948 resultados para I26 - Returns to Education


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 This study tests a number of theoretical predictions based on subjective wellbeing (SWB) Homeostasis Theory. This theory proposes that SWB is actively maintained and defended within a narrow, positive range of values around a 'set-point' for each person. Due to homeostatic control, it is predicted to be very difficult to substantially increase SWB in samples operating normally within their set-point-range. However, under conditions of homeostatic defeat, where SWB is lower than normal, successful interventions should be accompanied by a substantial increase as each person's SWB returns to lie within its normal range of values. This study tests these propositions using a sample of 4,243 participants in an Australian Federal Government Program for 'at-risk' adolescents. SWB was measured using the Personal Wellbeing Index and results are converted to a metric ranging from 0 to 100 points. The sample was divided into three sub-groups as 0-50, 51-69, and 70+ points. The theoretical prediction was confirmed. The largest post-intervention increase in SWB was in the 0-50 group and lowest in the 70+ group. However, a small increase in SWB was observed in the normal group, which was significant due to the large sample size. The implications of these findings for governments, schools and policy makers are discussed.


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Not-I/Thou: The Other Subject of Art and Architecture is a series of essays delineating the gray areas and black zones in present-day cultural production. Part One is an implicit critique of neoliberal capitalism and its assault on the humanities through the pseudo-scientific and pseudo-empirical biases of academic and professional disciplines, while Part Two returns to apparent lost causes in the historical development of modernity and post-modernity, particularly the recourse to artistic production as both a form of mnemonics and periodic (and renascent) avant-garde agitation. In-between these twin systems of taking the measure of things, Art and Architecture, as forms of speculative intellectual capital, emerge from the shadow-lands of half-conscious and half-unconscious forces to become gestures toward a type of knowledge that has no utilitarian or generic agency. Defying the tendencies of such discourses to fall prey to instrumental orders that effectively neuter the inherent radical agenda of both, Art and Architecture are represented in this series of essays as noetic apparatuses, operating at the edge of authorized systems of knowledge, quietly and secretly validating and valorizing the shadowy and recondite, collective and personal operations of intellect in service to no particular end.


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In August 2009 an email was circulated to a number of Australian women artists with an offer to participate in a project of dialogue with women in Afghanistan. The project grew as a response to the dire situation of many women in Afghanistan, particularly in relation to education; many women are illiterate because they were and often still are, forbidden, restricted, or discouraged from attending school. By April 2010, 53 artists’ books by 14 women artists from various parts of Australia were delivered to Afghanistan, thereby beginning a process of creative collaboration between women situated in different places, cultures, and languages, attempting a productive connection through image and text. Each artist had created a small series of concertinas of imagery consistent with her current studio practice, which were then delivered to Afghanistan and distributed amongst women participating in literacy education. The women were asked to relate to the images by writing their own words directly within. The general intent was for the concertinas to be sent back to Australia, then bound and exhibited to raise public awareness, and possibly sold to raise funds. The artistic intent, however, was not the fundraising aspect as much as to take part in a process of support and dialogue with women in Afghanistan. It was a manoeuvre that said 'you are not alone'. The aim was to mobilise a conversation of sorts through the visuality and materiality of the artist’s book, despite the limitations of cultural, experiential, and physical distance. Just over six months from their delivery to Afghanistan, 36 of the 53 books returned to Australia, each marked with handwritten stories and poems in Dari and Pashto. This paper discusses the processes and considerations involved in the project, and the partnership formed with SAWA-Australia (Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan).


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTeamwork skills are essential in the design industry where practitioners negotiate often-conflicting design options in multi-disciplinary teams. Indeed, many of the bodies that accredit design courses explicitly list teamwork skills as essential attributes of design graduates e.g., the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) of the United States and the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust). In addition to the need to meet the demands of the accrediting bodies, there are many reasons for the ubiquitous use of teamwork assignments in design schools. For instance, teamwork learning is seen as being representative of work in practice where design is nearly always a collaborative activity. Learning and teaching in teamwork contexts in design education are not without particular challenges. In particular, two broad issues have been identified: first, many students leave academia without having been taught the knowledge and skills of how to design in teams; second, teaching, assessment and assignment design need to be better informed by a clear understanding of what leads to effective teamwork and the learning of teamwork skills. In recognition of the lack of a structured approach to integrating teamwork learning into the curricula of design programs, this project set out to answer three primary research questions: • How do we teach teamwork skills in the context of design? • How do we assess teamwork skills?• How do design students best learn teamwork skills?In addition, four more specific questions were investigated:1. Is there a common range of learning objectives for group-and-team-work in architecture and related design disciplines that will enable the teaching of consistent and measurable outcomes?2. Do group and team formation methods, learning styles and team-role preferences impact students’ academic and course satisfaction outcomes?3. What combinations of group-and-team formation methods, teaching and assessment models significantly improve learning outcomes?4. For design students across different disciplines with different learning styles and cultural origins, are there significant differences in performance, student satisfaction (as measured through questionnaires and unit evaluations), group-and-team working abilities and student participation?To elucidate these questions, a design-based research methodology was followed comprising an iterative series of enquiries: (a) A literature review was completed to investigate: what constitutes effective teamwork, what contributes to effectiveness in teams, what leads to positive design outcomes for teams, and what leads to effective learning in teams. The review encompassed a range of contexts: from work-teams in corporate settings, to professional design teams, to education outside of and within the design disciplines. The review informed a theoretical framework for understanding what factors impact the effectiveness of student design teams. (b) The validity of this multi-factorial Framework of Effectiveness in Student Design Teams was tested via surveys of educators’ teaching practices and attitudes, and of students’ learning experiences. 638 students and 68 teachers completed surveys: two pilot surveys for participants at the four partner institutions, which then informed two national surveys completed by participants from the majority of design schools across Australia. (c) The data collected provided evidence for 22 teamwork factors impacting team effectiveness in student design teams. Pedagogic responses and strategies to these 22 teamwork factors were devised, tested and refined via case studies, focus groups and workshops. (d) In addition, 35 educators from a wide range of design schools and disciplines across Australia attended two National Teaching Symposiums. The first symposium investigated the wider conceptualisation of teamwork within the design disciplines, and the second focused on curriculum level approaches to structuring the teaching of teamwork skills identified in the Framework.The Framework of Effectiveness in Student Design Teams identifies 22 factors impacting effective teamwork, along with teaching responses and strategies that design educators might use to better support student learning. The teamwork factors and teaching strategies are categorised according to three groups of input (Task Characteristics, Individual Level Factors and Team Level Factors), two groups of processes (Teaching Practice & Support Structures and Team Processes), and three categories of output (Task Performance, Teamwork Skills, and Attitudinal Outcomes). Eight of the 22 teamwork factors directly relate to the skills that need to be developed in students, one factor relates to design outputs, and the other thirteen factors inform pedagogies that can be designed for better learning outcomes. In Table 10 of Section 4, we outline which of the 22 teamwork factors pertain to each of five stakeholder groups (curriculum leaders, teachers, students, employers and the professional bodies); thus establishing who will make best use the information and recommendations we make. In the body of this report we summarise the 22 teamwork factors and teaching strategies informed by the Framework of Effectiveness in Student Design Teams, and give succinct recommendations arising from them. This material is covered in depth by the project outputs. For instance, the teaching and assessment strategies will be expanded upon in a projected book on Teaching Teamwork in Design. The strategies are also elucidated by examples of good practice presented in our case studies, and by Manuals on Teamwork for Teachers and Students. Moreover, the project website (-teamwork-in-design.com index.html=""> visited by representatives of stakeholder groups in Australia and Canada), is seeding a burgeoning community of practice that promises dissemination, critical evaluation and the subsequent refinement of our materials, tools, strategies and recommendations. The following three primary outputs have been produced by the project in answer to the primary research questions:1. A theoretical Framework of Effectiveness in Student Design Teams;2. Manuals on Teamwork for Teachers and Students (available from the website);3. Case studies of good/innovative practices in teaching and assessing teamwork in design;In addition, five secondary outputs/outcomes have been produced that provide more nuanced responses:4. Detailed recommendations for the professional accrediting bodies and curriculum leaders;5. Online survey data (from over 700 participants), plus Team Effectiveness Scale to determine the factors influencing effective learning and successful outputs for student design teams;6. A community of practice in policy, programs, practice and dialogue;7. A detailed book proposal (with sample chapter), submitted to prospective publishers, on Teaching Teamwork in Design; 8. An annotated bibliography (accessed via the project website) on learning, teaching and assessing teamwork.The project has already had an international impact. As well as papers presented in Canada and New Zealand, the surveys were participated in by six Canadian schools of architecture, whose teaching leaders also provided early feedback on the project aims and objectives during visits made to them by the project leader. In addition, design schools in Vancouver, Canada, and San Diego in the USA have already utilised the Teacher’s Manual, and in February 2014 the project findings were discussed at Tel Aviv University in a forum focusing on the challenges for sustainability in architectural education.-teamwork-in-design.com>


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The past few years have seen an emergence of printmakers motivated by moving-image technology to use print as performative creative practice; in film and animation, as installation and in various processes of thinking and production. Notions of movement and change that could be said to identify much of our contemporary world reflect the interests of a number of printmakers who utilize printmaking characteristics of multiplicity and reproduction by integrating the digital and the handmade within the moving-image. There seems to be a restlessness by some artists who wish to explore an unbounded, experimental approach to printmaking; perhaps it is a natural progression for printmakers to relate their processes of thinking and production to concepts of frame-by-frame production – to additive and subtractive methods, multiple imagery and the reproduced or copy. But what happens when printmaking that has entered the realm of multimedia technology returns to the physical, material print? This paper presents and discusses printmaking as moving image, and in particular the practice of printmaking that utilizes the copy and multiplicity while exploiting qualities of change through, for example, organic non-archival materials. Drawing from my own print projects and practice as well as the work of other Australian printmakers, the paper asks: can the physical print convincingly perform, not only represent, movement and change as analog experience through its materiality, and how is it to be valued within printmaking conventions concerned with longevity and permanence?


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This study investigates the underpricing of 135 infrastructure IPOs in China from 1996 to 2012. It follows infrastructure IPO studies in Australia and India which report average underpricing returns to subscribers of 3.5% and 25.4%, respectively. The average underpricing return for Chinese infrastructure IPOs is substantially higher at 86.3%, but interestingly substantially lower than the underpricing of Chinese IPOs generally. The issue size, government ownership and the pre-IPO earnings per share are helpful in explaining the underpricing of Chinese infrastructure IPOs while the underwriter reputation does not appear to have much explanatory power. In addition, we find the underpricing of infrastructure IPOs in China is also affected by its local GDP levels.


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A educação profissional no Brasil sempre esteve voltada para o desenvolvimento de aptidões para a vida produtiva. A rapidez das transformações tecnológicas, entretanto, passou a exigir dos profissionais de nível técnico uma qualificação atualizada, que atenda às dinâmicas exigências do mundo do trabalho. Além disso, a recente reforma na legislação básica do ensino profissional concedeu relativa autonomia às instituições de ensino, tanto para a organização e o planejamento de seus cursos quanto para a sua adequação às demandas dos setores produtivos. Daí a necessidade de se implantarem mecanismos permanentes de consulta a fim de avaliar os atributos valorizados pelo mercado de trabalho, a exemplo do que propõe o estudo de caso desta dissertação. Para definir o perfil do egresso demandado pelo mercado de trabalho, foram pesquisadas as empresas potencialmente interessadas em contratar egressos da Escola Técnica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, instituição que tradicionalmente forma recursos humanos com vistas ao mercado de trabalho. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o levantamento, foram elaboradas sugestões no sentido de adequar o perfil das habilitações oferecidas às demandas de mercado, considerando as diferentes áreas profissionais desenvolvidas na Escola Técnica.


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We estimate and test two alternative functional forms, which have been used in the growth literature, representing the aggregate production function for a panel of countries: the model of Mankiw, Romer and Weil (Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1992), and a mincerian formulation of schooling-returns to skills. Estimation is performed using instrumental-variable techniques, and both functional forms are confronted using a Box-Cox test, since human capital inputs enter in levels in the mincerian specification and in logs in the extended neoclassical growth model.


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Brazil is an extremely unequal country and this inequality has been a permanent characteristic of its economic and social structure. Some scholars generally consider that the economic growth has generated extreme conditions of space and social inequalities, which reveal themselves within Brazil¿s regions, states, rural and urban areas, central and peripheral areas and among its ethnic groups. Such conditions negatively affect the quality of life of the population and will be reflected in the reduction of life expectancy, in the increase of the indexes of infant mortality and illiteracy, amongst other aspects. Education is considered one of the ways to promote the development of a country, however, access to education, specially higher education in Brazil, since it was first implemented, had been limited to a small group of privileged people, the elite of society. Thus, it becomes necessary to extend the access of students to higher education and consequently to generate individuals capable of changing the reality of the place where they live in and as a result, to develop the country. The purpose of this research is to analyze two programs destined to the amplify the access to higher education in Brazil, namely, the University for All Program (ProUni) and the System of Quotas, with the objective to verify at which level their drawings and strategies will allow the democratization of the access to higher education and the reduction of regional inequalities. In order to achieve its objective, the study is initiated with the issue of development and inequalities in Brazil, then it goes through the history of higher education in Brazil and it is finished with the analysis of ProUni and the System of Quotas.


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O senso comum vincula a falta de qualidade do ensino público à insuficiência de recursos financeiros disponíveis. Também no meio acadêmico, pesquisadores alegam a inexistência de recursos suficientes para que seja fornecida uma educação de qualidade, enquanto outros acadêmicos defendem que, apesar de poucos recursos disponíveis, o maior problema é a falta de eficiência dos investimentos financeiros pelo gestor público. Nesta pesquisa foram realizadas duas análises: a primeira correlacionando a qualidade do ensino aos investimentos financeiros sob uma perspectiva quantitativa destes investimentos, utilizando um modelo de análise bivariável; enquanto a segunda análise correlaciona a qualidade do ensino aos investimentos financeiros sob uma perspectiva qualitativa destes investimentos, utilizando a alocação dos recursos financeiros para qualificá-los. A análise dos resultados desta pesquisa comprova que os investimentos financeiros no ensino não devem ser vinculados somente em função da quantidade dos investimentos financeiros. Os investimentos financeiros podem ser alocados em diversos tipos de despesas no universo educacional, tais como: remuneração de magistério, alimentação e transporte escolar, distribuição de uniformes, materiais didáticos, infra-estrutura, dentre outros. Algumas dessas despesas agregam maior valor ao ensino que outras. Assim, a prioridade dos programas e políticas educacionais municipais está diretamente ligada à qualidade do ensino municipal.


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This research was commenced with the idea to promote an strategic evaluation of the sustentability of the free Internet access, analysing its process of value creation, its sources of revenue generation, its business models development as well as its capacity to generate adequated returns to the investors. It was concluded that the free Internet access is not dead. Indeed, what has occoured was a migration from a model completely based on delivering a single service, generally dependent of publicity sells revenues, to a hibrid based business model with different types of services and with revenues been generated from multiple sources. Nevertheless, not all players were capable to evolute their business models and survive, what occasioned a huge number of fails, mergers and acquisitions, resulting in a concentration all over the segment.


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Este trabalho analisa a política educacional como geradora de um processo de exclusão, que dificulta para a parcela mais pobre da população o acesso ao ensino, e portanto a seus benefícios futuros, contribuindo para a concentração de renda. Argumenta-se que a política educacional brasileira apresenta tal característica, e mostram-se indícios neste sentido, por meio de dados sobre educação e distribuição de renda do Brasil e do mundo.


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Esta dissertação avalia o impacto da educação sobre a renda dos jovens no Brasil, seguindo a tradição de equações de determinação de salários. O trabalho difere dos trabalhos na área realizados no Brasil em quatro aspectos. Em primeiro lugar, Em primeiro lugar, o universo de análise está focado na população jovem brasileira, a qual ingressou recentemente no mercado de trabalho e nele permanecerá por muitos anos, o que traz informações sobre as características desse mercado para os próximos 25 a 35 anos. Além disso, ele difere porque introduz a qualidade do ensino como determinante dos rendimentos. Depois, porque adota um protocolo de imputação da qualidade da educação dos jovens para os quais não se tem informação sobre a qualidade da educação, de sorte a evitar viés de seleção. E, por fim, a dissertação contrasta com os estudos correntes no tema porque explora diferentes métodos de estimação dos retornos da educação e da qualidade do ensino. Além do método tradicional dos estimadores de OLS, este trabalho considera o uso de fronteiras estocásticas de salários. As estimativas foram feitas a partir de um modelo cross-section em dois estágios. No primeiro estágio, estimou-se a equação de determinação da probabilidade de um jovem entre 11 e 21 anos de idade estudar na rede pública ou na rede privada, escolas com diferenças qualitativas grandes no país. No segundo estágio, imputou-se um indicador de qualidade da educação dos jovens num modelo econométrico de determinação da renda dos jovens entre 16 e 25 anos de idade. O procedimento com imputação foi necessário simplesmente pelo fato de nas estatísticas brasileiras não haver informações sobre a qualidade do ensino adquirido pelos indivíduos. A análise permitiu mostrar que a qualidade da educação interfere de forma significativa na renda dos jovens, com grande impacto sobre os índices de desigualdade da distribuição de renda nessa faixa de idade. Também permitiu mostrar que existe um trade-off entre o retorno da e


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A temática urbana no Brasil foi legitimada pela Constituição Federal em 1988 e pela Lei Federal do Estatuto da Cidade, em 2001. Depois disso, as formulações das legislações municipais, em relação a planos diretores participativos e à regulamentação de instrumentos urbanísticos específicos, têm sido acompanhadas com a promessa de um enfrentamento das desigualdades que integram o cenário urbano brasileiro. Esta dissertação pretende analisar, dentro do contexto supracitado, o processo de formulação e regulamentação do instrumento de intervenção urbana denominado “concessão urbanística”, considerando três momentos distintos. Primeiro: sua origem no Executivo durante a gestão Marta Suplicy (PT, 2001-2004) e sua inserção no Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo (2002-2012). Segundo: a estratégia das gestões José Serra (PSDB, 2005-2006) e Gilberto Kassab (DEM, 2006-2008/2009-atual) de promover a “revitalização” do centro de São Paulo, por meio do projeto Nova Luz, utilizando a concessão urbanística. Terceiro: desde o período das discussões realizadas pela Sociedade Civil quando o projeto de lei sobre a concessão urbanística (projeto de lei nº 87 de 2009) foi enviado à Câmara de Vereadores até o de sua regulamentação pelo Legislativo (Lei Municipal nº 14.917 de 2009). Ao investigar esse processo, a dissertação pretende contribuir para a análise sobre a inclusão da concessão urbanística na agenda pública governamental, considerando as estratégias de atores da Sociedade Civil para influenciar as ações do Governo Municipal. O objetivo é alcançar uma melhor compreensão das limitações na produção de políticas públicas urbanas no contexto democrático pós-Constituição de 1988 e pós-Estatuto da Cidade de 2001.


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Nos últimos vinte anos vem acontecendo, em âmbito mundial, uma mudança na compreensão do conceito de direito humano à educação. Tradicionalmente esse entendimento envolvia basicamente o acesso aos níveis obrigatórios de escolarização. Hoje, é crescente o consenso de que não só o acesso é fundamental, mas também a qualidade do aprendizado de cada criança e jovem. Assim sendo, as metas e indicadores, que permitem que se quantifique a trajetória e as expectativas de melhorias na educação, ganharam uma dimensão central nos esforços de acompanhamento do cumprimento do direito à educação em todo o mundo. Assim, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar como os atores sociais e governamentais na América Latina como um todo e no Brasil especificamente têm lidado com o uso de metas e indicadores educacionais, enquanto elemento relevante para monitorar o cumprimento do direito humano à educação.