946 resultados para Bells Theorem
Revisión del problema de la filosofía de la Inteligencia Artificial a la vista del Equilibrio refractivo. La revisión del problema se lleva a cabo para mostrar como "¿pueden pensar las máquinas?" sólo se ha evaluado en los terminos humanos. El equilibrio refractivo se plantea como una herramienta para definir conceptos de tal modo que la experiencia y los preceptos se encuentren en equilibrio, para con él construir una definición de pensar que no esté limitada exclusivamente a "pensar tal y como lo hacen los humanos".
Avaliou-se a qualidade de vida em 30 pacientes com paralisia de Bell e 30 controles são, pareados por idade e gênero, tendo como objetivo estimar as diferenças nesta entre os pacientes e as pessoas sem paralisia. Utilizou-se a enquete SF-36 para avaliar a qualidade de vida, a escala House Brackmann para estimar o nível de severidade da paralisia, e uma enquete para determinar a idade, o gênero, o lado afetado do rosto e o tempo de evolução. Aplicou-se a prova de rangos assinalados de Wilcoxon, com o fim de obter as diferenças nas dimensões da qualidade de vida entre os pacientes e os controles sãos. Esta análise mostrou diferenças significativas nas dimensões de limitações no rol: problemas físicos (p = .002), e funcionamento social (p = .002). Por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman se observou um nível de relação significativo entre estas mesmas dimensões da qualidade de vida (p = .000 e p =.003 respectivamente) e a severidade da paralisia. Através da prova U de Mann Whitney comparou-se a qualidade de vida de acordo com o lado afetado. A análise permitiu ver uma pontuação significativamente menor na dimensão de saúde geral nos pacientes com afetação do lado direito do rosto (p = .024). Não se encontraram diferenças associadas à idade, ao gênero ou ao tempo de evolução. Os resultados permitem sugerir a inclusão de aspectos relacionados com as dimensões limitações no rol: problemas físicos e funcionamento social nos programas de intervenção dirigidos a estes pacientes.
Hemineglect (HN) is a widely studied syndrome after unilateral lesions due to stroke. However, although there are some studies with HN rehabilitation of posttraumatic brain injury (TBI), there seems to be no published data about the prevalence of HN in TBI through cancellation tasks. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the occurrence of this syndrome and of attentional deficits in patients with TBI by means of the Bells Test and of a line cancellation task. The sample was comprised of 21 patients with TBI and 21 healthy controls matched by education, age and frequency of written language habits. There was a poorer performance of patients with TBI with a greater number of omissions on the left side and lower speed processing. In addition, suggestive signs of HN were found in 38 % of the sample of TBI patients. More research is needed to characterize clinical syndromes regarding the occurrence of HN after a TBI through the traditionally known cancellation paradigm.
Resumen de la autora en catalán
Resumen tomado de la publicación en catalán
We consider two–sided many–to–many matching markets in which each worker may work for multiple firms and each firm may hire multiple workers. We study individual and group manipulations in centralized markets that employ (pairwise) stable mechanisms and that require participants to submit rank order lists of agents on the other side of the market. We are interested in simple preference manipulations that have been reported and studied in empirical and theoretical work: truncation strategies, which are the lists obtained by removing a tail of least preferred partners from a preference list, and the more general dropping strategies, which are the lists obtained by only removing partners from a preference list (i.e., no reshuffling). We study when truncation / dropping strategies are exhaustive for a group of agents on the same side of the market, i.e., when each match resulting from preference manipulations can be replicated or improved upon by some truncation / dropping strategies. We prove that for each stable mechanism, truncation strategies are exhaustive for each agent with quota 1 (Theorem 1). We show that this result cannot be extended neither to group manipulations (even when all quotas equal 1 – Example 1), nor to individual manipulations when the agent’s quota is larger than 1 (even when all other agents’ quotas equal 1 – Example 2). Finally, we prove that for each stable mechanism, dropping strategies are exhaustive for each group of agents on the same side of the market (Theorem 2), i.e., independently of the quotas.
Bank managers often claim that equity is expensive, which contradicts the Modigliani-Miller irrelevance theorem. An opaque bank must signal its solvency by paying high and stable dividends in order to keep depositors tranquil. This signalling may require costly liquidations if the return on assets has been poor, but not paying the dividend might trigger a run. A strongly capitalized bank should keep substantial amounts of risk-free yet non-productive currency because the number of shares is high, which is costly. The dividend is informative of the state of the bank; rational depositors react to it.
Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.
Attitudes toward risk influence the decision to diversify among uncertain options. Yet, because in most situations the options are ambiguous, attitudes toward ambiguity may also play an important role. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of ambiguity on the decision to diversify. I find that diversification is more prevalent and more persistent under ambiguity than under risk. Moreover, excess diversification under ambiguity is driven by participants who stick with a status quo gamble when diversification among gambles is not feasible. This behavioral pattern cannot be accommodated by major theories of choice under ambiguity.
Créditos de lengua clásica (latín) y ciencias sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y del latín paralela y simultaneamente. Este segundo crédito está pensado para ser impartido el segundo trimestre del bachillerato humanístico y de ciencias sociales. Pretende consolidar de manera práctica los fundamentos del funcionamiento de una lengua flexiva, a través del aprendizaje del resto del plural de la flexión nominal, de la flexión de los nombres neutros y de la flexión de los adjetivos como resumen de los anteriores, siempre de forma paralela con el aprendizaje de la flexión nominal griega..
Crédito de Lengua Clásica (Griego) y Ciencias Sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y el latín paralela y simultáneamente. Se relacionan las dos lenguas y sus culturas. Pretende familiarizar al estudiante con la lengua griega. Presenta textos originales desde el principio y tratan temas míticos y geográficos interesantes. Se basa en una metodología activa, con la actuación del alumno y profesor como hecho primordial. Se presenta una parte de material para el profesorado y otra para el alumnado..
Crédito de Lengua Clásica (Griego) y Ciencias Sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y el latín paralela y simultáneamente. El alumno ya tiene unas bases y contacto con las lenguas clásicas, lo que se pretende es profundizar un poco más. Los textos hacen referencia a Homero y a la guerra de Troia, a Empúries, Olipmia, Delfos y Esparta. Pretende una metodología activa y participativa. Aporta un material para el profesorado y otro para el alumnado..
Crédito de Lengua Clásica (Griego) y Ciencias Sociales. Forma parte de un proyecto que propone el aprendizaje del griego y del latín paralela y simultaneamente. Este tercer crédito pretende consolidar los aprendizajes previos e introducir temáticas sobre la evolución política griega, la escultura griega y romana. Aporta material de orientación para el profesorado y material didáctico para el alumnado..