651 resultados para Thing
A ligeireza com que a tecnologia se desenvolve e a concorrência geral que se estabeleceram nos últimos anos na nossa sociedade, conduzem a uma exigência crescente de cidadãos mais capazes, criadores e inovadores. A sedução e o fascínio causados por essa mesma tecnologia nos jovens estudantes levam a uma distância frequentemente da sala de aula, sempre que esta persiste em resistir às mudanças do exterior. O importante é que haja uma articulação entre as preferências e as capacidades dos estudantes, em relação à tecnologia, através de práticas pedagógicas que permitam um “saber ensinar” mais aliciante e que despertem o interesse intelectual e a desejo para aprender. Este projecto centrou-se na pesquisa do e-Portefólio reflexivo e na contribuição das potencialidades do software Mahara para uma aprendizagem activa e reflexiva. Optamos por esta temática por ser a que melhor se adequa às necessidades/especificidades dos nossos alunos, e porque o Mahara permite que cada autor controle a informação (artefactos) que deseja conter no seu e-portefólio e partilhar com os outros usuários, o que o torna diferente de outros softwares de e-portefólios.
Secure transmission of bulk data is of interest to many content providers. A commercially-viable distribution of content requires technology to prevent unauthorised access. Encryption tools are powerful, but have a performance cost. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Two technical solutions make it possible to perform bulk transmissions while retaining security without too high a performance overhead. These are: 1. a) hierarchical encryption - the stronger the encryption, the harder it is to break but also the more computationally expensive it is. A hierarchical approach to key exchange means that simple and relatively weak encryption and keys are used to encrypt small chunks of data, for example 10 seconds of video. Each chunk has its own key. New keys for this bottom-level encryption are exchanged using a slightly stronger encryption, for example a whole-video key could govern the exchange of the 10-second chunk keys. At a higher level again, there could be daily or weekly keys, securing the exchange of whole-video keys, and at a yet higher level, a subscriber key could govern the exchange of weekly keys. At higher levels, the encryption becomes stronger but is used less frequently, so that the overall computational cost is minimal. The main observation is that the value of each encrypted item determines the strength of the key used to secure it. 2. b) non-symbolic fragmentation with signal diversity - communications are usually assumed to be sent over a single communications medium, and the data to have been encrypted and/or partitioned in whole-symbol packets. Network and path diversity break up a file or data stream into fragments which are then sent over many different channels, either in the same network or different networks. For example, a message could be transmitted partly over the phone network and partly via satellite. While TCP/IP does a similar thing in sending different packets over different paths, this is done for load-balancing purposes and is invisible to the end application. Network and path diversity deliberately introduce the same principle as a secure communications mechanism - an eavesdropper would need to intercept not just one transmission path but all paths used. Non-symbolic fragmentation of data is also introduced to further confuse any intercepted stream of data. This involves breaking up data into bit strings which are subsequently disordered prior to transmission. Even if all transmissions were intercepted, the cryptanalyst still needs to determine fragment boundaries and correctly order them. These two solutions depart from the usual idea of data encryption. Hierarchical encryption is an extension of the combined encryption of systems such as PGP but with the distinction that the strength of encryption at each level is determined by the "value" of the data being transmitted. Non- symbolic fragmentation suppresses or destroys bit patterns in the transmitted data in what is essentially a bit-level transposition cipher but with unpredictable irregularly-sized fragments. Both technologies have applications outside the commercial and can be used in conjunction with other forms of encryption, being functionally orthogonal.
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well
Capacity analysis using simulation is not a new thing in literature. Most of the development process of UMTS standardization have used simulation tools; however, we thing that the use of GIS planning tools and matrix manipulation capacity of MATLAB can show us different scenarios and make a more realistic analysis. Some work is been doing in COST 273 in order to have more realistic scenarios for UMTS planning. Our work initially was centered in uplink analysis, but we are now working in downlink analysis, specifically in two areas: capacity in number of users for RT and NRT services, and Node B power. In this work we will show results for up-link capacity and some results for downlink capacity and BS power consumption.
La significación de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) o empresa socialmente responsable (RSE) ha pasado de ser un concepto abstracto y mal entendido, a ser un apellido que otorga prestigio a las empresas que deciden adoptarlo. Las empresas han adoptado y adaptado esta concepción con el objetivo de seguir lucrándose con sus actividades empresariales, pero poseyendo un argumento perfecto para venderse ante una sociedad cada vez mejor educada en temas sociales y medioambientales: ser socialmente responsable o, lo que es lo mismo, buena con el entorno más próximo que le rodea y en el que crece.Se puede afirmar que una empresa es socialmente responsable cuando su modelo de actuación promueve el desarrollo de prácticas transparentes en el foro interno y externo de la empresa, marco de actuación que no solo se limita al área de confort de la organización sino a un saber hacer ético. Los códigos éticos y corporativos deben ser accesibles y comunicados correctamente ante todos los públicos de una empresa. El objetivo de este estudio se centra en analizar la relación existente entre la Ética y la RSC, ya que ambas deben ser inseparables en la construcción del eje transversal que recorre la estrategia organizacional. Se desarrolla una metodología de tipo cualitativo, justificado por el enfoque conceptual-teórico desde el punto de vista social, cultural y económico del tema objeto de estudio.
La estrategia didáctica praccis busca traducir dialógicamente algo extraño en el mundo de las ciencias, en algo cercano o quizá propio, en el mundo de la vida. Lo científico, lo extraño son los resultados de la investigación sobre la productividad en la ciénaga de Ayapel, Colombia, que es mediado por la estrategia didáctica praccis, para facilitar la circulación del conocimiento. Esta investigación está configurada en cuatro partes: una primera, que expone rigurosamente cómo es la productividad en la ciénaga de Ayapel; una segunda, donde se describen los postulados de la estrategia praccis; una tercera, donde se explica cómo se construye la estrategia didáctica con los conocimientos sobre la productividad de la ciénaga, y una cuarta, donde se muestra cómo se aplicó la estrategia que dio como el resultado la aceptación entre los pobladores de Ayapel, del establecimiento de la relación entre los campos semánticos y los eslabones de la estrategia praccis.
A primeira coisa em que se pensa quando se se debruça sobre um texto, à partida, classificado como humorístico, é qual o seu objectivo, quer dizer, qual é o dispositivo que faz espoletar no leitor aquele mecanismo pelo qual se desencadeia o riso? É um dispositivo aplicado de propósito? Não só, esse dispositivo que espoleta o humor é linguisticamente unidirecional, ou seja, visa apenas uma língua – aquela em que o texto foi escrito – ou permite uma abertura para outros contextos linguístico-culturais?
O cinema, desde o seu início, teve uma constante necessidade de se promover. Os filmes, para além de serem um produto cultural, são também um produto que necessita de rentabilidade, tornando fulcral uma receita adequada de bilhetes vendidos para garantir retorno no dinheiro gasto à produção dos mesmos. Sendo assim, os filmes exibidos em salas de cinema são anunciados semanas ou até meses antes da sua estreia, criando, desta forma, complexas campanhas de marketing e publicidade de forma a garantir que o maior número de pessoas tome conhecimento da sua existência. No presente projeto procura-se conhecer e compreender os fatores determinantes na frequência de ida às salas de cinema, tendo como objetivo principal analisar a promoção de cinema, cada um dos meios de divulgação cinematográficos e o seu respetivo papel comunicativo, na tentativa de se perceber de que forma estes se destacam em modos promocionais, incentivando o consumidor a visionar um filme numa sala de cinema. O estudo desenvolveu-se através de uma análise conceptual teórica da promoção e consumo de cinema, dos seus respetivos meios de divulgação, e da utilização de uma abordagem quantitativa que consistiu na análise e interpretação dos resultados de um questionário que contou com a participação de 380 sujeitos. O questionário procurou compreender os hábitos de obtenção de informação cinematográfica dos inquiridos, bem como os fatores que os influenciam a ver filmes nas salas de cinema e os meios de divulgação que mais impacto causam nas suas preferências. A análise dos dados recolhidos revela que existe uma ligação entre a ida às salas de cinema e a ideia da crescente falta de tempo das pessoas, associada ao reduzido poder de compra. Já no que se refere aos fatores e meios de divulgação determinantes na escolha de filmes, os participantes destacaram a Internet e o “bocaa- boca” como principais influenciadores. Os resultados alcançados sugerem assim tendências que devem ser consideradas na implementação de uma estratégia cuja intenção seja a do aumento da frequência da ida às salas de cinema.
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that deals with location to support better representations and decision making. It has a long tradition in several planning areas, such as urbanism, environment, riskiness, transportation, archeology or tourism. In academics context higher education has followed that evolution. Despite of their potentialities in education, GIS technologies at the elementary and secondary have been underused. Empowering graduates to learn with GIS and to manipulate spatial data can effectively facilitate the teaching of critical thinking. Likewise it has been recognized that GIS tools can be incorporated as an interdisciplinary pedagogical tool. Nevertheless more practical examples on how GIS tools can enhance teaching and learning process, namely to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The proposed paper presents some results obtained from the project “Each thing in its place: the science in time and space”. This project results from the effort of three professors of Geography, History and Natural Sciences in the context of Didactics of World Knowledge curricular unit to enhance interdisciplinarity through Geographic Information Technologies (GIT). Implemented during the last three years this action-research project developed the research practice using GIS to create an interdisciplinary attitude in the future primary education teachers. More than teaching GIS the authors were focused on teaching with GIS to create an integrated vision where spatial data representation linked the space, the time and natural sciences. Accumulated experience reveals that those technologies can motivate students to learn and facilitating teacher’s interdisciplinary work.
Es abundante la bibliografía de estudios regionales de Antioquia que hacen referencia al auge y desarrollo de su comercio en el siglo XIX y de su industrialización en las tres primeras décadas del siglo XX. Se trata de un amplio abanico de investigaciones referido a la cosa comercial, industrial y empresarial. Parece un asunto agotado. Arriesgaremos a mirar un tema poco tratado: el lujo y el confort; ello desde la filosofía fenomenológica para los años en mención. Lo primero que hay que decir es que el lujo trata de un asunto moral y material, el cual presentamos como una tragedia melancólica en dos actos.
Means to automate the fact replace the man in their job functions for a man and machines automatic mechanism, ie documentary specialists in computer and computers are the cornerstone of any modern system of documentation and information. From this point of view immediately raises the problem of deciding what resources should be applied to solve the specific problem in each specific case. We will not let alone to propose quick fixes or recipes in order to decide what to do in any case. The solution depends on repeat for each particular problem. What we want is to move some points that can serve as a basis for reflection to help find the best solution possible, once the problem is defined correctly. The first thing to do before starting any automated system project is to define exactly the domain you want to cover and assess with greater precision possible importance.
There are ores of clay in Piauí State that are used for red structural ceramics, which are naturally contaminated with calcareous vein. This is one thing that impedes its exploration in an adequate way, especially for tile production. The present work aims at verifying the influence of the calcareous contents in the technological structural ceramics area, seeking to determine a maximum permissible calcareous proportion/contents in the ceramic mass using the patterns of the local industry production. For the consecution of this paper, it was characterized the clay and calcareous material by FRX, DRX, TGA and DTA. It was also configurated by extrusion and burnt in the temperatures of 850°C, 900°C, 950°C and 1000°C pieces of the corpus with 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% of calcareous proportion. After that, it was carried out technological samples of linear retraction, water absortion, apparent porosity, specific apparent mass and mechanic resistance. The results showed the possibility of using calcareous in the ceramic mass and in some cases the technological properties got better
What is one thing in the world that we have little control over? Mother Nature. We as humans have tried to alter our natural environment countless times, and she has fought back twice as strong, leaving trails of devastation behind. The number of natural disasters has drastically increased, especially in the Southeast Asian region. The aftermath of a tsunami has left a large number of people homeless and lives forever changed. The current recovery process is chaotic and leaves affected individuals stranded without the means of rebuilding for long periods of time. This thesis aims to re-evaluate the recovery relief procedures and provide a better means of rebuilding their lives and community.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2016.