1000 resultados para Luz invisível


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This paper aims to review traditional concepts inherent to the general theory of the state and human rights, relating to the legal situation of foreign, understood as the subject of rights, especially when the is case of compulsory legal imposition of exit from national territory. After the serious violations during the Second World War and the importance acquired by the International Law of Human Rights, values as dignity, justice and equality are enshrined in the legal system and its respect required beyond the boundaries of any country. The creation of an international community, which is governed by rules that its members are subordinated, without distinction, as well as state - based on volunteerism, become inspired by one principled nature of these new concepts required of Global Society, as well as the adoption, influenced by neoconstitutionalism, to the model of State Constitutional rule of law, are opposed to the idea of state sovereignty connected to a superiority, absolute and unlimited power which recognizes no other above it, not even the basic principles or axioms that must govern the relationships internally. So looks for a concept of state that includes all the requirements of a democratic society, that have the people as the power holder, understanding that state element has undergone a relativization, because had to adapt to the contemporary values applicable to the individual, inserting in its concept, the indispensable obligation to protect the inalienable rights of citizens, regardless of with whom he have legal and political bond of nationality. It happens that, to consecrate these privileges to individuals, which, because they contain reference to values with supranational characteristics, are very abstract and are in constant collision course with internal rules, making it difficult to reconcile, it will use hermeneutics of human rights, due mainly to international courts, correlated with constitutional exegesis, in particular, legal principiologia, using, among others, the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, the systematic interpretation of the Constitution and international legal standards. Thus, it seek to enshrine the common foundation of all law , the link between the systems, namely, the dignity of human beings. Finally, it will see if Brazilian jurisdiction, through case studies, is tuned in line with these new paradigms, and in line with the International Bill of Human Rights, the Federal Constitution, the values and principles she hired


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In the middle of modern social changes produced by globalization and capitalism, several markets have changed. States have left the direct coordination of these markets (chiefly public utility sector in the form of monopolies), introducing regulation in order to promote competition. These changes have affected natural gas industry by promoting competition as a key factor to the development and the increase of firms in this market. The regulatory reform of natural gas industry ocurred in EUA and Europe Union and it has produced its first results. In Brazilian context, Constitutional Amendment nbr. 09 and Federal Law nbr. 9.478/97 ( Petroleum Law ) opened the natural gas market to a broad range of private economic agents and they finished the monopoly over the industry before managed by Petrobras. The new regulatory framework of Brazilian natural gas industry has designed competition as a central element to the new form of managment of business and contractual relationships of this industry. Among the regulatory instruments, open access regulation in natural gas pipelines is directed to promote competition. The questions arised about its implementation in Brazilian context are studied in the present work, in which it is discussed the constitutional rules and principles are to be applied to the open access regulation within the theme of statal regulation of economy present in constitutional economic order


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The increasing of pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the last decades has caused an expansion of eutrophication and loss of water quality for human consumption. The increase of frequency and intensity of cyanobacteria blooms have been recognized as a major problem connected to water quality and eutrophication. The knowledge of environmental factors controlling these blooms is a key step towards the management for recovering aquatic ecosystems from eutrophic conditions. Primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on light and nutrients availability. In the present work we evaluated the relative importance of the concentration of major nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and light for phytoplankton growth in the main water reservoir of Rio Grande do Norte State, named Engenheiro Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves (EARG), which is an eutrophic system, dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria populations. Limitation of phytoplankton growth was evaluated through bioassays using differential enrichment of nutrients (N and/or P) under two light conditions (low light and high light) and monthly monitoring of chlorophyll-a and nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations, and water transparency (Secchi depth) at the pelagic region. Our results confirm that EARG reservoir is an eutrophic system with a low water quality. Results of bioassays on the growth of phytoplankton limitation (N or P) were conflicting with the results predicted by the TN:TP ratios, which indicates that these ratios were not a good indicator of algal growth limitation. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, considering both frequency and magnitude. Light and hidrology affected phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment. The extreme eutrophic conditions of this reservoir, dominated by cyanobacteria blooms, demand urgent managing strategies in order to guarantee the multiple uses for this system, including water supply for human population. Although nitrogen is the limiting nutrient, an effective management program must focus on the reduction of both phosphorus and nitrogen input


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This work analyses the ability of National States and regions have to formulations development strategies. Redeeming the initial development concept as a conflictual process, the hypothesis is that it presents internal and external constraints, as the latter have a higher preponderance, revealed the role played by money. In this case, one can point to as sub-hypothesis that the growth models with external constraint, mainly through the balance of payments, may illustrate the fact that countries are subject to international economic interactions that limit the possibility of bringing acylating strategies well successful in overcoming backwardness. For the specific case of regions, indicates that the external constraint remains an element of embarrassment for regional development, but redeems itself the center-periphery relations in this context to discuss the role of monetary and financial system as an explanation for the disparities regional income. On the domestic front, we highlight the importance of social structures of accumulation as an element of internal cohesion necessary to achieve successful development trajectories. It points also to the importance of the State in the process rescuing some of the main theoretical contributions of the political economy of development, incorporating the concept of globalization on theoretical frameworks presented. This construction where development depends on the actions of external and internal conditions, where money plays a key role as a guideline for reflections on regional development. The attempt was to transplant our considerations on the general development to address the case of regions. Finally, we conclude by greater confidence in the hypothesis and sub-hypotheses of departure, which led to propositions of economic policies


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The aim of the present study is to reevaluate the logical thought of the English mathematician George Boole (1815 - 1864). Thus, our research centers on the mathematical analysis of logic in the context of the history of mathematics. In order to do so, we present various biographical considerations about Boole in the light of events that happened in the 19th century and their consequences for mathematical production. We briefly describe Boole's innovations in the areas of differential equations and invariant theory and undertake an analysis of Boole's logic, especially as formulated in the book The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, comparing it not only with the traditional Aristotelian logic, but also with modern symbolic logic. We conclude that Boole, as he intended, expanded logic both in terms of its content and also in terms of its methods and formal elaboration. We further conclude that his purpose was the mathematical modeling of deductive reasoning, which led him to present an innovative formalism for logic and, because the different ways it can be interpreted, a new conception of mathematics


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This study aimed to provide a continuing education towards raising teachers for reflection and effective sexual education within the school environment as a possible route of self-education and training of teachers of elementary school. More specifically aim to facilitate through the Continuing Education to discuss the knowledge of the body and knowledge of human sexuality, presenting them as core knowledge in the integral formation of individuals and promote discussion of a Human-centered education Teaching in a vocational training and human .In this sense, we dialogue with the human teaching preconized by Arroyo (2002, 2004) along with the humanization (hominization) of the individuals through education, under Freire´s perspective of the being more (2003) as well as his ideas, Pineau´s (2003) and Josso´s (2004) about the educational practice understanding as a way to build up the autonomy of the individuals who we intend to educate. We defend the inclusion of the body as an essential learning element according to the principles of corporeity presented by Assman (2001), whose comprehension is that every learning experience has a corporal inscription. Furthermore, the knowledge about human sexuality cannot be excluded from this process since the sexuality is inherent of individuals and is constructed and reconstructed during their existence. Our view of the world and of man is supported by the knowledge of the complexity (Morim, 2004) trying to surpass the mechanist view that sees them through the duality view, fragmenting them. For the discussion and construction of knowledge that search for the confluence of these knowledges about the being and the educational practice, aiming at the individual integral formation starting from the process of self-formation/self-knowledge, we´ve directed our research-action-formation having as compass the theoretical-methodological postulate of the research-action (Barbier, 2002; Morin, 2004; Thiollent, 2004) because it makes the participation of all the involved people in the process of resolution or surpassing of problem solving possible. We´ve used the continuing formation as a way of access for data collection, applying a questionnaire with open questions for the ones involved in the research. Based on the findings it´s been possible to infer that for the teaching formation it is necessary the inclusion of the Human sexuality and corporeity theme, so that the teacher can surpass the biological view of sexuality and also the expansion of the mechanist view of the body. To do so, we suggest that the teaching formation happens supported by the teaching capacitation and formation according to Maturana (2004), bringing teaching knowledges (Tardiff, 2002), which contribute effectively for the responsibility to educate people for life.


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Foram estudados os aspectos morfológicos de nove placentas de paca (Agouti paca, L., 1766) mediante análises em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão dos fragmentos teciduais correspondentes à porção de maior conexão placentária em diferentes fêmeas gestantes, nos estágios intermediário e final da prenhez. Realizamos este estudo, pois, aliada à necessidade da procura de novas espécies que atuem como modelos experimentais adequados, havia a disponibilidade deste roedor em nosso meio; por outro lado, o melhor conhecimento dos aspectos reprodutivos destes animais oferece subsídios ao estabelecimento de criatórios racionais desta espécie, uma vez que a preservação deste vertebrado é necessária, além do grande interesse comercial em torno de sua carne. Os resultados mostraram que este roedor possui uma placenta do tipo vitelina e outra do tipo corioalantoidiana, sendo este órgão do tipo hemocorial, labiríntico, que se apresenta histologicamente composto por lóbulos divididos em três regiões distintas: o centro do lóbulo, o labirinto e o interlóbulo. Na região do centro do lóbulo, verificou-se a presença de artérias e veias; e em sua região periférica estavam presentes dois sistemas tubulares arranjados de forma paralela, onde as lacunas sangüíneas e os capilares estavam em íntimo contato, formando a região do labirinto. O interlóbulo era composto de artérias e veias. O trofoblasto era o principal componente da placenta, que, independentemente da região onde se encontrava, mostrava-se de natureza sincicial. Ultra-estruturalmente a barreira placentária da paca foi classificada como hemomonocorial.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se a germinação das sementes de aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuvaAllemão) na presença e na ausência de luz, submetidas às temperaturas constantes de 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 ºC e alternadas de 20-25, 20-30 e 20-35 ºC. Os parâmetros avaliados foram a porcentagem, a velocidade e a freqüência relativa de germinação. As sementes de aroeira germinaram na presença e na ausência de luz, mas se revelaram fotoblásticas negativas preferenciais. A germinação foi nula a 10 e a 40 ºC, e a faixa de germinabilidade foi de 15 a 35 ºC. No regime de temperatura constante, a faixa ótima para germinação das sementes foi de 20 a 30 ºC. No regime de temperatura alternada, a melhor flutuação térmica para germinação das sementes foi a de 20-30 ºC.


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Caesalpinia leiostachya (Benth.) Ducke (pau-ferro) é uma planta arbórea nativa do Brasil, cujas sementes possuem dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água. Neste trabalho foram conduzidos dois experimentos, nos quais foram utilizados diferentes períodos de escarificação em ácido sulfúrico concentrado para superar a dormência das sementes. No primeiro experimento, sementes coletadas em agosto de 1997 foram armazenadas por oito meses em ambiente não controlado no interior do próprio fruto, e em câmara seca após serem extraídas dos frutos; a seguir, elas foram imersas em ácido sulfúrico por 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 e 80min e colocadas para germinar nas temperaturas constante de 25ºC e alternada de 20-30°C, sob fotoperíodo de 8h. No segundo experimento, sementes extraídas de frutos recém-coletados em agosto de 1998 foram imersas em ácido sulfúrico por 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 60min, seguido do teste de germinação conduzido nas mesmas temperaturas do experimento anterior, na ausência e presença de luz. Foram avaliados a porcentagem final e o índice de velocidade de germinação das sementes. Os resultados mostraram que (a) a manutenção das sementes no interior dos frutos é uma alternativa viável para o armazenamento durante o período adotado; (b) as sementes recém-coletadas são indiferentes à luz, nas duas temperaturas testadas; (c) as sementes recém-coletadas e as armazenadas germinam em maior velocidade a 25ºC; (d) em sementes armazenadas, a imersão em ácido sulfúrico por 10min é suficiente para superar a dormência; (e) em sementes recém-coletadas, a imersão em ácido sulfúrico por 20 a 30min favorece a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação.


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Several epidemics marked the lives of individuals and communities in all historical periods, and a prime example is leprosy, infectious disease marked by stigma, prejudice and social exclusion. In the past, the compulsory isolation of patients with leprosy caused serious social and psychological problems, resulting in the separation and the partial or total disruption of the family relationship. Children deprived of this living, removed often inhumanely, were kept and bred in preventoriums / educational establishments. This study aimed to: rescue the oral history of life of the children of leprosy patients that were built in preventorium Osvaldo Cruz, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte; develop a contextual analysis about these children; know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments; produce a documentary on the history of life of children of parents separated by leprosy; forming MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state; and implement the I Meeting of MORHAN of Rio Grande do Norte state. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, approved by the ERC No. 024/024/2012 Liga Norteriograndense Contra o Câncer. We used the contributions of the method and technique of oral history of life as methodological reference. We interviewed 10 individuals egress from preventorium Osvaldo Cruz in Natal/RN, sons of former patients proven to be residents in the city, of both sexes, older than 18, with cognitive, intellectual and emotional conditions preserved. The analysis of the histories obtained from collaborators was performed in the light of Thematic Content Analysis. The results and discussions are presented through two articles which meet the proposed objectives. The first, called Contextual Analysis on the children of leprosy patients in preventoriums aimed to record the phenomenon of children of leprosy patients in preventorium through four contextual levels, which identified the need to broaden the debate on public policy in the field of leprosy as a way to enable more effective measures to propagate in the search for harm reduction and direct consequences resulting from stigma and marginalization around patients and their healthy children, egress from preventoriums. The second, Leprosy and the denial of history: the story of separated children , aimed to know the life trajectory of children of leprosy patients who were institutionalized in preventoriums / educational establishments. In this article, we discuss the research question through the establishment of three main themes: 1. Losses and damages: disintegration and reintegration into the family and denied childhood; 2. Unforgettable: remarkable things you do not forget; and 3. Expectancy in living new situations: in search of other paths and destinations. These thematic axis highlighted the negative implications for the lives of the subjects, arising from the separation of their parents, leprosy patients at the time of compulsory isolation; however, has also been shown that this separation was not decisive in their life histories, once they have succeeded in providing a new sense of these experiences and lead their lives with dignity and fortitude. It was concluded that these children demonstrated resilience as form of defense and fighting stigma and prejudice, being able to reinvent themselves and build new paths and destinations


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) described by David Paul Ausubel offers a proposal for the teaching strategies to provide a more active and effective student learning. The projection of the TML practice is demonstrated through the development of concept maps (CM) technique, created by Joseph Donald Novak, which presents as a strategy, method or schematic feature, which is an indicator to identify the cognitive organization of the knowledge acquired by students. The survey was conducted in the light of TML in relation to learning concepts involving students of undergraduate nursing in a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the study aimed to compare the concept learning of students of undergraduate nursing, when subjected to different forms of education, to point approaches that promote more effective and meaningful results. It was a quasi - experimental study with a qualitative analysis, conducted with students of the Undergraduate Nursing of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), approved by the Research Ethics Committee/UFRN Certification of Presention for Ethics Appreciation (CPEA) in 11706412.3.0000.5537. The study took place at two different times and involved content on complications mediate postoperative surgical wound in the same discipline with students who attended the 5th semester of the degree course in Nursing. For the viability of data collection, in the second half of 2013, we used the technique of CM, to represent the concept of complications mediate postoperative surgical wound covered in the classroom. CM were built at a different time from that of the discipline, with the support of tutors and preceded by a brief description and explanation about the form of preparation and application. In this study were subjected, 31 students of undergraduate nursing, registered in the discipline of Integral Attention to health I. In the first stage, 18 students participated in the survey, they had the teaching intervention based on TML, and in the second stage, all students participated in the lesson provided curriculum with the responsible teacher of the subject, on the same issue occurred. At the end of each meeting, the students 11 developed concept maps with the aid of software Cmap Tools®. Data analysis happened upon the technique of content analysis, supported by a conceptual map "glass", previously developed by researchers and aid in the preparation of the categories in which the concepts found were classified. The study found that the teaching intervention based on TML with the help of CM, managed to develop in students a more expressive teaching learning process than just classroom curriculum with the traditional teaching method, and also that the association between the intervention motion teaching with the traditional method and the use of the technique of CM encourages the student the ability to articulate the various acquired knowledge as well as apply them in real situations


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This dissertation has as aim the praxis of co-management of the health service of CAPS II OESTE of Natal-RN, where health workers, family members got to materialize guidelines and principles of psychiatric Brazilian reform in real possibilities of subjectivity construction, whereas they changed social relations in daily life. The path chosen to record was from testimonials and contributions of those who meant their done. Redeeming this story from social representations of the majority of their builders was an instigating, delicate and rewarding task, emphasizing the living memory, rebuilt in a line of time which could not be found in simple documentary collections. Mainly, by knowing that service routine was intense and had as characteristic the singular mobility itself from a creation process and therefore not always its dynamic allowed adequate records. At the same time, from this occurred the field and bibliographic research which allowed the detailed information from the prior milestones and motivated to the practice here reported. The rereading of concepts in an interface with the reports of the interviewees enabled the verification that the model of mental health advocated by psychiatric reform was understood. Once noticed the presence of the beliefs and values of people in motivating energy for the progress of reform, it has gone to fetch theoretical subsidies of administrative order to understand how they saw this building and that uniqueness has been printed. The theoretical way and praxis have tracked here has allowed to analyze how occurred such a process of production and subjectivity and collectives that when organize enabled themselves for analysis and intervention, including in crisis situations. Therefore, it was revealed that ethical and multi-disciplinarity, the humanitarian sense, the coresponsibility, co-production and horizontal management were the key factors for spread from a changing protagonist. One can thus conclude that co-management from that collective has been multi-disciplinary weaving a cross


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This Masters degree dissertation presents a research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding within a hotel managers work in Natal/RN - Brazil, This Masters degree dissertation presents the research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding the hotel managers work in Natal / RN - Brazil, performing diagnosis of their activities and relating the aspects that impact the quality and productivity of hotel services and managers occupational health. This research is characterized as a case study with a qualitative approach, taking the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis which is the analysis of the managers work activity as a reference to the focus; and combining the use of observational and interactional methods. Ergonomics and macroergonomics are used in this study not only to understand the physical, cognitive and organizational constraints of the manager s duties, but also to characterize the work organizational architecture and design of that hotel. High workload, accumulation of tasks and diversion of functions performed by managers were noticed, increasing thereby the physical and psychological suffering for them. It was found that the activity of managers is characterized by the ambivalence of power, limited autonomy, cooperation, interdependence between managers and the fear of incompetence. It was also noticed that managers devote more time to the day job (37%), another time to sleep (30%), while only 33% of the rest of the day are meant for activities like taking care of health, family, social life and study. Although there are few studies addressing the health and safety of hotel managers, this research revealed that 84% of the surveyed hotel managers complain of musculoskeletal pain which 50% are obese and are 100% sedentary. It was also observed that managers adopt unsuitable postures for carrying out the work activities that contribute to becoming injured or work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the near future. Ergonomic measures were recommended as an investment in the skills and the training of managers, encouraging cooperative work, appropriateness of workload, limiting overtime, preserving the enjoyment of breaks during work and weekly holidays, changing the layout of the work sector , usage of communication technology to prevent displacement, compensatory physical activities, furniture adaptation, among others