856 resultados para product offering
Introduction: In Brazil part of the production of ginger is of inadequate quality for export. The production of spirit from felt-over rhizomes is an alternative of great interest to producers of these rhizomes. Aim: Aiming to increase the value of felt-over rhizomes, this work aimed to study the use of ginger as a raw material for alcoholic beverage production. It was evaluated the effect of fermentation conditions on the components of fermented alcoholic, as well as, the quality of alcoholic distilled beverage of ginger. Methods: Dehydrated ginger passed by enzymatic hydrolysis-saccharification processes. The hydrolysate obtained was analyzed for sugar profile in HPLC. The alcoholic fermentation process followed the central composite rotational design for three factors: fermentation temperature (23 to 37ºC), time of fermentation (17 to 33 h) and concentration of inoculum (0.22 to 3.00%). The fermented alcoholic obtained was analyzed in HPLC for the contents of ethanol, methanol, glycerol and residual sugars. The distillated alcoholic beverage of ginger was analyzed for ethanol, methanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and higher alcohols in the gas chromatography (GC). In addition, copper content and acidity were analyzed Results: Sugar profile of the ginger hydrolysate revealed the presence of 77.8% of glucose. Data analysis of fermentation process showed influence of temperature on ethanol and methanol content of the fermented alcoholic of ginger. Time of fermentation had effect on glycerol content. All parameters of process had influence on residual sugars contents. The HPLC analysis has shown presence of methanol, ethyl acetate, aldehyde, acids, higher alcohols and esters in distilled alcoholic beverage of ginger. Conclusion: Fermented alcoholic of ginger with higher levels of ethanol can be obtained under the conditions of 1.5% w/w of inoculum, 30°C of temperature and 24 hours of fermentation time. In this condition of fermentation process the beverage of ginger had good quality.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Software product line (SPL) engineering offers several advantages in the development of families of software products such as reduced costs, high quality and a short time to market. A software product line is a set of software intensive systems, each of which shares a common core set of functionalities, but also differs from the other products through customization tailored to fit the needs of individual groups of customers. The differences between products within the family are well-understood and organized into a feature model that represents the variability of the SPL. Products can then be built by generating and composing features described in the feature model. Testing of software product lines has become a bottleneck in the SPL development lifecycle, since many of the techniques used in their testing have been borrowed from traditional software testing and do not directly take advantage of the similarities between products. This limits the overall gains that can be achieved in SPL engineering. Recent work proposed by both industry and the research community for improving SPL testing has begun to consider this problem, but there is still a need for better testing techniques that are tailored to SPL development. In this thesis, I make two primary contributions to software product line testing. First I propose a new definition for testability of SPLs that is based on the ability to re-use test cases between products without a loss of fault detection effectiveness. I build on this idea to identify elements of the feature model that contribute positively and/or negatively towards SPL testability. Second, I provide a graph based testing approach called the FIG Basis Path method that selects products and features for testing based on a feature dependency graph. This method should increase our ability to re-use results of test cases across successive products in the family and reduce testing effort. I report the results of a case study involving several non-trivial SPLs and show that for these objects, the FIG Basis Path method is as effective as testing all products, but requires us to test no more than 24% of the products in the SPL.
The supply of corn milling co-products from ethanol production has increased rapidly over the last several years. Based on United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) projections of corn ground for ethanol production, approximately 38 million tons of distillers grains would have been produced in the 2009-10 marketing year, with 40 million tons projected for the 2010-11 marketing year. While supply has grown, so too has demand from both domestic and international users. Cattle feeders in particular have found wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS), modified wet distillers grains plus solubles (MWDGS) and dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) to be excellent feedstuffs that can lower cost of gain through performance efficiencies and lower ingredient costs. United States swine and poultry producers have also increasingly adopted DDGS in rations in response to higher corn prices, while international shipments of DDGS have also grown.
This paper presents a study on the potential use of coconut fiber as material to produce particleboards, with two different densities (0.8 g/cm(3) and 1.0 g/cm3), using castor oil-based polyurethane adhesive and urea-formaldehyde. The quality of the product that can be produced by industry was evaluated according to the normative NBR 14.810:2006, where density, thickness swell (TS), absorption, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) in static bending and internal bond (IB) were determined. From the results, there was a decrease in TS and increase in MOR of coconut fiber panels with polyurethane resin panels compared with coconut fiber and resin urea-formaldehyde. Scanning microscopy electronic images (SEM) indicated that castor oil-based polyurethane adhesive occupies the gaps between the particles, a factor that contributes to improved physical and mechanical properties of the panels. The assessment of durability through accelerated aging tests shows that panels protected with waterproofing material can be used in environments that have contact with moisture. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study local rigidity and multiplicity of constant scalar curvature metrics in arbitrary products of compact manifolds. Using (equivariant) bifurcation theory we determine the existence of infinitely many metrics that are accumulation points of pairwise non-homothetic solutions of the Yamabe problem. Using local rigidity and some compactness results for solutions of the Yamabe problem, we also exhibit new examples of conformal classes (with positive Yamabe constant) for which uniqueness holds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Strain ST211CH, identified as a strain of Enterococcus faecium, isolated from Lombo produced a bacteriocin that inhibited the growth of Enterococcus spp., Listeria spp., Klebsiella spp., Lactobacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. The mode of action of the bacteriocin named as bacteriocin ST211Ch was bactericidal against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC19443. As determined by Tricine-SDS-PAGE, the approximate molecular mass of the bacteriocin was 8.0 kDa. Loss in antimicrobial activity was recorded after treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Maximum activity of bacteriocin ST211Ch was measured in broth cultures of E. faecium strain ST211Ch after 24 h; thereafter, the activity was reduced. Bacteriocin ST211Ch remained active after exposure to various temperatures and pHs, as well as to Triton X-100, Tween-80, Tween-20, sodium dodecyl sulfate, NaCl, urea and EDTA. Effect of media components on production of bacteriocin ST211Ch was also studied. On the basis of PCR reactions targeting different bacteriocin genes, i.e. enterocins, curvacins and sakacins, no evidences for the presence of these genes in the total DNA of E. faecium strain ST211Ch was obtained. The bacterium most probably produced a bacteriocin different from those mentioned above. Based on the antimicrobial spectrum, stability and mode of action of bacteriocin ST211CH, E. faecium strain ST211Ch might be considered as a potential candidate with beneficial properties for use in biopreservation to control food spoilage bacteria.
Little is known about the situational contexts in which individuals consume processed sources of dietary sugars. This study aimed to describe the situational contexts associated with the consumption of sweetened food and drink products in a Catholic Middle Eastern Canadian community. A two-stage exploratory sequential mixed-method design was employed with a rationale of triangulation. In stage 1 (n = 62), items and themes describing the situational contexts of sweetened food and drink product consumption were identified from semi-structured interviews and were used to develop the content for the Situational Context Instrument for Sweetened Product Consumption (SCISPC). Face validity, readability and cultural relevance of the instrument were assessed. In stage 2 (n = 192), a cross-sectional study was conducted and exploratory factor analysis was used to examine the structure of themes that emerged from the qualitative analysis as a means of furthering construct validation. The SCISPC reliability and predictive validity on the daily consumption of sweetened products were also assessed. In stage 1, six themes and 40-items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption emerged from the qualitative analysis and were used to construct the first draft of the SCISPC. In stage 2, factor analysis enabled the clarification and/or expansion of the instrument's initial thematic structure. The revised SCISPC has seven factors and 31 items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption. Initial validation of the instrument indicated it has excellent internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. Two factors of the SCISPC had predictive validity for the daily consumption of total sugar from sweetened products (Snacking and Energy demands) while the other factors (Socialization, Indulgence, Constraints, Visual Stimuli and Emotional needs) were rather associated to occasional consumption of these products.
Smoking crack cocaine involves the inhalation of cocaine and its pyrolysis product, anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME). Although there is evidence that cocaine is neurotoxic, the neurotoxicity of AEME has never been evaluated. AEME seems to have cholinergic agonist properties in the cardiovascular system; however, there are no reports on its effects in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the neurotoxicity of AEME and its possible cholinergic effects in rat primary hippocampal cell cultures that were exposed to different concentrations of AEME, cocaine, and a cocaineAEME combination. We also evaluated the involvement of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the neuronal death induced by these treatments using concomitant incubation of the cells with atropine. Neuronal injury was assessed using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. The results of the viability assays showed that AEME is a neurotoxic agent that has greater neurotoxic potential than cocaine after 24 and 48 h of exposure. We also showed that incubation for 48 h with a combination of both compounds in equipotent concentrations had an additive neurotoxic effect. Although both substances decreased cell viability in the MTT assay, only cocaine increased LDH release. Caspase-3 activity was increased after 3 and 6 h of incubation with 1mM cocaine and after 6 h of 0.1 and 1.0mM AEME exposure. Atropine prevented the AEME-induced neurotoxicity, which suggests that muscarinic cholinergic receptors are involved in AEME's effects. In addition, binding experiments confirmed that AEME has an affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors. Nevertheless, atropine was not able to prevent the neurotoxicity produced by cocaine and the cocaineAEME combination, suggesting that these treatments activated other neuronal death pathways. Our results suggest a higher risk for neurotoxicity after smoking crack cocaine than after cocaine use alone.
This article investigates the effect of product market liberalisation on employment allowing for interactions between policies and institutions in product and labour markets. Using panel data for OECD countries over the period 19802002, we present evidence that product market deregulation is more effective at the margin when labour market regulation is high. The data also suggest that product market liberalisation may promote employment-enhancing labour market reforms.
The aim of this paper is to study the feasibility of using cellulose fibers obtained from an agricultural waste, hemp core (Cannabis Sativa L), through different new environmental friendly cooking processes for fiber-cement production. The physical and mechanical properties of the fiber reinforced concrete, which depend on the nature and morphology of the fibers, matrix properties and the interactions between them, must be kept between the limits required for its application. Therefore, the morphology of the fibers and how its use affects the flocculation, retention and drainage processes in the fiber-cement manufacture, and the mechanical and physical properties of the fiber-cement product have been studied. The use of pulp obtained by means of the hemp core cooking in ethanolamine at 60% concentration at 180 degrees C during 90 min resulted in the highest solids retention and the best mechanical properties among the studied hemp core pulps. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we address the problem of defining the product mix in order to maximise a system's throughput. This problem is well known for being NP-Complete and therefore, most contributions to the topic focus on developing heuristics that are able to obtain good solutions for the problem in a short CPU time. In particular, constructive heuristics are available for the problem such as that by Fredendall and Lea, and by Aryanezhad and Komijan. We propose a new constructive heuristic based on the Theory of Constraints and the Knapsack Problem. The computational results indicate that the proposed heuristic yields better results than the existing heuristic.
On January 1 2008, Brazil included yet another element into its energy matrix: biodiesel. The predominant biodiesel production process involves a phase of transesterification that yields glycerol as a by-product. The use of this glycerol is limited since it is considered an unrefined raw material that must be refined for its various types of use. Several studies have addressed identification of possible uses for unrefined glycerol. Given the diversity of uses, an overview is necessary. The purpose of this work is to present alternatives currently being considered for the use of unrefined glycerol as a by-product of biodiesel production, aiming to contribute to the sustainable consolidation of the biofuel market. Exploratory research was carried out to identify these viable alternatives for the use of this by-product. The possibilities include the production of chemical products, fuel additives, production of hydrogen, development of fuel cells, ethanol or methanol production, animal feed, co-digestion and co-gasification, and waste treatment among others. The present research reveals that there are promising possibilities for the use of unrefined glycerol, which may help consolidate the sustainability of the biofuel market. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The absolute configuration and solution-state conformers of three peperomin-type secolignans isolated from Peperomia blanda (Piperaceae) are unambiguously determined by using vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy associated with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Advantages of VCD over the electronic form of CD for the analysis of diastereomers are also discussed. This work extends our growing knowledge about secondary metabolites within the Piperaceae family species while providing a definitive and straightforward method to assess the absolute stereochemistry of secolignans.
The rate of solvolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP) dianion in DMSO/water strongly decreases by increasing water concentration. Addition of linear alcohols (methanol, propanol, butanol, pentanol, and hexanol) at constant DMSO/water molar ratio produced an even sharper rate decrease. Alkyl phosphate formation, resulting from PNPP solvolysis in ternary DMSO/water/alcohol mixtures, increased with alcohol concentration and was essentially temperature independent. Methanol and hexanol were the poorest nucleophiles under all conditions. Activation energies and enthalpies for solvolysis in ternary mixtures were similar and entropies varied with alcohol concentration. Taken together these results can be best interpreted in terms of a dissociative mechanism with the intervention of metaphosphate. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.