828 resultados para Guthrie, Doug: China and globalization


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This paper examines the extensive regions of Proterozoic accretionary belts that either formed most of the Amazonian Craton, or are marginal to its southeastern border. Their overall geodynamic significance is considered taking into account the paleogeographic reconstruction of Columbia, Rodinia and Gondwana. Amazonia would be part of Columbia together With Laurentia, North China and Baltica, forming a continuous, continental landmass linked by the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic mobile belts that constitute large portions of it. The Rodinia supercontinent was formed in the Mesoproterozoic by the agglutination of the existing cratonic fragments, such as Laurentia and Amazonia, during contemporary continental collisions worldwide. The available paleomagnetic data suggest that Laurentia and Amazonia remained attached until at least 600 Ma. Since all other cratonic units Surrounding Laurentia have already rifted away by that time, the separation between Amazonia and Laurentia marks the final break-up of Rodinia with the opening of the lapetus ocean. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study got its origin in the failed climate negotiations in the Copenhagen 2009 summit. By conducting a public good game, with participants from China and Sweden, my study indicates that previous studies on public good games can predict the outcome of the game to a quit large extent even though most of my statistical tests came out statistically insignificant. My study also indicates that by framing the game as climate negotiations there were no statistical significant difference on the level of contributions in comparison to the unframed versions of the game. The awareness of the issues with emissions, global warming and other environmental problems are pretty high but even so when push comes to shove gains in the short run are prioritized to gains in the long run. There are however hypothetical willingness to come to term with the environmental issues. The results of the study indicate that the outcome of the Copenhagen summit can be avoidable but would need additional experiments made on cultural differences and behavior.


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Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language – An Action Research Study Over the past few decades, the rapid development of information communication technology, internationalization and globalization worldwide have required a shift in the focus of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) towards competence in intercultural communication in which the role of culture in the acquisition of CFL and in the pragmatic use of the language is emphasized and promoted. However, most of the current research in this academic area remains only on a theoretical level. Practical examples, particularly with regard to distance learning/teaching of the Chinese language, are very limited. This motivated the implementation of an action research study which aimed at exploring the possibilities and limitations of integrating Chinese culture and applying intercultural communication theory into a contemporary distance CFL course for beginners. By observing and comparing the performance of subjects in the control and experimental groups, this action research study focuses on exploring three basic areas. Firstly, it discloses the cultural elements which underlie effective daily communication. Secondly, it investigates how students acquire cultural knowledge and develop their ability to competently communicate in the target course. And thirdly, it evaluates how the modified course syllabus could enhance students’ intercultural communicative competence. The findings of the research aim to serve as both a resource and reference for educators and researchers who are interested in carrying out reforms and research in this academic domain.


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While developing countries generally shared the sentiment that they were going to suffer from the effects of climate change policy, evidence to the contrary has emerged during the short time since the Kyoto Protocol’s entry into force. Defying expectations that developing nations could only lose from climate change policy, Brazil has shown that it is actually quite possible to benefit significantly from these policies. Brazil has been proactive in developing the infrastructure to become involved in climate change negotiations, as well as using policy tools such as the CDM. Its actions have resulted in significant economic, developmental, and environmental benefits. The case of Brazil allows for some insight into how other countries with similar developmental profiles —specifically China and India—stand to benefit from climate change policy, and how these benefits will translate into policy for future climate negotiations.


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This dissertation analyses the implementation of the telework project of the Marks Directorate at the Industrial Property National Institute, an agency of the Brazilian federal administration. The analysis focuses on the public servants and their expectations, since the work developed at the Marks Directorate is mainly based on the intellectual capital of its staff. This research first addresses the subject by describing the current technical and sociological context. In which information society and globalization's impact on labour's evolution, and information and communication technology's impact on e-government development are both considered as having important roles. A review of the state of the art on telework research is presented as the basis of the analyses, including a definition of telework and its most relevant aspects. National and international cases of telework, both in the public and private sector, are used as examples in the analyses. The matter of performance control and evaluation is also briefly addressed. In order to assess the viability of the implementation of telework, a review of the activities developed at the Marks Directorate is performed. Emphasis is given to the modernization of examining procedures, without disregarding administrative facts, such as the new career plan and its performance evaluation procedures, that might affect the telework project. The case study is conducted by means of a survey with open and closed questions served in a questionnaire. The analyses of the results leads to the conclusion that telework can be successfully implemented in the Marks Directorate, being also an opportunity to study the adaptation of a working practice originating at the private sector and applied in public administration, taking into account their differences.


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The aim o f this study is looking for the characteristics that allowed the prisoners o f nazi concentrating camps to survive extremely _stressing situations during the Second World War, and verify if these characteristics can be observed and developed in the Human Resources o f the Organizations unde:r stress o f competition and globalization. Resilience is the capacity individuais have to bounce back after stressing situations, as those ones represented by the nazi Concentration Camps. The nimbieness and heartiness that resilient peopie show in the face of adversity result an eiasticity that allows them to remain relativeiy calm in unpredictabie environments; they can spring back repeatediy after being subjected to the stresses of change. The characteristics of survivors were · based on the anaiysis o f the books o f some prisoners-writers. It was possible to find that characteristics as self-esteem, self-controi, autonomy, faith, ' . . self-belief, meaning o f life, importance o f the reiationship among others are irn:portaht to determinate.the resilience o f the individuais.


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The work with oral history consists of recording interviews which have historical and documental proprieties, with actors/actresses or witnesses of events, conjunctures, movements, institutions and ways of living along the contemporary history. One of its basic foundations is the narrative. An event or a situation lived by the interviewee can not be transmitted to any other person without being narrated. That means that it frames itself (meaning that it does become something) at the very moment of the interview. By telling his/her life experiences, the interviewee transforms what has been lived into language, selecting and organizing facts according to some determined meanings. This work of language in crystallising images (images which refer to, and mean again, life experience) is common in all narratives - and we do know that sometimes it is much more successful than others (just the way some oral history interviews are certainly more successful than others). However, perhaps we have not given yet all the attention needed to this work of language in the oral sources.


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Autoridades chinesas tem buscado agir com rapidez, mas com costumeira cautela, para que sua moeda seja capaz de adquirir status de moeda internacional de reserva. Embora tal objetivo exija eliminação ou considerável relaxamento dos controles de capitais, estes ainda existem e geram significativas distorções entre os mercados de câmbio e juros em Renminbi onshore, na China Continental, e offshore, em Hong Kong. Este trabalho descreve algumas destas distorções através da análise de instrumentos financeiros operados nos mercados à vista de moeda (Renminbi spot), forward de moeda (NDF de Renminbi), e de dívida governamental e corporativa em Hong Kong (Dim Sum Bonds).


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ABSTRACT Global Sugar market has changed considerably since 1970; the dramatic fluctuations in sugar prices have affected the sugar market worldwide. Therefore, new countries such as Brazil, India, China and Thailand start to invest intensively into this market. In the new scenario, Brazil became the main producer of sugar, as well as the main exporter one. The models considered in this study showed the influence of the main sugar producers and the worldwide stocks against the commodity price behaviour. Firstly, the study showed that ending-stocks have a higher impact in the sugar prices comparing to beginning-stocks, in this case, the main countries that contribute for stocks build-up were Brazil and India. Secondly, this study evaluated the impact of the largest sugar producers against the price, the models concluded that Brazil was the most significant country followed by China. Although the study showed Brazil as the main country which impacts stocks and sugar price; it is important to highlight that other countries are also important in the context to identify the main drivers for the supply and demand dynamics in order to evaluate price levels in response of the production and stocks.


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The study Teacher work and education in the municipal schools of Natal objectifies the analysis of the education and work conditions of the teachers in the municipal schools of Natal, placing them within the scenario of the public policies outlined for Basic Education (2005-2010). The thesis is based on the perspective that the educational reforms implemented by the Brazilian government in an attempt to answer to the new contextual demands originated from the world of work and globalization, demanding increasingly higher levels of qualification and constant extension of the teaching functions in school from the teachers, have been configured withal as a strategy for intensifying the teacher s work. The empirical field of study was constituded by thirteen municipal schools that offer basic education. Four hundred and seventeen teacher subjects that work in the municipal school system of Natal, two representatives of the Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Natal (SME)1 that work in the pedagogical team and one representative of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação do Rio Grande do Norte2 took part in the study. The procedures/instruments used in the research were: bibliographic review, document research, questionnaires and recording of information in a field journal. The study confirmed that the majority of the teachers that work in the municipal school system were admitted by means of public entry exams, therefore meeting the requirements set by Law 9.394/96. Most of the teachers have the initial education demanded to work in basic education, although with some limitations due to the fact that they do not correspond to the needs of the educational system. The SME has a plan for continued training of the teachers in accordance to the current ideas defended by researchers of this field. There is, although, a disconnection between the purpose of the plan and the training strategies, because, in truth, predominate repetitive and specific actions that do not contemplate the training needs of the teachers, nor the demands of the system. Although the work conditions are evaluated, by the teachers, as relatively good, limits in relation to the physical structure of the schools are observed (dirty walls with holes in them, broken ceiling fans, old chairs and desks, old and stained black boards, inadequate restroom installations, poor maintenance of the computers, amongst other items). It was also verified the an increase in the functions of the teachers and an intensification of their work, materialized through an overburden of activities undertaken daily at school (and outside of it) and through the demand in taking part in activities that go beyond those inherent to the teaching process, such as the elaboration of political-pedagogical projects, participation in collegiate, registration of student information solicited by the SME and the participation in commissions, has been happening


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A classe trabalhadora no século XXI, em plena era da globalização, é mais fragmentada, mais heterogênea e ainda mais diversificada. Pode-se constatar, neste processo, uma perda significativa de direitos e de sentidos, em sintonia com o caráter destrutivo do capital vigente. O sistema de metabolismo, sob controle do capital, tornou o trabalho ainda mais precarizado, por meio das formas de subempregado, desempregado, intensificando os níveis de exploração para aqueles que trabalham. Esse processo é bastante distinto, entretanto, das teses que propugnam o fim do trabalho. Este texto explora alguns dos significados e das dimensões das mudanças que vêm ocorrendo no mundo do trabalho.


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The work presented here is the result of research on the issue of human rights in the face of conflicting issues such as the incorporation of international treaties, the sovereignty of states, globalization and multuculturalism. Specifically, we will investigate the origin of human rights, alongside his growing recognition, from the Revolutions until its completion in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The question, however, has become broader, when analyzed from the perspective of the internationalization of these rights as conditions and limits of democracy. Given the convergence on the reception of international treaties on human rights, we analyze a series of positions, including recent placements of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Amendment n.45/2004. The study aims to review the classical concept of sovereignty, now within a new perspective based on the appearance of certain limitations of the state and a crisis in the face of the protection of human rights. We analyze the phenomenon of globalization in light of its complexity and its relation to sovereignty and human rights in pursuit of an expansion of democracy. The theme is consistent also with the line of contemporary constitutionalism, since their approach has a close connection with the issues of sovereignty and globalization, as well as a current relationship with the protection of human rights. The research aims to analyze the formation of a new society within a global vision of the constitutionalization of international law. It seeks to glimpse the invocacion model of foreign precedents and the possibility of dialogue betweem States as a way of protecting and enforcing the protection of human rights


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Este trabalho visou a comparação de cinco métodos diferentes de extração de DNA de materiais de arquivo (tecidos incluídos em parafina, esfregaços de sangue periférico - corados e não corados com Leishman, lâminas com mielogramas, gotas de sangue em Guthrie Card) e de fontes escassas (células bucais, um e três bulbos capilares e 2 mL de urina), para que fossem avaliadas a facilidade de aplicação e a facilidade de amplificação deste DNA pela técnica da reação de polimerização em cadeia (PCR). Os métodos incluíram digestão por proteinase K, seguida ou não por purificação com fenol/clorofórmio; Chelex 100® (BioRad); Insta Gene® (BioRad) e fervura em água estéril. O DNA obtido foi testado para amplificação de três fragmentos gênicos: Brain-derived neutrophic factor (764 pb), Factor V Leiden (220 pb) e Abelson (106 pb). de acordo com o comprimento do fragmento gênico estudado, da fonte potencial de DNA e do método de extração utilizado, os resultados caracterizaram o melhor caminho para padronização de procedimentos técnicos a serem incluídos no manual de Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do Hemocentro - HC - Unesp - Botucatu.


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Objective: the urethra is the main port of entry of sexually transmitted pathogens. However, papers on the morphology of the urethra are scarce. The Mongolian gerbil is a rodent native of the Mongolia and China and has been utilized as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. This work describes the ultrastructure of the urethra of the Mongolian gerbil to provide data for future experimental studies. Methods: the urethra of ten adult male gerbils was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Results: the epithelium of the pelvic urethra possesses two cell types: I and II, without the formation of cellular layers, while the penile urethra possesses cellular layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. The urethra presents neurosecretory cells belonging to the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system. Conclusions: the urethral epithelium of the gerbil is a neurosecretory epithelium, part of the amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation system.


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The objective of this paper is to reflect about the professional profile required of chemists by the chemical industry employing new management practices. This paper includes: a) historical synthesis of the appropriation of chemical knowledge by the industrial sector, b) a discussion of today's industrial organization and a comparison between the professional profile of chemists as expected by the taylorist and fordist standards of production and that expected in the context of flexibilization and globalization of production.