986 resultados para hospital administration
Objectives: To retrospectively review the hybrid treatment of the aortic arch with supra-aortic debranching and endo- vascular stent-graft repair in a single institution. Methods: From 2007 to 2010, all patients submitted to aortic debranching procedures were entered into a prospective database analysis. For the present study, only patients with sealing zones 0 and 1, according to the Ishimaru classification, were included. Procedure-related morbimortality was analysed for the open and endovascular procedures. Results: During the study period, we electively performed 6 total aortic debranching and 4 partial aortic debranching procedures in 10 patients. According to the etiology the indications were: 6 aortic arch aneurysms, 2 post-dissection aneu- rysms, 1 false aneurysm and 1 type I endoleak following TEVAR. The proximal sealing zone was Ishimaru zone 0 in six patients and zone 1 in four patients. The TEVAR procedure was delayed in all patients with a completion success of 80% (1 patient died from ruptured aortic aneurysm; 1 patient denied the second procedure and was lost to follow-up). The 30d mortality rate was 10% (patient mentioned above). The main morbidity was: 1 axillar venous thrombosis, 1 case of subclinical myocardial infarction, 1 case of terminal renal insufficiency and 1 case of prolonged ventilation. No permanent cerebral or peripheral neurologic deficit was noted. Conclusions: The hybrid repair of the aortic arch is a feasible and reproducible procedure, and our results are similar to the previously published series. Medium and long-term results are necessary to confirm whether the technique can be regarded as a safe alternative to open surgery in high-risk patients.
SUMMARYThis study evaluated the applicability of kDNA-PCR as a prospective routine diagnosis method for American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) in patients from the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas (IIER), a reference center for infectious diseases in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. The kDNA-PCR method detected Leishmania DNA in 87.5% (112/128) of the clinically suspected ATL patients, while the traditional methods demonstrated the following percentages of positivity: 62.8% (49/78) for the Montenegro skin test, 61.8% (47/76) for direct investigation, and 19.3% (22/114) for in vitro culture. The molecular method was able to confirm the disease in samples considered negative or inconclusive by traditional laboratory methods, contributing to the final clinical diagnosis and therapy of ATL in this hospital. Thus, we strongly recommend the inclusion of kDNA-PCR amplification as an alternative diagnostic method for ATL, suggesting a new algorithm routine to be followed to help the diagnosis and treatment of ATL in IIER.
Introduction: C-reactive protein (CRP) and Bedside Index for Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) have been used in early risk assessment of patients with AP. Objectives: We evaluated prognostic accuracy of CRP at 24 hours after hospital admission (CRP24) for in-hospital mortality (IM) in AP individually and with BISAP. Materials and Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 134 patients with AP from a Portuguese hospital in 2009---2010. Prognostic accuracy assessment used area under receiver---operating characteristic curve (AUC), continuous net reclassification improvement (NRI), and integrated discrimination improvement (IDI). Results: Thirteen percent of patients had severe AP, 26% developed pancreatic necrosis, and 7% died during index hospital stay. AUCs for CRP24 and BISAP individually were 0.80 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.65---0.95) and 0.77 (95% CI 0.59---0.95), respectively. No patients with CRP24 <60 mg/l died (P = 0.027; negative predictive value 100% (95% CI 92.3---100%)). AUC for BISAP plus CRP24 was 0.81 (95% CI 0.65---0.97). Change in NRI nonevents (42.4%; 95% CI, 24.9---59.9%) resulted in positive overall NRI (31.3%; 95% CI, − 36.4% to 98.9%), but IDI nonevents was negligible (0.004; 95% CI, − 0.007 to 0.014). Conclusions: CRP24 revealed good prognostic accuracy for IM in AP; its main role may be the selection of lowest risk patients.
Objectivo: revisão de casos de colesteatoma em idade pediátrica do HFF durante um período de 12 anos. Desenho do estudo: retrospectivo. Material e métodos: análise de 30 casos de cirurgia para colesteatoma em doentes dos 0 - 18 anos de Janeiro de 2000 a Dezembro de 2011. Resultados: o colesteatoma inicial foi extenso na maioria dos casos. Realizou-se mastoidectomia com técnica aberta (66,7%), mastoidectomia com técnica fechada (26,7%), aticomia transmeática (3,3%) e remoção de colesteatoma da membrana timpânica (3,3%). O GAP pós-operatório médio foi de 22,5 dB, com GAP 0-10dB em 16,7%, GAP 11-20dB em 10%, GAP 21-30 dB em 30%, mais de 30dB em 16,7% e desconhecido em 26,7%. A taxa de recorrência de colesteatoma foi de 23,3% Conclusões: Na nossa amostra o colesteatoma foi extenso e agressivo. Realizámos mastoidectomia com técnica aberta na maioria dos casos. Para obter bons resultados a abordagem deverá ser individualizada, atendendo a factores clínicos, anatómicos e capacidade de adesão à terapêutica.
A metastização óssea para a cabeça e pescoço é rara. Em 20-35% dos casos, pode ser a primeira manifestação de uma neoplasia oculta. No caso específico do osso temporal, as metástases são originárias, mais frequentemente, da mama, pulmão, rim, próstata e estômago. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma doente, do sexo feminino, 71 anos, com Diagnóstico de Carcinoma Ductal tipo Cribiforme na mama esquerda, tendo sido submetida a mastectomia total, quimioterapia e radioterapia. À observação apresentava um quadro clínico de otalgia esquerda, associada a paralisia facial da hemiface ipsilateral, sem outros sintomas otológicos. Foi-lhe diagnosticada Otite Média Crónica agudizada, tendo sido medicada e pedida Tomografia Computorizada ao Ouvido Esquerdo, que demonstrou exuberante espessamento dos tecidos moles epicranianos temporo-parieto-occipitais à esquerda com extensão ao canal auditivo externo do mesmo lado. Por agravamento da sintomatologia, foi internada no Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia deste hospital para administração de terapêutica endovenosa, tendo-se admitido a hipótese diagnóstica de Otite Externa Maligna. Por manutenção do quadro, apesar de terapêutica optimizada, foi submetida a intervenção cirúrgica onde foi efectuada biopsia temporal, tendo sido diagnosticado lesão metastática por carcinoma invasivo da mama.
A banda gástrica é um método eficaz na obtenção da perda de peso, mas tem uma taxa de complicações a longo prazo que pode ser considerada elevada. Entre elas, a migração intragástrica é rara (0.6-10%) consiste na erosão da banda através da parede gástrica até ao lúmen por um processo de destruição e auto-regeneração com processo infeccioso mínimo. Neste trabalho analisamos os aspetos clínicos, analíticos e terapêuticos presentes em 24 doentes operados na nossa unidade para remoção de bandas migradas. Conclui-se que esta complicação exige com frequência uma terapêutica cirúrgica que é segura devendo favorecer-se a mudança de conceito e evolução de uma cirurgia restritiva (banda) parar cirurgia de absorção limitada ou técnica mista.
Background: Approximately 5% of the population donates blood each year in developed countries. Recruiting and maintaining a pool of altruistic and healthy blood donors is a challenging task. Blood donation as a dynamic process must naturally co-exist with the arguably essential deferrals. Aims: To analyse a 11-year cohort of donors and blood donations in order to determine the profile of the average donor and the typical donation. Characterize the donor’s population in terms of gender, age, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion and the possible relationships between them. Establish the tendency flow of donations per year. Methods: Analysis of 95861 blood donations from 31550 donors collected between 2000 and 2010 (11 years) in the Immunohemotherapy Department of the ‘‘Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central - Hospital de Sa˜o Jose´’’ (Lisboa, Portugal). Prior to blood donation, donors were required to fill out a form of informed consent, a questionnaire of 21 ‘‘yes or no’’ questions and were submitted to a clinical assessment and physical examination including: measurement of weight, blood pressure, pulse and capillary hemoglobin levels. Post-donation, the collected blood was tested for ALT elevation and blood-borne viral agents (HBV, HCV, HIV 1 and 2 and HTLV 1 and 2) and other infections (Treponema pallidum). Blood donors and donations were registered in a database and statistically studied in terms of: gender and age distribution, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion. The frequency of blood donations throughout the period of observation was analyzed and statistically significant relationships between the collected variables were investigated. Results: From the population of 31550 donors 61% were male and a mean age of 41.5 years (± 12.5 years) was found. From the total of 95682 blood donations collected 78% were successful while the most common causes for deferral were: donation incompatible hemoglobin levels (5% of the blood donations and 22% of deferrals), ALT elevation (3% and 14%), positive blood screening test for Treponema pallidum (1% and 6%), medication (1% and 4%), positive serological blood markers for HBV (1% and 4%), endoscopy in the previous 12 months (1% and 3%), arterial hypertension (1% and 3%), infectious conditions (1% and 3%), influenza or influenza-like symptoms (1% and 2%) and positive serological blood markers for HCV (1% and 2%). Summary/Conclusions: Several factors may have contributed to a limited number of new regular donors in the population, namely: ageing population, the alienation of the individual from the community induced by modern lifestyles and job precariousness. It is of the utmost importance to refine our blood donation campaigns according to the existing population of donors. The optimization of the blood donation potential of a population of donors must be achieved through the development of reliable and consistent screening methods. In order to appeal to new donors it is important to promote blood donations considering the profile of the regular and healthy blood donor of the existing population.
Candidemia remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the health care environment. The epidemiology of Candida infection is changing, mainly in relation to the number of episodes caused by species C. non-albicans. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of yeasts of the genus Candida, in a four-year period, isolated from blood of pediatric patients hospitalized in a public hospital of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In this period, yeasts from blood of 104 patients were isolated and, the identified species of Candida by phenotypic and genotypic methods were: C. albicans (39/104), C. tropicalis (25/104), C. parapsilosis (23/104), Pichia anomala (6/104), C. guilliermondii (5/104), C. krusei (3/104), C. glabrata (2/104) and C. pararugosa (1/104). During the period of the study, a higher frequency of isolates of C. non-albicans (63.55%) (p = 0.0286) was verified. In this study we verified the increase of the non-albicans species throughout the years (mainly in 2009 and 2010). Thus, considering the peculiarities presented by Candida species, a correct identification of species is recommended to lead to a faster diagnosis and an efficient treatment.
Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic protozoan found in Brazil. It is characterized by fever, pallor, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and progressive weakness in the patient. It may lead to death if untreated. The drug of choice for treatment is meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime®). The aim of this study was to evaluate patients with visceral leishmaniasis according to criteria used for diagnosis, possible reactions to Glucantime® and blood pressure measured before and after treatment. Methods: 89 patients admitted to the Teaching Hospital Dr. Hélvio Auto (HEHA) in Maceió-AL, in the period from May 2006 to December 2009 were evaluated. Data were collected on age, sex, origin, method of diagnosis, adverse effects of drugs, duration of hospitalization, duration of treatment and dosage up to the onset of adverse effects. Results: There was a predominance of child male patients, aged between one and five years old, from the interior of the State of Alagoas. Parasitological diagnosis was made by bone marrow aspirate; three (3.37%) patients died, 12 (13.48%) had adverse reactions and treatment was changed to amphotericin B, and 74 (83.14%) were cured. Changes that led to replacing Glucantime® were persistent fever, jaundice, rash, bleeding and cyanosis. Conclusion: During the study, 89 patients hospitalized for VL were analyzed: 74 were healed, 12 were replaced by amphotericin B treatment and three died. Most of them were under five years old, male and came from the interior. The dosage and duration of treatment with Glucantime® were consistent with that advocated by the Ministry of Health. Persistence of fever, jaundice, rash, cyanosis and bleeding were the reactions that led the physician to modify treatment. No change was observed in blood pressure before and after treatment. This study demonstrated the work of a hospital, a reference in the treatment of leishmaniasis, which has many patients demanding its services in this area. It demonstrates that this disease is still important today, and needs to be addressed properly to prevent injury and death due to the disease.
Os autores apresentam uma revisão de casos clínicos de crianças, do Serviço de Cirurgia Pediátrica do Hospital D. Estefânia (HDE), com o diagnóstico de divertículo da uretra (DU)num período compreendido entre 1999 e 2005. Foram encontradas 5 crianças com este diagnóstico, 4 do sexo masculino e uma do sexo feminino, com idades (na altura do diagnóstico) compreendidas entre 6º dia de vida e os 11 anos. As primeiras manifestações clínicas incluíam infecções urinárias de repetição, hidronefrose bilateral com alterações da função renal, diminuição da força e calibre do jacto urinário e hematúria total. O diagnóstico foi feito por uretrocistografia permiccional (UCGPM) em três casos e uretroscopiaemdois. Emtrês casos optou-se por ressecção da porção distal do divertículo. Noutra criança optou-se por espera vigilante, tendo-se efectuado uretrografias periódicas para verificar a variação de volume do díverticulo. A uretroplastia com retalho perineal foi opção terapêutica para uma criança com DU congénito volumoso e obstrução ao esvaziamento vesical muito grave. Quer nas crianças em que se optou pela espera vigilante, quer nas que foram submetidas a tratamento cirúrgico, os resultados foram, globalmente bons: todas as crianças foram capazes de urinar com jacto normal no pós-operatório imediato, a função renal retomou a normalidade nas crianças em que se verificava elevação pré-operatória dos níveis séricos de creatinina e todas as crianças se encontram assintomáticas desde há nove meses.
Resumo: Por intermédio deste estudo, pretendeu-se verificar qual a realidade em termos de analgesia e anestesia obstétricas na Maternidade do Hospital D. Estefânia, ao longo de 4 anos. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo no período entre Janeiro de 2005 e Dezembro de 2008. Foram avaliados a classificação ASA das parturientes, o número total de partos, o número de parturientes submetidas a técnicas locorregionais e suas complicações, número de cesarianas e a necessidade de conversão de técnica regional para anestesia geral. No período do estudo, houve um total de 8291 partos, maioritariamente em mulheres ASA I, dos quais 2643 foram cesarianas. A maioria das parturientes (77%) foi submetida a uma técnica locorregional, para analgesia de trabalho de parto ou anestesia para cesariana, com baixa taxa de complicações (2,9%) e com rara necessidade de conversão para anestesia geral (3,5%). As autoras concluiram que, na Maternidade do Hospital D. Estefânia, a epidural continua a ser a técnica gold standard para analgesia do trabalho de parto, com raras complicações e permitindo a fácil conversão para anestesia para cesariana.
The evaluation of workers as potential reservoirs and disseminators of pathogenic bacteria has been described as a strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity of workers at an oncology hospital in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as to characterize the phenotypic profile of the isolates. Saliva samples of 294 workers from the hospital’s healthcare and support teams were collected. Microbiological procedures were performed according to standard techniques. Among the participants, 55 (18.7%) were colonized by Enterobacteriaceae in the oral cavity. A total of 64 bacteria were isolated, including potentially pathogenic species. The most prevalent species was Enterobacter gergoviae (17.2%). The highest rates of resistance were observed for β-lactams, and 48.4% of the isolates were considered multiresistant. Regarding the enterobacteria isolated, the production of ESBL and KPC was negative. Nevertheless, among the 43 isolates of the CESP group, 51.2% were considered AmpC β-lactamase producers by induction, and 48.8% were hyper-producing mutants. The significant prevalence of carriers of Enterobacteriaceae and the phenotypic profile of the isolates represents a concern, especially due to the multiresistance and production of AmpC β-lactamases.