The late Pliocene pollen record of ODP Site 108-658 off Cape Blanc, Atlantic Ocean

Autoria(s): Leroy, Suzanne A G; Dupont, Lydie M

LATITUDE: 20.749200 * LONGITUDE: -18.580800 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-03-04T15:15:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1986-03-08T00:45:00




A 200 m long marine pollen record from ODP Site 658 (21°N, 19°W) reveals cyclic fluctuations in vegetation and continental climate in northwestern Africa from 3.7 to 1.7 Ma. These cycles parallel oxygen isotope stages. Prior to 3.5 Ma, the distribution of tropical forests and mangrove swamps reached Cape Blanc, 5°N of the present distribution. Between 3.5 and 2.6 Ma, forests occurred at this latitude during irregular intervals and nearly disappeared afterwards. Likewise, a Saharan paleoriver flowed continuously until isotope Stage 134 (3.35 Ma). When river discharge ceased, wind transport of pollen grains prevailed over fluvial transport. Pollen indicators of trade winds gradually increased between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. A strong aridification of the climate of northwestern Africa occurred during isotope Stage 130 (3.26 Ma). Afterwards, humid conditions reestablised followed by another aridification around 2.7 Ma. Repetitive latitudinal shifts of vegetation zones ranging from wooded savanna to desert flora dominated for the first time between between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma as a response to the glacial stages 104, 100 and 98. Although climatic conditions, recorded in the Pliocene, were not as dry as those of the middle and Late Pleistocene, latitudinal vegetation shifts near the end of the Pliocene resembled those of the interglacial-glacial cycles of the Brunhes chron.


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Supplement to: Leroy, Suzanne A G; Dupont, Lydie M (1994): Development of vegetation and continental aridity in northwestern Africa during the Late Pliocene: the pollen record of ODP 658. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 109(2-4), 295-316, doi:10.1016/0031-0182(94)90181-3

Palavras-Chave #108-658A; 108-658B; Abi; Abies; Acacia/Parkia; AcacPark; Acalypha; Acanteae; Acanthaceae; Afzelia; Agavaceae; Agavceae; Aizoaceae; Aizoeae; Alchornea; Aliae; Alismataceae; Allophyl; Allophylus; Aln; Alnus; Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae; Amphimas; Anthoceros; Antidesma-type; Antide-T; Aos; Aph; Araae; Araae.ud; Araliaceae; Araliaceae undifferentiated; Arecaceae; Arecceae; Artemisi; Artemisia (Africa); Asphodelus; AsteLigu; AsteTubu; Balanite; Balanites; Baphia-T; Baphia-type; Barleria; Berlin-T; Bet; Betula; Bignceae; Bignoniaceae; Blephari; Blepharis; Blighia-type; Blighi-T; Boerhavi; Boerhavia; Bombax; Boragina; Boraginaceae (Africa); Borass-T; Borassus-type; Borreria; Boscia-T; Boscia-type; Bosqueia; Boswelli; Boswellia; Bot; Botryococcus; Braae; Brassicaceae; Bridelia; Burkea; Butyrosp; Butyrospermum; Cadaba; Cag; Calamus; Calligonum; Calycobolus-type; Calyc-T; Canarias Sea; Canthium; Cap; Capparidaceae; Capparis; Car; Carpinus; Caryophyllaceae; Cassia-T; Cassia-type; Caylusea; Ced; Cedrus; Cel; Cela/Hipp; Celastraceae/Hippocrateaceae; Celtis; Centaure; Centaurea (Africa); Chen/Amar; Chrozophora; Chz; Cissus; Cistacea; Cistaceae (Africa); Cistus; Ciu; Cleome; Cnestis-type; Cnesti-T; Coffea-T; Coffea-type; Comb/Mela; Combretaceae/Melastomataceae; Commipho; Commiphora; Compositae Liguliflorae; Compositae Tubuliflorae; Convceae; Convolvulaceae (Africa); Cor; Corbicho; Corbichonia; Corchoru; Corchorus; Corylus; Counting, palynology; Cphae; Cppae; Crossopt; Crossopteryx; Crotalar; Crotalaria; Croton-T; Croton-type; Crudia-T; Crudia-type; Cuviera; Cypae.ud; Cyperaceae undifferentiated; Delonix; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Detarium; Dichrost; Dichrostachys cinerea; Diodia-T; Diodia-type; Diospyro; Diospyros; Dod.v; Dodonaea viscosa; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Drypetes molunduana; Drypmolu; Elaeguin; Elaeis guineensis; Entada-T; Entada-type; Eph; Eph.d-T; Eph.f-T; Ephedra; Ephedra distachya-type; Ephedra fragilis-type; Epilobium; Epl; Eriae.ud; Ericaceae undifferentiated; Ero; Erodium; Eucm; Eucommia; Euge/Syzy; Eugenia/Syzygium; Euphceae.ud; Euphorbiaceae undifferentiated; Euphorbia-type; Eup-T; Fag; Fagus; Fern spores; Filipendula; Flp; Fraxinus; Frx; Gaertner; Gaertnera; Geraniac; Geraniaceae (Africa); Grewia; Gymnocar; Gymnocarpos; Hel; Helianthemum; Helio; Heliotropium; Hibisc-T; Hibiscus-type; Hildebrandtia; Hildenbr; Hygrophila-type; Hygrop-T; Hymenoca; Hymenocardia; Hyph; Hyphaene; Hypoes-T; Hypoestes type; Icacina; Ilex cf. I. mitis; Ilexmiti; Indet; Indeterminata/varia; Indigofera-type; Indigo-T; Iodes; Iridaceae; Iridae; Isoberlinia-type; Ixora; Jam; Jasminum; Jatropha; Joides Resolution; Just/Mone; Justicia/Monechma; Kedrosti; Kedrostis; Lab; Label; Labiatae; Lannea; Leea; Leg108; Leucas; Lilae.ud; Liliaceae undifferentiated; Lophira; Lycopodi; Lycopodium (Africa); Macaranga-type; Macara-T; Maerua-T; Maerua-type; Mallotus; Malvacea; Malvaceae (Africa); Manilkar; Manilkara; Mark add; Marker, added; Marker, found; Mark found; Mimosoid; Mimosoideae; Mitracar; Mitracarpus; monolete; monopsil; monoverr; Morelia; Morelia senegalensis; Mor-T; Morus-type; Mussaend; Mussaenda; Myo; Myr; Myrica; Myriophyllum; Nauc/Mitr; Nauclea/Mitragyna; Neurada; Nit; Nitraria; Nyctaginaceae; Nyctceae; Nym; Nymphaea; Ocean Drilling Program; Ochnaceae; Ochnceae; ODP; ODP sample designation; Ole; Olea; Oleaceae; Oleaceae (Africa); Oph; Ophioglossum; Ormocarp; Ormocarpum; Papilion; Papilionoideae; Paramacr; Paramacrolobium; Parinari; Paronychia; Pavetta; Pcarpaea-T; Pdi; Pediastrum; Peris; Peristrophe; Pes; Petersia; Petersianthus macrocarpus; Phi; Phillyrea; Phoenix; Phyllant; Phyllanthus; Phytceae; Phytolacaceae; Pic; Picea; Piliosti; Piliostigma; Pin;; Pinaceae; Pinaceae cf. Cathaya; Pinae; Pinus; Pla; Pla.m-T; Plantago; Plantago maritima-type; Pluae.ud; Plumbaginaceae undifferentiated; Poac.ud; Poaceae undifferentiated; Poa-T; Pod; Podocarpus; Pol.i-T; Pollen tot; Pollen total; Polycarpaea-type; Polycarpon; Polygala-type; Polygonum aviculare-type; Polygonum senegalense-type; Polyse-T; Pon; Pontceae; Ponteridaceae; Potamoge; Potamogeton (Africa); Protea; Pry; Pte; Pteris; Pterocar; Pterocarpus; Pterocarya; Pycnanth; Pycnanthus; Que; Quercus; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Rauvolfi; Rauvolfia; Rhamnaceae.ud; Rhamnaceae undifferentiated; Rhiz; Rhizophora; Rhus-type; Rhu-T; Rhynchosia-type; Rhynch-T; Ric; Riccia; Rosaceae (Africa); Rosae; Rubae-T; Rubea.m; Rubiaceae monade; Rubiaceae tetrade; Rubiaceae-type; Rubtetra; Rum; Rumex; Rutaceae; Rutae; Sabicea; Sag; Sagina; Sal.che; Salix cf. Salix chevalieri; Salvador; Salvadora persica; Sample code/label; San.m; Sanguisorba minor; Sapium-T; Sapium-type; Sapo/Meli; Sapotaceae/Meliaceae; Schreber; Schrebera; Securine; Securinega; Sel; Selaginella; Sesbania-type; Sesban-T; Sherbour; Sherbournea; Solanum-T; Solanum-type; Sph; Sphagnum; Spondian; Spondianthus; Spores, monolete; Spores, monolete psilate; Spores, monolete verrucate; Spores, trilete; Spores, trilete psilate; Sporomorphes, reworked; Sporom rew; Sterculia-type; Stercu-T; Stipular; Stipularia africana; Sym; Symphytum; Tama/Cryp; Tamarindus/Cryptosepalum; Tamarix; Tamarix (Africa); Tephrosi; Tephrosia; Tetraploa aristata conidia; Tetraris; Tetrorch; Tetrorchidium; Teu; Teucrium; Thyae; Thymelaeaceae; Til; Tilia; Tribulus; Trichili; Trichilia; trilete spores; trilpsil; Tsu; Tsuga; Tus; Typ.a-T; Typ.l; Typha angustifolia-type; Typha latifolia; Uapaca; Ulm; Ulmus; Umb; Umbelliferae; Vigna; Virectar; Virectaria; Vitaceae; Vitaceae (Africa); Vol; Volume; Zanthoxy; Zanthoxylum; Zyg; Zygo/Pega; Zygophyllum; Zygophyllum/Peganum
