953 resultados para interpersonal reproducibility


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This data article is referred to the research article entitled The role of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polysaccharides in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots under postharvest physiological deterioration by Uarrota et al. (2015). Food Chemistry 197, Part A, 737746. The stress duo to PPD of cassava roots leads to the formation of ROS which are extremely harmful and accelerates cassava spoiling. To prevent or alleviate injuries from ROS, plants have evolved antioxidant systems that include non-enzymatic and enzymatic defence systems such as ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and polysaccharides. In this data article can be found a dataset called newdata, in RData format, with 60 observations and 06 variables. The first 02 variables (Samples and Cultivars) and the last 04, spectrophotometric data of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, tocopherol, total proteins and arcsined data of cassava PPD scoring. For further interpretation and analysis in R software, a report is also provided. Means of all variables and standard deviations are also provided in the Supplementary tables (data.long3.RData, data.long4.RData and meansEnzymes.RData), raw data of PPD scoring without transformation (PPDmeans.RData) and days of storage (days.RData) are also provided for data analysis reproducibility in R software.


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OBJECTIVE: Common mental disorders (CMD) have a high impact on interpersonal relationships and quality of life and are potential underlying causes for the development of more serious disorders. Medical students have been indicated as a risk population for the development of CMD. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of CMD in undergraduate medical students and to identify related factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in a sample population of medical students. CMD was identified according to the 20-item Self-Report Questionnaire. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-three students completed the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of CMD was 29.6% and its presence was independently associated with sleep disorders, not owning a car, not working and sedentary lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate a high prevalence of CMD in the sample studied and are important for supporting actions to prevent mental disorders in future doctors and for reflecting on the curricula currently in use in medical schools.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica / Psicologia


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INTRODUCTION: Patients' perception about their health condition, mainly involving chronic diseases, has been investigated in many studies and it has been associated to depression, compliance with the treatment, quality of life and prognosis. The Illness Effects Questionnaire (IEQ) is a tool which makes the standardized evaluation of patients' perception about their illness possible, so that it is brief and accessible to the different clinical settings. This work aims to begin the transcultural adaptation of the IEQ to Brazil through the validated translation and the reliability study. METHODS: The back-translation method and the test-retest reliability study were used in a sample of 30 adult patients under chronic hemodialysis. The reliability indexes were estimated using the Pearson, Spearman, Weighted Kappa and Cronbach's alpha coefficients. RESULTS: The semantic equivalence was reached through the validated translation. In this study, the reliability indexes obtained were respectively: 0.85 and 0.75 (p < 0.001); 0.68 and 0.92 (p < 0.0001). DISCUSSION: The reliability indexes obtained attest to the stability of responses in both evaluations. Additional procedures are necessary for the transcultural adaptation of the IEQ to be complete. CONCLUSION: The results indicate the translation validity and the reliability of the Brazilian version of the IEQ for the sample studied.


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This paper reports on an innovative approach to measuring intraluminal pressure in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract, especially monitoring GI motility and peristaltic movements. The proposed approach relies on thin-film aluminum strain gauges deposited on top of a Kapton membrane, which in turn lies on top of an SU-8 diaphragm-like structure. This structure enables the Kapton membrane to bend when pressure is applied, thereby affecting the strain gauges and effectively changing their electrical resistance. The sensor, with an area of 3.4 mm2, is fabricated using photolithography and standard microfabrication techniques (wet etching). It features a linear response (R2 = 0.9987) and an overall sensitivity of 2.6 mV mmHg−1. Additionally, its topology allows a high integration capability. The strain gauges’ responses to pressure were studied and the fabrication process optimized to achieve high sensitivity, linearity, and reproducibility. The sequential acquisition of the different signals is carried out by a microcontroller, with a 10-bit ADC and a sample rate of 250 Hz. The pressure signals are then presented in a user-friendly interface, developed using the Integrated Development Environment software, QtCreator IDE, for better visualization by physicians.


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Tese de Doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e Computadores.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)


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OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of inter and intraobserver reproducibility of by the visual method interpretation of cineangiogram in a clinically based context. METHODS: Five interventional cardiologists analyzed 11 segments of 8 coronary cineangiograms at a two month apart sessions. The percent luminal reduction by the lesions were analyzed by two different classifications: in one (A) the lesions were graded in 0% = absent, 1-50% = mild, 51 - 69 = moderate, and > or = 70% = severe; the other classification (B) was a dichotomic one : <70% = nonsignificant and > or = 70%=significant lesions. The agreement were measured by the kappa (k) index. RESULTS: Interobserver agreement was moderate for classification A (1st measurement, k = 0.36 -- 0.63, k m = 0.49; 2nd measurement, k = 0.39-0.68, k m = 0.52) and good for classification B (1st measurement, k = 0.55-0.73, k m = 0.63; 2nd measurement, k = 0.37-0.82, k m = 0.61). Intraobserver levels of agreement were k = 0.57-0.95 for classification A and 0.62-1.0 for classification B. CONCLUSION: The higher level of reproducibility obtained by adopting the dichotomous criteria usually considered for ischemic limits demonstrates that in the present clinical context, the reliability of the simple visual method is adequate for the identification of patients with clinically significant lesions and candidates for myocardial revascularization procedures.


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Na gravidez, a mulher experiencia mudanças desenvolvimentais ao nível dos seus relacionamentos significativos. Este estudo compara a qualidade do relacionamento com o companheiro e com outra figura significativa em grávidas adolescentes e adultas, e analisa preditores sócio-demográficos para a qualidade destes relacionamentos. Uma amostra de 130 grávidas (66 adolescentes e 64 adultas) foi avaliada no terceiro trimestre de gestação quanto às características sociais e demográficas e à qualidade do relacionamento com figuras significativas. Os resultados mostram que as adolescentes referem menor confiança (χ2 = 3.365, p = 0,055) e maior discórdia (χ2 = 3.842, p = 0,041) no relacionamento com o companheiro e maior sentimento de ligação (χ2 = 19.126, p = 0,000) e apatia (χ2 = 8.568, p = 0,004) no relacionamento com a outra figura significativa, comparativamente com as adultas. Verifica-se ainda que a gravidez na adolescência associa-se a relacionamentos de menor qualidade, especialmente devido a situações sócio-demográficas mais desfavoráveis e não tanto à condição de ser ou não adolescente.


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O presente artigo apresenta o programa de intervenção em grupo para pais divorciados, Pais por Inteiro (PApi). Fundamentados na revisão da literatura com a qual o artigo se inicia, os objectivos gerais do programa – promover a coparentalidade positiva, a construção de um projecto de binuclearidade familiar e a reflexão e aprofundamento das trajectórias individuais de cada pai – são descritos, assim como as três macrocomponentes psicoterapêuticas ao longo das quais estes objectivos se desenvolvem – exposição dos processos de divórcio, partilha experiencial e treino de competências e mudança desenvolvimental. O artigo oferece ainda, no final, uma mais detalhada clarificação dos objectivos, materiais e actividades planeadas para cada das dez sessões que compõem o PApi.


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Projecto de mestrado em Mediação Cultural e Literária


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influences of circadian variations on tilt-table testing (TTT) results by comparing the positivity rate of the test performed during the morning with that of the test performed in the afternoon and to evaluate the reproducibility of the results in different periods of the day. METHODS: One hundred twenty-three patients with recurrent unexplained syncope or near-syncope referred for TTT were randomized into 2 groups. In group I, 68 patients, TTT was performed first in the afternoon and then in the morning. In group II, 55 patients, the test was performed first in the morning and then in the afternoon. RESULTS: The TTT protocol was the prolonged passive test, without drug sensitization. Twenty-nine (23.5%) patients had a positive result in at least one of the periods. The positivity rate for each period was similar: 20 (16.2%) patients in the afternoon and 19 (15.4%) in the morning (p=1.000). Total reproducibility (positive/positive and negative/negative) was observed in 49 (89%) patients in group I and in 55 (81%) in group II. Reproducibility of the results was obtained in 94 (90.4%) patients with first negative tests but in 10 (34%) patients with first positive tests. CONCLUSION: TTT could be performed during any period of the day, and even in the 2 periods to enhance positivity. Considering the low reproducibility rate of the positive tests, serial TTT to evaluate therapeutic efficacy should be performed during the same period of the day.


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How should an equity-motivated policy-marker allocate public capital (infrastructure) across regions. Should it aim at reducing interregional differences in per capita output, or at maximizing total output? Such a normative question is examined in a model where the policy-marker is exclusively concerned about personal inequality and has access to two policy instruments. (i) a personal tax-transfer system (taxation is distortionary), and (ii) the regional allocation of public investment. I show that the case for public investment as a significant instrument for interpersonal redistribution is rather weak. In the most favorable case, when the tax code is constrained to be uniform across regions, it is optimal to distort the allocation of public investment in favor of the poor regions, but only to a limited extent. The reason is that poor individuals are relatively more sensitive to public trans fers, which are maximized by allocating public investment efficiently. If! the tax code can vary across regions then the optimal policy may involve an allocation of public investment distorted in favor of the rich regions.


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Plataforma Solar de Almería entre desembre del 2006 i gener del 2007. S’ha dut a terme la degradació en planta pilot dels colorants reactius Procion Red H-E7B i Cibacron Red FN-R mitjançant el procés de foto-Fenton aplicat com a tractament únic i com a pretractament d’un procés biològic. El procés de foto-Fenton, assistit amb llum solar, es va realitzar en un fotoreactor solar tipus Col•lector Parabòlic Compost (CPC) i el tractament biològic en un Reactor de Biomassa Immobilitzada (RBI). Com a punt de partida, i amb l’objectiu d’estudiar la reproductibilitat del sistema, es van prendre resultats obtinguts d’experiments realitzats prèviament a escala de laboratori i amb llum artificial. El paràmetre Carboni Orgànic Total (COT) es va emprar com a indicador de l’eliminació dels colorants i dels seus intermedis. En aplicar únicament el procés de foto-Fenton com a tractament, concentracions de 10 mg•l-1 de Fe (II) i 250 mg•l-1 de H2O2 per degradar 250 mg•l-1 Procion Red H-E7B, i de 20 mg•l-1 de Fe (II) i 500 mg•l-1 de H2O2 per degradar 250 mg•l-1 Cibacron Red FN-R, van reproduir els resultants obtinguts al laboratori, amb uns nivells d’eliminació de COT del 82 i 86%, respectivament. A més, l’ús beneficiós de la llum solar en el procés de foto-Fenton, juntament amb la configuració del CPC, van incrementar la velocitat de degradació respecte als resultats previs, permetent la reducció de la concentració de Fe (II) de 10 a 2 mg•l-1 (Procion Red H-E7B) i de 20 a 5 mg•l-1 (Cibacron Red FN-R) sense pèrdues d’efectivitat. D’altre banda, el sistema combinat foto-Fenton/tractament biològic en planta pilot, unes concentracions d’oxidant de 225 mg•l-1 H2O2 per Cibacron Red FN-R i 65 mg•l-1 H2O2 per Procion Red H-E7B van ser suficients per generar solucions intermèdies biodegradables i alimentar així el RBI, millorant inclús els resultats obtinguts prèviament al laboratori.