862 resultados para Convenience stores
Steroid hormones have been implicated in the modulation of TSH secretion; however, there are few and controversial data regarding the effect of progesterone (Pg) on TSH secretion. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) is a synthetic alpha-hydroxyprogesterone analog that has been extensively employed in therapeutics for its Pg-like actions, but that also has some glucocorticoid and androgen activity. Both hormones have been shown to interfere with TSH secretion. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of MPA or Pg administration to ovariectomized (OVX) rats on in vivo and in vitro TSH release and pituitary TSH content. The treatment of adult OVX rats with MPA (0.25 mg/100 g body weight, sc, daily for 9 days) induced a significant (P<0.05) increase in the pituitary TSH content, which was not observed when the same treatment was used with a 10 times higher MPA dose or with Pg doses similar to those of MPA. Serum TSH was similar for all groups. MPA administered to OVX rats at the lower dose also had a stimulatory effect on the in vitro basal and TRH-induced TSH release. The in vitro basal and TRH-stimulated TSH release was not significantly affected by Pg treatment. Conversely, MPA had no effect on old OVX rats. However, in these old rats, ovariectomy alone significantly reduced (P<0.05) basal and TRH-stimulated TSH release in vitro, as well as pituitary TSH content. The results suggest that in adult, but not in old OVX rats, MPA but not Pg has a stimulatory effect on TSH stores and on the response to TRH in vitro.
TIIVISTELMÄ Tekijä: Urpalainen, Mika Tutkielman nimi: Miten kehittää ketjuliiketoimintaa rautakaupassa Case: Rautanet Tiedekunta: Kauppatieteellinen tiedekunta Pääaine / Maisteriohjelma: Kansainvälinen markkinointi Vuosi: 2014 Pro gradu – tutkielma: Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto, 129 sivua, 28 kuvaa, 15 taulukkoa ja kaksi liitettä Tarkastajat: prof. Olli Kuivalainen, prof. Sanna-Katriina Asikainen Hakusanat: ketjutoiminta, Rautanet-ketju, sitoutuminen, markkinointi Keywords: Chain business, Rautanet-chain, commitment, marketing Rautanet-ketju on heterogeeninen, vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuva rautakauppaketju, joka on perustettu vuonna 1998. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää Rautanet-kauppiaille ja koko ketjuorganisaatiolle ketjutoiminnan etuja, haasteita sekä kauppiaskunnan näkemyksiä ketjutoiminnasta tänä päivänä. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli kvalitatiivinen ja kvantitatiivinen, se perustui kauppiaille lähetettyyn kyselylomakkeeseen, joka sisälsi Likert-asteikollisia kysymyksiä 36 ja 3 kysymystä joihin vastattiin kirjallisesti. Kysymykset sisälsivät aiheita mm. Sitoutumisesta, markkinoinnista, sidosryhmistä jne. Tutkimusjoukkona oli Rautanet-kauppiaat. Kokonaisuutena arvioiden kauppiaat ovat tyytyväisiä ketjun toimintaan. Suurimmat edut ovat markkinointituki kuvastojen avulla ja ketjun voima, jonka kauppiaat tekevät yhdessä. Etuna voidaan pitää myös kauppiaiden sitoutumishalukkuutta ketjuun. Suurimpana haasteena on ehkä itsenäisyyden menettämisen pelko. Rautanet-ketjun toiminta on hyvällä tasolla. Kilpailun kiristyessä myös Rautanet-ketjun kauppiaiden sitoutumishalukkuutta on pidettävä yllä. Ketjuorganisaation on kunnioitettava kauppiaan itsenäisyyttä ja kuunneltava jatkossakin kauppiaita. Ketjun ja kauppiaiden selkeä yhteinen päämäärä, rakentaa vahva ketju, joka pystyy vastaamaan kilpailijoiden haasteisiin, on hyvin paljon riippuvainen yhdessä tekemisen halusta.
The adipocyte hormone leptin is thought to serve as a signal to the central nervous system reflecting the status of fat stores. Serum leptin levels and adipocyte leptin messenger RNA levels are clearly increased in obesity. Nevertheless, the factors regulating leptin production are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of in vivo administration of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone and weight loss on serum leptin levels in two independent protocols. Twenty-five obese subjects were studied (18 women and 7 men, mean age 26.6 ± 6 years, BMI 31.1 ± 2.5 kg/m², %fat 40.3 ± 8.3) and compared at baseline to 22 healthy individuals. Serum levels of leptin, insulin, proinsulin and glucose were assessed at baseline and after ingestion of dexamethasone, 4 mg per day (2 mg, twice daily) for two consecutive days. To study the effects of weight loss on serum leptin, 17 of the obese subjects were submitted to a low-calorie dietary intervention trial for 8 weeks and again blood samples were collected. Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in the obese group compared to the control group and a high positive correlation between leptinemia and the magnitude of fat mass was found (r = 0.88, P<0.0001). After dexamethasone, there was a significant increase in serum leptin levels (22.9 ± 12.3 vs 51.4 ± 23.3 ng/ml, P<0.05). Weight loss (86.1 ± 15.1 vs 80.6 ± 14.2 kg, P<0.05) led to a reduction in leptin levels (25.13 ± 12.8 vs 15.9 ± 9.1 ng/ml, P<0.05). We conclude that serum leptin levels are primordially dependent on fat mass magnitude. Glucocorticoids at supraphysiologic levels are potent secretagogues of leptin in obese subjects and a mild fat mass reduction leads to a disproportionate decrease in serum leptin levels. This suggests that, in addition to the changes in fat mass, complex nutritional and hormonal interactions may also play an important role in the regulation of leptin levels.
We determined if the increased vascular responsiveness to endothelin-1 (ET-1) observed in male, but not in female, DOCA-salt rats is associated with differential vascular mRNA expression of ET-1 and/or ET A/ET B receptors or with functional differences in Ca2+ handling mechanisms by vascular myocytes. Uninephrectomized male and female Wistar rats received DOCA and drinking water containing NaCl/KCl. Control rats received vehicle and tap water. Blood pressure and contractile responses of endothelium-denuded aortic rings to agents which induce Ca2+ influx and/or its release from internal stores were measured using standard procedures. Expression of mRNA for ET-1 and ET A/ET B receptors was evaluated by RT-PCR after isolation of total cell RNA from both aorta and mesenteric arteries. Systolic blood pressure was higher in male than in female DOCA rats. Contractions induced by Bay K8644 (which activates Ca2+ influx through voltage-operated L-type channels), and by caffeine, serotonin or ET-1 in Ca2+-free buffer (which reflect Ca2+ release from internal stores) were significantly increased in aortas from male and female DOCA-salt compared to control aortas. DOCA-salt treatment of male, but not female, rats statistically increased vascular mRNA expression of ET-1 and ET B receptors, but decreased the expression of ET A receptors. Molecular up-regulation of vascular ET B receptors, rather than differential changes in smooth muscle Ca2+ handling mechanisms, seems to account for the increased vascular reactivity to ET-1/ET B receptor agonists and higher blood pressure levels observed in male DOCA-salt rats.
Kylmälaitekoneikot ovat kylmäkomponentteja sisältäviä rakenteita, joiden avulla toteutetaan suurten tilojen, kuten elintarvikemyymälöiden sisäilman jäähdytys. Lisäksi koneikkojen avulla jäähdytetään matalampiin lämpötiloihin pienempiä kylmähuoneita. Osa koneikoista ottaa talteen kylmäprosessissa syntyvän lämmön, jota hyödynnetään tilojen lämmityksessä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja mitoittaa kahdeksalle eri kylmälaitekoneikolle entistä kustannustehokkaammat runkorakenteet, jotka ovat niin kestäviä, että koneikkoja on mahdollista pinota tilan säästämiseksi kolme päällekkäin. Lisäksi runkorakenteilta vaadittiin helppoa kuljetettavuutta, hyviä kiinnitysominaisuuksia ja korroosionkestävyyttä. Aluksi työssä selvitettiin runkorakenteisiin kohdistuvat vaatimukset, jonka jälkeen materiaalin valinta tehtiin materiaaliin kohdistuvien vaatimusten perusteella. Rakenteiden palkit mitoitettiin tarvittavan taivutusvastuksen ja kiepahduksen mukaan. Pilarit puolestaan mitoitettiin nurjahduksen ja kaksiaksiaalisen taivutustilan perusteella. Tämän jälkeen mitoitettiin eri sauvojen väliset hitsi- ja ruuviliitokset siten, että rakenne hajoaa ylikuormitustilanteessa mahdollisimman turvallisesti. Työssä tehdyt laskelmat varmennettiin elementtimenetelmän avulla ja lopullisille rakenteille tehtiin elementtimenetelmällä vielä ominaistaajuusanalyysejä. Lopuksi työssä suunniteltiin runkorakenteille sopiva korroosionsuojaus.
An increasing number of pathophysiological roles for purinoceptors are emerging, some of which have therapeutic potential. Erythrocytes are an important source of purines, which can be released under physiological and physiopathological conditions, acting on purinergic receptors associated with the same cell or with neighboring cells. Few studies have been conducted on lizards, and have been limited to ATP agonist itself. We have previously shown that the red blood cells (RBCs) of the lizard Ameiva ameiva store Ca2+ in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and that the purinergic agonist ATP triggers a rapid and transient increase of [Ca2+]c by mobilization of the cation from internal stores. We also reported the ability of the second messenger IP3 to discharge the ER calcium pool of the ER. Here we characterize the purinoceptor present in the cytoplasmic membrane of the RBCs of the lizard Ameiva ameiva by the selective use of ATP analogues and pyrimidine nucleotides. The nucleotides UTP, UDP, GTP, and ATPgammaS triggered a dose-dependent response, while interestingly 2MeSATP, 2ClATP, alpha, ß-ATP, and ADP failed to do so in a 1- to 200-µm con- centration. The EC50 obtained for the compounds tested was 41.77 µM for UTP, 48.11 µM for GTP, 53.11 µM for UDP, and 30.78 µM for ATPgammaS. The present data indicate that the receptor within the RBCs of Ameiva ameiva is a P2Y4-like receptor due to its pharmacological similarity to the mammalian P2Y4 receptor.
Patients with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) have reduced hemoglobin levels, mostly as a result of decreased kidney production of erythropoietin, but the relation between renal insufficiency and the magnitude of hemoglobin reduction has not been well defined. Hereditary hemochromatosis is an inherited disorder of iron metabolism. The importance of the association of hemochromatosis with treatment for anemia among patients with CRI has not been well described. We analyzed the frequency of the C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene in 201 Brazilian individuals with CRI undergoing hemodialysis. The analysis of the effects of HFE mutations on iron metabolism and anemia with biochemical parameters was possible in 118 patients of this study (hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin levels, transferrin saturation, and serum iron). A C282Y heterozygous mutation was found in 7/201 (3.4%) and H63D homozygous and heterozygous mutation were found in 2/201 (1.0%) and 46/201 (22.9%), respectively. The allelic frequencies of the HFE mutations (0.017 for C282Y mutation and 0.124 for H63D mutation) did not differ between patients with CRI and healthy controls. Regarding the biochemical parameters, no differences were observed between HFE heterozygous and mutation-negative patients, although ferritin levels were not higher among patients with the H63D mutation (P = 0.08). From what we observed in our study, C282Y/H63D HFE gene mutations are not related to degrees of anemia or iron stores in CRI patients receiving intravenous iron supplementation (P > 0.10). Nevertheless, the present data suggest that the H63D mutation may have an important function as a modulating factor of iron overload in these patients.
This thesis constitutes an interdisciplinary approach to the Polish Romanticism combining literature studies with memory studies, nationalism research and psychoanalysis. This phenomenon-based study attempts to answer the question, how the Polish national poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855) – or more exactly the implied authors in his works – perceived the role of poetry in mnemonic terms and how it changes in course of time. Consequently, ‘memory in literature’ (Astrin Erll and Ansger Nünning) is discussed here. Two pieces of writing by Mickiewicz – Konrad Wallenrod [1828] and the third part of Forefathers [1832], where a bard respectively a poetic genius appears – are seen as meta-texts defining goals of poets in time of the political non-existence of a state. Poetry is supposed to keep memory of the glorious past alive, kindle the love for the motherland, support the collective identity of a group and initiate a liberation movement. Poets function as memory guards, leaders of the nation and prophets. Thus, literature is a medium of collective memory – it stores crucial contents, transmits them and acts as a cue. Nevertheless, shifting the focus from the community towards well-being of individuals, which is consistent with the postmodern thinking, the impact that poetry has on members of a given memory culture (Jan Assmann) can be described in ‘vampiric’ terms (Maria Janion). Poetry embodying collective memory may be compared to ‘poison’, ‘infecting’ people with a nationalistic way of thinking to their disadvantage as far as their personal lives are concerned.
Experiential marketing is increasingly seen as a new magical key to consumers’ hearts. Brands are turning brick-and-mortar stores into state of the art retail spaces where memorable experiences and strong brand relationships are hoped to be born. Around the globe, several brands have opened up a special format of stores – the experience store. Although many speculations on the positive effects of experiences have been presented, few studies have provided empirical, quantified evidence for the link between store experiences and brand success. In consequence, research was needed to find out whether experience stores truly are so special. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether store experiences are capable of building brands and influencing store performance. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted in the Samsung Experience Store Helsinki. As main constructs of the study, store experience, brand equity, store performance, and product class involvement were measured, along with relevant background variables. Data was collected with an electronic survey from actual customers of the store, resulting in a sample of 131 respondents. Partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS) was used for the analysis of the research model. Also, regression analysis was conducted to account for mediation and moderation effects. The results showed that store experiences do positively influence first, store performance, and second, separate dimensions of brand equity (that is, brand awareness, brand personality, and brand loyalty). Also, the effect of store experiences on store performance was found to be mediated by brand equity. Interestingly, customers’ product class involvement was detected to moderate the effect of store experience on store performance. That is, those who were highly involved with electronics had greater store experiences, and also displayed a stronger linkage between store experience and store performance. The results encourage marketers to continue with efforts to create great experiences for their customers. Experience stores can – and should be seen – as both powerful brand building tools and profitable sales channels. The creation of exceptional experiences can act as an important function of physical stores in the face of severe online competition.
Talotekniikan alalla valaistusmuutoksissa LED-valaistus on nykypäivää. Valaistuksen käyttöominaisuudet ja hyödyt tekevät siitä perustellun valinnan myös suurissa kohteissa. Näistä laajemmista valaistuksen muutoksista ja niiden vaikutuksista sähkön laatuun ei ole yleisesti mittaustietoa. Tämä tutkimus perustui sähkön laadun käytännön mittauksiin valaistusmuutoksessa, jossa elohopeahöyrylampuilla toteutettu valaistus vaihdettiin LED-valaistukseen hypermarketin pysäköintihallissa. Valaistusjärjestelmän muutoksen vaikutusta sähkön laatuun tutkittiin vertailemalla mittaustuloksia vanhan ja uuden järjestelmän välillä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli osoittaa miten LED-valaistukseen siirtyminen vaikuttaa sähkön laatuun valitussa tutkimuskohteessa. Tutkimuksessa tuotettu tieto on hyödynnettävissä vastaavissa kohteissa LED-valaistukseen siirryttäessä sekä valaistuksen käyttöönoton suunnittelussa ja toteuttamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös kustannusten arvioimisessa valaistavan tilan sähkönkulutuksen osalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä triangulaatiomenetelmää eli teemahaastattelulla, kirjallisuuskatsauksella ja käytännön mittauksilla. Näiden menetelmien tulokset tukivat tutkimukselle asetettuja hypoteeseja. Valitulla tutkimusmenetelmällä saatiin selville, että LED-valaistukseen siirtymisellä ei ollut heikentäviä vaikutuksia sähkön laatuun tutkitun kohteen valaistusjärjestelmässä. Toisaalta positiivisina vaikutuksina huomioitiin muun muassa merkittävä energian säästö, virran harmonisten häiriöiden väheneminen sekä kokonaistehokertoimen parantuminen.
Tämän tapaustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää esimerkkiyrityksen kilpailuetu ympäristössä, jossa kilpailu kansainvälistyy ja monikanavaistuu. Tutkittava yritys on rautakauppa-alan johtava brändi Suomessa. Yritys on tutkimuksen tekemisen aikana ostettu osaksi toimialan Pohjoismaiden suurinta verkkokauppakonsernia. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena, johon kuului osana kvantitatiivinen asiakaskysely. Tutkittavalla yrityksellä on verkkokaupan lisäksi kaksi showroom-tyyppistä myymälää, joten asiakaskysely suoritettiin kahdessa osassa erikseen myymälän ja verkkokaupan osalta. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin tärkeimmät kilpailustrategian teoriat alkaen M.E.Porterin kilpailuetuteoriasta päätyen Kimin ja Mauborgnen Sinisen meren strategiaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena selvisi, että yrityksellä ei ole selkeätä kilpailuetua. Uuden omistajan myötä on mahdollisuus rakentaa kestävä kilpailuetu. Tutkimustuloksena muodostui myös näkemys, miten yrityksen strategista suunnittelua pitäisi kehittää sekä muodostui ehdotus jatkotutkimukselle. Tutkimuksen pohjalta rakentui malli monikanavaisen DIY- kaupan arvoketjusta ja kehitysehdotus esimerkkiyrityksen arvoketjun kehittämisestä.
Highly efficient mechanisms regulate intracellular calcium (Ca2+) levels. The recent discovery of new components linking intracellular Ca2+ stores to plasma membrane Ca2+ entry channels has brought new insight into the understanding of Ca2+ homeostasis. Stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) was identified as a Ca2+ sensor essential for Ca2+ store depletion-triggered Ca2+ influx. Orai1 was recognized as being an essential component for the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channel. Together, these proteins participate in store-operated Ca2+ channel function. Defective regulation of intracellular Ca2+ is a hallmark of several diseases. In this review, we focus on Ca2+ regulation by the STIM1/Orai1 pathway and review evidence that implicates STIM1/Orai1 in several pathological conditions including cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, among others.
We examined the contractile responsiveness of rat thoracic aortas under pressure overload after long-term suprarenal abdominal aortic coarctation (lt-Srac). Endothelium-dependent angiotensin II (ANG II) type 2 receptor (AT2R)-mediated depression of contractions to ANG II has been reported in short-term (1 week) pressure-overloaded rat aortas. Contractility was evaluated in the aortic rings of rats subjected to lt-Srac or sham surgery (Sham) for 8 weeks. ANG I and II levels and AT2R protein expression in the aortas of lt-Srac and Sham rats were also evaluated. lt-Srac attenuated the contractions of ANG II and phenylephrine in the aortas in an endothelium-independent manner. However, lt-Srac did not influence the transient contractions induced in endothelium-denuded aortic rings by ANG II, phenylephrine, or caffeine in Ca2+-free medium or the subsequent tonic constrictions induced by the addition of Ca2+ in the absence of agonists. Thus, the contractions induced by Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ influx through stored-operated channels were not inhibited in the aortas of lt-Srac rats. Potassium-elicited contractions in endothelium-denuded aortic rings of lt-Srac rats remained unaltered compared with control tissues. Consequently, the contractile depression observed in aortic tissues of lt-Srac rats cannot be explained by direct inhibition of voltage-operated Ca2+ channels. Interestingly, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced contractions in endothelium-denuded aortic rings of lt-Srac rats were depressed in the presence but not in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Neither levels of angiotensins nor of AT2R were modified in the aortas after lt-Srac. The results suggest that, in rat thoracic aortas, lt-Srac selectively inhibited protein kinase C-mediated activation of contraction that is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ entry.
The parasympathetic nervous system is important for β-cell secretion and mass regulation. Here, we characterized involvement of the vagus nerve in pancreatic β-cell morphofunctional regulation and body nutrient homeostasis in 90-day-old monosodium glutamate (MSG)-obese rats. Male newborn Wistar rats received MSG (4 g/kg body weight) or saline [control (CTL) group] during the first 5 days of life. At 30 days of age, both groups of rats were submitted to sham-surgery (CTL and MSG groups) or subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (Cvag and Mvag groups). The 90-day-old MSG rats presented obesity, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and hypertriglyceridemia. Their pancreatic islets hypersecreted insulin in response to glucose but did not increase insulin release upon carbachol (Cch) stimulus, despite a higher intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. Furthermore, while the pancreas weight was 34% lower in MSG rats, no alteration in islet and β-cell mass was observed. However, in the MSG pancreas, increases of 51% and 55% were observed in the total islet and β-cell area/pancreas section, respectively. Also, the β-cell number per β-cell area was 19% higher in MSG rat pancreas than in CTL pancreas. Vagotomy prevented obesity, reducing 25% of body fat stores and ameliorated glucose homeostasis in Mvag rats. Mvag islets demonstrated partially reduced insulin secretion in response to 11.1 mM glucose and presented normalization of Cch-induced Ca2+ mobilization and insulin release. All morphometric parameters were similar among Mvag and CTL rat pancreases. Therefore, the higher insulin release in MSG rats was associated with greater β-cell/islet numbers and not due to hypertrophy. Vagotomy improved whole body nutrient homeostasis and endocrine pancreatic morphofunction in Mvag rats.
Non-adaptive personality traits may constitute risk factors for development of psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. We aim to evaluate associations and the predictive value of personality traits among alcohol-dependent individuals, with or without psychiatric comorbidities. The convenience sample comprised two groups of males over 18 years of age: one with subjects who had an alcohol dependence diagnosis (AG, n=110), and a control group without abuse and/or alcohol dependence diagnosis (CG, n=110). The groups were assessed by means of the Structured Clinical Interview DSM-IV (SCID-IV). AG participants were recruited among outpatients from the university hospital, whereas CG participants were recruited from a primary healthcare program. Data collection was done individually with self-assessment instruments. Parametric statistics were performed, and a significance level of P=0.05 was adopted. A positive correlation was observed between openness and the length of time that alcohol has been consumed, as were significant and negative correlations between conscientiousness and both the length of time alcohol has been consumed and the number of doses. For alcoholics, extraversion emerged as a protective factor against depression development (P=0.008) and tobacco abuse (P=0.007), whereas openness worked as a protective factor against anxiety (P=0.02). The findings point to specific deficits presented by alcoholics in relation to personality traits with or without psychiatric comorbidities and to the understanding that therapeutic approaches should favor procedures and/or preventive measures that allow more refined awareness about the disorder.