915 resultados para movimentos de massa


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VARELA, M. L. et al. Influência da adição de resíduo de caulim nas propriedades tecnológicas de uma massa padrão de porcelanato produzido em escala industrial. Cerâmica, v.55, n.334 p.209-215. 2009.ISSN 0366-6913.Disponível em: . Acesso em: 06 out. 2010.


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This paper aims at studying how circular dance can afford to sight-disabled peoples movement and how they can learn to cope with the deep movement of relation, consciousness, appropriation and communion with the world. Inside circular dance, a cosmic metaphor, is inscribed the movement of the world, which tells and changes amorously the human history. In the works of Paulo Freire and Maurice Merleau-Ponty one can find the necessary support to discuss, as long as possible, movement and existence. Research-action is used as a methodological approach whose empirical center is placed on the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind, in Natal, which shelters eight sightdisabled adults. The research s data reveal that the practice of circular dance concurs to enlarge the movement of the research s subjects, to develop a more accurate perception of their selves and of their own capacities, as well as improve the relations Me/Others, Me/World, which require a context of differences. The study has revealed that the practice of dance develops a better perception of the limits and surpasses as a human condition and, in consequence, the discovery of one s own body and the other s body as a resource of lessons and representations of the self and of the world. It lets out the development of a new way of thinking and coping with discrimination surrounding the disabled persons. In movement, in circular dance, the barrier between sight disablement and vision loses force.


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Criança do sexo feminino, caucasiana, 15 anos, com história de hordéolo da pálpebra inferior do olho esquerdo, medicada com antibiótico e corticóide tópico associado a limpeza palpebral, desde há cerca de 4 semanas. Por ausência de melhoria e com crescimento progressivo da lesão, recorreu ao serviço de urgência. Negava outras queixas oftalmológicas ou sistémicas associadas. Ao exame objectivo observou-se tumefação da pálpebra inferior do olho esquerdo, com eritema mas sem dor ou calor à palpação, sem blefarite. Acuidade visual de 10/10 em ambos os olhos, com movimentos oculares mantidos e sem proptose. Reflexo pupilar mantido. Segmento anterior e fundoscopia sem alterações de relevo. As 2 principais hipóteses de diagnósticas foram celulite pré-septal ou rabdomiossarcoma. A TC de órbita revelou lesão infero-medial da órbita esquerda, com componente pré-septal envolvendo a pálpebra inferior e pós-septal, de densidade identifica à dos músculos extra-oculares, sem aparente envolvimento do recto medial e inferior. Foi realizada biópsia excisional e estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de rabdomiossarcoma do tipo embrionário (T1N0M0). Iniciou tratamento com quimioterapia (ifosfamida, vincristina, doxorubicina) e radioterapia local (40Gy). Após 1 ano, apresenta –se clinicamente estável, sem recidiva local nem complicações oculares, mantendo uma AV de 10/10. Conclusão: O diagnóstico de rabdomiossarcoma deve ser lembrado, pois apesar de raro, é o tumor maligno primário da órbita mais frequente na criança. Na presença de uma massa palpebral de rápido crescimento geralmente indolor e/ou proptose, a hipótese de rabdomiossarcoma orbitário deve ser equacionada. Para se obterem bons resultados terapêuticos do ponto de vista de sobrevida e funcional é essencial um diagnóstico e tratamento precoce.


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The Pedagogy of Alternation (PA), it is a type of education designed to rural people, whose perspective on the idea of combining theory and practice, alternating different times and spaces. On the Brazil, this education modality act from the perspective of two movements: Italian and French. Because it is a distinct mode of traditional, recommends that educators who work in this context also have a different outline. In this sense, it is relevant that there is a training for the educators that meets their needs. It is in these by understand how is the training of these professionals that the study proposes to analyze the educators training processes of PA on Brazil in movements Italian and French, presenting differences and similarities between them. For this, part it of a bibliographic and documental research, which were make initially theoretical surveys about expansion context of method, as well as theirtheoreticalandmethodologicalfoundationsandthePublicPolicybyeducators training. Then, were analyzed educational documents of both movements, laws, ordinances, statutes and field diaries, in order to verify how occurs the educators training process, and from that were stablished differences and similarities between both. The results point that in both movements there were advances in training processes, and despite of there were many similarities in trajectory of the movement, a multitude of issues boosted significant differences. On the Italian movement notes a greater harmony with the original principles of the PA, more engagement and organization by the movement. Because keeps collaborate ships with public authorities and institutions, without, however, losing its autonomy in decision-making and referrals to preserve the principles and foundations of this educational modality. This has encouraged and strengthened the educator’s formation and consequently the quality of education. On the other hand, the French movement it is shown weakened, especially in the state of Paraná, in which the movement is weakened. The small number of students, among other factors, pushed the closure of classes and consequently schools, this has interfered with the continuity of the movement. Many are the limitations by which the French movement has passed, especially with regard to training of their teachers, however, the search for new partner ships, as well as the community and the redemption of the original principles and foundations can be a way to paralyze this retraction and strengthens it.


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O stress oxidativo está associado ao envelhecimento e a inúmeras patologias, nomeadamente a doenças neurodegenerativas e cardiovasculares, e a diversos outros fatores. O stress oxidativo leva à oxidação de importantes biomoléculas como os lípidos e, ao contrário da maior parte dos produtos de oxidação de fosfolípidos e ácidos gordos insaturados (PUFAS), os produtos de oxidação de glicosfingolípidos (GSLs) têm sido escassamente estudados. Os glicosfingolípidos são moléculas muito diversificadas estruturalmente e com importantes funções, essencialmente no sistema nervoso central (SNC) onde estão localizados maioritariamente. Deste modo, alterações na estrutura dos GSLs conduzirão a consequente comprometimento das suas funções e ao possível desenvolvimento de patologias. Assim para identificar as modificações oxidativas que ocorrem em glicosfingolípidos e pressupor consequentes efeitos biológicos nas células sob stress oxidativo, prepararamse sistemas modelo biomiméticos com diferentes GSLs os quais foram expostos a radicais hidroxilo gerados sob condições da reação de Fenton (H2O2 e Fe2+) e as reações foram monitorizadas por diferentes metodologia utilizando a espectrometria de massa. Os resultados obtidos com este estudo permitiram-nos identificar vários produtos de oxidação produzidos durante a oxidação desta classe de lípidos. Os produtos de oxidação observados em comum, em todos os GSLs estudados (C16:0GalCer, C24:1GalCer, C24:1LacCer e GM1) foram as suas correspondentes ceramidas. Estas atuam como agentes pro-apoptóticos e podem in vivo promover a neurodegeneração nas células sob stress oxidativo. Também foi possível observar produtos com inserção de oxigénio junto às duplas ligações ou na cadeia de esfingosina (no caso do GM1) ou na cadeia de ácido gordo monoinsaturada (no caso da C24:1GalCer, C24:1LacCer), corroborando o facto de que ácidos gordos saturados não são susceptíveis à oxidação por radicais. Interessantemente em ambos os GSLs de cadeias glicosiladas compostas com mais de um açúcar (C24:1LacCer e GM1) observou-se a despolimerização oxidativa da porção glicosilada por quebra das correspondentes ligações glicosídicas. Esta degradação leva à formação de GlcCer no caso de oxidação de LacCer ou na formação de outros gangliósidos (GM2, GM3, asialoGM1 e asialoGM2) e glicolípidos (LacCer e GlcCer), no caso de oxidação de GM1. A formação por via radicalar não enzimática destes GSLs leva a distúrbios no perfil lipídico. Previamente, em certas doenças, foram observadas variações na concentração do perfil de gangliósidos e de ceramidas. Estes dados permitem sugerir que em células em condições de stress oxidativo, a acumulação de gangliósidos mais simples e ceramidas poderá ter uma contribuição de produtos da degradação oxidativa dos gangliósidos e GSLs mais complexos. Este trabalho contribui assim para uma melhor compreensão das modificações estruturais que ocorrem em alguns glicosfingolípidos em condições de stress oxidativo. Os produtos de oxidação aqui identificados suportam a sua possível futura deteção em sistemas biológicos.


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The WTP produce many kinds of residue on your treatment stages, but the sludge is the more problematic from the final disposition point view. The actual rate of residue production deriving from technological evolution and the crescent population needs prevents the subtle equilibrium generation between consumption and recycling/reuse, creating problems of pollution resulting from inappropriate management of residues. Thus, is necessary achieve a new equilibrium between the grow from raw materials and energy and the residue generation. This equilibrium should be achieved by technical and economic feasibility of environmental supported models through recycling and reuse. The red ceramic industry stand out in residue absorption question as raw material due their clay mass heterogeneity, constituted by clay minerals and non-clay minerals with wide mineralogical variation, allowing residue inclusion which act like plastic or non-plastic materials, contributing to retain heavy metals contained in residues in the vitreous mass formed during the burning of the ceramic bodies. This work propose the study of the influence of incorporation of 25 wt.% sludge from wastewater treatment plant, according preliminary results, in the mass to produce ceramic bodies. The raw materials was characterized through chemical composition analyses by XRF, mineralogical analyses by XRD, thermal analyses by TG and DTA, Atterberg limits and thermodilatometry. Subsequently was composed the mass with 75 wt.% of clay and 25 wt.% of dried wastewater sludge from UFRN WWTP. Samples with 6,0 x 2,0 x 0,5 cm was produced with unidirectional compacting under pressure of 20MPa and burned in temperatures between 950 and 1,200ºC. After fired, the ceramic bodies have been submitted to physical and mechanical analyses through the measure of firing shrinkage, water absorption, density, apparent porosity and flexural strength; crystallographic analyses through XRD and microstructure analyses by SEM. The technological properties obtained was satisfactory to production of roof tiles with 25 wt.% at 1,200 ºC, but the production of others products at lower temperatures was not feasible


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No Brasil, o movimento social de defesa de uma agricultura ecológica e socialmente justa, teve inicio nos anos 70, com forte oposição a agricultura industrial. Avançou com o fortalecimento da sociedade civil e finalmente, ocorreu à institucionalização. Na fase atual, ocorre um quarto momento, constituído pela redefinição e recomposição de diferentes versões da agricultura alternativa, no qual a agroecologia ocupa um lugar significativo. Portanto, é esse processo de recomposição das agriculturas ecológicas no país, que objetivamos retraçar, descrevendo as características e determinantes. A metodologia resulta de uma revisão bibliográfica, análise e interpretação sociológica de uma dezena de entrevistas abertas.Concluímos que estas diferenças no posicionamento podem ser amplamente relacionadas com concepções e escolas teóricas que têm influenciado os investigadores e agentes envolvidos, num contexto onde as redes científicas dedicadas a questões da agroecologia são muito heterogêneas.


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Piauí state is a major producer of traditional red ceramic burning as bricks, tiles and ceramic tiles, with its main production center located in the city of Teresina. The state has large reserves of raw materials that can be used in the ceramic coating as clays, quartz, talc and carbonates. However, in the preparation of ceramic bodies using only a mixture of clays with different characteristics. The study aims to evaluate the effect of adding two types of carbonates in the ceramic semiporous mass coating produced in Piauí and then to verify the potential use of these carbonates as supplementary raw material product manufactured or the feasibility of obtaining a ceramic plate that meets the specifications for the porous coating. For this, were characterized the ceramic Piauí coating mass, a calcitic carbonate and a dolomitic, were made in the levels of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32%. The masses were formed by pressing and burneds in two environments: a laboratory furnace (1080°C, 1120°C, 1140°C, and 1160°C) and an industrial furnace (1140°C). Then, following tests of linear shrinkage water absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density and flexural strength. Furthermore, the fired specimens were tested for their macrostructure and microstructure. The results showed the possibility of using the carbonate in ceramic mass flooring produced in Piauí, as added in small proportions improved dimensional stability and increased mechanical strength of ceramics pieces. It also proved itself possible to produce porous coating when added in higher levels


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Over recent years the structural ceramics industry in Brazil has found a very favorable market for growth. However, difficulties related to productivity and product quality are partially inhibiting this possible growth. An alternative for trying to solve these problems and, thus, provide the pottery industry the feasibility of full development, is the substitution of firewood used in the burning process by natural gas. In order to contribute to this process of technological innovation, this paper studies the effect of co-use of ceramic phyllite and kaolin waste on the properties of a clay matrix, verifying the possible benefits that these raw materials can give to the final product, as well as the possibility of such materials to reduce the heat load necessary to obtain products with equal or superior quality. The study was divided into two steps: characterization of materials and study of formulations. Two clays, a phyllite and a residue of kaolin were characterized by the following techniques: laser granulometry, plasticity index by Atterberg limits, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, mineralogical composition by Rietveld, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. To study the formulations, specifically for evaluation of technological properties of the parts, was performed an experimental model that combined planning involving a mixture of three components (standard mass x phyllite x kaolin waste) and a 23 factorial design with central point associated with thermal processing parameters. The experiment was performed with restricted strip-plot randomization. In total, 13 compositional points were investigated within the following constraints: phyllite ≤ 20% by weight, kaolin waste ≤ 40% by weight, and standard mass ≥ 60% by weight. The thermal parameters were used at the following levels: 750 and 950 °C to the firing temperature, 5 and 15 °C/min at the heating rate, 15 and 45min to the baseline. The results showed that the introduction of phyllite and/or kaolin waste in ceramic body produced a number of benefits in properties of the final product, such as: decreased absorption of water, apparent porosity and linear retraction at burn; besides the increase in apparent specific mass and mechanical properties of parts. The best results were obtained in the compositional points where the sum of the levels of kaolin waste and phyllite was maximal (40% by weight), as well as conditions which were used in firing temperatures of 950 °C. Regarding the prospect of savings in heat energy required to form the desired microstructure, the phyllite and the residue of kaolin, for having small particle sizes and constitutions mineralogical phases with the presence of fluxes, contributed to the optimization of the firing cycle.


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O presente relatório surgiu no âmbito das Unidades Curriculares de Prática Educativa I e II do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este documento tem como finalidade refletir sobre todo o processo formativo realizado ao longo da prática do ensino supervisionado, na valência de Educação Pré - Escolar, com crianças dos três aos seis anos, e no Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com crianças a frequentar o 3.º ano de escolaridade. Neste sentido, a Parte I deste documento pretende caraterizar as instituições, os grupos de crianças e o ambiente educativo bem como realizar uma apresentação reflexiva das experiências e aprendizagens desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio. Com vista a destacar as experiências que causaram impacto ao longo dos estágios curriculares, na Parte II são apresentadas seis experiências-chave, das quais uma corresponde a um trabalho de investigação que tinha como intuito dar voz às crianças. Das restantes experiências, duas destinam-se à Educação Pré-Escolar [“A vida que fica, depois da morte”; “Brincar para Aprender”], uma possui um cariz transversal [“As artes no Sistema Educativo Português”] e, as restantes dizem respeito ao Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico [“Inquietações sobre quem não consegue estar quieto”; “Educação e evolução de mãos dadas – a tecnologia na escola”].


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To produce porcelain tiles fluxing agents are used in order to obtain a liquid phase during firing. This liquid phase fills the pores decreasing porosity, water absorption and contributes to material densification. In the porcelain tiles industry, feldspar is the main flux material used, with quantities ranging between 35 and 50%. Studies focus on the discovery of materials with flux characteristics that can reduce the consumption of feldspar by porcelain tiles industry. In this context, the coffee husk ashes, a residue obtained when coffee husks are burned to produce heat for the dryers during the processing of the green fruit, have as main chemical constituents potassium, calcium and magnesium, giving them characteristics of fluxing material. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world and is responsible for over 30% of the world s production. In this work a physical treatment of coffee husk ash was carried out in order to eliminate the organic matter and, after this, two by-products were obtained: residual wastes R1 and R2. Both residues were added separately as single fluxes and also in association with feldspar in mixtures with raw materials collected in a porcelain industry located in Dias d Ávila-Ba. The addition of these residues aimed to contribute to the reduction of the consumption of feldspar in the production of porcelain tiles. Specimens were produced with dimensions of 60 mm x 20 mm x 6 mm in an uniaxial die with compacting pressure of 45 MPa. The samples were heated to a temperature of 1200 °C, for 8 minutes. Tests were performed to characterize the raw materials by XRF, XRD, particle size analysis, DTA and TGA and, additionally, the results of the physical properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, density, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM of sintered body were analyzed. Additions of less than 8% of the residue R1 contributed to the decrease of porosity, but the mechanical strength of the samples was not satisfactory. Additions of 5% the R2 residue contributed significantly to decrease the water absorption and apparent porosity, and also to increase the mechanical strength. Samples with addition of feldspar associated with the R2 residue, in proportions of 6.7% of R2 and 6.7% of feldspar, led to results of water absorption of 0.12% and mechanical strength of 46 MPa, having parameters normalized to the manufacture of porcelain stoneware tiles


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Os recentes movimentos migratórios para a Europa decorrentes da atual crise de refugiados é dos temas mais debatidos na atualidade. A instabilidade em países de África e do Médio Oriente, associada a Estados frágeis, cujas instituições deixaram de exercer o efetivo controlo, desenvolvendo-se sob a forma de conflitos armados, muitas vezes fundamentados em radicalismos de natureza étnica, religiosa e ideológica, estão na base das principais causas que provocaram os recentes movimentos migratórios descontrolados e sem precedentes. Estes massivos fluxos migratórios, terão necessariamente repercussões a vários níveis quer sobre as populações deslocadas, quer sobre as comunidades de acolhimento. As migrações atuais adquirem novos contornos, que nos levam a inserir este tema na agenda de investigação dos estudos de segurança. É neste âmbito que surge a investigação intitulada “Os Movimentos Migratórios para a Europa – Implicações para a Segurança Nacional”, que tal como o tema sugere, tem como objetivo primordial apurar quais as principais implicações para a segurança de Portugal, decorrentes dos atuais movimentos migratórios para a Europa, acabando também por propor algumas medidas de nível estratégico e operacional que permitam minorar os impactos na segurança. Assim sendo, a metodologia utilizada nesta investigação tem por base o método de investigação hipotético-dedutivo, que para a validação ou não das respetivas hipóteses formuladas, recorreu-se à realização de entrevistas a entidades que muito têm a dizer sobre esta temática. Conclui-se com a presente investigação que, apesar de Portugal, não fazer parte dos principais destinos desta recente vaga de imigrantes, e de as consequências destes massivos movimentos migratórios não serem fáceis de prever a médio e longo prazo, o nosso país, como parte integrante da UE e signatário do acordo de Schengen, depara-se com um conjunto de ameaças de natureza global, que podendo ser potenciadas por este fenómeno, também podem colocar em causa a nossa segurança.


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This paper aims at studying how circular dance can afford to sight-disabled peoples movement and how they can learn to cope with the deep movement of relation, consciousness, appropriation and communion with the world. Inside circular dance, a cosmic metaphor, is inscribed the movement of the world, which tells and changes amorously the human history. In the works of Paulo Freire and Maurice Merleau-Ponty one can find the necessary support to discuss, as long as possible, movement and existence. Research-action is used as a methodological approach whose empirical center is placed on the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind, in Natal, which shelters eight sightdisabled adults. The research s data reveal that the practice of circular dance concurs to enlarge the movement of the research s subjects, to develop a more accurate perception of their selves and of their own capacities, as well as improve the relations Me/Others, Me/World, which require a context of differences. The study has revealed that the practice of dance develops a better perception of the limits and surpasses as a human condition and, in consequence, the discovery of one s own body and the other s body as a resource of lessons and representations of the self and of the world. It lets out the development of a new way of thinking and coping with discrimination surrounding the disabled persons. In movement, in circular dance, the barrier between sight disablement and vision loses force.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.