928 resultados para Interactive Digital TV


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A model is presented that captures the complex nature of the service experience in an attempt to aid in the design, development and evaluation of service delivery personnel and systems.


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Training employees in the hospitality industry to meet guests' expectations is a critical element to success. Unfortunately, this element is often ignored. This article explores an exciting training method (interactive video) and its advantages over other training approaches.


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HIV epidemic continues to be a severe public health problem and concern within USA and across the globe with about 33 million people infected with HIV. The frequency of drug abuse among HIV infected patients is rapidly increasing and is another major issue since injection drug users are at a greater risk of developing HIV associated neurocognitive dysfunctions compared to non-drug users infected with HIV. Brain is a major target for many of the recreational drugs and HIV. Evidences suggest that opiate drug abuse is a risk factor in HIV infection, neural dysfunction and progression to AIDS. The information available on the role of morphine as a cofactor in the neuropathogenesis of HIV is scanty. This review summarizes the results that help in understanding the role of morphine use in HIV infection and neural dysfunction. Studies show that morphine enhances HIV-1 infection by suppressing IL-8, downregulating chemokines with reciprocal upregulation of HIV coreceptors. Morphine also activates MAPK signaling and downregulates cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). Better understanding on the role of morphine in HIV infection and mechanisms through which morphine mediates its effects may help in devising novel therapeutic strategies against HIV-1 infection in opiate using HIV-infected population.


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One of the most popular techniques for creating spatialized virtual sounds is based on the use of Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). HRTFs are signal processing models that represent the modifications undergone by the acoustic signal as it travels from a sound source to each of the listener's eardrums. These modifications are due to the interaction of the acoustic waves with the listener's torso, shoulders, head and pinnae, or outer ears. As such, HRTFs are somewhat different for each listener. For a listener to perceive synthesized 3-D sound cues correctly, the synthesized cues must be similar to the listener's own HRTFs. ^ One can measure individual HRTFs using specialized recording systems, however, these systems are prohibitively expensive and restrict the portability of the 3-D sound system. HRTF-based systems also face several computational challenges. This dissertation presents an alternative method for the synthesis of binaural spatialized sounds. The sound entering the pinna undergoes several reflective, diffractive and resonant phenomena, which determine the HRTF. Using signal processing tools, such as Prony's signal modeling method, an appropriate set of time delays and a resonant frequency were used to approximate the measured Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs). Statistical analysis was used to find out empirical equations describing how the reflections and resonances are determined by the shape and size of the pinna features obtained from 3D images of 15 experimental subjects modeled in the project. These equations were used to yield “Model HRTFs” that can create elevation effects. ^ Listening tests conducted on 10 subjects show that these model HRTFs are 5% more effective than generic HRTFs when it comes to localizing sounds in the frontal plane. The number of reversals (perception of sound source above the horizontal plane when actually it is below the plane and vice versa) was also reduced by 5.7%, showing the perceptual effectiveness of this approach. The model is simple, yet versatile because it relies on easy to measure parameters to create an individualized HRTF. This low-order parameterized model also reduces the computational and storage demands, while maintaining a sufficient number of perceptually relevant spectral cues. ^


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Many students are entering colleges and universities in the United States underprepared in mathematics. National statistics indicate that only approximately one-third of students in developmental mathematics courses pass. When underprepared students repeatedly enroll in courses that do not count toward their degree, it costs them money and delays graduation. This study investigated a possible solution to this problem: Whether using a particular computer assisted learning strategy combined with using mastery learning techniques improved the overall performance of students in a developmental mathematics course. Participants received one of three teaching strategies: (a) group A was taught using traditional instruction with mastery learning supplemented with computer assisted instruction, (b) group B was taught using traditional instruction supplemented with computer assisted instruction in the absence of mastery learning and, (c) group C was taught using traditional instruction without mastery learning or computer assisted instruction. Participants were students in MAT1033, a developmental mathematics course at a large public 4-year college. An analysis of covariance using participants' pretest scores as the covariate tested the null hypothesis that there was no significant difference in the adjusted mean final examination scores among the three groups. Group A participants had significantly higher adjusted mean posttest score than did group C participants. A chi-square test tested the null hypothesis that there were no significant differences in the proportions of students who passed MAT1033 among the treatment groups. It was found that there was a significant difference in the proportion of students who passed among all three groups, with those in group A having the highest pass rate and those in group C the lowest. A discriminant factor analysis revealed that time on task correctly predicted the passing status of 89% of the participants. ^ It was concluded that the most efficacious strategy for teaching developmental mathematics was through the use of mastery learning supplemented by computer-assisted instruction. In addition, it was noted that time on task was a strong predictor of academic success over and above the predictive ability of a measure of previous knowledge of mathematics.^


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The advent of smart TVs has reshaped the TV-consumer interaction by combining TVs with mobile-like applications and access to the Internet. However, consumers are still unable to seamlessly interact with the contents being streamed. An example of such limitation is TV shopping, in which a consumer makes a purchase of a product or item displayed in the current TV show. Currently, consumers can only stop the current show and attempt to find a similar item in the Web or an actual store. It would be more convenient if the consumer could interact with the TV to purchase interesting items. ^ Towards the realization of TV shopping, this dissertation proposes a scalable multimedia content processing framework. Two main challenges in TV shopping are addressed: the efficient detection of products in the content stream, and the retrieval of similar products given a consumer-selected product. The proposed framework consists of three components. The first component performs computational and temporal aware multimedia abstraction to select a reduced number of frames that summarize the important information in the video stream. By both reducing the number of frames and taking into account the computational cost of the subsequent detection phase, this component component allows the efficient detection of products in the stream. The second component realizes the detection phase. It executes scalable product detection using multi-cue optimization. Additional information cues are formulated into an optimization problem that allows the detection of complex products, i.e., those that do not have a rigid form and can appear in various poses. After the second component identifies products in the video stream, the consumer can select an interesting one for which similar ones must be located in a product database. To this end, the third component of the framework consists of an efficient, multi-dimensional, tree-based indexing method for multimedia databases. The proposed index mechanism serves as the backbone of the search. Moreover, it is able to efficiently bridge the semantic gap and perception subjectivity issues during the retrieval process to provide more relevant results.^


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The primary purpose of this thesis was to design and create an Interactive Audit to conduct Environmental Site Assessments according to American Society of Testing Material's (ASTM) Phase I Standards at the Wagner Creek study area. ArcPad and ArcIMS are the major software that were used to create the model and ArcGIS Desktop was used for data analysis and to export shapefile symbology to ArcPad. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an effective tool to deploy these purposes. This technology was utilized to carry out data collection, data analysis and to display data interactively on the Internet. Electronic forms, customized for mobile devices were used to survey sites. This is an easy and fast way to collect and modify field data. New data such as land use, recognized environmental conditions, and underground storage tanks can be added into existing datasets. An updated map is then generated and uploaded to the Internet using ArcIMS technology. The field investigator has the option to generate and view the Inspection Form at the end of his survey on site, or print a hardcopy at base. The mobile device also automatically generates preliminary editable Executive Reports for any inspected site.


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The purpose of this research study was to determine the effect of two different instructional groupings (cooperative and traditional whole-class) on student achievement and attitudes using a computer-based interactive videodisc biology unit. The subjects were 64 high school biology students assigned to two heterogeneous experimental groups, randomly selected from two preassigned summer school biology classes, one honors, the other regular. A two-group, posttest-only, control group experimental research design was utilized. Achievement at three cognitive levels and attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction were measured at the conclusion of the study. The cooperative group consistently outperformed the traditional group in achievement posttest scores. Factorial ANOVA on total (overall) achievement scores indicated that subjects in cooperative groups significantly outperformed those in the traditional group, and also that the instructional group, class level, and gender interacted in an ordinal fashion to make a significant difference in how female and male subjects were affected by the treatments depending on their class (aptitude) level. Regular level females and honors level males performed much better when in cooperative groups, whereas group membership did not appear to make a difference for either honors level females or regular level males. A t-test comparing honors level males revealed that cooperative groups were close to being significantly better in total achievement posttest scores than their traditional group counterparts. Factorial MANOVA comparing the instructional groups at three cognitive levels found no significant difference. Analysis on the attitudes posttest data also revealed that subjects in cooperative groups demonstrated more positive attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction; however these differences were not found to be significant. Significant interactions in attitudes of females and males from different class levels had the opposite effect as achievement: honors level females and regular level males demonstrated more positive attitudes towards science laserdisc instruction when in cooperative groups, whereas group membership did not appear to make a difference for honors level males, and regular level females demonstrated the lowest attitudes ratings of any group when involved in cooperative groups. This contrast between achievement and attitudinal results suggests cross-gender interaction in traditionally defined gender roles.


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Nowadays the Distance Learning (DL) is in its fifth generation and New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) mediate it. In this technological context it is then called Distance e-Learning (DeL). DeL has also in the e-books a potential interactive tool to the collaborative learning. So, this study was accomplished with the purpose of analyzing the e-books developed by SEDIS – Secretaria de Educação a Distância (Department of Distance Learning). This study was performed in two phases: Firstly it was done an exploratory study to check out the reading and the handling of digital e-learning material available to the student-users. These e-books are obtainable on SEDIS Moodle platform. Secondly, it was performed some analysis of an e-book sample by means of the heuristic evaluation. This research aims both to identify potential problems and give some suggestions to solve them. At last it is presented a final report with diagnosis and suggestions for a more applicable design in order to optimize the e-book by means of the distance e-learning usability guidelines


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Este trabalho dedica-se a examinar as principais mudanças que ocorrem no processo de construção da notícia nos telejornais regionais paulistas na última década. Objetivamos o estudo das tecnologias digitais conectadas e as consequentes alterações no trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos jornalistas, técnicos e engenheiros, a fim de entender os novos formatos aplicados na transmissão de conteúdo contando com o auxílio da internet. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo comparativo com duas emissoras da Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba: TV Vanguarda, afiliada a Rede Globo, e a Tv Band Vale filiada ao Grupo Bandeirantes, que passaram por transformações em todas as dimensões da difusão de notícias com a digitalização dos seus processos tecnológicos e investimentos no ambiente virtual. Por meio da técnica de pesquisa observação participante chegou-se a conclusão de que a tecnologia é uma realidade adotada nas emissoras contribuindo para agilizar os trabalhos nas redações e aproximar o público dos telejornais.