The Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB)

Autoria(s): Ortega-Garcia, Javier; Fierrez, Julian; Alonso-Fernández, Fernando; Galbally, Javier; Freire, Manuel R.; González-Rodríguez, Joaquín; García-Mateo, Carmen; Alba-Castro, José-Luís; González-Agulla, Elisardo; Otero-Muras, Enrique; García-Salicetti, Sonia; Allano, Lorene; Ly-Van, Bao; Dorizzi, Bernadette; Kittler, Josef; Bourlai, Thirimachos; Poh, Norman; Deravi, Farzin; Ng, Ming W.R.; Fairhurst, Michael; Hennebert, Jean; Humm, Andreas; Tistarelli, Massimo; Brodo, Linda; Richiardi, Jonas; Drygajlo, Andrzej; Ganster, Harald; Sukno, Federico M.; Pavani, Sri-Kaushik; Frangi Caregnato, Alejandro; Akarun, Lale; Savran, Arman

Universitat Pompeu Fabra




A new multimodal biometric database designed and acquired within the framework of the European BioSecure Network of Excellence is presented. It is comprised of more than 600 individuals acquired simultaneously in three scenarios: 1) over the Internet, 2) in an office environment with desktop PC, and 3) in indoor/outdoor environments with mobile portable hardware. The three scenarios include a common part of audio/video data. Also, signature and fingerprint data have been acquired both with desktop PC and mobile portable hardware. Additionally, hand and iris data were acquired in the second scenario using desktop PC. Acquisition has been conducted by 11 European institutions. Additional features of the BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB) are: two acquisitionsessions, several sensors in certain modalities, balanced gender and age distributions, multimodal realistic scenarios with simple and quick tasks per modality, cross-European diversity, availability of demographic data, and compatibility with other multimodal databases. The novel acquisition conditions of the BMDB allow us to perform new challenging research and evaluation of eithermonomodal or multimodal biometric systems, as in the recent BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation campaign. A description of this campaign including baseline results of individual modalities from the new database is also given. The database is expected to beavailable for research purposes through the BioSecure Association during 2008.

This work has been supported by the European Network of Excellence (NoE) BioSecure—Biometrics for Secure Authentication— and by the National Projects of the Spanish Ministryof Science and Technology (TEC2006-13141-C03-03, TEC2006-03617/TCM, TIC2002-04495-C02, and TEC2005-07212) and the Italian Ministry of Research. The postdoctoral research of author J. Fierrez is supported by a Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship. The authors F. Alonso-Fernandez and M.R. Freire are supported by FPI Fellowshipsfrom Comunidad de Madrid. The author J. Galbally is supported by an FPU Fellowship from Spanish MEC.Authors Josef Kittler and Norman Poh are supported by the Advanced Researcher Fellowship PA0022_121477 of theSwiss National Science Foundation and by the EU-funded Mobio project grant IST-214324. The author J. Richiardi issupported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.





Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)





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Palavras-Chave #Biometria #Bases de dades #Multimodal #Biometrics #Database #Evaluation #Performance #Benchmark #Face #Voice #Speaker #Signature #Fingerprint #Hand #Iris

