918 resultados para Perceptual confusion


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Illnesses related to the heart are one of the major reasons for death all over the world causing many people to lose their lives in last decades. The good news is that many of those sicknesses are preventable if they are spotted in early stages. On the other hand, the number of the doctors are much lower than the number of patients. This will makes the auto diagnosing of diseases even more and more essential for humans today. Furthermore, when it comes to the diagnosing methods and algorithms, the current state of the art is lacking a comprehensive study on the comparison between different diagnosis solutions. Not having a single valid diagnosing solution has increased the confusion among scholars and made it harder for them to take further steps. This master thesis will address the issue of reliable diagnosing algorithm. We investigate ECG signals and the relation between different diseases and the heart’s electrical activity. Also, we will discuss the necessary steps needed for auto diagnosing the heart diseases including the literatures discussing the topic. The main goal of this master thesis is to find a single reliable diagnosing algorithm and quest for the best classifier to date for heart related sicknesses. Five most suited and most well-known classifiers, such as KNN, CART, MLP, Adaboost and SVM, have been investigated. To have a fair comparison, the ex-periment condition is kept the same for all classification methods. The UCI repository arrhythmia dataset will be used and the data will not be preprocessed. The experiment results indicates that AdaBoost noticeably classifies different diseases with a considera-bly better accuracy.


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Not all categorization is conceptual. Many of the experimental findings concerning infant and animal categorization invite the hypothesis that the subjects form abstract perceptual representations, mental models or cognitive maps that are not composed of concepts. The paper is a reflection upon the idea that conceptual categorization involves the ability to make categorical judgements under the guidance of norms of rationality. These include a norm of truth-seeking and a norm of good evidence. Acceptance of these norms implies willingness to defer to cognitive authorities, unwillingness to commit oneself to contradictions, and knowledge of how to reorganize one's representational system upon discovering that one has made a mistake. It is proposed that the cognitive architecture required for basic rationality is similar to that which underlies pretend-play. The representational system must be able to make room for separate 'mental spaces' in which alternatives to the actual world are entertained. The same feature underlies the ability to understand modalities, time, the appearance-reality distinction, other minds, and ethics. Each area of understanding admits of degrees, and mastery (up to normal adult level) takes years. But rational concept-management, at least in its most rudimentary form, does not require a capacity to form second-order representations. It requires knowledge of how to operate upon, and compare, the contents of different mental spaces.


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Investigaremos, a partir da perspectiva da Ciência Cognitiva, a noção de representação mental, no domínio da percepção visual humana. Ênfase é dada ao paradigma Conexionista, ou de Redes Neurais, de acordo com o qual tais representações mentais são descritas como estruturas emergentes da interação entre sistemas de processamento de informação que se auto-organizam - tais como o cérebro - e a luz estruturada no meio ambiente. Sugerimos que essa noção de representação mental indica uma solução para uma antiga polêmica, entre Representacionalistas e Eliminativistas, acerca da existência de representações mentais no sistema perceptual humano.


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Työpaikoilla tapahtuvan koulutuksen merkitys korostuu yhteiskunnassa kaikilla tasoilla nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Tämä väitöstutkimus määrittelee oppisopimuskoulutuksen yritysten tuottamana koulutuspalveluna osana ammatillista tutkintoon johtavaa koulutusta, jota tuotetaan työpaikoilla ja yrityksissä. Väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan niitä tavoitteita, joita yrityksissä oppisopimuskoulutukseen liittyy ja vaikutuksia, joita koulutusta tuottamalla yrityksessä syntyy. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat eri alojen pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset (pk-yritykset), jotka ovat tuottaneet oppisopimuskoulutusta ja joilla on siitä vuosien kokemus. Lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistui pk-yrityksiä, joille oppisopimuskoulutus ja siihen liittyvä toiminta on vierasta. Tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa vain vähän tutkittuun aikuisten oppisopimuskoulutukseen, mutta ei sulje pois nuorten oppisopimuskoulutukseen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Tutkimus yhdistää oppisopimuskoulutuksen ja koulutuksen tuottamisen yrityksissä, mikä uudistaa sekä oppisopimuskoulutukseen, ammatilliseen koulutukseen, palvelun tuottamiseen että osaamiseen liittyvää teoreettista viitekehystä. Lisäksi tutkimus tuo yrityksille sekä oppisopimuskoulutuksen hallinnollisille tahoille palvelun tuottamisen ja siihen liittyvien tavoitteiden ja vaikutusten näkökulman. Väitöstutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu ja jakautuu kolmeen osaan: palveluun ja sen tuottamiseen, osaamispääomiin ja niiden eri muotoihin sekä vaikutuksiin palvelutuotannossa. Teoreettinen viitekehys kuvaa monimuotoisesti oppisopimuskoulutuksen ilmiötä, jonka olemus muuttuu sen mukaan, miten, kuka tai mikä taho sitä arvioi tai tarkastelee. Väitöstutkimus on empiiriseltä luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluilla vuoden 2013 lopulla ja vuoden 2014 alussa. Aineisto on analysoitu sisällönanalyysillä aineistolähtöisesti. Tutkimusote pohjautuu abduktiiviseen päättelyyn. Tutkimustulokset esitetään ja luokitellaan niin tavoitteiden kuin vaikutusten osalta inhimillisen, rakenteellisen ja suhdepääoman kautta. Tutkimuksen mukaan oppisopimuskoulutuksen vaikutukset nähdään positiivisina ja neutraaleina, eikä alakohtaisia eroja vaikutusten osalta juuri ole. Myönteisten vaikutusten saavuttamiseen liittyy tärkeänä osana arvon luomisen ja tuottamisen kokemus molemmilla koulutukseen osallistuvilla osapuolilla. Lisäksi myönteisten vaikutusten taustalla ovat yrityksen sitoutuminen sekä työn ja koulutuksen johtamisosaaminen. Yrityksissä on tärkeää, että imago kouluttajana on hyvä. Oppisopimuskoulutuksen tuottamisesta syntyneet vaikutukset ovat asetettuja tavoitteita laajemmat, erityisesti rakenteelliseen pääomaan liittyvien vaikutusten osalta. Oppisopimuskoulutuksen vaikuttavuus yrityksessä syntyy asetettujen tavoitteiden ja vaikutusten välisestä suhteesta. Kokonaisuutena voidaan todeta, että oppisopimuskoulutuksen vaikuttavuus ja suorituskyky yrityksissä ovat hyvät, vaikka koulutuksen laatu vaihtelee jonkin verran. Oppisopimuskoulutuksen käynnistäminen, aloittaminen ja tuottaminen liittyvät usein niin sanottuihin oppisopimusagentteihin eli sellaisiin kehityshakuisiin henkilöihin, joilla jossakin elämäntilanteessa on ollut myönteisiä kokemuksia oppisopimuskoulutuksen mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksen mukaan oppisopimuskoulutuksen kustannukset koostuvat työsuhteesta, tietopuolisen koulutuksen aikaisesta työstä poissaolosta sekä ohjauksesta ja arvioinnista, mutta koulutusta pidetään taloudellisesti kannattavana. Oppisopimuskoulutuksen tuottamista estävät pääasiassa viestinnän ja tiedottamisen puute, koulutusmahdollisuuden tunnistamatta jääminen, yritysten heikko koulutuskulttuuri sekä epäselvät mielikuvat ja käsitykset. Nuorten oppisopimuskoulutuksen toteuttamisen hidasteina ovat tutkimuksen mukaan työsuhteeseen ja talouteen liittyvät seikat, nuorten kasvun vaiheeseen sisältyvät tekijät sekä monenlaiset pedagogiset ja eettiset kysymykset. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että nuori on käsitteenä ja viiteryhmänä epämääräinen. Ammatillisen koulutuksen ja oppisopimuskoulutuksen eri muodot ja monet käsitteet myös aiheuttavat epäselvyyttä molemmissa tutkimuksen konteksteissa eli yrityksissä, joissa oppisopimuskoulutusta tuotetaan sekä yrityksissä, joissa sitä ei tuoteta.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kahden oppilaitoksen, Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun ja Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopiston merenkulkualan koulutusten, välisiä yhteistyöongelmia. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan täydennyskoulutus- ja simulaattorikeskusyhteistyön ongelmia. Yhteistyössä oli todettu olevan ongelmia, ja tutkimuksella selvitettiin ongelmat ja luotiin toimenpide-ehdotuksia ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoiduin haastatteluin, johon haastateltiin yhteensä 22 henkilöä molemmista oppilaitoksista. Tutkimuksen runko luotiin teoreettisen viitekehyksen mukaisesti organisaatioiden välisen yhteistyön elementeistä. Haastattelujen analysoinnissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen perusteella löydettiin useita ongelmia yhteistyössä. Kolme keskeisintä ongelmaa olivat henkilösuhteissa esiintynyt luottamuspula ja henkilökemiat, johtamisen puute sekä roolien ja työtehtävien epäselvyys. Työtä ongelmien korjaamiseksi tulee olemaan, mutta ne ovat ratkaistavissa luomalla tarkemmat suuntaviivat yhteistyölle ja lisäämällä vuorovaikutusta kokoontumisten avulla. Molemmilla oppilaitoksilla oli tulevaisuuteen tähtäävä näkemys yhteistyön lisäämisestä ja kehittämisestä.


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Contient : 1 « Livre des causes ou principes et origines des deux Natures » ; 2 « Discours et resolution de la divination, ou Divine et souveraine verité touchant ce qui est à advenir de la guerre des chrestiens et Ismaëlites ou Turchz. De la victoire, en quel lieu sera, et pourquoy. 1575 » ; 3 « La dixieme partie ou section des OEuvres de JAMBLICUS, des Misteres des Egyptiens. 1576 » ; 4 « Consideration du christianisme » ; 5 « La Rome babylonique, ou Petit traicté de la confusion et ruine babylonique en la cité de Rome » ; 6 « Premiere partie de la Demonstration du vespre du monde. 1577 ». Précédée d'une lettre « à Richard Crosnier, presbtre » ; 7 « La Dispute du pape Sylvestre avec les Juifz, celebrée à Rome l'an trois cens apres l'Incarnation, en la presence de l'empereur Constantin et Helene, sa mere, Augustes, touchant la verité de Jesus Christ, Dieu incarné, juxte les antiennes promesses et propheties dont est tres doctement par le meme texte de l'Escripture saincte refutée l'erreur non seulement des Juifz et Mahometains touchant la Trinité, mais aussi de plusieurs heretiques antiens et modernes » ; 8 « De la Naissance, progres et fin de l'empire romain, oeuvre composé, depuis trois cens ans, par ENGELBERT, abbé d'Aumont, faict françois. 1575 » ; 9 « Les quatre Livres de PHILIPPE THEOPH. PARACELSE. De la longue Vie, ou Conservation et prorogation de la vie, faict françoys du latin, l'an. commençant 1576 » ; 10 « Oratio in Assumptione B. Virginis, habita Rothomagi, anno 1576 » ; 11 « Ad senatum urbis novae et fortissimae Portus Gratiae, totius Galliae propugnaculi » ; 12 « In S. Elizabethae, virg. Sconaugiensis, sermonem sextum, sive cap. 4, lib. 2 Viarum Dei sive visionum, inscriptum de Via praelatorum, praefatio ad... Jo. Ruffum, ecclesiae quae est in sylvula Anneburgii antistitem » ; 13 « OΥINKENTIOΣ KOΣΣΑΡΔΟΣ. Ιωάννη τω̃ αυτου̃ πατρι ευ πράττειν », lettre, en grec, de Cossard à son père, 15 décembre 1570 ; 14 Lettres latines, de « GUILLAUME POSTEL à Cossard » ; 3 janvier 1576 (fol. 192); — de « V. COSSARD à G. Postel », 27 septembre 1576 (ibid.), — de « LOUIS MARTEL à V. Cossard », 11 septembre 1576 (fol. 193) ; — de « V. COSSARD à G. Postel », 1er juillet 1577 (ibid.) ; — de « G. POSTEL à V. Cossard », 10 juillet 1577 (fol. 194) ; — de « G. POSTEL à V. Cossard », 2 mai (ibid) ; 15 « Epistre presentée par COSSARD à Mgr le reverendissime archevesque de Raims et abbé de Fescamp, 1576 » ; 16 « Preface à tres affectionné zelateur de la vraye pieté et syncerité du christianisme, Me Robert Joly, prestre, sur la generale et terrible vision faicte à noble et religieuse personne F. Robert, premierement prestre seculier, et depuis, de l'ordre Saint Dominique ; mise en françoys, pour la conversion du monde babylonique, apres avoir été cachée l'espace de 288 ans » ; 17 « Nemo, sive Sermo de vita et rebus gestis viri ad hunc diem incogniti Neminis, videlicet contemporanei Deo Patri, Filio coessentialis, et origine conformis Spiritui Sancto » ; 18 « La Voix du desert » ; 19 « Specilegium exercitationum poeticarum », en vers français ; 20 « Chant royal sur la pure et tres saincte Conception de la Vierge » ; 21 « Ballade sur la mesme Immaculée Conception » ; 22 « Consideration ou elegie sur la mort de Me Romain Cossard, premier aux esleus pour le roy à Rouen » ; 23 « Dixain sur la mort du mesme » ; 24 « Ode sur la mort du dict sieur Esleu, mise à l'entour du cierge bruslant sur le tombeau » ; 25 « Elegie sur la mort de damoyselle Marie Le Bouteiller » ; 26 Lettre à « damoysele Marie Le Bouteiller, mere de la deffuncte, sur la mort de son filz, qui mourust un an apres » ; 27 « Au Roy de la febve », vers ; 28 « Chant royal sur l'Immaculée et saincte Conception » ; 29 « Priere à la Vierge pour le roy » ; 30 « Ballade sur la mesme Conception » ; 31 « Autre ballade » ; 32 Epigrammes traduites d'« ARCHIAS », de « MELEAGRE », de « PALLADE », etc ; 33 « Sonnet sur la tres saincte Conception » ; 34 « Sur le tombeau d'un paovre », traduit « du latin de PONTAN » ; 35 « Quatrain de FRANÇOIS DUFRESNE » ; 36 « Ex Th. Moro », quatrain ; 37 « Horatiana rapsodia pro tumulo », centon de vers d'Horace ; 38 « Tombeau », vers


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Contient : 1 Lettre de « HENRY » VII, roi d'Angleterre, au roi Louis XII. « Escript en nostre palais de Westmonstier, le Vme jour de decembre » ; 2 Lettre, en espagnol, de JEANNE la Folle à Louis XII, roi de France. « Scripta en la ciudad de Segovia, a XXI dias del mes de mayo anno de mil D. XIIII » ; 3 Traité « entre le roy [Louis XII] et le seigneur Octovian Fregose,... sur la pratique de Gennes » ; 4 « Ce qui a esté pourparlé entre messeigneurs les cardinal, mareschaulx et ambassadeur de Fleurence... Millan, le XIIme jour d'octobre, l'an mil [IIII.C. IIII.XX.] XIX » ; 5 Liste des seigneurs « presens à la publication de la paix, à Insprug » ; 6 Lettre de « MARGUERITE,... marquise DE SALUCES,... au roy... A Carmagnole, ce IIIe jour de fevrier » ; 7 Lettre d'« OCTEVIANO FREGOSO,... au roy [Louis XII]... De vostre ville de Gennes, le XXVIIIe jour de jung » ; 8 Lettre de « MAXIMILIANUS,... Romanorum rex... Gofredo Karuli, serenissimi regis Francie... oratori... Datum Innsprugk, decima septima die marcii, anno Domini M.CCCCC.II° » ; 9 Procuration, en latin, donnée par les comtes « Antoniotus et Hieronimus Adurni,... M.D.XII., die X dec » ; 10 « Le Nombre des cappitaines de gens de guerre des roy et royne de Castille, envoyez pour le secours de Saulces... Le 3e avril 1514 ou 1504 » ; 11 « Instruction à Girault d'Ancezune, maistre d'ostel du roy nostre sire, de ce qu'il doit dire et remonstrer à madame de Savoye, devers laquelle le roy l'envoie pour lui remonstrer de sa part aucunes choses... L'an mil CCCC. quatre vings et quatorze » ; 12 « Copie du recepisse fait par le roy des Romains des lectres de l'appoinctement de Tridente et des lectres de ratifficacign du mariage de mons. le Daulphin et de l'une des filles de mons. l'archiduc, faictes par le roy de France » ; 13 « Memoriale de le cosse accadute in la sublevatione de li populi de Genes » ; 14 « Traicté de paix entre le roy Charles huictiesme et Loïs Marie Sforce, duc de Millan. M. CCCC.XCV » ; 15 Lettre de « G. DE ROICHEFORT,... Escript à Orleans, le XVIIIe jour d'octobre » ; 16 Plan de réformation de la cour de Rome ; 17 « Instructions à Edouart Buillon, varlet de chambre du roy, de ce qu'il aura à dire de par ledict seigneur au duc de Valentinoys,... Fait à Lyon, le VIIIe jour d'aoust » ; 18 « Copie » d'une lettre de créance, donnée à « Mastrech en Brabant, le derrenier jour de may V.C. et XVII », par Maximilien Ier, empereur d'Allemagne ; 19 Correspondance diplomatique de « M. DE LA ROCHE », ambassadeur du roi Louis XII en Espagne ; 20 « Copie des lectres missives du roy des Romains... MAXIMILIANUS,... aux ambassadeurs du roy de France [Louis XII]... Datum Innspruegh, vigesima tercia die februarii, anno M. CCCCC. II » ; 21 Lettre des « gens tenans... court de parlement à Dijon... au roy [Louis XII]... Escript à Dijon, le dernier jour de may mil V.C. et V » ; 22 Lettre des « consul et marchans florentins demeurans à Lion... à monseigneur le tresorier Robertet,... A Lion, le XVme jour de juillet » ; 23 Supplique adressée au roi par « les marchans florentins... de Lyon » ; 24 « Advis pour mettre sus une grande et puissante armée à la confusion et destruction du Turc... lequel advis procede des... religieux de l'ordre des Freres mineurs de l'observance... presenté au consistoire de nostre sainct pere [le pape Adrien VI], le douziesme jour de juin mil cinq cens vingt trois » ; 25 « Doble de la letre de done MARIE, translatée d'espaignol en françois... De Toledo, le XXVe de juing, l'an mil V.C. XXI »


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The oscillation of neuronal circuits reflected in the EEG gamma frequency may be fundamental to the perceptual process referred to as binding (the integration of various thoughts and perceptions into a coherent picture). The aim of our study was to expand our knowledge of the developmental course ofEEG gamma in the auditory modality. 2 We investigated EEG 40 Hz gamma band responses (35.2 to 43.0 Hz) using an auditory novelty oddball paradigm alone and with a visual-number-series distracter task in 208 participants as a function of age (7 years to adult) at 9 sites across the sagital and lateral axes (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4). Gamma responses were operationally defined as change in power or a change in phase synchrony level from baseline within two time windows. The evoked gamma response was defined as a significant change from baseline occurring between 0 to 150 ms after stimulus onset; the induced gamma response was measured from 250 to 750 ms after stimulus onset. A significant evoked gamma band response was found when measuring changes in both power and phase synchrony. The increase in both measures was maximal at frontal regions. Decreases in both measures were found when participants were distracted by a secondary task. For neither measure were developmental effects noted. However, evoked gamma power was significantly enhanced with the presentation of a novel stimulus, especially at the right frontal site (F4); frontal evoked gamma phase synchrony also showed enhancement for novel stimuli but only for our two oldest age groups (16-18 year olds and adults). Induced gamma band responses also varied with task-dependent cognitive stimulus properties. In the induced gamma power response in all age groups, target stimuli generated the highest power values at the parietal region, while the novel stimuli were always below baseline. Target stimuli increased induced synchrony in all regions for all participants, but the novel stimulus selectively affected participants dependent on their age and gender. Adult participants, for example, exhibited a reduction in gamma power, but an increase in synchrony to the novel stimulus within the same region. Induced gamma synchrony was more sensitive to the gender of the participant than was induced gamma power. While induced gamma power produced little effects of age, gamma synchrony did have age effects. These results confirm that the perceptual process which regulates gamma power is distinct from that which governs the synchronization for neuronal firing, and both gamma power and synchrony are important factors to be considered for the "binding" hypothesis. However, there is surprisingly little effect of age on the absolute levels of or distribution of EEG gamma in the age range investigated.


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This study presents information gathered during personal interviews with dynamic and capable teachers in the areas of preparedness for teaching, teaching concerns, survival skills and strategies, and how these teachers support themselves and others in the teaching profession. The data are related to Purkey and Novak's work on invitational education and connections are made to Combs' perceptual orientation. Potential participants were gathered through personal recommendations from their colleagues. All teachers recommended were approached and asked for voluntary participation. Of those who agreed to participate, 6 were selected based on gender and years of experience. There was a male and female participant at each of the following career levels: early, mid, and late. The 4 major survival skills that became apparent were the ability to believe in oneself and others, to act decisively upon that belief through personal and professional goal-setting as well as accessing resources, to actively seek opportunities for interaction with other professionals, and to celebrate personal and professional successes.


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This thesis examines Death of a Ghost (1934), Flowers for the Judge (1935), Dancers in Mourning (1937), and The Fashion in Shrouds (1938), a group of detective novels by Margery Allingham that are differentiated from her other work by their generic hybridity. The thesis argues that the hybrid nature of this group of Campion novels enabled a highly skilled and insightful writer such as Allingham to negotiate the contradictory notions about the place of women that characterized the 1930s, and that in dOing so, she revealed the potential of one of the most popular and accessible genres, the detective novel of manners, to engage its readers in a serious cultural dialogue. The thesis also suggests that there is a connection between Allingham's exploration of modernity and femininity within these four novels and her personal circumstances. This argument is predicated upon the assumption that during the interwar period in England several social and cultural attitudes converged to challenge long-held beliefs about gender roles and class structure; that the real impact of this convergence was felt during the 1930s by the generation that had come of age in the previous decade-Margery Allingham's generation; and that that generation's ambivalence and confusion were reflected in the popular fiction of the decade. These attitudes were those of twentieth-century modernity--contradiction, discontinuity, fragmentation, contingency-and in the context of this study they are incorporated in a literary hybrid. Allingham uses this combination of the classical detective story and the novel of manners to examine the notion of femininity by juxtaposing the narrative of a longstanding patriarchal and hierarchical culture, embodied in the image of the Angel in the House, with that of the relatively recent rights and freedoms represented by the New Woman of the late nineteenth-century. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social difference forms the theoretical foundation of the thesis's argument that through these conflicting narratives, as well as through the lives of her female characters, Allingham questioned the Hsocial myth" of the time, a prevailing view that, since the First World War, attitudes toward the appropriate role and sphere of women had changed.


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This thesis explores the debate and issues regarding the status of visual ;,iferellces in the optical writings of Rene Descartes, George Berkeley and James 1. Gibson. It gathers arguments from across their works and synthesizes an account of visual depthperception that accurately reflects the larger, metaphysical implications of their philosophical theories. Chapters 1 and 2 address the Cartesian and Berkelean theories of depth-perception, respectively. For Descartes and Berkeley the debate can be put in the following way: How is it possible that we experience objects as appearing outside of us, at various distances, if objects appear inside of us, in the representations of the individual's mind? Thus, the Descartes-Berkeley component of the debate takes place exclusively within a representationalist setting. Representational theories of depthperception are rooted in the scientific discovery that objects project a merely twodimensional patchwork of forms on the retina. I call this the "flat image" problem. This poses the problem of depth in terms of a difference between two- and three-dimensional orders (i.e., a gap to be bridged by one inferential procedure or another). Chapter 3 addresses Gibson's ecological response to the debate. Gibson argues that the perceiver cannot be flattened out into a passive, two-dimensional sensory surface. Perception is possible precisely because the body and the environment already have depth. Accordingly, the problem cannot be reduced to a gap between two- and threedimensional givens, a gap crossed with a projective geometry. The crucial difference is not one of a dimensional degree. Chapter 3 explores this theme and attempts to excavate the empirical and philosophical suppositions that lead Descartes and Berkeley to their respective theories of indirect perception. Gibson argues that the notion of visual inference, which is necessary to substantiate representational theories of indirect perception, is highly problematic. To elucidate this point, the thesis steps into the representationalist tradition, in order to show that problems that arise within it demand a tum toward Gibson's information-based doctrine of ecological specificity (which is to say, the theory of direct perception). Chapter 3 concludes with a careful examination of Gibsonian affordallces as the sole objects of direct perceptual experience. The final section provides an account of affordances that locates the moving, perceiving body at the heart of the experience of depth; an experience which emerges in the dynamical structures that cross the body and the world.


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Reduced capacity for executive cognitive function and for the autonomic control of cardiac responsivity are both concomitants of the aging process. These may be linked through their mutual dependence on medial prefrontal function, but the specifics ofthat linkage have not been well explored. Executive functions associated with medial prefrontal cortex involve various aspects ofperformance monitoring, whereas centrally mediated autonomic functions can be observed as heart rate variability (HRV), i.e., variability in the length of intervals between heart beats. The focus for this thesis was to examine the degree to which the capacity for phasic autonomic adjustments to heart rate relates to performance monitoring in younger and older adults, using measures of electrocortical and autonomic activity. Behavioural performance and attention allocation during two age-sensitive tasks could be predicted by various aspects of autonomic control. For young adults, greater influence of the parasympathetic system on HRV was beneficial for learning unfamiliar maze paths; for older adults, greater sympathetic influence was detrimental to these functions. Further, these relationships were primarily evoked when the task required the construction and use of internalized representations of mazes rather than passive responses to feedback. When memory for source was required, older adults made three times as many source errors as young adults. However, greater parasympathetic influence on HRV in the older group was conducive to avoiding source errors and to reduced electrocortical responses to irrelevant information. Higher sympathetic predominance, in contrast, was associated with higher rates of source error and greater electrocortical responses tq non-target information in both groups. These relations were not seen for 11 errors associated with a speeded perceptual task, irrespective of its difficulty level. Overall, autonomic modulation of cardiac activity was associated with higher levels of performance monitoring, but differentially across tasks and age groups. With respect to age, those older adults who had maintained higher levels of autonomic cardiac regulation appeared to have also maintained higher levels of executive control over task performance.


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In this thesis, three main questions were addressed using event-related potentials (ERPs): (1) the timing of lexical semantic access, (2) the influence of "top-down" processes on visual word processing, and (3) the influence of "bottom-up" factors on visual word processing. The timing of lexical semantic access was investigated in two studies using different designs. In Study 1,14 participants completed two tasks: a standard lexical decision (LD) task which required a word/nonword decision to each target stimulus, and a semantically primed version (LS) of it using the same category of words (e.g., animal) within each block following which participants made a category judgment. In Study 2, another 12 participants performed a standard semantic priming task, where target stimulus words (e.g., nurse) could be either semantically related or unrelated to their primes (e.g., doctor, tree) but the order of presentation was randomized. We found evidence in both ERP studies that lexical semantic access might occur early within the first 200 ms (at about 170 ms for Study 1 and at about 160 ms for Study 2). Our results were consistent with more recent ERP and eye-tracking studies and are in contrast with the traditional research focus on the N400 component. "Top-down" processes, such as a person's expectation and strategic decisions, were possible in Study 1 because of the blocked design, but they were not for Study 2 with a randomized design. Comparing results from two studies, we found that visual word processing could be affected by a person's expectation and the effect occurred early at a sensory/perceptual stage: a semantic task effect in the PI component at about 100 ms in the ERP was found in Study 1 , but not in Study 2. Furthermore, we found that such "top-down" influence on visual word processing might be mediated through separate mechanisms depending on whether the stimulus was a word or a nonword. "Bottom-up" factors involve inherent characteristics of particular words, such as bigram frequency (the total frequency of two-letter combinations of a word), word frequency (the frequency of the written form of a word), and neighborhood density (the number of words that can be generated by changing one letter of an original word or nonword). A bigram frequency effect was found when comparing the results from Studies 1 and 2, but it was examined more closely in Study 3. Fourteen participants performed a similar standard lexical decision task but the words and nonwords were selected systematically to provide a greater range in the aforementioned factors. As a result, a total of 18 word conditions were created with 18 nonword conditions matched on neighborhood density and neighborhood frequency. Using multiple regression analyses, we foimd that the PI amplitude was significantly related to bigram frequency for both words and nonwords, consistent with results from Studies 1 and 2. In addition, word frequency and neighborhood frequency were also able to influence the PI amplitude separately for words and for nonwords and there appeared to be a spatial dissociation between the two effects: for words, the word frequency effect in PI was found at the left electrode site; for nonwords, the neighborhood frequency effect in PI was fovind at the right elecfrode site. The implications of otir findings are discussed.


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Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) are currently in the process of restructuring to ensure quality, accountability, and accessibility of college education. References to learner involvement and self-directed learning are prevalent. "Alternative delivery" and "paradigm shift" are current buzzwords within the Ontario CAAT system as an environment is created supportive of change. Instability of funding has also dictated a need for change. Therefore, a focus has become quality of learning with less demand on public resources. This qualitative case study was conducted at an Ontario CAAT to gather descriptive, perceptual data from post-secondary community college educators who were identified as supportive of self-directed learning and from post-secondary, traditional-aged college students who were perceived by their educators to be selfdirected learners. This college was selected because of initiatives to modify its academic paradigm to encourage what was reputed in the Ontario CAAT system to be self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how postsecondary, traditional-aged college students and their educators perceive self-directed learning as part of the teaching-learning experience within a community college setting. Educator participants of the study were selected based on the results of a teaching and learning survey intended to identify educators supportive of self-directed learning. A total of 317 surveys were distributed to every full-time educator at the sample college; 192 completed surveys were returned for a return rate of 61 %. Of these, 8% indicated instructional beliefs and values supportive of self-directed learning. A purposive sample of six educators was selected using a maximulp variation sampling strategy. A network selection sampling strategy was used to select a purposive sample of seven post-secondary students who were identified by the sample educators as selfdirected learners. The results of the study show that students and educators have similar perspectives and operating definitions of self-directed learning and all participants believe they either practice or facilitate self-directed learning. However, their perspectives and practices are not consistent with the literature which emphasizes learner autonomy or control in course structure and content. A central characteristic of the participants represented in this study is the service-oriented professions with which each is associated. Experientiallearning opportunities were highly valued for the options provided in increasing learner independence and competencies in reflective practice. Although there were discrepancies between espoused theory and theory in practice in terms of course structure, the process of self-directed learning was being practiced and supported outside the classroom structure in clinical settings, labs and related experiences.