Organic and inorganic geochemical measurements of sediment core GeoB7702-3

Autoria(s): Castañeda, Isla S; Schouten, Stefan; Pätzold, Jürgen; Lucassen, Friedrich; Kasemann, Simone A; Kuhlmann, Holger; Schefuß, Enno

LATITUDE: 31.651667 * LONGITUDE: 34.066667 * DATE/TIME START: 2002-02-12T11:02:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2002-02-12T11:02:00




It has long been known that extreme changes in North African hydroclimate occurred during the late Pleistocene yet many discrepancies exist between sites regarding the timing, duration and abruptness of events such as Heinrich Stadial (HS) 1 and the African Humid Period (AHP). The hydroclimate history of the Nile River is of particular interest due to its lengthy human occupation history yet there are presently few continuous archives from the Nile River corridor, and pre-Holocene studies are rare. Here we present new organic and inorganic geochemical records of Nile Basin hydroclimate from an eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea sediment core spanning the past 28 ka BP. Our multi-proxy records reflect the fluctuating inputs of Blue Nile versus White Nile material to the EM Sea in response to gradual changes in local insolation and also capture abrupt hydroclimate events driven by remote climate forcings, such as HS1. We find strong evidence for extreme aridity within the Nile Basin evolving in two distinct phases during HS1, from 17.5 to 16 ka BP and from 16 to 14.5 ka BP, whereas peak wet conditions during the AHP are observed from 9 to 7 ka BP. We find that zonal movements of the Congo Air Boundary (CAB), and associated shifts in the dominant moisture source (Atlantic versus Indian Ocean moisture) to the Nile Basin, likely contributed to abrupt hydroclimate variability in northern East Africa during HS1 and the AHP as well as to non-linear behavior of hydroclimate proxies. We note that different proxies show variable gradual and abrupt responses to individual hydroclimate events, and thus might have different inherent sensitivities, which may be a factor contributing to the controversy surrounding the abruptness of past events such as the AHP. During the Late Pleistocene the Nile Basin experienced extreme hydroclimate fluctuations, which presumably impacted Paleolithic cultures residing along the Nile corridor.


application/zip, 4 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Castañeda, Isla S; Schouten, Stefan; Pätzold, Jürgen; Lucassen, Friedrich; Kasemann, Simone A; Kuhlmann, Holger; Schefuß, Enno (2016): Hydroclimate variability in the Nile River Basin during the past 28,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 438, 47-56, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.12.014

Palavras-Chave #206Pb/204Pb; 207Pb/204Pb; 208Pb/204Pb; 87Sr/86Sr; Age; AGE; Bartington MS2F point sensor; Branched GDGTs; C31 d13C; C31 d13C std dev; C31 dD; C31 dD std dev; CBT; CBT, Branched GDGTs; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; Cyclization ratio of branched tetraethers; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; e-Nd; epsilon-Neodymium; Fe/Al; Iron/Aluminium ratio; Lead 206/Lead 204 ratio; Lead 207/Lead 204 ratio; Lead 208/Lead 204 ratio; Leaf wax carbon isotopes; Leaf wax carbon isotopes, vs. VPDB; Leaf wax deuterium isotopes; Leaf wax deuterium isotopes, vs. VSMOW; Leaf wax deuterium isotopes, vs. VSMOW, ice volume corrected; MAAT; Magnetic susceptibility; MAGS; MARUM; MBT'; MBT', Branched GDGTs; Methylation index of dominant branched tetraethers; n-Alkane C31, d13C; n-Alkane C31, d13C, standard deviation; n-Alkane C31, dD; n-Alkane C31, dD, standard deviation; pH; Standard deviation; Std dev; Strontium 87/Strontium 86 ratio; Temperature, air, annual mean; Thermo Trace GC - Finnigan MAT 252 (GC/IR-MS); Thermo Trace GC - Thermo Fischer MAT 253 (GC/IR-MS); Ti/Ca; Titanium/Calcium ratio
