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A 200 m long marine pollen record from ODP Site 658 (21°N, 19°W) reveals cyclic fluctuations in vegetation and continental climate in northwestern Africa from 3.7 to 1.7 Ma. These cycles parallel oxygen isotope stages. Prior to 3.5 Ma, the distribution of tropical forests and mangrove swamps reached Cape Blanc, 5°N of the present distribution. Between 3.5 and 2.6 Ma, forests occurred at this latitude during irregular intervals and nearly disappeared afterwards. Likewise, a Saharan paleoriver flowed continuously until isotope Stage 134 (3.35 Ma). When river discharge ceased, wind transport of pollen grains prevailed over fluvial transport. Pollen indicators of trade winds gradually increased between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. A strong aridification of the climate of northwestern Africa occurred during isotope Stage 130 (3.26 Ma). Afterwards, humid conditions reestablised followed by another aridification around 2.7 Ma. Repetitive latitudinal shifts of vegetation zones ranging from wooded savanna to desert flora dominated for the first time between between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma as a response to the glacial stages 104, 100 and 98. Although climatic conditions, recorded in the Pliocene, were not as dry as those of the middle and Late Pleistocene, latitudinal vegetation shifts near the end of the Pliocene resembled those of the interglacial-glacial cycles of the Brunhes chron.
To address the connection between tropical African vegetation development and high-latitude climate change we present a high-resolution pollen record from ODP Site 1078 (off Angola) covering the period 50-10 ka BP. Although several tropical African vegetation and climate reconstructions indicate an impact of Heinrich Stadials (HSs) in Southern Hemisphere Africa, our vegetation record shows no response. Model simulations conducted with an Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity including a dynamical vegetation component provide one possible explanation. Because both precipitation and evaporation increased during HSs and their effects nearly cancelled each other, there was a negligible change in moisture supply. Consequently, the resulting climatic response to HSs might have been too weak to noticeably affect the vegetation composition in the study area. Our results also show that the response to HSs in southern tropical Africa neither equals nor mirrors the response to abrupt climate change in northern Africa.
Upper Berriasian to lower Aptian calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been studied from a siliciclastic deep-sea fan complex and a subjacent limestone sequence drilled beneath the lower continental rise in the western North American Basin, 270 miles (435 km) off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (USA). Sharp lithologic facies changes and reworking by turbidites complicate the biostratigraphic interpretation, but provide an excellent opportunity to better distinguish "nearshore" from open-ocean nannofossil species, and to investigate the introduction of neritic taxa into the deep-see environment, a phenomenon that appears to have been widespread within the circum-North Atlantic during Neocomian times. Well-preserved assemblages in dark, carbonaceous claystones were probably displaced from the oxygen minimum zone along the upper slope or outer shelf. Neritic, continental margin species prevalent in this facies include the holococcolith Zebrashapka vanhintei n. gen., n. sp., Lithraphidites alatus magnus n. spp., Pickelhaube furtiva n. gen., and a host of nannoconids and micrantholiths. A qualitative evaluation of widely used guide fossils suggests that the triad of proposed markers for the base of Roth's Zone NC3 make their first appearances in the following (ascending) order: Diadorhombus rectus, TUbodiscus verenae, Calcicalathina oblongata. Of these, we chose the nominative species for the zone, T. verenae, to mark its base and to approximate the Berriasian/Valangian boundary. Cyclagelosphaera deflandrei is strongly affected by diagenesis and is therefore not a reliable index species for the base of Zone NC4 near the Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary (the last occurrence of T. verenae is also not suitable there). In addition, Lithraphidites bollii, a form apparently confined to the low latitudes of the Tethyan region, was absent at the more temperate Site 603 and not available as a subzonal marker for the upper Hautervian-lower Barremian (mid-NC4 and mid-NC5, respectively). Cruciellipsis cuvillieri, however, provides a reliable datum just below the Hauterivian/Barremian boundary (base of NC5), despite the potential for reworking in this section. Nannoconids tend to be reworked in this section, and do not provide trustworthy forms to mark the Barremian/Aptian boundary (base of NC6). Hayesites irregularis n. comb, probably does provide a useful first appearance datum within the lower Aptian, if it is not confused with a more birefringent and globular form, Rucinolithus terebrodentarius n. sp. Rhagodiscus angustus is mimicked by a similar form (Zeughrabdotusl pseudoangustus n. sp.), which apparently ranges down to the Hauterivian, thus Lithastrinus floralis provides a more useful first appearance datum for the base of the middle-upper Aptian Rhagodiscus angustus Zone (NC7). Aside from the new taxa mentioned above, the following are also described: Cretarhabdusl delicatus n. sp. and Cyclagelosphaera jiangii n. sp.
In order to investigate a possible link between tropical Northeast (NE) Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST), Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel during the past 44 thousand years (kyr) we used alkenone paleothermometry and d13C of C. wuellerstorfi of a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal. Our data show periods of low SST and reduced AMOC that coincided with drought in the Sahel during North Atlantic Heinrich stadials (HS). The coldest period was HS1 (ca. 15-18 kyr before present, BP) when SST decreased by more than 2°C. Moreover, the SST off Senegal lagged variations in Sahel aridity, which is in agreement with results from a freshwater hosing experiment. We conclude that variations in tropical NE Atlantic SST were not the initial trigger of millennial-scale Sahel droughts of the past 44 kyr. Instead, it is thought that these droughts were induced by substantial coolings of the extratropical North Atlantic.
Hydrogen isotope values (dD) of sedimentary terrestrial leaf wax such as n-alkanes or n-acids have been used to map and understand past changes in rainfall amount in the tropics because dD of precipitation is commonly assumed as the first order controlling factor of leaf wax dD. Plant functional types and their photosynthetic pathways can also affect leaf wax dD but these biological effects are rarely taken into account in paleo studies relying on this rainfall proxy. To investigate how biological effects may influence dD values we here present a 37,000-year old record of dD and stable carbon isotopes (d13C) measured on four n-alkanes (n-C27, n-C29, n-C31, n-C33) from a marine sediment core collected off the Zambezi River mouth. Our paleo d13C records suggest that each individual n-alkanes had different C3/C4 proportional contributions. n-C29 was mostly derived from a C3 dicots (trees, shrubs and forbs) dominant vegetation throughout the entire record. In contrast, the longer chain n-C33 and n-C31 were mostly contributed by C4 grasses during the Glacial period but shifted to a mixture of C4 grasses and C3 dicots during the Holocene. Strong correlations between dD and d13C values of n-C33 (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.75, n = 58) and n-C31 (R2 = 0.48, n = 58) suggest that their dD values were strongly influenced by changes in the relative contributions of C3/C4 plant types in contrast to n-C29 (R2 = 0.07, n = 58). Within regions with variable C3/C4 input, we conclude that dD values of n-C29 are the most reliable and unbiased indicator for past changes in rainfall, and that dD and d13C values of n-C31 and n-C33 are sensitive to C3/C4 vegetation changes. Our results demonstrate that a robust interpretation of palaeohydrological data using n-alkane dD requires additional knowledge of regional vegetation changes from which nalkanes are synthesized, and that the combination of dD and d13C values of multiple n-alkanes can help to differentiate biological effects from those related to the hydrological cycle.
The deep-sea cores M 16415-2 and M 16416-2 at about 9°N off Sierra Leone were analysed palynologically for the time interval 140,000-70,000 yr B.P. Results were presented in absolute (pollen concentration and pollen influx) and relative diagrams (pollen percentage). In a previous study it was evidenced that in northwest Africa pollen is mainly transported to the Atlantic by wind, so that the efficiency of aeolian pollen transport (pollen flux) could be used to evaluate changes in the intensity of the northeast trade winds. The glacial episodes (represented by the oxygen isotope stages 6 and 4) are characterized by strong northeast trade winds, whereas the last interglacial (stage 5) is characterized by weak trade winds. The pollen influx diagram shows that the intensity of the trade winds increased slightly during the relatively cool intervals of stage 5 (viz. 5.4 and 5.2). Tropical forest had maximally expanded around 124,000 yr B.P. (stage 5.5), around 98,000 yr B.P. (transition of stage 5.3 to 5.2), and around 70,000 yr B.P. (first part of stage 4): an increasing delay of the response of tropical forest to global intervals with maximum temperature is apparent during the last interglacial. As tropical forests need continuous humidity, the record of tropical forest monitors changes in climatic humidity south of the Sahara. During the last interglacial, the southern boundary of the Sahara shifted only little: expansions and contractions of the tropical forest area are correlated with contra-oscillations of the grass-dominated savanna zone. Great latitudinal shifts of the desert savanna boundary, on the contrary, occurred during the penultimate glacial interglacial transition (around 128,000 yr B.P.) to the north, and during the last interglacial-glacial transition (around 65,000 yr B.P.) to the south.
Recovery of an essentially complete upper Maestrichtian/lower Paleocene interval on Maud Rise at 65 °S latitude in the Weddell Sea during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 marks the first time that this interval has been cored at these high latitudes. The entire interval was missing at all Falkland Plateau sites drilled during DSDP Legs 36 and 71. Maestrichtian nannofossil assemblages in sediments from Sites 689 and 690, therefore, provide the basis for a needed revision of Maestrichtian coccolith zonation schemes for high southern latitudes. Three zones and two new subzones are described: the uppermost Maestrichtian Nephrolithus frequens Zone, which is subdivided into the Cribrosphaerella daniae Subzone and the underlying N. corystus Subzone, and the Biscutum magnum and B. coronum Zones. A complete calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy based on the proposed scheme is given including a description of individual species abundance, preservation, and stratigraphic distribution. At this site, the southernmost carbonate site yet drilled by DSDP/ODP, it is evident that the Falkland Plateau Nannofossil Biogeographic Province can be extended to the margins of Antarctica. In addition, the biogeographic ranges of many calcareous nannofossils can likewise be extended. Last, we hypothesize that Nephrolithus frequens evolved from N. corystus prior to its dispersal to the lower latitudes where it is an important zonal marker. Three new taxa, Neocrepidolithus watkinsii n. sp., Nephrolithus frequens miniporus emend, n. comb, and Psyktosphaera firthii n. gen., n. sp. are described.
In order to understand the processes controlling organic carbon deposition (i.e., primary productivity vs. terrigenous supply) and their paleoceanographic significance, three sediment cores (PS2471, PS2474. and PS2476) from the Laptev Sea continental margin were investigated for their content and composition of organic carbon. The characterization of organic matter indudes the determination of buk parameters (hydrogen index values and C/N ratios) and the analysis of specific biomarkers (n-alaknes, fatty acids, alkenones, and pigments). Total organic carbon (TOC) values vary between 0.3 and 2%. In general, the organic matter from the Laptev Sea continental margin is dominated by terrigenous matter throughout. However. significant amounts of marine organic carbon occur. The turbidites, according to a still preliminary stratigraphy probably deposited during glacial Oxygen Isotope Stages 2 and 4, are characterized by maximum amounts of organic carbon of terrigenous origin. Marine organic carbon appears to show enhanced relative abundances in the Termination I (?) and early Holocene time intervals, as indicated by maximum amounts of short chain n-alkanes, short-chain fatty acids, and alkenones. The increased amounts of faity acids, however, may also have a freshwater origin due to increased river discharge at that time. The occurrence of alkenones is suggested to indicate an intensification of Atlantic water inflow along the Eurasian continental margin starting at that time. Oxygen Isotope Stage l accumutation rates of total organic carhon are 0.3, 0.17, and 0.02 C/cm**2/ky in cores PS2476, PS2474, and PS2471, respectively.
(Table 1) Occurrences of Epimeria georgiana species complex (Amphipoda) in the Weddel and Scotia Sea
DNA barcoding revealed four well-supported clades among amphipod specimens that keyed out to Epimeria georgiana Schellenberg, 1931, three clades with specimens from the southern Scotia Arc and one clade with specimens from the Weddell Sea. Detailed morphological investigations of sequenced specimens were conducted, through light and scanning electron microscopy. High magnification (500-2,000 fold) revealed features such as comb-scales on the first antenna and trich bearing pits on the fourth coxal plate to be similar for all specimens in the four clades. Consistent microstructure character differences in the Weddell Sea specimens combined with high genetic distances (COI divergence>20%) allowed the description of Epimeria angelikae, a species new to science. Specimens of E. georgiana in the other three COI clades from the Scotia Arc were morphologically indistinguishable. Representative specimens of clade A are also illustrated in detail. Our results on the high genetic divergences in epimeriid amphipods support the theory of the southern Scotia Arc being a centre of Antarctic diversification.
It has long been known that extreme changes in North African hydroclimate occurred during the late Pleistocene yet many discrepancies exist between sites regarding the timing, duration and abruptness of events such as Heinrich Stadial (HS) 1 and the African Humid Period (AHP). The hydroclimate history of the Nile River is of particular interest due to its lengthy human occupation history yet there are presently few continuous archives from the Nile River corridor, and pre-Holocene studies are rare. Here we present new organic and inorganic geochemical records of Nile Basin hydroclimate from an eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea sediment core spanning the past 28 ka BP. Our multi-proxy records reflect the fluctuating inputs of Blue Nile versus White Nile material to the EM Sea in response to gradual changes in local insolation and also capture abrupt hydroclimate events driven by remote climate forcings, such as HS1. We find strong evidence for extreme aridity within the Nile Basin evolving in two distinct phases during HS1, from 17.5 to 16 ka BP and from 16 to 14.5 ka BP, whereas peak wet conditions during the AHP are observed from 9 to 7 ka BP. We find that zonal movements of the Congo Air Boundary (CAB), and associated shifts in the dominant moisture source (Atlantic versus Indian Ocean moisture) to the Nile Basin, likely contributed to abrupt hydroclimate variability in northern East Africa during HS1 and the AHP as well as to non-linear behavior of hydroclimate proxies. We note that different proxies show variable gradual and abrupt responses to individual hydroclimate events, and thus might have different inherent sensitivities, which may be a factor contributing to the controversy surrounding the abruptness of past events such as the AHP. During the Late Pleistocene the Nile Basin experienced extreme hydroclimate fluctuations, which presumably impacted Paleolithic cultures residing along the Nile corridor.
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"The full account of the discovery and dating of the portraits, and the method of painting in coloured wax, is given in the volume on 'Roman portraits', recently published."--2d prelim. leaf.
CONTENTS.--vol. I, no. 1. Notes on Indian insect pests. 1889. no. 2. Notes on Indian economic entomology. 1889. no. 3. Silkworms in India. 1890. no. 4. Notes on Indian economic entomology. 1890.--vol. II, no. 1. Economic entomology. 1891. no. 2. The wild silk insects of India. 1891. no. 3. On white insect wax in India. 1891. no. 4. The locusts of Bengal, Madras, Assam, and Bombay. 1891. no. 5. [Economic entomology, etc.] 1891. no. 6. A conspectus of the insects which affect crops in India. 1893.--vol. III, no. 1-3. [Notes on Indian insect pests, etc.] 1893-94. no. 4. An account of the insects and mites which attack the tea plant in India. 1895. no. 5-6. [Entomological notes] 1894-96.--vol. IV-vol. VI, no. 1. [Notes on Indian insect pests] 1896-1903.