947 resultados para AK-003-001
Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.
Lo studio CAVE PTX ha lo scopo di valutare la reale prevalenza della paratiroidectomia nei pazienti dializzati in Italia, verificare l’aderenza ai targets ematochimici proposti dalle linee guida internazionali K/DOQI e ricercare la presenza di fratture vertebrali e calcificazioni vascolari. Al momento attuale riportiamo i dati preliminari sulla prevalenza e le caratteristiche cliniche generali dei pazienti finora arruolati. Il nostro studio ha ricevuto contributi da 149 centri dialisi italiani, su un totale di 670, pari al 22%. La popolazione dialitica dalla quale sono stati ottenuti i casi di paratiroidectomia è risultata pari a 12515 pazienti;l’87,7% dei pazienti effettuava l’emodialisi mentre il 12,3% la dialisi peritoneale. Cinquecentoventotto, pari al 4,22%, avevano effettuato un intervento di paratiroidectomia (4,5%emodializzati, 1,9% in dialisi peritoneale;p<0.001). Abbiamo considerato tre gruppi differenti di PTH: basso (<150 pg/ml), ottimale (150 -300 pg/ml) ed elevato (>300 pg/ml). I valori medi di PTH e calcemia sono risultati significativamente diversi (più alti) tra casi e controlli nei due gruppi con PTH basso (PTX = 40±39 vs controllo = 92±42 pg/ml; p<.0001) e PTH alto (PTX= 630 ± 417 vs controllo 577 ±331; p<.05). La percentuale di pazienti con PTH troppo basso è risultata più elevata nei pazienti chirurgici rispetto al resto della popolazione (64vs23%; p<0.0001), mentre la percentuale dei casi con PTH troppo alto è risultata significativamente più alta nel gruppo di controllo (38%vs19%; p<0.003). Il 61% dei casi assumeva vitamina D rispetto al 64 % dei controlli; l’88% vs 75% un chelante del fosforo ed il 13%vs 35% il calciomimentico. In conclusione, la paratiroidectomia ha una bassa prevalenza in Italia, i pazienti sono più spesso di sesso femminile, in emodialisi e con età relativamente giovane ma da più tempo in dialisi.
Rural tourism is relatively new product in the process of diversification of the rural economy in Republic of Macedonia. This study used desk research and life story interviews of rural tourism entrepreneurs as qualitative research method to identify prevalent success influential factors. Further quantitative analysis was applied in order to measure the strength of influence of identified success factors. The primary data for the quantitative research was gathered using telephone questionnaire composed of 37 questions with 5-points Likert scale. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by SmartPLS 3.1.6. Results indicated that human capital, social capital, entrepreneurial personality and external business environment are predominant influential success factors. However, human capital has non-significant direct effect on success (p 0.493) nonetheless the effect was indirect with high level of partial mediation through entrepreneurial personality as mediator (VAF 73%). Personality of the entrepreneur, social capital and business environment have direct positive affect on entrepreneurial success (p 0.001, 0.003 and 0.045 respectably). Personality also mediates the positive effect of social capital on entrepreneurial success (VAF 28%). Opposite to the theory the data showed no interaction between social and human capital on the entrepreneurial success. This research suggests that rural tourism accommodation entrepreneurs could be more successful if there is increased support in development of social capital in form of conservation of cultural heritage and natural attractions. Priority should be finding the form to encourage and support the establishment of formal and informal associations of entrepreneurs in order to improve the conditions for management and marketing of the sector. Special support of family businesses in the early stages of the operation would have a particularly positive impact on the success of rural tourism. Local infrastructure, access to financial instruments, destination marketing and entrepreneurial personality have positive effect on success.
Untersuchungen zur autoimmunen Genese der thrombotisch thrombozytopenischen Purpura. rnEinführung: Die idiopathische thrombotisch thrombozytopenische Purpura (TTP) ist eine lebensbedrohliche Mikroangiopathie und wird durch ein Autoantikörper-induziertes Defizit der ADAMTS13-Protease ausgelöst. Eine Assoziation zwischen Krankheitsprädisposition und Vorliegen bestimmter humaner Leukozytenantigene (HLA) wird vermutet. Untersuchungen zu diesem Zusammenhang stellen einen Teil dieser Arbeit dar. rnAutoimmunkrankheiten tendieren zum gemeinsamen Auftreten innerhalb eines Individuums. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob eine solche Kookkurrenz verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten auch bei Patienten mit idiopathischer TTP beobachtet werden kann.rnMethodik: Zur Untersuchung der ersten Fragestellung werden die HLA-Klasse I und II-Merkmale von 54 deutschen TTP-Patienten bestimmt. Alle Patienten weisen Autoantikörper gegen ADAMTS13 und eine Protease-Aktivität <5% vor. Die Blutproben werden mittels Sequence Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) und Sequence Specific Oligonucleotid-PCR auf HLA-DRB1, -DRB3-5 und –DQB1 untersucht. Als Referenz dienen die Werte deutscher Knochenmark- und Blutspender, erhalten über www.allelefrequencies.net. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest und die resultierenden p-Werte werden nach Benjamini-Hochberg korrigiert.rnZur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung werden 76 deutsche TTP-Patienten anhand eines standardisierten Fragebogens nach Begleiterkrankungen befragt. Als Vergleichswerte dient die Prävalenz der jeweiligen Erkrankung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest. Da die p-Werte nicht korrigiert werden, sind die Ergebnisse nur deskriptiv zu verstehen.rnErgebnis: Der Vergleich der HLA-Frequenzen ergibt ein signifikant gehäuftes Vorkommen von HLA-DQB1*02:02 (p<0,001) und -DRB1*11 (p=0,003) innerhalb des Patientenkollektivs. 20% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 48,1% (DRB1*11) der TTP-Patienten sind im Gegensatz zu nur 1,2% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 23,5% (DRB1*11) innerhalb der Vergleichsgruppe für das jeweilige HLA-Merkmal positiv.rnDie Befragung der TTP-Patienten bezüglich weiterer Erkrankungen ergab im Vergleich mit der Allgemeinbevölkerung fünf auffällig häufig im Patientenkollektiv vorkommende Autoimmunkrankheiten: Hashimoto Thyreoiditis (23,5% in der Patientengruppe zu 0,7% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), systemischer Lupus erythematodes (6,5% der Patienten im Gegensatz zu 0,025% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung, p<0,001), Immunthrombozytopenie (6,3% der Patienten zu 0,02% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), Psoriasis (9,4% der Patienten zu 2,5% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,005) und glutensensitive Enteropathie (3,1% der Patienten zu 0,2% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,007). rnSchlussfolgerung: Das vermehrte Vorkommen bestimmter HLA-Merkmale im Patientenkollektiv spricht für eine prädisponierende Wirkung dieser Antigene im Krankheitsgeschehen. Eine mögliche HLA-vermittelte Assoziation zwischen TTP und den genannten Autoimmunkrankheiten wird vermutet, kann jedoch nicht in allen Fällen die beobachtete Kookkurrenz ausreichend erklären. Insgesamt bestätigt die vorliegende Arbeit die Assoziation verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten untereinander und spricht für eine genetische Prädisposition zur Ausbildung autoimmuner Störungen. rn
Während der letzten Jahre wurde für Spinfilter-Detektoren ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung stark erhöhter Effizienz vollzogen. Das ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für spinaufgelöste Messungen mit Hilfe von modernen Elektronensp ektrometern und Impulsmikroskopen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden bisherige Arbeiten der parallel abbildenden Technik weiterentwickelt, die darauf beruht, dass ein elektronenoptisches Bild unter Ausnutzung der k-parallel Erhaltung in der Niedrigenergie-Elektronenbeugung auch nach einer Reflektion an einer kristallinen Oberfläche erhalten bleibt. Frühere Messungen basierend auf der spekularen Reflexion an einerrnW(001) Oberfläche [Kolbe et al., 2011; Tusche et al., 2011] wurden auf einenrnviel größeren Parameterbereich erweitert und mit Ir(001) wurde ein neues System untersucht, welches eine sehr viel längere Lebensdauer der gereinigten Kristalloberfläche im UHV aufweist. Die Streuenergie- und Einfallswinkel-“Landschaft” der Spinempfindlichkeit S und der Reflektivität I/I0 von gestreuten Elektronen wurde im Bereich von 13.7 - 36.7 eV Streuenergie und 30◦ - 60◦ Streuwinkel gemessen. Die dazu neu aufgebaute Messanordnung umfasst eine spinpolarisierte GaAs Elektronenquellernund einen drehbaren Elektronendetektor (Delayline Detektor) zur ortsauflösenden Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen mehrere Regionen mit hoher Asymmetrie und großem Gütefaktor (figure of merit FoM), definiert als S2 · I/I0. Diese Regionen eröffnen einen Weg für eine deutliche Verbesserung der Vielkanal-Spinfiltertechnik für die Elektronenspektroskopie und Impulsmikroskopie. Im praktischen Einsatz erwies sich die Ir(001)-Einkristalloberfläche in Bezug auf längere Lebensdauer im UHV (ca. 1 Messtag), verbunden mit hoher FOM als sehr vielversprechend. Der Ir(001)-Detektor wurde in Verbindung mit einem Halbkugelanalysator bei einem zeitaufgelösten Experiment im Femtosekunden-Bereich am Freie-Elektronen-Laser FLASH bei DESY eingesetzt. Als gute Arbeitspunkte erwiesen sich 45◦ Streuwinkel und 39 eV Streuenergie, mit einer nutzbaren Energiebreite von 5 eV, sowie 10 eV Streuenergie mit einem schmaleren Profil von < 1 eV aber etwa 10× größerer Gütefunktion. Die Spinasymmetrie erreicht Werte bis 70 %, was den Einfluss von apparativen Asymmetrien deutlich reduziert. Die resultierende Messungen und Energie-Winkel-Landschaft zeigt recht gute Übereinstimmung mit der Theorie (relativistic layer-KKR SPLEED code [Braun et al., 2013; Feder et al.,rn2012])
La geometria frattale descrive la complessità strutturale di oggetti che presentano, entro certi limiti, invarianza a fattori di scala. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi di indici frattali della morfologia cerebrale e cerebellare da immagini di risonanza magnetica (MRI) pesate T1 e della loro correlazione con l’età. A tale scopo sono state analizzate la dimensione frattale (D0) e la lacunarità (λs), indice di eterogeneità strutturale, della sostanza grigia (GM) e bianca (WM), calcolate mediante algoritmi di box counting e di differential gliding box, implementati in linguaggio C++, e regressione lineare con scelta automatica delle scale spaziali. Gli algoritmi sono stati validati su fantocci 3D ed è stato proposto un metodo per compensare la dipendenza di λs dalle dimensioni dell’immagine e dalla frazione di immagine occupata. L’analisi frattale è stata applicata ad immagini T1 a 3T del dataset ICBM (International Consortium for Brain Mapping) composto da 86 soggetti (età 19-85 anni). D0 e λs sono state rispettivamente 2.35±0.02 (media±deviazione standard) e 0.41±0.05 per la GM corticale, 2.34±0.03 e 0.35±0.05 per la WM cerebrale, 2.19±0.05 e 0.17±0.02 per la GM cerebellare, 1.95±0.06 e 0.30±0.04 per la WM cerebellare. Il coefficiente di correlazione lineare tra età e D0 della GM corticale è r=−0.38 (p=0.003); tra età e λs, r=0.72 (p<0.001) (mostrando che l’eterogeneità strutturale aumenta con l’invecchiamento) e tra età e λs compensata rispetto al volume della GM cerebrale (GMV), r=0.51 (p<0.001), superiore in valore assoluto a quello tra età e GMV (r=−0.45, p<0.001). In un modello di regressione lineare multipla, dove l’età è stata modellata da D0, λ e GMV della GM corticale, λs è risultato l’unico predittore significativo (r parziale=0.62, p<0.001). La lacunarità λs è un indice sensibile alle variazioni strutturali dovute all’invecchiamento cerebrale e si candida come biomarcatore nella valutazione della complessità cerebrale nelle malattie neurodegenerative.
Background: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in very young patients have been poorly described. We therefore evaluate ACS in patients aged 35 years and younger. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 76 hospitals treating ACS in Switzerland enrolled 28,778 patients with ACS between January 1, 1997, and October 1, 2008. ACS definition included ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA). Results: 195 patients (0.7%) were 35 years old or younger. Compared to patients N35 years, these patients were more likely to present with chest pain (91.6% vs. 83.7%; P=0.003) and less likely to have heart failure (Killip class II to IV in 5.2% vs. 23.0%; Pb0.001). STEMI was more prevalent in younger than in older patients (73.1% vs. 58.3%; Pb0.001). Smoking, family history of CAD, and/or dyslipidemia were important cardiovascular risk factors in young patients (prevalence 77.2%, 55.0%, and 44.0%). The prevalence of overweight among young patients with ACS was high (57.8%). Cocaine abuse was associated with ACS in some young patients. Compared to older patients, young patients were more likely to receive early percutaneous coronary interventions and had better outcome with fewer major adverse cardiac events. Conclusions: Young patients with ACS differed from older patients in that the younger often presented with STEMI, received early aggressive treatment, and had favourable outcomes. Primary prevention of smoking, dyslipidemia and overweight should be more aggressively promoted in adolescence.
BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) mortality. This study aims to evaluate the prognostic implication of AF in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). METHODS: The International Reduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) Registry included 23,542 outpatients in Europe with established coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease (CVD), PAD and/or >/=3 risk factors. Of these, 3753 patients had symptomatic PAD. CV risk factors were determined at baseline. Study end point was a combination of cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke (CV events) during 2 years of follow-up. Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, gender and other risk factors (i.e., congestive heart failure, coronary artery re-vascularisation, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), MI, hypertension, stroke, current smoking and diabetes) was used. RESULTS: Of 3753 PAD patients, 392 (10%) were known to have AF. Patients with AF were older and had a higher prevalence of CVD, diabetes and hypertension. Long-term CV mortality occurred in 5.6% of patients with AF and in 1.6% of those without AF (p<0.001). Multivariable analyses showed that AF was an independent predictor of late CV events (hazard ratio (HR): 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09-2.0). CONCLUSION: AF is common in European patients with symptomatic PAD and is independently associated with a worse 2-year CV outcome.
Objectives The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of renal insufficiency (RI) on the distribution pattern of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). We hypothesised that RI is associated with a distally accentuated involvement of the peripheral arterial tree. Design This is a retrospective analysis. Materials and Methods Analysis was based on a consecutive series of 2709 patients with chronic PAD of atherosclerotic origin undergoing primary endovascular treatment of lower-extremity arteries. Atherosclerotic pattern was grouped into femoropopliteal (n = 2085) and infragenicular (n = 892) disease according to target lesions treated while using iliac disease (n = 1133) as reference. Univariable and multivariable multinomial regression analyses were performed to assess relation with RI. Results are shown as relative risk ratio (RRRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RI was defined as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60 ml min−1 1.73 m−2. Results Presence of RI was an independent risk factor for a centrifugal lesion pattern (RRR 1.48, 95% CI: 1.17–1.86, p = 0.001). Moreover, a decrease in GFR by 10 ml min−1 1.73 m−2 was associated with an RRR of 1.08 for below-the-knee arterial disease (95% CI: 1.03–1.13, p = 0.003). Conclusion Presence and severity of RI are independent predictors of a distal obstructive pattern in patients with symptomatic PAD.
Aims: We investigated the impact of arterial injury on neointimal hyperplasia following implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES). Methods and results: A total of 196 patients with 223 segments (sirolimus-eluting stents [SES]: 104, paclitaxel-eluting stents [PES]: 119) underwent intravascular ultrasound eight months after DES implantation. Arterial injury was defined as the balloon-to-artery ratio (BAR). Segments were categorised into two groups: high BAR defined as BAR>1.1 (120 segments), and low BAR defined as BAR ≤1.1 (103 segments). Baseline clinical characteristics were similar for both groups. Although reference vessel diameter was smaller, stent diameter, maximal balloon pressure and balloon diameter were higher in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Lumen (7.10±1.91 vs. 6.25±1.69, p=0.001), stent (7.31±1.95 vs. 6.41±1.80, p=0.001), and external elastic membrane (17.1±4.9 vs. 14.8±4.0, p<0.0001) areas (mm2) were higher, but neointimal hyperplasia (0.21±0.36 vs. 0.16±0.48, p=0.42) area (mm2) was similar in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Arterial injury as assessed by BAR was not associated with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia (R2=0.003, p=0.40). Conclusions: Arterial injury does not correlate with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia following DES implantation. Conventionally aggressive DES implantation techniques do not adversely affect long-term outcome with respect to restenosis. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/30th_issue/79/#sthash.1do4X31G.dpuf
Intra-arterial (IA) injection represents an experimental avenue for minimally invasive delivery of stem cells to the injured brain. It has however been reported that IA injection of stem cells carries the risk of reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and microstrokes. Here we evaluate the safety of IA neural progenitor cell (NPC) delivery to the brain. Cerebral blood flow of rats was monitored during IA injection of single cell suspensions of NPCs after stroke. Animals received 1 × 10(6) NPCs either injected via a microneedle (microneedle group) into the patent common carotid artery (CCA) or via a catheter into the proximally ligated CCA (catheter group). Controls included saline-only injections and cell injections into non-stroked sham animals. Cerebral blood flow in the microneedle group remained at baseline, whereas in the catheter group a persistent (15 minutes) decrease to 78% of baseline occurred (P<0.001). In non-stroked controls, NPCs injected via the catheter method resulted in higher levels of Iba-1-positive inflammatory cells (P=0.003), higher numbers of degenerating neurons as seen in Fluoro-Jade C staining (P<0.0001) and ischemic changes on diffusion weighted imaging. With an appropriate technique, reduction in CBF and microstrokes do not occur with IA transplantation of NPCs.
In colorectal cancer, tumor budding at the invasive front (peritumoral budding) is an established prognostic parameter and decreased in mismatch repair-deficient tumors. In contrast, the clinical relevance of tumor budding within the tumor center (intratumoral budding) is not yet known. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation of intratumoral budding with peritumoral budding and mismatch repair status and the prognostic impact of intratumoral budding using 2 independent patient cohorts. Following pancytokeratin staining of whole-tissue sections and multiple-punch tissue microarrays, 2 independent cohorts (group 1: n = 289; group 2: n = 222) with known mismatch repair status were investigated for intratumoral budding and peritumoral budding. In group 1, intratumoral budding was strongly correlated to peritumoral budding (r = 0.64; P < .001) and less frequent in mismatch repair-deficient versus mismatch repair-proficient cases (P = .177). Sensitivity and specificity for lymph node positivity were 72.7% and 72.1%. In mismatch repair-proficient cancers, high-grade intratumoral budding was associated with right-sided location (P = .024), advanced T stage (P = .001) and N stage pN (P < .001), vascular invasion (P = .041), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .003), and shorter survival time (P = .014). In mismatch repair-deficient cancers, high intratumoral budding was linked to higher tumor grade (P = .004), vascular invasion (P = .009), infiltrating tumor margin (P = .005), and more unfavorable survival time (P = .09). These associations were confirmed in group 2. High-grade intratumoral budding was a poor prognostic factor in univariate (P < .001) and multivariable analyses (P = .019) adjusting for T stage, N stage distant metastasis, and adjuvant therapy. These preliminary results on 511 patients show that intratumoral budding is an independent prognostic factor, supporting the future investigation of intratumoral budding in larger series of both preoperative and postoperative rectal and colon cancer specimens.
Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the role of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) compared with medical treatment (MT) and surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) at increased surgical risk. Background Elderly patients with comorbidities are at considerable risk for SAVR. Methods Since July 2007, 442 patients with severe AS (age: 81.7 ± 6.0 years, mean logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation: 22.3 ± 14.6%) underwent treatment allocation to MT (n = 78), SAVR (n = 107), or TAVI (n = 257) on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation protocol as part of a prospective registry. Results Baseline clinical characteristics were similar among patients allocated to MT and TAVI, whereas patients allocated to SAVR were younger (p < 0.001) and had a lower predicted peri-operative risk (p < 0.001). Unadjusted rates of all-cause mortality at 30 months were lower for SAVR (22.4%) and TAVI (22.6%) compared with MT (61.5%, p < 0.001). Adjusted hazard ratios for death were 0.51 (95% confidence interval: 0.30 to 0.87) for SAVR compared with MT and 0.38 (95% confidence interval: 0.25 to 0.58) for TAVI compared with MT. Medical treatment (<0.001), older age (>80 years, p = 0.01), peripheral vascular disease (<0.001), and atrial fibrillation (p = 0.04) were significantly associated with all-cause mortality at 30 months in the multivariate analysis. At 1 year, more patients undergoing SAVR (92.3%) or TAVI (93.2%) had New York Heart Association functional class I/II as compared with patients with MT (70.8%, p = 0.003). Conclusions Among patients with severe AS with increased surgical risk, SAVR and TAVI improve survival and symptoms compared with MT. Clinical outcomes of TAVI and SAVR seem similar among carefully selected patients with severe symptomatic AS at increased risk.
It is not well known if the size of the ascending thoracic aorta at presentation predicts features of presentation, management, and outcomes in patients with acute type B aortic dissection. The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD) database was queried for all patients with acute type B dissection who had documentation of ascending thoracic aortic size at time of presentation. Patients were categorized according to ascending thoracic aortic diameters ≤4.0, 4.1 to 4.5, and ≥4.6 cm. Four hundred eighteen patients met inclusion criteria; 291 patients (69.6%) were men with a mean age of 63.2 ± 13.5 years. Ascending thoracic aortic diameter ≤4.0 cm was noted in 250 patients (59.8%), 4.1 to 4.5 cm in 105 patients (25.1%), and ≥4.6 cm in 63 patients (15.1%). Patients with an ascending thoracic aortic diameter ≥4.6 cm were more likely to be men (p = 0.01) and have Marfan syndrome (p <0.001) and known bicuspid aortic valve disease (p = 0.003). In patients with an ascending thoracic aorta ≥4.1 cm, there was an increased incidence of surgical intervention (p = 0.013). In those with an ascending thoracic aorta ≥4.6 cm, the root, ascending aorta, arch, and aortic valve were more often involved in surgical repair. Patients with an ascending thoracic aorta ≤4.0 were more likely to have endovascular therapy than those with larger ascending thoracic aortas (p = 0.009). There was no difference in overall mortality or cause of death. In conclusion, ascending thoracic aortic enlargement in patients with acute type B aortic dissection is common. Although its presence does not appear to predict an increased risk of mortality, it is associated with more frequent open surgical intervention that often involves replacement of the proximal aorta. Those with smaller proximal aortas are more likely to receive endovascular therapy.
BACKGROUND: The burden of abdominal obesity (AO) and its association with other cardiovascular risk factors is not known in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients attending cardiac rehabilitation (CR). The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate the prevalence of AO and differences in cardiovascular risk factors between AO and non-AO patients. METHODS: 415 consecutive male CAD patients (mean age 58 ± 11 years) attending a three-month outpatient CR programme were assessed. Differences in cardiovascular risk profile, including blood lipids, psychosocial and socioeconomic status and exercise capacity, were compared in relation to AO and corrected for obesity measured by body-mass index (BMI) in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Mean waist circumference was 102 ± 11 cm. Patients of lower educational level had a higher prevalence of AO (p = 0.021) than patients with a higher educational level. AO was significantly associated with diabetes (p = 0.003) and hypertension (p <0.001). In AO patients, HDL-C levels were lower (p <0.001) and triglyceride levels higher (p = 0.006) than in non-AO patients. There was no difference in exercise capacity between AO and non-AO patients, but AO patients had a higher resting heart rate (p = 0.021). CONCLUSION: AO is highly prevalent in CAD patients attending CR. AO is, independently of BMI, associated with metabolic lipid disorders and autonomic cardiovascular dysregulation, suggesting an increased cardiovascular risk. AO patients therefore need particular attention during CR and follow-up care.