784 resultados para Pont silicium


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivos contextualizar e analisar as perspectivas da educação salesiana a partir do documento das Linhas Orientadoras da Missão Educativa do Instituto das Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora, tendo em vista aprofundar o contexto histórico e sociocultural da fundação do Instituto das Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora e do desenvolvimento da missão educativa salesiana, com a finalidade de atuar no campo da educação, indicar os fundamentos interdisciplinares que compreendem os fundamentos teóricos para a prática educativa em relação aos aspectos sociológicos, antropológicos, teológicos e pedagógicos, além de algumas experiências práticas da educação salesiana. A pesquisa considera a contextualização da sua prática educativa a partir de diversas contribuições teóricas realizadas em torno da história do Instituto e dos conhecimentos interdisciplinares que integram seus propósitos e seus projetos educativos. Com a perspectiva de analisar as orientações e conteúdos do documento é utilizada a técnica da análise documental que permite interpretar o seu significado, analisar e indicar algumas perspectivas de educação salesiana presentes no documento e que envolvem os seus princípios, propósitos e as suas ações em relação à educação. Por meio da observação participante alguns aspectos práticos das perspectivas da educação salesiana foram demonstrados. Portanto, a investigação permite o mapeamento das perspectivas fundamentais da educação salesiana a partir das Linhas Orientadoras e a possibilidade de aprofundar a significatividade das perspectivas de referência para a prática educativa conforme são indicadas no documento: as dimensões cultural, evangelizadora, social e comunicativa da educação, que são os elementos e princípios fundamentais do Sistema Educativo Salesiano. A concepção de educação salesiana que se constrói a partir de uma visão interdisciplinar, complexa e dimensional, com uma perspectiva de uma estratégia projetual. Os seus princípios integram alguns valores que são considerados como fundamentais para a realização de uma educação integral: a comunidade educativa, o trabalho educativo realizado em equipe, a espiritualidade juvenil, a preventividade e a pedagogia do ambiente. Sobretudo, os núcleos centrais indicados pelo documento orientam as comunidades para a realização de um pensamento projetual, considerando as diversas dimensões da educação, com uma especial abertura para uma contínua projeção das suas intenções e da sua prática educativa. Enfim, encontramos algumas contribuições para a educação a partir do pensamento pedagógico e prático da educação salesiana, especialmente em relação à proposta de pensar a educação de forma complexa e multidimensional.


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Specific antagonists of central dopaminergic receptors constitute the major class of antipsychotic drugs (APD). Two principal effects of APD are used as criteria for the pre-clinical screening of their antipsychotic action: (i) inhibition of basal and depolarization-induced activity of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons; (ii) antagonism of the locomotor effects of dopaminergic agonists. Given that glucocorticoid hormones in animals increase dopamine release and dopamine-mediated behaviors and that high levels of glucocorticoids can induce psychotic symptoms in humans, these experiments examined whether inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids might have APD-like effects on mesolimbic dopaminergic transmission in rats. It is shown that suppression of glucocorticoid secretion by adrenalectomy profoundly decreased (by greater than 50%): (i) basal dopaminergic release and the release of dopamine induced by a depolarizing stimulus such as morphine (2 mg/kg, s.c.), as measured in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving animals by microdialysis; (ii) the locomotor activity induced by the direct dopaminergic agonist apomorphine. The effects of adrenalectomy were glucocorticoid specific given that they were reversed by the administration of glucocorticoids at doses within the physiological range. Despite its profound diminution of dopaminergic neurotransmission, adrenalectomy neither modified the number of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons nor induced gliosis in the mesencephalon or in the nucleus accumbens, as shown by tyrosine hydroxylase and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunostaining. In conclusion, these findings suggest that blockade of central effects of glucocorticoids might open new therapeutic strategies of behavioral disturbances.


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An increase in the activity of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons has been implicated in the appearance of pathological behaviors such as psychosis and drug abuse. Several observations suggest that glucocorticoids might contribute to such an increase in dopaminergic activity. The present experiments therefore analyzed the effects of corticosterone, the major glucocorticoid in the rat, both on dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving animals by means of microdialysis, and on locomotor activity, a behavior dependent on accumbens dopamine. Given that glucocorticoids have certain state-dependent neuronal effects, their action on dopamine was studied in situations differing in dopaminergic tonus, including during the light and dark phases of the circadian cycle, during eating, and in groups of animals differing in their locomotor reactivity to novelty. Dopaminergic activity is increased in the dark period, further increased during food-intake, and is higher in rats defined as high responders to novelty than in low responders. Corticosterone, peripherally administered in a dose that approximates stress-induced plasma concentrations, increased extracellular concentrations of dopamine, and this increase was augmented in the dark phase, during eating, and in high responder rats. Corticosterone had little or no effects in the light phase and in low responder rats. Corticosterone also stimulated locomotor activity, an effect that paralleled the release of dopamine and was abolished by neurochemical (6-hydroxydopamine) depletion of accumbens dopamine. In conclusion, glucocorticoids have state-dependent stimulant effects on mesencephalic dopaminergic transmission, and an interaction between these two factors might be involved in the appearance of behavioral disturbances.


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La red docente durante el curso 2006/07 ha realizado un estudio en cuanto a materiales y metodologías docentes en las asignaturas de primer curso de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación, especialidad en Sonido e Imagen. Esta titulación es impartida en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. Dicho estudio está encaminado a suplir las necesidades que marca el nuevo Marco Europeo de Aprendizaje. Se ha definido una ficha de la asignatura (cuyos contenidos y estructura se detallan) que permita al alumnado una visión directa y lo más concisa posible de las actividades que se desarrollarán en cada asignatura a lo largo de su periodo lectivo. El conjunto de estas fichas conformará la denominada Agenda del Estudiante, que fomentará la organización personal de cada alumno. La puesta en común de las experiencias y conocimientos de los diversos miembros de la red debe redundar en una mayor eficacia de la docencia. En este trabajo se incluyen las experiencias de las siete asignaturas implicadas en el proceso.


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Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.


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Paper submitted to the XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Ciudad Real, España, 2003.


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Paper submitted to International Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing (SMMSP), Barcelona, España, 2003.


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Paper submitted to the IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.


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Paper submitted to the IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SOC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.


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The development of applications as well as the services for mobile systems faces a varied range of devices with very heterogeneous capabilities whose response times are difficult to predict. The research described in this work aims to respond to this issue by developing a computational model that formalizes the problem and that defines adjusting computing methods. The described proposal combines imprecise computing strategies with cloud computing paradigms in order to provide flexible implementation frameworks for embedded or mobile devices. As a result, the imprecise computation scheduling method on the workload of the embedded system is the solution to move computing to the cloud according to the priority and response time of the tasks to be executed and hereby be able to meet productivity and quality of desired services. A technique to estimate network delays and to schedule more accurately tasks is illustrated in this paper. An application example in which this technique is experimented in running contexts with heterogeneous work loading for checking the validity of the proposed model is described.


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This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide different ways to process the same incoming information as well as a means to propagate it. Our model also provides a means to cross different beliefs so, any incoming information can be processed many times by the same or different functions as it occurs is social nets.


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New technologies have transformed teaching processes and enabled new ways of study and learning. In these activities, it is suspected that the students don't make good use of new available technologies or, in the best case, they are underused. The analysis of this issue with the design of strategies to correct any defects found is the motivation that supports the development of this work and the main purpose of it. Evaluate information search habits used by the student and analyse their deduct synthesis and processing capabilities of the results found. The researchers of this study are university teachers of first year subjects, which allows them to know the information search performances by students.


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In this article we present a model of organization of a belief system based on a set of binary recursive functions that characterize the dynamic context that modifies the beliefs. The initial beliefs are modeled by a set of two-bit words that grow, update, and generate other beliefs as the different experiences of the dynamic context appear. Reason is presented as an emergent effect of the experience on the beliefs. The system presents a layered structure that allows a functional organization of the belief system. Our approach seems suitable to model different ways of thinking and to apply to different realistic scenarios such as ideologies.


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The research developed in this work consists in proposing a set of techniques for management of social networks and their integration into the educational process. The proposals made are based on assumptions that have been proven with simple examples in a real scenario of university teaching. The results show that social networks have more capacity to spread information than educational web platforms. Moreover, educational social networks are developed in a context of freedom of expression intrinsically linked to Internet freedom. In that context, users can write opinions or comments which are not liked by the staff of schools. However, this feature can be exploited to enrich the educational process and improve the quality of their achievement. The network has covered needs and created new ones. So, the figure of the Community Manager is proposed as agent in educational context for monitoring network and aims to channel the opinions and to provide a rapid response to an academic problem.


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Solutions Alliance está explorando de qué manera mejorar la colaboración con el sector privado —pequenas y medianas empresas y empresas internacionales— para explotar su capacidad de convertir los retos de desplazamiento en oportunidades de desarrollo.