922 resultados para Mulher - Participação social
This dissertation analyzes the configuration of the financing of Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN in the context of their particular expressions of the problematizando municipal budget against neoliberal adjustment macroeconomic policy. The current trends of "disclaimer" and "desfinanciamento" of social protection by the State, in the context of contemporary capitalism, bring strong implications for Social Security, especially through the redirection of public resources to the international capital, which highlights the overlapping economic interests on social needs. Whereas the changes and innovations occurring in connection with the financing of Social assistance policy, the goal of this documentary research is to identify the characteristics and trends of funding this policy in Natal-RN, from the secondary data analysis from the City of Natal, the Ministry of Social development and hunger and Portal of transparency. In the light of the theoretical, research now presented, shows trends of investment in Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN, in the period 2005 to 2009, which are: the tiny role membership (08) Social assistance in the municipal budget; the dispersion and fragmentation of the resources of Social assistance in other organs and/or secretariats of municipal administration; the participation of just 47.5% in expenditure from own organ Manager; the low percentage of implementation of resources foreseen in the Annual Budget Laws; the low allocation of resources in Municipal Social Assistance Fund (FUMAS), which contradicts the national policy for Social Assistance-PNAS/2004; and the predominance of government transfers in the composition of the resources of Social assistance in the municipality. The results of this research suggest that the process of financing of Social assistance in Natal is distant from the principles and guidelines pointed by PNAS/2004. In addition to the effort to understand the complexity of the financing of Social assistance in Natal, this work seeks to contribute to a political analysis in the direction of strengthening social control and the struggle for the expansion of investment in social spending
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
La trajectoire du syndicalisme au Brésil de 1978 à 1998 se présente comme un passage, sur le plan de la stratégie syndicale, de la confrontation à la coopération conflictuelle, ou encore, de la lutte des classes dans la production vers une «convergence antagonique», ou un syndicalisme de participation ou de «concertation sociale», qui s'avère précisement un défensivisme nouveau, d'apparence néo-corporative. Ce que nous cherchons à caractériser ici est l'importance progressive dans la pratique syndicaliste prépondérante de la CUT dans les années 90 du nouveau corporatisme ouvrier, qui a tendance à affaiblir la perspective de classe qui a caractérisé la lutte politique et syndicale au Brésil dans les années 80.
Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN
Given the prediction of the Federal Constitution of 1988 about the need to establish some areas to be especially protected, it was published the Law No. 9.985/00, which established the National System of Conservation Units. Several aspects make these units differ from one another, one of them being the possibility of presence of even traditional human populations inside the area to be protected. In case of allowing these people to continue in the area, it still must be provided their participation in the management of the new space. Management councils show up, then, as a specific way of social and political participation. This way, from an overview of legal norms and the doctrine that are relevant to the topic, It is aimed to make a legal and theoretical survey about the process of traditional populations permanence inside Conservation Units, with aspects linked to ethnoconservation and, therefore, to participation in environmental management of these specially protected spaces
This dissertation aims to analyze the strategy of socio Intervivência University Project OASIS training of community development from the perspective of social entrepreneurship. This project was part of the context of a sort of university extension, called Intervivência University, which emerged in 2008 through the announcement MCT / CNPq / CT-Agribusiness / MDA - No. 23/2008 - Intervivência University Program. With the analysis of the OASIS project sought to identify a strategy socio, which was used elements of popular education and aimed to develop young people within the social entrepreneurship that made contributions to such has taken actions in their communities seeking range of social gains. For this, the methodological aspect, it was used in the research, a qualitative approach, case study, content analysis, semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. In the theoretical aspect was addressed in the affairs of: social entrepreneurship, with emphasis on the concept, their differentiations of business entrepreneurship and social responsibility, and characterizing the social entrepreneur, popular education, as for the development of social entrepreneurship is the need for a new way of thinking and seeing reality for the people, and youth leadership, given the importance in the context of social action, to have young people seeking a better life for their communities. Addressed the theory were drawn categories (capital, empowerment and youth participation) and subcategories of analysis (value, attitude, behavior, trust, cooperation, civic participation) used in this work. Given the information and analysis of interviews and observations could be perceived that the strategy promoted socio Project OASIS changes, or the reaffirmation of values, resulting in new attitudes and, consequently, new behaviors in the students interviewed. Has been identified in them the development of trust and cooperation. In the aspect of civic awakening was observed in some of them only. In relation to juvenile activity was perceived to develop actions aimed at social benefits for all respondents. Thus, the OASIS Project Intervivência University made contributions to the young participants in the research aspect of social entrepreneurship, influencing them in developing activities in the social sphere in which cities are embedded
The work present entitled the participation of resident in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada/CE has as objective analyse of which form the site population participates of the manufacturing process and appropriation of the territory s tourist Canoa Quebrada CE , in period undestood between from 1980 to the present day. The theoretical variable about which rest this search is the concept the territory expressed in the manifested in the process deterritorialization that always appears in conjuction whith the reconstruction of territories, in other words, the process of repossession. The migratory movement of new residents acts in the new sociospatial configuration that location, form new territoriality and (de) territorializing in space turistificado reflected dialectically through the emergence of a new sociospatial setting consisting of forms and images expressed physically in place.Finish the job showing that the participation of resident native and nonnative in the production process of the tourist territory in Canoa Quebrada occurred unevenly characterized by dominance of a small group, who has control of the practice of this activity, thus appears that tourism can be tendentious, since a large portion of the population does not benefit from their results, having a exclusion with various impacts that directly affect the everyday social population
O trabalho em turnos existe desde o início da vida social dos homens, sendo utilizado em diferentes setores, como na indústria de produção de bens de consumo e de serviços. A área da saúde exige o sistema em turnos para manutenção de atividades durante 24 horas. Teve-se como objetivo identificar os sistemas de turnos em funcionários de enfermagem em um hospital universitário, avaliar a percepção sobre os prováveis efeitos do trabalho em turnos em sua saúde e vida social e o grau de participação desses funcionários na forma de organização de sua jornada. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, cujos resultados foram obtidos mediante questionário aplicado a 348 funcionários da enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo. Dentre os resultados, observou-se que, em sua maioria, eles tinham menos de 40 anos, eram casados, do sexo feminino, com um filho pelo menos, cumprindo uma escala de turnos alternados, com freqüência de revezamento superior a quinze dias e referindo queixas de caráter neuro-psíquico, gastrintestinal e cardiovascular. Houve ainda queixas sobre relacionamento e tempo de convivência. Na maioria das vezes, era pouca a participação do funcionário na forma de organização de sua escala de trabalho.
Este texto objetiva apresentar as principais interpretações a respeito do papel da tecnoburocracia no conjunto das relações sociais, como suporte para uma especulação sobre fatores como solidariedade e participação no produto do trabalho social, característicos deste grupo. Para tanto, desenvolve um levantamento inicial de alguns dos principais autores que se preocupam com o tema.
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Building on the foundations of French Discourse Analysis and Social Psychology's developments on the issue of stereotypes, this paper analyzes the images of women available in works of self-help for women. With this purpose in mind, we have especially taken into account aphorizing enunciations present in works of this kind currently circulating in the market. The analysis shows the contradiction inherent to the self-help discourse for women, which proposes to women a pattern of behavior consistent with their emancipation, but, at the same time, contributes to keeping certain female stereotypes associated with their traditional roles.
No documento Que tipo de Estado? Que tipo de igualdade? analisa-se o progresso da igualdade de gênero na Região depois de 15 anos da aprovação da Plataforma de Ação de Beijing, 10 anos da formulação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio e 3 anos da adoção do Consenso de Quito, na décima Conferência Regional sobre a Mulher da América Latina e do Caribe realizada em 2007. Examinam-se, além disso, as conquistas e desafios que enfrentam os governos à luz da interação entre o Estado, o mercado e as famílias como instituições sociais construídas a partir de políticas, leis, usos e costumes que, em conjunto, estabelecem as condições para renovar ou perpetuar as hierarquias sociais e de gênero.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)