1000 resultados para hospitais privados
As reformas propostas pelo modelo da Nova Gestão Pública tiveram repercussões importantes ao nível do setor da saúde, levando a que atualmente os prestadores de cuidados de saúde procurem aplicar a melhor prática clínica a um custo socialmente aceitável. A despesa do Estado com a Saúde é cerca de um quinto do total da despesa pública e, mais particularmente, a despesa com hospitais representa pouco menos de metade da despesa com saúde (pública e privada). O elevado peso dos gastos em saúde conduziu a alterações na gestão das unidades de saúde e a uma preocupação crescente com a gestão e tratamento contabilístico dos custos hospitalares. Nasce, assim, a necessidade de uma contabilidade virada para o interior da organização, que forneça informação adequada e atempada, destacando-se neste âmbito a Contabilidade de Custos. Torna-se pois importante que as organizações hospitalares ajustem a sua contabilidade às necessidades atuais, proporcionando uma sofisticada compreensão dos custos, e façam uso de modernas técnicas de imputação e controlo desses mesmos custos. Face ao exposto, o principal objetivo do trabalho é analisar a forma como são imputados os custos nos hospitais pertencentes ao Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) e se existe uniformização nos critérios de imputação. Para tal, efetuamos uma investigação qualitativa através da realização de um estudo exploratório com recurso à Base de Dados de Elementos Analíticos (BDEA) do Ministério da Saúde e dos relatórios divulgados pelo sítio oficial do Ministério da Saúde Português. Observamos que, regra geral, os hospitais portugueses pertencentes ao SNS estão a seguir os requisitos normativos previstos no Plano de Contabilidade Analítica dos Hospitais (PCAH).
While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.
In the Brazilian network of psychosocial care, health professionals are important actors in the process of transformation of mental health public policies among various services. In the reality of psychiatric hospitals, one should understand the need to expand the debate about the current context of practices developed. This study aimed at analyzing the process of psychiatric reform and the mental health policy in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) from the profiles and practices of higher-level professionals in two psychiatric hospitals. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive research, with quantitative and qualitative data, conducted in two psychiatric hospitals of RN. The universe of the target population was 95 professionals, taking into account the margin of error of 8%, non-response rate and the inclusion criteria: holding effective link with the institution by means of approval in public examination for, at least, six months, being state or municipal servant; having a minimum weekly workload of 20 hours in service; participating in care and/or activities with patients and families in a direct way. The final sample consisted of 60 professionals. The tool for data collection was a questionnaire with closed and semi-open questions about socioeconomic profile, and mental health policies, practices and training. Quantitative data were tabulated in the statistical software SPSS, and simple and bivariate statistics, chi-square type, was used for analysis by adopting the significance level with the value p<0,05. In order to analyze data, the content analysis of Bardin was used. The qualitative findings obtained with the semi-open questions in Analyse Lexicale par Context d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) were grouped into four thematic axes: Professional action in mental health; Mental health training; Scenarios of psychiatric reform and psychiatric hospitals; Mental health policies and practices: challenges for professionals in hospitals. The profile of professionals has revealed the majority of women (89,7%), nurses (36,7%), aged 50-59 years (42,9%), weekly workload of 40 hours (52,4% ), time of completion of graduation from six to 15 years (57%), and 21,4% reported to have specialization in mental health. Regarding the practices developed in individual care, it was found an association between those who do not build or partially conducts the therapeutic project and those who conduct care related to observation and annotation. In family care, it was obtained care consultation during crisis; and, in group care, recreational activities. In the analysis of thematic axes, it was noted that, despite changes identified in the profiles and practices of higher-level professionals in care services for mental health, with the implementation of new public policies for this field, the findings indicate the confluence of asymmetries and divergences in the actions of the teams in psychiatric hospitals, difficulties in managing services, frequent readmissions, reduced quantitative of available services and equipment, high demand of users, disarticulation of the network of psychosocial care, and the very shortage of skilled human resources to compose these services. Accordingly, the evidenced scenarios partially outline the current political and ideological mismatch of the national process of psychiatric reform that denies the role of care actions conducted within hospitals, although it has not gone far enough with the creation of new services that justify the total extinction of this institution
This study aimed to construct and carry out a distance course of pedagogical training for health professional performing preceptorship functions in public health institutions. The preceptorship in health is a pedagogical practice that occurs in workplace, led by assistance professionals with teaching position or not, where the vast majority of these acts intuitively, reproducing their own training, confusing transmitting information with education. These preceptors often do not dominate the pedagogical knowledge, necessary for the organization of training activities, such as the various teaching-learning processes and the different assessment types. Student supervision is essential in the training process of students in the health field, and on the occasion of supervised internships that the teaching-learning process is based on practical experience with participation in real life situations and professional work. It was realized an exploratory study, descriptive with qualitative approach, with the development of tutoring teaching course in health as final product. Applied semi structured research instrument from may to july 2014. It were evaluated 162 health professionals who perform the preceptorship, which made it possible define the preceptor's profile and identify the educational requirements related to the educational process, which justified the construction of the program content and the professionals’ perception analysis about preceptorship through identification of three categories: clinic knowledge valuation; valuation of professional orientation and valuation of professional future. The course was available on distance mode through Moodle platform with forty hours of work load from October to November 2014. With the aim of capacitate the health professionals to development of necessary abilities and skills to tutoring performance through thoughts about tutoring concepts, professional training within the curricular guidelines and SUS precepts, the role of health professionals as educators, application of active teaching methodologies, and evaluation methods. The applications were done online through the provided link; 300 vacancies offered, 243 professionals applied, chosen 134 that works on tutoring, where 49 represented professionals that works on the location of the study. The course lasted 45 days, and counted with tutors responsible to interact and evaluate the students. 28 professionals joined the course, 12 concluded. Opportunities were identified to stimulate the involvement, however the professionals’ satisfaction shows that, make an investment on tutors education, starting from the Permanent Education precepts, will provide a bigger appropriation of the knowledge to the education and therefore the awareness of their role as an educator on work ambit, proportioning essential tools to tutors act while enabler of integration between theory and practice and result better teaching-learning process.
Health results from the interaction of biological, social, economic, political and cultural factors. Under this perspective, we aim to analyze the relationship among working in public emergency hospitals and the health-sickness of the professionals who work there. We are based in a quantitative and qualitative research, in which 240 health professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, dentists, nutritionists, audiologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists) answered a survey. All of them recognize the importance of work to guarantee favorable conditions to good health. However, they highlight its physical and mental wear effects on workers like stress, absence of a healthy life-style, high blood pressure, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and sleep disorders. It becomes urgent to face this reality, to enhance professionals' health and, consequently, the quality of user’s assistance, since the illness of health workers is strongly correlated with the existing health model in society.
A indústria bancária brasileira investe de forma contínua em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e cinco bancos detêm mais de 60% dos ativos, lucros e agências. A partir deste cenário, o objetivo desse trabalho foi evidenciar os números relativos aos investimentos em TIC realizados pela indústria bancária no período de 2000 a 2011 e seu correspondente crescimento de uma forma geral. Em particular, evidencia ainda números relevantes aos investimentos e o respectivo crescimento dos dois maiores bancos múltiplos privados atuantes no Brasil (Itaú e Bradesco). Por meio de pesquisa documental e revisão da literatura, são apontados os principais indicadores que levam a concluir sobre a continuidade crescente do setor, sobre o fortalecimento dos bancos Bradesco e Itaú, assim como a relação com investimentos contínuos em TIC.
OLIVEIRA,Jonas Sâmi Albuquerque de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de MEDEIROS, Soraya Maria de. O estágio extracurricular remunerado no cuidar da enfermagem nos hospitais de ensino. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, Porto Alegre(RS),v.30,n.2, p.311-8,jun.2009.
The theoretical foundation of this study addresses the construct Quality of Worklife involving pro-active reading organizations in face to social developments of the working class, which is a challenge to the people s management. In this sense, as a contribution to the studies of quality of worklife (QOWL), this study addresses the quality of lifework of nurses at Walfredo Gurgel and Santa Catarina public hospitals. The goal is to make a diagnosis about the quality of lifework of these employees taking as a basis dimensions and performance indicators shown in the model by Fernandes (1996). The research is characterized by field, in a descriptive way. This survey comprised 75 nurses, with 49 by Walfredo Gurgel hospital and 26 by Santa Catarina one. The data collection was carried out through structured questionnaire. The questions were processed in the software Statistic 6.0, with factor analysis and multiple regressions, after the systematization of data. As a result, the most nurses in hospitals are dissatisfied with the quality of lifework, with the highest incidence in Santa Catarina hospital. The variable occupational health assessment was more negative in the hospital Santa Catarina one, whereas in Walfredo Gurgel, was family assistance. The variable guarantee of employment was more positive assessment in two hospitals without, though, implying in high importance on QOWL of nurses. The factor structure and decision showed greater sensitivity to explain the QOWL of nurses, joining 17 variables from 40 of the model. The factor working conditions, joining 6 variables, showed the second highest sensitivity. The compensation factor, gathering 5 variables, showed the third highest sensitivity while image and health factors showed minor importance
As peculiaridades presentes no ser humano são observadas a partir da manifestação de sua cultura. Estas manifestações podem ser influenciadas pelo contexto social do indivíduo. A cultura nacional é uma destas influências. A brasileira, por exemplo, possui alguns traços nacionais peculiares ao seu povo que amenizam a sua complexidade e pluralidade. Estes traços podem se tornar influentes na cultura organizacional, através da manifestação das práticas e dos valores utilizados pela organização. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo diagnosticar a cultura organizacional dos hospitais, enfatizando as práticas e os valores organizacionais e a percepção dos colaboradores sobre a cultura organizacional. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi de caráter descritivo e explicativo. A pesquisa ocorreu através da aplicação do Instrumento Brasileiro para a Avaliação da Cultura Organizacional IBACO, com 283 sujeitos distribuídos em três hospitais da rede privada de Natal/RN. As evidências encontradas pelo estudo foram analisadas através do software estatístico SPSS, com as técnicas multivariadas de análise fatorial, análise de aglomerados e análise discriminante. A partir dessas análises, foram obtidos cinco fatores distribuídos entre práticas e valores apresentados pelo IBACO, que foram: as práticas de recompensa e treinamento; integração externa e promoção do relacionamento interpessoal; e, os valores de satisfação, bem-estar e cooperação dos empregados e profissionalismo competitivo. Os grupos encontrados na análise apresentaram divergências de opinião quanto às práticas e os valores utilizados nos hospitais. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o Hospital A apresentou uma cultura mais proativa e voltada mais para a satisfação e bem-estar dos funcionários. Já os outros dois hospitais apresentaram culturas semelhantes, com limitações quanto à valorização do bem-estar e da cooperação entre os colaboradores, porém com uma boa prática do relacionamento interpessoal
A atuação eficaz dos trabalhadores da saúde no atendimento imediato da parada cardiorrespiratória possibilita o efetivo processo de implementação da hipotermia terapêutica, reduzindo possíveis danos cerebrais e proporcionando um melhor prognóstico para o paciente. O presente estudo objetivou conhecer o processo de implementação da hipotermia terapêutica pós-parada cardiorrespiratória em hospitais do extremo sul do Brasil. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritiva. O cenário do estudo foram duas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva de dois hospitais onde a hipotermia terapêutica pós-parada cardiorrespiratória é realizada. Os sujeitos do estudo foram médicos, enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem atuantes nas referidas unidades. A coleta de dados foi composta por dois momentos. Primeiramente, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa retrospectiva nos prontuários dos pacientes e, posteriormente, foram aplicadas entrevistas semiestruturadas por meio de roteiro de entrevista com os profissionais citados, as quais foram gravadas com aparelho digital. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante o mês de outubro de 2014. Para interpretação dos dados, foi utilizada a análise textual discursiva, construindo-se três categorias. Na primeira categoria, “processo de implementação da hipotermia terapêutica”, constatou-se que o hospital com uma implementação sistematizada e organizada utiliza um protocolo escrito e, em relação às fases de aplicação da hipotermia terapêutica, ambas as instituições utilizam os métodos tradicionais de indução, manutenção e reaquecimento. A segunda categoria, “facilidades e dificuldades vivenciadas pela equipe de saúde durante a aplicação da hipotermia terapêutica”, identifica a estrutura física, harmonia da equipe, equipamentos para a monitorização constante das condições hemodinâmicas dos pacientes e a otimização do tempo de trabalho como facilitadores. No que tange às dificuldades, constatou-se a aquisição de materiais, como o gelo e o BIS; disponibilidade de um único termômetro esofágico; inexistência de EPI’s; conhecimento insuficiente e inaptidão técnica; ausência de educação permanente e dimensionamento inadequado dos profissionais de enfermagem. Na terceira categoria, “efeitos adversos e complicações encontradas pela equipe de saúde durante a aplicação da hipotermia terapêutica e cuidados de enfermagem realizados”, verificou-se, como efeitos adversos, a ocorrência de tremores, bradicardia e hipotensão e de complicações como hipotermia excessiva e queimaduras de pele. Os cuidados de enfermagem direcionam-se aos cuidados com a pele e extremidades, uso do gelo, sedação, higiene, conforto e preparo de material para monitorização. Concluiu-se que a hipotermia terapêutica é possível de ser aplicada, na realidade das instituições pesquisadas, de maneira segura, eficaz e de baixo custo.
OLIVEIRA,Jonas Sâmi Albuquerque de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de MEDEIROS, Soraya Maria de. O estágio extracurricular remunerado no cuidar da enfermagem nos hospitais de ensino. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, Porto Alegre(RS),v.30,n.2, p.311-8,jun.2009.
La investigación tiene por propósito verificar el cumplimiento y adecuación de normas referentes a salarios, jornadas y horarios laborales, días de asueto y de descanso semanal, forma de cálculo y pago de prestaciones laborales (Indemnización, Aguinaldo, Vacaciones, Bonificación anual- bono 14- ), cumplimiento de normas de higiene y seguridad en el trabajo, también contempladas en recientes reformas, así como los aspectos de vigilancia de las autoridades Administrativas de Trabajo, lo cual implica revisar el cumplimiento de normas de no discriminación en el trabajo, autorización -permiso- de trabajo de extranjeros, informe estadístico patronal anual, protección a la mujer embarazada o en período de lactancia, protección a los menores de edad, terminación de contratos de trabajo, etc. Aunque existen diversas modalidades y técnicas de auditoría, es a través del control de legalidad, donde además de verificar el cumplimiento de las distintas normas jurídicas en la gestión, se comprueba el nivel de economía, eficacia y eficiencia en la utilización de los medios materiales y personales y, a su vez, la comprobación de que en la gestión socio- laboral se aplican criterios de autocontrol y diligencia debida, permitiendo conocer además los posibles riesgos asociados a la gestión empresarial o profesional, y con ello anticipar las soluciones necesarias ante los distintos riesgos existentes. El objetivo del control de legalidad es plasmar la situación real de la empresa en cuanto al cumplimiento de las obligaciones jurídico-laborales y de Seguridad Social, mediante la realización o elaboración de un informe, que permitirá tanto al empresario, como al profesional dedicado del asesoramiento laboral conocer la realidad socio-laboral y legal de la empresa que dirige o asesora