912 resultados para Phonological processing
The aim of this study was to compare the contrast visual processing of concentric sinusoidal gratings stimuli between adolescents and adults. The study included 20 volunteers divided into two groups: 10 adolescents aged 13-19 years (M=16.5, SD=1.65) and 10 adults aged 20-26 years (M=21.8, SD=2.04). In order to measure the contrast sensitivity at spatial frequencies of 0.6, 2.5, 5 and 20 degrees of visual angle (cpd), it was used the psychophysical method of two alternative forced choice (2AFC). A One Way ANOVA performance showed a significant difference in the comparison between groups: F [(4, 237)=3.74, p<.05]. The post-hoc Tukey HSD showed a significant difference between the frequencies of 0.6 (p <.05) and 20 cpd (p<.05). Thus, the results showed that the visual perception behaves differently with regard to the sensory mechanisms that render the contrast towards adolescents and adults. These results are useful to better characterize and comprehend human vision development.
Many discussions about the music processing have occurred over the years. It is stated, on one hand, the existence of a single joint for grasping the music or any of its attributes by the Central Nervous System. Furthermore, it is claimed also the existence of multiple and diverse systems to understand each aspect of music. In general, model-independent set, studies focusing on the processing of sound components, specifically the musical tones, can significantly clarify the basic functioning of the auditory system and other higher brain functions. In this sense, one of the most prominent approaches in the study of sensory and perceptual processes of hearing, or changed unharmed, has been Neuroscience, which is interested in the interaction between the brain areas corresponding to different cognitive processes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to review the studies that dealt processing models of the attributes of tonal Western music, based on the conception that neuropsychological neural structures are interdependent sensory pathways.
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La investigación desarrollada en la última década sobre las habilidades lingüísticas y cognitivas de los niños bilingües ha dado lugar a un panorama más complejo sobre el tema. Los estudios aquí reunidos, presentan pruebas que demuestran que no hay déficit o ventaja para los niños bilingües, pero en algunas situaciones si se producen consecuencias que afectan al logro de altos niveles de competencia lingüística y para el éxito en la escuela.
Una de las mejores maneras para que los niños con autismo, Asperger, trastornos sensoriales aprendan es a través del juego, sin embargo, los mayores desafíos a los que padres y maestros se enfrentan con estos niños es la manera de hacerlos participar con éxito en el juego. En este manual, se ofrece más de un centenar de juegos que ayudan al niño: hacer contacto visual, mantenerse concentrado, y fortalecer sus habilidades motoras; asociar las palabras con los objetos y mejorar las habilidades lingüísticas y numéricas; aprender a interactuar con otras personas, como tomar turnos, y otras habilidades sociales necesarias para asistir a la escuela preescolar.
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