829 resultados para light weight design


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Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zu den schnell wachsenden Forschungsgebieten der Nano-Biotechnologie und Nanomedizin. Sie behandelt die spezifische Gestaltung magnetischer Nanomaterialien für verschiedene biomedizinische Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise Kontrastmittel für die magnetische Resonanztomographie (MRT) oder "theragnostische" Agenzien für simultane optische/MR Detektion und Behandlung mittels photodynamischer Therapie (PDT).rnEine Vielzahl magnetischer Nanopartikel (NP) mit unterschiedlichsten magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisiert und erschöpfend charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine ganze Reihe von Oberflächenmodifizierungsstrategien entwickelt, um sowohl die kolloidale als auch die chemische Stabilität der Partikel zu verbessern, und dadurch den hohen Anforderungen der in vitro und in vivo Applikation gerecht zu werden. Diese Strategien beinhalteten nicht nur die Verwendung bi-funktionaler und multifunktioneller Polymerliganden, sondern auch die Kondensation geeigneter Silanverbindungen, um eine robuste, chemisch inerte und hydrophile Siliziumdioxid- (SiO2) Schale um die magnetischen NP auszubilden.rnGenauer gesagt, der Bildungsmechanismus und die magnetischen Eigenschaften monodisperser MnO NPs wurden ausgiebig untersucht. Aufgrund ihres einzigartigen magnetischen Verhaltens eignen sich diese NPs besonders als (positive) Kontrastmittel zur Verkürzung der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit T1, was zu einer Aufhellung im entsprechenden MRT-Bild führt. Tatsächlich wurde dieses kontrastverbessernde Potential in mehreren Studien mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächenliganden bestätigt. Au@MnO „Nanoblumen“, auf der anderen Seite, sind Vertreter einer weiteren Klasse von Nanomaterialien, die in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliches Interesse in der wissenschaftlichen Welt geweckt hat und oft „Nano-hetero-Materialien“ genannt wird. Solche Nano-hetero-partikel vereinen die individuellen physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Komponenten in einem nanopartikulärem System und erhöhen dadurch die Vielseitigkeit der möglichen Anwendungen. Sowohl die magnetischen Merkmale von MnO, als auch die optischen Eigenschaften von Au bieten die Möglichkeit, diese „Nanoblumen“ für die kombinierte MRT und optische Bildgebung zu verwenden. Darüber hinaus erlaubt das Vorliegen zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher Oberflächen die gleichzeitige selektive Anbindung von Katecholliganden (auf MnO) und Thiolliganden (auf Au). Außerdem wurde das therapeutische Potential von magnetischen NPs anhand von MnO NPs demonstriert, die mit dem Photosensibilisator Protoporhyrin IX (PP) funktionalisiert waren. Bei Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht initiiert PP die Produktion von zytotoxisch-reaktivem Sauerstoff. Wir zeigen, dass Nierenkrebszellen, die mit PP-funktionalisierten MnO NPs inkubiert wurden nach Bestrahlung mit Laserlicht verenden, während sie ohne Bestrahlung unverändert bleiben. In einem ähnlichen Experiment untersuchten wir die Eigenschaften von SiO2 beschichteten MnO NPs. Dafür wurde eigens eine neuartige SiO2-Beschichtungsmethode entwickelt, die einer nachfolgende weitere Anbindung verschiedenster Liganden und die Einlagerung von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen durch herkömmliche Silan- Sol-Gel Chemie erlaubt. Die Partikel zeigten eine ausgezeichnete Stabilität in einer ganzen Reihe wässriger Lösungen, darunter auch physiologische Kochsalzlösung, Pufferlösungen und humanes Blutserum, und waren weniger anfällig gegenüber Mn-Ionenauswaschung als einfache PEGylierte MnO NPs. Des Weiteren konnte bewiesen werden, dass die dünne SiO2 Schicht nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das magnetische Verhalten der NPs hatte, so dass sie weiterhin als T1-Kontrastmittel verwendet werden können. Schließlich konnten zusätzlich FePt@MnO NPs hergestellt werden, welche die individuellen magnetischen Merkmale eines ferromagnetischen (FePt) und eines antiferromagnetischen (MnO) Materials vereinen. Wir zeigen, dass wir die jeweiligen Partikelgrößen, und damit das resultierende magnetische Verhalten, durch Veränderung der experimentellen Parameter variieren können. Die magnetische Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Materialien kann dabei auf Spinkommunikation an der Grenzfläche zwischen beiden NP-Sorten zurückgeführt werden.rn


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The rapid development in the field of lighting and illumination allows low energy consumption and a rapid growth in the use, and development of solid-state sources. As the efficiency of these devices increases and their cost decreases there are predictions that they will become the dominant source for general illumination in the short term. The objective of this thesis is to study, through extensive simulations in realistic scenarios, the feasibility and exploitation of visible light communication (VLC) for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) applications. A brief introduction will introduce the new scenario of smart cities in which visible light communication will become a fundamental enabling technology for the future communication systems. Specifically, this thesis focus on the acquisition of several, frequent, and small data packets from vehicles, exploited as sensors of the environment. The use of vehicles as sensors is a new paradigm to enable an efficient environment monitoring and an improved traffic management. In most cases, the sensed information must be collected at a remote control centre and one of the most challenging aspects is the uplink acquisition of data from vehicles. My thesis discusses the opportunity to take advantage of short range vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications to offload the cellular networks. More specifically, it discusses the system design and assesses the obtainable cellular resource saving, by considering the impact of the percentage of vehicles equipped with short range communication devices, of the number of deployed road side units, and of the adopted routing protocol. When short range communications are concerned, WAVE/IEEE 802.11p is considered as standard for VANETs. Its use together with VLC will be considered in urban vehicular scenarios to let vehicles communicate without involving the cellular network. The study is conducted by simulation, considering both a simulation platform (SHINE, simulation platform for heterogeneous interworking networks) developed within the Wireless communication Laboratory (Wilab) of the University of Bologna and CNR, and network simulator (NS3). trying to realistically represent all the wireless network communication aspects. Specifically, simulation of vehicular system was performed and introduced in ns-3, creating a new module for the simulator. This module will help to study VLC applications in VANETs. Final observations would enhance and encourage potential research in the area and optimize performance of VLC systems applications in the future.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beschaftigt sich mit der Steuerung der Absorption und Orbitalenergien von Perylenmonoimiden und Perylendiimiden fur die Anwendung in organischer Photovoltaik (OPV). Eine breite Absorption spielt hier eine wichtige Rolle, um moglichst viel Licht zu ernten, das dann in elektrische Energie umgewandelt wird. Um sicher zu stellen, dass die Zelle ezient arbeiten kann, ist die Abstimmung von Orbitalenergien eine zweite wichtige Voraussetzung. Es werden drei neue Design-Konzepte fur Perylenmonoimid-Sensibilatoren fur Festk orper-Farbstosolarzellen (solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells - sDSSCs) untersucht. Die Synthese, die optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften der neuen Sensibilisator- Verbindungen sowie ihre Leistungsdaten in sDSSCs werden beschrieben und diskutiert. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Konzepte reichen von der Einfuhrung von - Abstandhaltern uber neue Funktionalisierungen bis hin zur Erweiterung der Perylenmonimid Grundkorper. Der Push-Pull-Charakter der Systeme variiert von starker Kopplung bis zu kompletter Entkopplung des Donors vom Akzeptor. Dies hat einen starken Ein uss sowohl auf die Absorptionseigenschaften, als auch auf die HOMO/LUMO Energie-Niveaus der Verbindungen. Einige der Konzepte konnen auf Perylendiimide ubertragen werden. Ein Beispiel von Perylendiimid (PDI)-Farbsteuerung wird an einer Reihe von drei Terthiophen-PDIs gezeigt


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Die Kontroverse über den Glasübergang im Nanometerbereich, z. B. die Glas¬über¬gangs-temperatur Tg von dünnen Polymerfilmen, ist nicht vollständig abgeschlossen. Das dynamische Verhalten auf der Nanoskala ist stark von den einschränkenden Bedingungen abhängig, die auf die Probe wirken. Dünne Polymerfilme sind ideale Systeme um die Dynamik von Polymerketten unter der Einwirkung von Randbedingungen zu untersuchen, wie ich sie in dieser Arbeit variiert habe, um Einblick in dieses Problem zu erhalten.rnrnResonanzverstärkte dynamische Lichtstreuung ist eine Methode, frei von z.B. Fluoreszenzmarkern, die genutzt werden kann um in dünnen Polymerfilmen dynamische Phänomene


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Color light therapy is a therapeutic method in complementary medicine. In color therapy, light of two contrasting colors is often applied in a sequential order. The aim of this study was to investigate possible physiological effects, i.e., changes in the blood volume and oxygenation in the brain and calf muscle of healthy subjects who were exposed to red and blue light in sequential order. The hypothesis was that if a subject is first exposed to blue and then red light, the effect of the red light will be enhanced due to the contrastingly different characteristics of the two colors. The same was expected for blue light, if first exposing a subject to red and then to blue light. Twelve healthy volunteers (six male, six female) were measured twice on two different days by near-infrared spectroscopy during exposure to colored light. Two sequences of colored light were applied in a controlled, randomized, crossover design: first blue, then red, and vice versa. For the brain and muscle, the results showed no significant differences in blood volume and oxygenation between the two sequences, and a high interindividual physiological variability. Thus, the hypothesis had to be rejected. Comparing these data to results from a previous study, where subjects were exposed to blue and red light without sequential color changes, shows that the results of the current study appear to be similar to those of red light exposure. This may indicate that the exposure to red light was preponderant and thus effects of blue light were outweighed.


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Exposure to farming environments has been shown to protect substantially against asthma and atopic disease across Europe and in other parts of the world. The GABRIEL Advanced Surveys (GABRIELA) were conducted to determine factors in farming environments which are fundamental to protecting against asthma and atopic disease. The GABRIEL Advanced Surveys have a multi-phase stratified design. In a first-screening phase, a comprehensive population-based survey was conducted to assess the prevalence of exposure to farming environments and of asthma and atopic diseases (n = 103,219). The second phase was designed to ascertain detailed exposure to farming environments and to collect biomaterial and environmental samples in a stratified random sample of phase 1 participants (n = 15,255). A third phase was carried out in a further stratified sample only in Bavaria, southern Germany, aiming at in-depth respiratory disease and exposure assessment including extensive environmental sampling (n = 895). Participation rates in phase 1 were around 60% but only about half of the participating study population consented to further study modules in phase 2. We found that consenting behaviour was related to familial allergies, high parental education, wheeze, doctor diagnosed asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis, and to a lesser extent to exposure to farming environments. The association of exposure to farm environments with asthma or rhinoconjunctivitis was not biased by participation or consenting behaviour. The GABRIEL Advanced Surveys are one of the largest studies to shed light on the protective 'farm effect' on asthma and atopic disease. Bias with regard to the main study question was able to be ruled out by representativeness and high participation rates in phases 2 and 3. The GABRIEL Advanced Surveys have created extensive collections of questionnaire data, biomaterial and environmental samples promising new insights into this area of research.


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OBJECTIVE: Adiponectin has anti-atherogenic properties and low circulating adiponectin has been linked to coronary atherosclerosis. Yet, there is considerable evidence that the high-molecular weight (HMW) complex of adiponectin is the major active form of this adipokine. We therefore investigated whether HMW adiponectin is associated with the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) in men. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Associations among CAD, HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio were assessed in 240 male patients undergoing elective coronary angiography. Total adiponectin and HMW adiponectin was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and serum levels were correlated with defined coronary scores and established cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: We found significant inverse correlations between angiographic scores and HMW adiponectin [Extent Score (ES): r=-0.39; Gensini Score (GS): r=-0.35; and Severity Score (SS): r=-0.40, all P<0.001], and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio (ES: r=-0.49; GS: r=-0.46; SS: r=-0.46; all P<0.001). Multivariable regression analyses revealed that HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio were significantly associated with the extent of CAD (both P<0.001). ROC analyses demonstrated that the predictive value of HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio for the extent of coronary atherosclerosis significantly exceeded that of total adiponectin (P<0.001, P=0.010, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: HMW adiponectin and the HMW/total-adiponectin ratio inversely correlate with the extent of CAD. HMW adiponectin in particular seems to be a better marker for CAD extent than total adiponectin.


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What motivates students to perform and pursue engineering design tasks? This study examines this question by way of three Learning Through Service (LTS) programs: 1) an on-going longitudinal study examining the impacts of service on engineering students, 2) an on-going analysis of an international senior design capstone program, and 3) an on-going evaluation of an international graduate-level research program. The evaluation of these programs incorporates both qualitative and quantitative methods, utilizing surveys, questionnaires, and interviews, which help to provide insight on what motivates students to do engineering design work. The quantitative methods were utilized in analyzing various instruments including: a Readiness assessment inventory, Intercultural Development Inventory, Sustainable Engineering through Service Learning survey, the Impacts of Service on Engineering Students’ survey, Motivational narratives, as well as some analysis for interview text. The results of these instruments help to provide some much needed insight on how prepared students are to participate in engineering programs. Additional qualitative methods include: Word clouds, Motivational narratives, as well as interview analysis. This thesis focused on how these instruments help to determine what motivates engineering students to pursue engineering design tasks. These instruments aim to collect some more in-depth information than the quantitative instruments will allow. Preliminary results suggest that of the 120 interviews analyzed Interest/Enjoyment, Application of knowledge and skills, as well as gaining knowledge are key motivating factors regardless of gender or academic level. Together these findings begin to shed light on what motivates students to perform engineering design tasks, which can be applied for better recruitment and retention in university programs.


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BODIPY (4,4-Difluoro-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene) dyes have gained lots of attention in application of fluorescence sensing and imaging in recent years because they possess many distinctive and desirable properties such as high extinction coefficient, narrow absorption and emission bands, high quantum yield and low photobleaching effect. However, most of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes have very poor solubilities in aqueous solution, emit less than 650 nm fluorescence that can cause cell and tissue photodamages compared with bio-desirable near infrared (650-900 nm) light. These undesirable properties extremely limit the applications of BODIPY-based fluorescent probes in sensing and imaging applications. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we have developed a very effective strategy to prepare a series of neutral highly water- soluble BODIPY dyes by enhancing the water solubilities of BODIPY dyes via incorporation of tri(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (TEG) and branched oligo(ethylene glycol)methyl ether (BEG) residues onto BODIPY dyes at 1,7-, 2,6-, 3,5-, 4- and meso- positions. We also have effectively tuned absorptions and emissions of BOIDPY dyes to red, deep red and near infrared regions via significant extension of π-conjugation of BODIPY dyes by condensation reactions of aromatic aldehydes with 2,6-diformyl BODIPY dyes at 1,3,5,7-positions. Based on the foundation that we built for enhancing water solubility and tuning wavelength, we have designed and developed a series of water-soluble, BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensitive and selective sensing and imaging of cyanide, Zn (II) ions, lysosomal pH and cancer cells. We have developed three BODIPY-based fluorescent probes for sensing of cyanide ions by incorporating indolium moieties onto the 6-position of TEG- or BEG-modified BOIDPY dyes. Two of them are highly water-soluble. These fluorescent probes showed selective and fast ratiometric fluorescent responses to cyanide ions with a dramatic fluorescence color change from red to green accompanying a significant increase in fluorescent intensity. The detection limit was measured as 0.5 mM of cyanide ions. We also have prepared three highly water-soluble fluorescent probes for sensing of Zn (II) ions by introducing dipicoylamine (DPA, Zn ion chelator) onto 2- and/or 6-positions of BEG-modified BODIPY dyes. These probes showed selective and sensitive responses to Zn (II) ion in the range from 0.5 mM to 24 mM in aqueous solution at pH 7.0. Particularly, one of the probes displayed ratiometric responses to Zn (II) ions with fluorescence quenching at 661 nm and fluorescence enhancement at 521 nm. This probe has been successfully applied to the detection of intracellular Zn (II) ions inside the living cells. Then, we have further developed three acidotropic, near infrared emissive BODIPY- based fluorescent probes for detection of lysosomal pH by incorporating piperazine moiety at 3,5-positions of TEG- or BEG-modified BODIPY dyes as parts of conjugation. The probes have low auto-fluorescence at physiological neutral condition while their fluorescence intensities will significant increase at 715 nm when pH shift to acidic condition. These three probes have been successfully applied to the in vitro imaging of lysosomes inside two types of living cells. At the end, we have synthesized one water- soluble, near infrared emissive cancer cell targetable BODIPY-based fluorescent polymer bearing cancer homing peptide (cRGD) residues for cancer cell imaging applications. This polymer exhibited excellent water-solubility, near infrared emission (712 nm), good biocompatibility. It also showed low nonspecific interactions to normal endothelial cells and can effectively detect breast tumor cells.


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We present the design, fabrication, and testing of a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) light modulator based on pixels patterned with periodic nanohole arrays. Flexure-suspended silicon pixels are patterned with a two dimensional array of 150 nm diameter nanoholes using nanoimprint lithography. A top glass plate assembled above the pixel array is used to provide a counter electrode for electrostatic actuation. The nanohole pattern is designed so that normally-incident light is coupled into an in-plane grating resonance, resulting in an optical stop-band at a desired wavelength. When the pixel is switched into contact with the top plate, the pixel becomes highly reflective. A 3:1 contrast ratio at the resonant wavelength is demonstrated for gratings patterned on bulk Si substrates. The switching time is 0.08 ms and the switching voltage is less than 15V.


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This report summarizes the work done for the Vehicle Powertrain Modeling and Design Problem Proposal portion of the EcoCAR3 proposal as specified in the Request for Proposal from Argonne National Laboratory. The results of the modeling exercises presented in the proposal showed that: An average conventional vehicle powered by a combustion engine could not meet the energy consumption target when the engine was sized to meet the acceleration target, due the relatively low thermal efficiency of the spark ignition engine. A battery electric vehicle could not meet the required range target of 320 km while keeping the vehicle weight below the gross vehicle weight rating of 2000 kg. This was due to the low energy density of the batteries which necessitated a large, and heavy, battery pack to provide enough energy to meet the range target. A series hybrid electric vehicle has the potential to meet the acceleration and energy consumption parameters when the components are optimally sized. A parallel hybrid electric vehicle has less energy conversion losses than a series hybrid electric vehicle which results in greater overall efficiency, lower energy consumption, and less emissions. For EcoCAR3, Michigan Tech proposes to develop a plug-in parallel hybrid vehicle (PPHEV) powered by a small Diesel engine operating on B20 Bio-Diesel fuel. This architecture was chosen over other options due to its compact design, lower cost, and its ability to provide performance levels and energy efficiency that meet or exceed the design targets. While this powertrain configuration requires a more complex control system and strategy than others, the student engineering team at Michigan Tech has significant recent experience with this architecture and has confidence that it will perform well in the events planned for the EcoCAR3 competition.


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Objectives The aim of this study was to measure the degree of conversion (DC) of five dual-curing resin cements after different curing modes with a second- and a third-generation light-emitting diode (LED) curing unit. Additionally, irradiance of both light curing units was measured at increasing distances and through discs of two glass ceramics for computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Materials and methods Irradiance and spectra of the Elipar FreeLight 2 (Standard Mode (SM)) and of the VALO light curing unit (High Power Mode (HPM) and Xtra Power Mode (XPM)) were measured with a MARC radiometer. Irradiance was measured at increasing distances (control) and through discs (1.5 to 6 mm thickness) of IPS Empress CAD and IPS e.max CAD. DC of Panavia F2.0, RelyX Unicem 2 Automix, SpeedCEM, BisCem, and BeautiCem SA was measured with an attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared spectrometer when self-cured (negative control) or light cured in SM for 40 s, HPM for 32 s, or XPM for 18 s. Light curing was performed directly (positive control) or through discs of either 1.5- or 3-mm thickness of IPS Empress CAD or IPS e.max CAD. DC was analysed with Kruskal–Wallis tests followed by pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α = 0.05). Results Maximum irradiances were 1,545 mW/cm2 (SM), 2,179 mW/cm2 (HPM), and 4,156 mW/cm2 (XPM), and all irradiances decreased by >80 % through discs of 1.5 mm, ≥95 % through 3 mm, and up to >99 % through 6 mm. Generally, self-curing resulted in the lowest DC. For some cements, direct light curing did not result in higher DC compared to when light cured through ceramic discs. For other cements, light curing through ceramic discs of 3 mm generally reduced DC. Conclusions Light curing was favourable for dual-curing cements. Some cements were more susceptible to variations in curing mode than others. Clinical relevance When light curing a given cement, the higher irradiances of the third-generation LED curing unit resulted in similar DC compared to the second-generation one, though at shorter light curing times.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of a 60% vitamin A deficiency (VAD) on the two postnatal stages of lung development: alveolarization and microvascular maturation. Lungs from deficient rats were compared to age-matched controls. STUDY DESIGN Starting at 3 weeks before mating, female rats were maintained under a diet lacking vitamin A. Due to the slow depletion of the vitamin A liver stores the pregnant rats carried to term and delivered pups under mild VAD conditions. Mothers and offspring were then kept under the same diet what resulted in a mean reduction of vitamin A plasma concentration of about 60% vs. controls during the whole experimental period. Pups were sacrificed on days 4, 10 and 21 and their lungs fixed and analyzed by means of a combined morphologic and morphometric investigation at light and electron microscopic levels. RESULTS During the whole experiment, body weights of VAD animals were lower than controls with a significant decrease on day 10. On days 4, 10 and 21 the pulmonary structure was in a comparable gross morphologic state in both groups. Despite this morphologic normality, quantitative alterations in some functional parameters could be detected. On day 4, lung volume and the volume and surface area of air spaces were decreased, while the arithmetic mean barrier thickness and type 2 pneumocyte volume were increased in the VAD group. On day 21, some changes were again manifest mainly consisting in an augmentation of the vascularization and a decrease in interstitial volume in deficient animals. CONCLUSIONS Mild VAD causes no gross disturbances in the postnatal phases of lung development in rats. However, a body weight-related transient retardation of lung maturation was detectable in the first postnatal week. At 3 weeks, the VAD lungs showed a more mature vascular system substantiated by an increase in volume of both capillary volume and the large non-parenchymal vessels. In view of these quantitative alterations, we suspect that mild VAD deregulates the normal phases of body and lung growth, but does not induce serious functional impairments.


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Low parental monitoring is related to youth risk behaviors such as delinquency and aggression. The purpose of this dissertation was to describe the development and evaluation of a parent education intervention to increase parental monitoring in Hispanic parents of middle school children.^ The first study described the process of intervention mapping as used to develop Padres Trabajando por la Paz, a newsletter intervention for parents. Using theory, empirical literature, and information from the target population, performance objectives and determinants for monitoring were defined. Learning objectives were specified and a staged social-cognitive approach was used to develop methods and strategies delivered through newsletters.^ The second study examined the outcomes of a randomized trial of the newsletter intervention. Outcome measures consisted of a general measure of monitoring, parent and child reports of monitoring behaviors targeted by the intervention, and psychosocial determinants of monitoring (self-efficacy, norms, outcome expectancies, knowledge, and beliefs). Seventy-seven parents completed the randomized trial, half of which received four newsletters over an eight-week period. Results revealed a significant interaction effect for baseline and treatment for parent's reports of norms for monitoring (p =.009). Parents in the experimental condition who scored low at baseline reported increased norms for monitoring at follow-up. A significant interaction effect for child reports of parental monitoring behaviors (p =.04) reflected an small increase across baseline levels in the experimental condition and decreases for the control condition at higher baseline scores. Both groups of parents reported increased levels of monitoring at follow-up. No other outcome measures varied significantly by condition.^ The third study examined the relationship between the psychosocial determinants of parental monitoring and parental monitoring behaviors in the study population. Weak evidence for a relationship between outcome expectancies and parental monitoring behaviors suggests further research in the area utilizing stronger empirical models such as longitudinal design and structural equation modeling.^ The low-cost, minimal newsletter intervention showed promise for changing norms among Hispanic parents for parental monitoring. In light of the importance of parental monitoring as a protective factor for youth health risk behaviors, more research needs to be done to develop and evaluate interventions to increase parental monitoring. ^


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The efficient collection of solar energy relies on the design and construction of well-organized light-harvesting systems. Herein we report that supramolecular phenanthrene polymers doped with pyrene are effective collectors of light energy. The linear polymers are formed through the assembly of short amphiphilic oligomers in water. Absorption of light by phenanthrene residues is followed by electronic energy transfer along the polymer over long distances (>100 nm) to the accepting pyrene molecules. The high efficiency of the energy transfer, which is documented by large fluorescence quantum yields, suggests a quantum coherent process.