888 resultados para Commonsense reasoning
ABSTRACT When Hume, in the Treatise on Human Nature, began his examination of the relation of cause and effect, in particular, of the idea of necessary connection which is its essential constituent, he identified two preliminary questions that should guide his research: (1) For what reason we pronounce it necessary that every thing whose existence has a beginning should also have a cause and (2) Why we conclude that such particular causes must necessarily have such particular effects? (1.3.2, 14-15) Hume observes that our belief in these principles can result neither from an intuitive grasp of their truth nor from a reasoning that could establish them by demonstrative means. In particular, with respect to the first, Hume examines and rejects some arguments with which Locke, Hobbes and Clarke tried to demonstrate it, and suggests, by exclusion, that the belief that we place on it can only come from experience. Somewhat surprisingly, however, Hume does not proceed to show how that derivation of experience could be made, but proposes instead to move directly to an examination of the second principle, saying that, "perhaps, be found in the end, that the same answer will serve for both questions" (1.3.3, 9). Hume's answer to the second question is well known, but the first question is never answered in the rest of the Treatise, and it is even doubtful that it could be, which would explain why Hume has simply chosen to remove any mention of it when he recompiled his theses on causation in the Enquiry concerning Human Understanding. Given this situation, an interesting question that naturally arises is to investigate the relations of logical or conceptual implication between these two principles. Hume seems to have thought that an answer to (2) would also be sufficient to provide an answer to (1). Henry Allison, in his turn, argued (in Custom and Reason in Hume, p. 94-97) that the two questions are logically independent. My proposal here is to try to show that there is indeed a logical dependency between them, but the implication is, rather, from (1) to (2). If accepted, this result may be particularly interesting for an interpretation of the scope of the so-called "Kant's reply to Hume" in the Second Analogy of Experience, which is structured as a proof of the a priori character of (1), but whose implications for (2) remain controversial.
Abstract BRICS has philosophical significance. It creates new pressure on cross-cultural skill. This is analysed here as requiring transduction: a variety of defeasible practical reasoning. This replaces a simplistic model of the relation between knowledge and action with a more realistic and contemporary model. The transduction format has utility in cross-cultural training.
Djur och djurskyddet hör till ett rättsligt regleringsområde som inte varit föremål för omfattande rättsvetenskaplig forskning i vårt land även om intresset för djurs välbefinnande ökat både i samhället och inom EU. Avhandlingen har avfattats som en artikelavhandling och är en offentligrättslig studie om djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Tematiken har behandlats både ur djurens och djurens ägares eller innehavares synvinkel med utgångspunkt i djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Forskningen är fokuserad huvudsakligen på skyddet av och välbefinnandet hos produktions- och slaktdjur även om bland annat de begrepp som granskas också berör andra djurkategorier. De övergripande frågeställningarna i avhandlingen är två. För det första, vad är det som avses med djurs välbefinnande och skydd i regleringen av djurskyddet och för det andra, hur realiseras dessa i djurskyddsmyndigheternas förvaltningsverksamhet? I forskningen presenteras och diskuteras bland annat en ny begreppskonstruktion: djurs rättsliga välbefinnande. Den empiriska delen i avhandlingen omfattar förvaltningsverksamheten inom området av djurskydd under åren 1996–2006. Sammanlagt 10468 dokument som upprättats av djurskyddsmyndigheten i samband med verkställandet av djurskyddsövervakning ingår i undersökningen. Forskningen utmynnar i en åtgärdsförteckning med förslag till utvecklingen av området för djurskydd.
The fuzzy logic admits infinite intermediate logical values between false and true. With this principle, it developed in this study a system based on fuzzy rules, which indicates the body mass index of ruminant animals in order to obtain the best time to slaughter. The controller developed has as input the variables weight and height, and as output a new body mass index, called Fuzzy Body Mass Index (Fuzzy BMI), which may serve as a detection system at the time of livestock slaughtering, comparing one another by the linguistic variables "Very Low", "Low", "Average ", "High" and "Very High". For demonstrating the use application of this fuzzy system, an analysis was made with 147 Nellore beeves to determine Fuzzy BMI values for each animal and indicate the location of body mass of any herd. The performance validation of the system was based on a statistical analysis using the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.923, representing a high positive correlation, indicating that the proposed method is appropriate. Thus, this method allows the evaluation of the herd comparing each animal within the group, thus providing a quantitative method of farmer decision. It was concluded that this study established a computational method based on fuzzy logic that mimics part of human reasoning and interprets the body mass index of any bovine species and in any region of the country.
The aim of this study is to form the experience-based knowledge of diabetics. The broader intent is to be able to transform this experience-based knowledge as an asset within caring. In this study, a theoretical contact for the empirical data is presented through phronesis, i.e. practical wisdom. Phronesis can be seen as the most suitable form of knowledge to be able to deepen the individual's understanding of experiencebased knowledge. For this research, hermeneutic phenomenology was chosen. Abductive reasoning was the method chosen to approach the data collected through repeated deep interviews with individuals with personal experience of diabetes and the use of insulin pumps. The abductive approach fascilitates a broader interpretation of the primary empirical results via a theory of philosophy of science, such as phronesis, the life-world and the negativity of the experience. The latent message of the empirical data is thereby also additionally highlighted. The synthesis reveals that experience-based knowledge arrives with time, it is personified and praxis-oriented, and before this time, the knowledge and security must be provided by the established care, by people close to the individual or by other external sources. The experience-based knowledge has strenghts and weaknesses. The knowledge is further categorized by the individual's ability to discern and make judgement. Additionally, the experience-based kowledge is a reflecting and action-based knowledge striving to improve the care provided. The experience-based knowledge held by the individual is potentially a great instrument towards improving general knowledge with possible practical applications within the diabetic care. Furthermost, in practical suggestions to fascilitate care. In generally applying knowledge gathered from the individual's experiental point of view, there are inherent risks. These risks could potentially be eliminated through the adoption of a concept where the established care could function as a quality guarantor. A concept taking into account the experiencebased knowledge as a source of information and knowledge in the care for diabetics. Co-created knowledge and understanding is a position found in both self-care and pump-treatment. It is also found through the optimal application of the experience-based knowledge of the individual as well as the knowledge found within the established care, in order to fascilitate well-being. This as expressed by the individual's phronesis-based knowledge.
As this is a dissertation, an academic thesis, it is important to define the objectives of my research, even if ex post facto, explicitly: - To define, develop and study the concept of business and leadership ethics. - To empirically study the phenomena associated with business and leadership from an ethical perspective. - To create a new framework for the development of responsible business. - To create an “acid test” for my body of works, i.e. a test and an evaluation on how well my research and ideas hold up under academic philosophical reflection. The utilitarian reasoning had the most support when the actors justified their actions regarding economic benefit. (=instrumental good). Duty and benefit were often mixed up in people’s speech. Their meaning contents were blurred and the argumentation lines created by the actors were broken. This can be interpreted in a way that supports Frankena’s mixed deontological philosophy as a frame of reference. Deontologica reasoning was used e.g. in describing the personnel management processes of a company. Virtue ethics is a favourable starting point for studying management and leadership ethics. All the actors studied could name virtues for their operations, towards which to aspire to. They also named professional practices already in use that they considered to be virtuous. Finally, I wish to state that normative ethics is an important branch of philosophical ethics, if also very important in applied ethics especially. From the normative standpoint, the results of this dissertation want to lead nations, communities and individuals towards the virtues of democratic leadership and sustainable economic development.
Formal methods provide a means of reasoning about computer programs in order to prove correctness criteria. One subtype of formal methods is based on the weakest precondition predicate transformer semantics and uses guarded commands as the basic modelling construct. Examples of such formalisms are Action Systems and Event-B. Guarded commands can intuitively be understood as actions that may be triggered when an associated guard condition holds. Guarded commands whose guards hold are nondeterministically chosen for execution, but no further control flow is present by default. Such a modelling approach is convenient for proving correctness, and the Refinement Calculus allows for a stepwise development method. It also has a parallel interpretation facilitating development of concurrent software, and it is suitable for describing event-driven scenarios. However, for many application areas, the execution paradigm traditionally used comprises more explicit control flow, which constitutes an obstacle for using the above mentioned formal methods. In this thesis, we study how guarded command based modelling approaches can be conveniently and efficiently scheduled in different scenarios. We first focus on the modelling of trust for transactions in a social networking setting. Due to the event-based nature of the scenario, the use of guarded commands turns out to be relatively straightforward. We continue by studying modelling of concurrent software, with particular focus on compute-intensive scenarios. We go from theoretical considerations to the feasibility of implementation by evaluating the performance and scalability of executing a case study model in parallel using automatic scheduling performed by a dedicated scheduler. Finally, we propose a more explicit and non-centralised approach in which the flow of each task is controlled by a schedule of its own. The schedules are expressed in a dedicated scheduling language, and patterns assist the developer in proving correctness of the scheduled model with respect to the original one.
The objective of this review on the investigation of "cara inchada" in cattle (CI), pursued over the last 30 years, was to elucidate the pathogenicity of the disease and come to proper conclusions on its etiology. CI has been widely considered to be of nutritional origin, caused primarily by mineral deficiency or imbalance. However, the disease consists of a rapidly progressive periodontitis, affecting the periodontal tissues at the level of the premolars and molars during the period of tooth eruption generally starting in young calves. The disease led to great economic losses for farmers in central-western Brazil, after the occupation of new land for cattle raising in the 1960s and 1970s. The lateral enlargement of the maxillary bones of affected calves gave the disease the popular name of "cara inchada", i.e., swollen or enlarged face. The enlargement was found to be due to a chronic ossifying periostitis resulting from the purulent alveolitis of CI. Black-pigmented non-saccharolytic Bacteroides melaninogenicus, always together with Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes, were isolated in large numbers from the periodontal lesions. B. melaninogenicus could be isolated in small numbers also from the marginal gingiva of a few healthy calves maintained on CI-free farms. "In vitro"-assays showed that streptomycin and actinomycin, as well as the supernatants of cultivates of actinomycetes from soils of CI-prone farms, applied in subinhibitory concentrations to the bacteria tested, enhanced significantly (up to 10 times) the adherence of the black-pigmented B.melaninogenicus to epithelial cells of the bovine gingiva. The antibiotics are apparently produced in large quantities by the increased number of soil actinomycetes, including the genus Streptomyces, that develop when soil microflora are modified by cultivating virgin forest or "Cerrado" (tree-savanna) for the first time for cattle grazing. The epidemiology of CI now provides strong evidence that the ingestion with the forage of such antibiotics could possibly be an important determinant factor for the onset and development of this infectious periodontitis. The antibiotic enhanced adherence of B.melaninogenicus to the sulcus-epithelium of the marginal gingiva, is thought to allow it to colonize, form a plaque and become pathogenic. There is experimental evidence that this determinant factor for the development of the periodontitis is present also in the milk of the mothers of CI-diseased calves. It has been shown that the bacteria isolated from the periodontal CI-lesions produce enzymes and endotoxins capable of destroying the periodontal tissues. The epidemiology of CI, with its decline in incidence and its disappearance after several years, could be explained by the fact that the former equilibrium of the microflora of the once undisturbed virgin soil has been reached again and that the number of antibiotic producing actinomycetes has been anew reduced. By this reasoning and all the data available, CI should be considered as a multifactorial infectious disease, caused primarily by the anaerobic black-pigmented non-saccharolytic Bacteroides melaninogenicus, always together with the micro-anaerobic Actinomyces pyogenes. Accordingly, the onset and development of the infectious periodontitis is apparently determined by ingestion with the forage of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics produced in recently cultivated virgin soils. This hypothesis is supported by the recent observation of renewed outbreaks of CI-periodontitis in former CI-prone areas, following fresh cultivation after many years. The infectious nature of CI is confirmed by trials in which virginiamycin was used efficiently for the oral treatment of CI-diseased cattle. Previously it has been shown, that spiramycin and virginiamycin, used as additives in mineral supplements, prevented CI-periodontitis.
Social media is a multidimensional marketing and communications channel which can support and enhance a business’ reputation, sales and even longevity. Social media as a business tool encourages an interaction between customers and companies which gives opportunities for a company to better understand their customers, to target them more effectively and to collaborate and create dialogues with them which is not possible through traditional media channels. The aim of a social media strategy is to increase brand awareness, image, loyalty and recognition. The peer networks that social media creates allows a company to disseminate information through loyal customers to new and prospective customers to ultimately increase reach. The purpose of the study is to understand the marketer’s perspective of social media marketing use and how it is currently utilized in marketing and communications activities in Finland. Three companies were interviewed covering fourteen different implementations of social media marketing campaigns. These were then analysed to ascertain the utilization methods and experience gained on recent campaigns in the Finnish market The utilization of social media marketing was analysed using the methods of thematic analysis and inductive and abductive reasoning. Elements and themes were drawn out of the separate interviews to create a framework with which to explore, evaluate and match theories that define social media usage by companies. It became clear from all of the interviews that social media as a tool is most effective when it captures the viewer’s interest through rich and entertaining content. This directed the theoretical research towards Engagement Theory and Content Marketing which look to emphasize the importance of communities, collaboration, interaction, and peer-sharing as the key drivers of a social media marketing campaign.
Suomalaisessa oikeusjärjestelmässä yrityssaneerauksen organisaatio koostuu pääosin kohdeyrityksestä, selvittäjästä ja velkojista. Selvittäjällä on lain mukaan mahdollisuus teettää tilintarkastajalla kohdeyrityksen toimintaan ja hallintoon liittyvä erityistarkastus saneerausmenettelyä edeltävältä ajalta. Saneeraukseen liittyvää erityistarkastusta kutsutaan myös nimellä saneeraustarkastus. Tutkielma käsittelee yrityssaneerausmenettelyn yhteydessä tehtävän saneeraustarkastuksen funktiota ja tarkastuksen lopputuloksena syntyvän tarkastuskertomuksen sisältöä. Tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää mitä tehtävää saneeraustarkastus palvelee, mitä lisäarvoa saneeraustarkastus tuottaa selvittäjälle ja velkojille, sekä minkälainen tulisi olla tarkastuskertomuksen sisältö. Tutkielma pohjautuu kvalitatiiviseen kyselytutkimukseen, jossa vastaajina ovat toimineet 21 selvittäjää ja 28 velkojaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella velkojilla ja selvittäjillä on pitkälti samanlainen näkemys yrityssaneeraukseen liittyvän erityistarkastuksen funktiosta ja sisällöstä. Molemmat intressiryhmät katsoivat, että kohdeyhtiön vastuuhenkilöiden toimien selvittäminen, etenkin jos kohdeyhtiö ei nauti intressitahojen täyttä luottamusta, tuottaa paljon lisäarvoa. Luottamus kohdeyhtiöön on ratkaisevassa asemassa myös saneeraustarkastuksen tarvetta harkittaessa. Selkeimmäksi eroksi selvittäjien ja velkojien vastausten välil-lä muodostui ainoastaan syy jättää saneeraustarkastus teettämättä. Selvittäjien mielestä todennäköisin syy jättää saneeraustarkastus teettämättä on velallisen varojen puute, kun taas velkojien mielestä todennäköisin syy jättää saneeraustarkastus teettämättä on luottamus velalliseen. Tutkimuksen mukaan saneeraustarkastuskertomukset ovat sisältönsä puolesta korkealaatuisia. Kertomuksia tulisi kuitenkin kehittää tiiviimpään muotoon ilman kattavaa raporttiosuutta, sekä vain merkittäväksi arvioidut havainnot tulisi dokumentoida liiteaineistoon. Vastanneiden mielestä kolme tärkeintä saneeraustarkastuksen laadun mittaria ovat tärkeysjärjestyksessä hinta-laatu-suhde, laadukas raportointi ja nopea toimitusvarmuus. Kaksi tärkeintä laadun kriteeriä vaikuttavat myös eniten saneeraustarkastuksen tekijän valintaan.
Primate order includes around 180 species. Morphological aspects of New World non-human primates (NHP) have been extensively investigated since last century. General commonsense describes oral cavity adaptations according to diet and feeding, dentition, tongue projection and head shape. Morphological appearance and dimension of the hard palate have been outstanding as interest in many species including man. Six young Saimiri sciureus hard palate were investigated. We measured the hard palate distance (HL), intercanine distance (ICD), intermolar distance (IMD), and interpremolar distance (IPD). Complete and incomplete palatine crests were quantified. We believe that better understanding of the mouth roof morphology will contribute to improve the management of captive animal's diet in order to re-introduce the animals in its habitat.
The purpose of this thesis was to study the design of demand forecasting processes. A literature review in the field of forecasting was conducted, including general forecasting process design, forecasting methods and techniques, the role of human judgment in forecasting and forecasting performance measurement. The purpose of the literature review was to identify the important design choices that an organization aiming to design or re-design their demand forecasting process would have to make. In the empirical part of the study, these choices and the existing knowledge behind them was assessed in a case study where a demand forecasting process was re-designed for a company in the fast moving consumer goods business. The new target process is described, as well as the reasoning behind the design choices made during the re-design process. As a result, the most important design choices are highlighted, as well as their immediate effect on other processes directly tied to the demand forecasting process. Additionally, some new insights on the organizational aspects of demand forecasting processes are explored. The preliminary results indicate that in this case the new process did improve forecasting accuracy, although organizational issues related to the process proved to be more challenging than anticipated.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyze the mining industry customers' current and future needs for the water treatment services and discover new business development opportunities in the context of mine water treatment. In addition, the study focuses on specifying service offerings needed and evaluate suitable revenue generation models for them. The main research question of the study is: What kind of service needs related to water treatment can be identified in the Finnish mining industry? The literature examined in the study focused on industrial service classification and new service development process as well as the revenue generation of services. A qualitative research approach employing a case study method was chosen for the study. The present study uses customer and expert interviews as primary data source, complemented by archival data. The primary data was gathered by organizing total of 13 interviews, and the interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The abductive-logic was chosen as the way of conducting scientific reasoning in this study. As a result, new service proposals were developed for Finnish mine industry suppliers. The main areas of development were on asset efficiency services and process support services. The service needs were strongly associated with suppliers’ know-how of water treatment process optimization, cost-effectiveness as well as on alternative technologies. The study provides an insight for managers that wish to pursue a water treatment services as a part of their business offering.