor/outdoor environments with mobile portable hardware. The three scenarios include a common part of audio/video data. Also, signature and fingerprint data have been acquired both with desktop PC and mobile portable hardware. Additionally, hand and iris data were acquired in the second scenario using desktop PC. Acquisition has been conducted by 11 European institutions. Additional features of the BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB) are: two acquisitionsessions, several sensors in certain modalities, balanced gender and age distributions, multimodal realistic scenarios with simple and quick tasks per modality, cross-European diversity, availability of demographic data, and compatibility with other multimodal databases. The novel acquisition conditions of the BMDB allow us to perform new challenging research and evaluation of eithermonomodal or multimodal biometric systems, as in the recent BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation campaign. A description of this campaign including baseline results of individual modalities from the new database is also given. The database is expected to beavailable for research purposes through the BioSecure Association during 2008.
Analytical results harmonisation is investigated in this study to provide an alternative to the restrictive approach of analytical methods harmonisation which is recommended nowadays for making possible the exchange of information and then for supporting the fight against illicit drugs trafficking. Indeed, the main goal of this study is to demonstrate that a common database can be fed by a range of different analytical methods, whatever the differences in levels of analytical parameters between these latter ones. For this purpose, a methodology making possible the estimation and even the optimisation of results similarity coming from different analytical methods was then developed. In particular, the possibility to introduce chemical profiles obtained with Fast GC-FID in a GC-MS database is studied in this paper. By the use of the methodology, the similarity of results coming from different analytical methods can be objectively assessed and the utility in practice of database sharing by these methods can be evaluated, depending on profiling purposes (evidential vs. operational perspective tool). This methodology can be regarded as a relevant approach for database feeding by different analytical methods and puts in doubt the necessity to analyse all illicit drugs seizures in one single laboratory or to implement analytical methods harmonisation in each participating laboratory.