953 resultados para Ports -- Indonésie
We propose integrated optical structures that can be used as isolators and polarization splitters based on engineered photonic lattices. Starting from optical waveguide arrays that mimic Fock space (quantum state with a well-defined particle number) representation of a non-interacting two-site Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian, we show that introducing magneto-optic nonreciprocity to these structures leads to a superior optical isolation performance. In the forward propagation direction, an input TM polarized beam experiences a perfect state transfer between the input and output waveguide channels while surface Bloch oscillations block the backward transmission between the same ports. Our analysis indicates a large isolation ratio of 75 dB after a propagation distance of 8mm inside seven coupled waveguides. Moreover, we demonstrate that, a judicious choice of the nonreciprocity in this same geometry can lead to perfect polarization splitting.
BACKGROUND. The high rate of reperfusion injury in clinical lung transplantation mandates significant improvements in lung preservation. Innovations should be validated using standardized and low-cost experimental models. METHODS. The model introduced here is analyzed by comparing global lung function after varying ischemic times (2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours). A rat double-lung block is flush-perfused, and the main pulmonary artery and left atrium are connected to the left pulmonary artery and vein of a syngeneic recipient using a T-shaped stent. With pressure side ports and incorporated flow crystals, measurement of vascular resistance and graft oxygenation can be performed. The transplant is ventilated separately, and compliance and resistance are determined. RESULTS. The increase in the ischemic interval from 2 to 24 hours caused an increase in the alveolar arterial oxygen difference from 220 +/- 20 to 600 +/- 34 mm Hg, pulmonary vascular resistance from 198 +/- 76 to 638 +/- 212 mm Hg.mL-1.min-1, and resistance to airflow from 274 +/- 50 to 712 +/- 30 cm H2O/L H2O, and a decrease in pulmonary compliance from 0.4 +/- 0.05 to 0.12 +/- 0.06 mL/cm H2O. CONCLUSIONS. This in situ, syngeneic rat lung transplantation model offers an alternative to large animal models for verification of lung preservation solutions and for modification of donor or recipient treatment regimens.
The technical feasibility of temporal and spatial fractionations of the radiation dose has been evaluated using synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy for brain tumors in rats. A significant increase in lifespan (216%, p < 0.0001) resulted when three fractions of microbeam irradiation were applied to the tumor through three different ports, orthogonal to each other, at 24 h intervals. However, there were no long-term survivors, and immunohistological studies revealed that 9 L tumors were not entirely ablated.
Interleukin 17-producing T helper cells (T(H)-17 cells) are important in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, but their route of entry into the central nervous system (CNS) and their contribution relative to that of other effector T cells remain to be determined. Here we found that mice lacking CCR6, a chemokine receptor characteristic of T(H)-17 cells, developed T(H)-17 responses but were highly resistant to the induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Disease susceptibility was reconstituted by transfer of wild-type T cells that entered into the CNS before disease onset and triggered massive CCR6-independent recruitment of effector T cells across activated parenchymal vessels. The CCR6 ligand CCL20 was constitutively expressed in epithelial cells of choroid plexus in mice and humans. Our results identify distinct molecular requirements and ports of lymphocyte entry into uninflamed versus inflamed CNS and suggest that the CCR6-CCL20 axis in the choroid plexus controls immune surveillance of the CNS.
Urry begins his 2007 book, Mobilities, by throwing some quite stunning statistics at his readers: in 2010, there were one billion legal international arrivals at ports and airports; in 1800 people in the US travelled on average 50 metres per day, today it is 50 kilometres per day; 8.7% of world employment is in tourism; and, at any one time, there are 360,000 passengers in flight above the United States (2007: 3-4). But very many of these mobilities for the individuals concerned are or have become rather unexceptional – a flight to a holiday in Majorca or Florida, a journey on a crowded commuter train into Madrid or Tokyo, a cross-Channel ferry to Calais in France to pick up some cheap wine and a camembert. Whilst much of the theoretically influential dialectological literature on mobility reports on long-distance, often permanent, often dangerous migrations, I turn our attention here to the dialectological consequences of this unexceptional everyday movement. I will argue here that, just as more dramatic and long-distance mobilities can trigger linguistic change, so too can the much more mundane movements we engage in in everyday life. I demonstrate that the linguistic consequences of that contact are similar if not the same – perhaps less dramatic, perhaps involving the convergence of an initially less divergent array of variants – but typologically of the same ilk. And I demonstrate that because these mobilities have been long-term, intensive and ongoing, their consequences on the dialect landscape have been highly significant. Important to remember, however, is that these mobilities are socially stratified and unevenly distributed. As Wolff put it: “the suggestion of free and equal mobility is … a deception, since we don’t all have the same access to the road” (1993: 253).
The bone-anchored port (BAP) is an investigational implant, which is intended to be fixed on the temporal bone and provide vascular access. There are a number of implants taking advantage of the stability and available room in the temporal bone. These devices range from implantable hearing aids to percutaneous ports. During temporal bone surgery, injuring critical anatomical structures must be avoided. Several methods for computer-assisted temporal bone surgery are reported, which typically add an additional procedure for the patient. We propose a surgical guide in the form of a bone-thickness map displaying anatomical landmarks that can be used for planning of the surgery, and for the intra-operative decision of the implant’s location. The retro-auricular region of the temporal and parietal bone was marked on cone-beam computed tomography scans and tridimensional surfaces displaying the bone thickness were created from this space. We compared this method using a thickness map (n = 10) with conventional surgery without assistance (n = 5) in isolated human anatomical whole head specimens. The use of the thickness map reduced the rate of Dura Mater exposition from 100% to 20% and OPEN ACCESS Materials 2013, 6 5292 suppressed sigmoid sinus exposures. The study shows that a bone-thickness map can be used as a low-complexity method to improve patient’s safety during BAP surgery in the temporal bone.
Renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis requires a permanent vascular access. Implantable ports offer a potential alternative to standard vascular access strategies although their development is limited both in number and extent. We explored the fluid dynamics within two new percutaneous bone-anchored dialysis port prototypes, both by in vitro experiments and computer simulation. The new port is to be fixed to bone and allows the connection of a dialysis machine to a central venous catheter via a built-in valve. We found that the pressure drop induced by the two ports was between 20 and 50 mmHg at 500 ml/min, which is comparable with commercial catheter connectors (15–80 mmHg). We observed the formation of vortices in both geometries, and a shear rate in the physiological range (<10,000s-1), which is lower than maximal shear rates reported in commercial catheters (up to 13,000s-1). A difference in surface shear rate of 15% between the two ports was obtained.
UNLABELLED In a prospective multicentre study of bloodstream infection (BSI) from November 01, 2007 to July 31, 2010, seven paediatric cancer centres (PCC) from Germany and one from Switzerland included 770 paediatric cancer patients (58% males; median age 8.3 years, interquartile range (IQR) 3.8-14.8 years) comprising 153,193 individual days of surveillance (in- and outpatient days during intensive treatment). Broviac catheters were used in 63% of all patients and Ports in 20%. One hundred forty-two patients (18%; 95% CI 16 to 21%) experienced at least one BSI (179 BSIs in total; bacteraemia 70%, bacterial sepsis 27%, candidaemia 2%). In 57%, the BSI occurred in inpatients, in 79% after conventional chemotherapy. Only 56 % of the patients showed neutropenia at BSI onset. Eventually, patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) or acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML), relapsed malignancy and patients with a Broviac faced an increased risk of BSI in the multivariate analysis. Relapsed malignancy (16%) was an independent risk factor for all BSI and for Gram-positive BSI. CONCLUSION This study confirms relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. On a unit level, data on BSIs in this high-risk population derived from prospective surveillance are not only mandatory to decide on empiric antimicrobial treatment but also beneficial in planning and evaluating preventive bundles. WHAT IS KNOWN • Paediatric cancer patients face an increased risk of nosocomial bloodstream infections (BSIs). • In most cases, these BSIs are associated with the use of a long-term central venous catheter (Broviac, Port), severe and prolonged immunosuppression (e.g. neutropenia) and other chemotherapy-induced alterations of host defence mechanisms (e.g. mucositis). What is New: • This study is the first multicentre study confirming relapsed malignancy as an independent risk factor for BSIs in paediatric cancer patients. • It describes the epidemiology of nosocomial BSI in paediatric cancer patients mainly outside the stem cell transplantation setting during conventional intensive therapy and argues for prospective surveillance programmes to target and evaluate preventive bundle interventions.
We have designed and built a laboratory facility to investigate the spectro-photometric and morphologic properties of different types of ice-bearing planetary surface analogs and follow their evolution upon exposure to a low pressure and low temperature environment. The results obtained with this experiment are used to verify and improve our interpretations of current optical remote-sensing datasets. They also provide valuable information for the development and operation of future optical instruments. The Simulation Chamber for Imaging the Temporal Evolution of Analogue Samples (SCITEAS) is a small thermal vacuum chamber equipped with a variety of ports and feedthroughs that permit both in-situ and remote characterizations as well as interacting with the sample. A large quartz window located directly above the sample is used to observe its surface from outside with a set of visible and near-infrared cameras. The sample holder can be easily and quickly inserted and removed from the chamber and is compatible with the other measurement facilities of the Laboratory for Outflow Studies of Sublimating Materials (LOSSy) at the University of Bern. We report here on the results of two of the first experiments performed in the SCITEAS chamber. In the first experiment, fine-grained water ice mixed with dark organic and mineral matter was left to sublime in vacuum and at low temperature, simulating the evolution of the surface of a comet nucleus approaching the Sun. We observed and characterized the formation and evolution of a crust of refractory organic and mineral matter at the surface of the sample and linked the evolution of its structure and texture to its spectro-photometric properties. In the second experiment, a frozen soil was prepared by freezing a mixture of smectite mineral and water. The sample was then left to sublime for 6 h to simulate the loss of volatiles from icy soil at high latitudes on Mars. Colour images were produced using the definitions of the filters foreseen for the CaSSIS imager of the Exomars/TGO mission in order to prepare future science operations.
La finalidad de esta tesis es establecer un análisis de la metodología de entrenamiento de la resistencia especial en el futbolista. Su objetivo no está vinculado a realizar propuestas prácticas de entrenamiento, sino más bien, se tratará de abordar una posible justificación fisiológico - metabólica, a partir de la relevancia bioenergética de la creatina, en función de la creciente especialización que debe ir adquiriendo el proceso del entrenamiento deportivo a largo plazo, enfocado al logro de altos rendimientos deportivos. A partir del análisis de conceptos terminológicos de referencia, se asienta la idea general de este trabajo, es decir, la estructuración y desarrollo de la resistencia en los deportes de conjunto, como el fútbol. Los pilares de una adecuada planificación son el conocimiento y la aplicación de distintas leyes y principios del entrenamiento deportivo y su relación con los distintos medios y métodos de entrenamiento, como así también, los efectos de adaptación que provocan. Por lo tanto, a partir del análisis de los requerimientos morfológicos - funcionales de las competiciones de elite en fútbol, se pueden elaborar modelos que servirán de base y como objetivo final al cual debe ser orientado el proceso de entrenamiento. Es decir, que un entrenamiento multianual con miras a la formación de futbolistas de elite, debe respetar la especialización creciente de las cargas de entrenamiento, estableciendo una sucesión metodológica adecuada en función de los objetivos de cada etapa. En función de lo expuesto, se realiza un análisis que va desde la resistencia como capacidad física y su metodología de entrenamiento, recorriendo distintos conceptos y manifestaciones, pasando por el análisis de distintas zonas de intensidad o áreas funcionales, y desembocando en la metodología de entrenamiento intermitente de la resistencia o resistencia especial -en los deportes de conjunto-. Y es a partir de todo el análisis precedente que estamos en condiciones de abordar el entrenamiento específico en el fútbol, y más detalladamente la resistencia específica o intermitente que requiere este deporte. El entrenamiento intermitente puede ser considerado como una metodología cuyo énfasis es puesto en modificaciones que se producen a nivel muscular, por sobre factores centrales de rendimiento, presentándose como una variante óptima para el entrenamiento de la resistencia muscular local y específica del futbolista. Básicamente, el entrenamiento intermitente actuaría sobre dos puntos centrales: la mejora del sistema shuttle de la CrP, y sobre la rapidez de entrega de oxígeno al inicio del ejercicio. Aquí aparece la importancia de la suplementación con Cr: que al aumentar las concentraciones del sustrato, y junto con el entrenamiento, que mejora las reacciones enzimáticas implicadas, potenciaría las mejoras buscadas con este tipo de metodología. Queda por determinar cual es el preciso mecanismo de acción por el cual la recuperación de los fosfatos altamente energéticos se produce: si por biogénesis mitocondrial en las fibras reclutadas - generalmente FT -; o mediante el sistema de proteínas transportadoras de Cr - destacando la importancia de las ST - o por algún otro mecanismo no conocido. Su descubrimiento permitiría direccionar más precisamente el entrenamiento deportivo.
El objeto de la presente comunicación es analizar los modos en que, desde mediados del siglo XIX, la elite liberal santiaguena, planteó la implantación capitalista y los diversos proyectos modernizadores en el área económica, en un territorio signado por la marginalidad histórica, espacios ecológicos dispares y extremos y escasos recursos económicos para concretar acciones estratégicas de magnitud. Enrolada en la filosofía del progreso, seguidora de los postulados alberdianos y dispuesta a incorporar a las producciones santiaguenas en los circuitos económicos del sistema capitalista, en tanto Estado, llevaron adelante unas prácticas que tuvieron como primer gran objetivo, estudiar los espacios económicos potencialmente aptos para desarrollar las producciones pecuarias que el mercado europeo demandaba. De modo que una conjunción de intereses entre aspiraciones locales y demandas europeas, dará como resultado la evaluación de las potencialidades de tres espacios: la cuenca del río Salado del Norte, la cuenca del río Dulce y el espacio del "mesón de fierro". Enlazando las tres áreas, los proyectos ferroviarios con trazados que las relacionaban entre sí y con los puertos sobre el Paraná.
En este artículo, se analiza el proceso de trabajo en el transporte automotor de granos en torno al sudeste bonaerense. Desde un abordaje cualitativo, se describen y analizan las prácticas durante la cosecha y pos-cosecha, y los trayectos campo-acopio, acopio-puerto. También se analizan las relaciones laborales a partir de una perspectiva ampliada de las relaciones laborales clásicas (asalariadas, estables, protegidas).Los rasgos que asume el trabajo en el transporte de granos están asociados a los cambios técnicos y tecnológicos de la producción de granos, así como a procesos de flexibilización laboral, vinculados a la disponibilidad permanente para fletar, la extensión de la jornada laboral y la intensidad del trabajo camionero
En el presente trabajo proponemos el análisis del impacto de la apertura de un puerto de ultramar sobre su región adyacente en la construcción de un hinterland. También, el del proceso simultáneo de edificación de un mercado de destino o foreland, alcanzado por los buques que arribaron a él. El caso estudiado es el de Puerto Quequén, un puerto sobre el océano Atlántico de la provincia de Buenos Aires, construido entre 1911 y 1922 pero que recién en 1929 estuvo en condiciones operativas para la exportación directa al exterior. Las fuentes utilizadas provienen de los registros de la autoridad de control portuario, de la administración local del puerto y de estadísticas oficiales.
Este trabajo es parte de un Proyecto de Incentivos de mayor envergadura. En esta oportunidad, se presenta el análisis realizado sobre las dinámicas del sector industrial y los espacios portuarios de la microregión de Zárate y Campana haciendo énfasis en las tensiones territoriales resultantes durante la etapa neoliberal y neodesarrollista iniciada en el año 2002. La elección de estas ciudades se debió a que han mostrado en los últimos años un dinamismo superior a la media de la región y conforman un importante polo industrial y portuario. En los períodos analizados se pudo observar que recibieron grandes inversiones en industria, servicios e infraestructuras de parte de firmas trasnacionales y del Estado, en sus diversos niveles jurisdiccionales, que ayudaron a consolidar su liderazgo en la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires y redefinir su posición a diferentes escalas. Pasaron así a integrar un nuevo espacio geoeconómico, por su inserción en cadenas productivas globales en el contexto del Mercosur
En este artículo, se analiza el proceso de trabajo en el transporte automotor de granos en torno al sudeste bonaerense. Desde un abordaje cualitativo, se describen y analizan las prácticas durante la cosecha y pos-cosecha, y los trayectos campo-acopio, acopio-puerto. También se analizan las relaciones laborales a partir de una perspectiva ampliada de las relaciones laborales clásicas (asalariadas, estables, protegidas).Los rasgos que asume el trabajo en el transporte de granos están asociados a los cambios técnicos y tecnológicos de la producción de granos, así como a procesos de flexibilización laboral, vinculados a la disponibilidad permanente para fletar, la extensión de la jornada laboral y la intensidad del trabajo camionero