973 resultados para Span-by-span method
Objetivou-se com este trabalho o fornecimento de informações sobre o padrão de secreção da progesterona (P4) e as características de manifestação do ciclo estral em borregas lanadas e deslanadas, durante o período de abril a novembro, no Estado de São Paulo. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas da veia jugular de 12 borregas das raças Santa Inês (SI), Romney Marsh (RM) e Suffolk (SU), e as concentrações foram determinadas pelo método de radioimunoensaio utilizando-se kits comerciais. O estro foi detectado por machos vasectomizados (impregnados com tinta pó xadrez + óleo comestível na região peitoral) em 31 borregas (10 SI, 11 RM e 10 SU). O estro foi determinado pelo confronto da observação de fêmeas marcadas pelos machos vasectomizados e dos valores de concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona inferiores a 1 ng/mL. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos ciclos estrais foi de duração normal (14 - 19 dias) para todas as raças. A duração dos ciclos de duração normal das borregas SU foi inferior aos das borregas SI e RM, as quais não diferiram entre si. Não houve diferença entre as raças na duração dos ciclos curtos (< 14 dias) e longos (20 - 26 dias). O padrão de secreção de P4 mostrou a presença de ciclos estrais múltiplos (27 - 57 dias) indicando a incidência de ovulações silenciosas. As borregas SI encontravam-se em atividade cíclica reprodutiva apresentando valores que variaram de 0,08 a 7,36 ng/mL, enquanto que as raças RM e SU encontravam-se em atividade somente no período de abril a julho com valores que variaram de 0,13 a 7,05 ng/mL e de 0,15 a 7,30 ng/mL, respectivamente. de agosto a novembro, estas duas raças encontravam-se em anestro. Conclui-se que, em São Paulo, a raça SI não possui estacionalidade no ciclo reprodutivo como as raças RM e SU.
Cinco éguas mestiças (idade e peso corporal médios de seis anos e 480 kg PV) foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino para se e avaliar a utilização de dietas contendo grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados) em substituição ao milho na alimentação de eqüinos, por meio do ensaio de avaliação do trânsito gastrintestinal e da digestibilidade. Os tratamentos consistiram de três níveis de grãos de triticale em substituição aos grãos de milho (0, 50 e 100%) e duas formas de conservação dos grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados). As dietas foram isoprotéicas (12,5% PB), com ingestão diária de MS pelos animais de 2,0% PV (relação volumoso : concentrado de 50:50). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa) da MS, MO, PB e FDN foram determinados indiretamente. Os parâmetros de trânsito gastrintestinal avaliados foram: k1 (taxa de passagem pelo intestino grosso), k2 (taxa de passagem pelo estômago), TT (tempo de trânsito), TMR (tempo médio de retenção) e TMRT (tempo médio de retenção total). Não houve diferença para os CDa da MS, MO, PB e FDN entre as dietas experimentais, observando-se valores médios de 64,31; 65,14; 74,13 e 57,25%, respectivamente. Considerando-se a cinética das fases sólida e líquida, notou-se efeito somente para k2 na fase sólida da digesta, cujo valor nas rações contendo 100% de triticale (seco ou ensilado) foi de 19,63%/h e na dieta controle (0% de triticale), de 23,72%/h. Observou-se efeito linear crescente para o TT na fase sólida da digesta, com a elevação dos níveis de substituição dos grãos de milho pelos grãos de triticale ensilados. Concluiu-se que os concentrados para eqüinos podem ser formulados com grãos de triticale secos ou ensilados em substituição total ao milho. A inclusão de grãos de triticale na alimentação desta espécie animal promoveu trânsito lento da fase sólida da digesta.
Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar a concentração espermática das espécies dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), cascudo-preto (Rhinelepis aspera) e tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) pelo método de espermatócrito. Utilizaram-se 19, 58, 51, 43 e 85 reprodutores de dourado, curimba, jundiá, cascudo-preto e tilápia-do-nilo, respectivamente. Com exceção da tilápia-do-nilo, os reprodutores foram submetidos ao processo de indução hormonal e posteriormente submetidos a coleta de sêmen. Foram comparadas as técnicas de mensuração da concentração espermática do sêmen por contagem em câmara hematimétrica de Neubauer e por espermatócrito. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de regressão a 5% de probabilidade. As concentrações espermáticas mensuradas por ambas as técnicas apresentaram relação linear, para curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo, com equações y = 6,6624 × 10(9) + 3,68553 × 10(8)x; y = 2,153 × 10(9) + 4,426 × 10(8)x e y = -9,0897 × 10(8) + 6,0167 × 10(8), respectivamente. O método de espermatócrito pode ser utilizado para estimar a concentração espermática do sêmen de curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo.
Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are currently used for various dental applications such as luting cements or as restorative materials. The calcium fluoro-alumino-silicate system is the basis for degradable glasses used to obtain the GICs. The purpose of the present paper is to add niobium to conventional glass system because according to previous papers niobium addition improves the chemical resistance and the mechanical properties of glasses. Therefore, the GICs prepared from these glasses would result in cements with higher chemical and mechanical resistance. The niobium fluoride powders were prepared using the sol-gel process and were characterized by X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and Al-27 and Si-29 MAS NMR. The results obtained by XRD showed that the powders prepared by this method are glass-ceramic. In the DTA curve was detected the presence of T-g and T-c temperatures. The analysis of MAS NMR spectra indicated that the framework of the powders is formed by SiO4 and AlO4 linked tetrahedra which are essential structures to yield the cements. Thus, we concluded that niobium fluoride silicate powders can be used in the preparation of GICs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of the paper is to report research carried out over two years aiming at developing a framework to support the management of manufacturing organizations for whom reducing throughput time is strategically important, either because they compete based on short lead times or because they choose to pursue other objectives such as cost reduction by means of reducing their manufacturing cycle times. A step-by-step method is proposed based on the analyses of a number of Brazilian best practice cases (all manufacturing companies and all part of large multi-national corporations) and on the relevant literature.
The first diagnosis of botulism in cattle in Brazil and it's epizootiology are reviewed. The high prevalence of the disease raised on phosphorus deficient pastures in Savanna regions has caused severe economic losses in the past.The temperature induced microcomplement fixation test (TIMCF) confirmed the clinical-pathological diagnosis in all of the 24 cases studied by this method.The most important reason why botulism has not been controlled satisfactorily in Brazil is the lack of an available effective vaccine (type C and D). Additional prophylactic measures are phosphorus supplementation and removal of carcasses from the pasture.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A series of studies was conducted to establish a methodology for the accurate and efficient determination of betaine in different feed ingredients. The final methodology involves an extraction step in which the feed sample is heated for 3h in a methanolic KOH solution using a Goldfisch apparatus. Impurities are removed by the addition of activated charcoal and concentrated (36%) HCl. After centrifugation the extractant is passed through a strong cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X12, H+). The betaine retained in the column is eluted with 1.5 N HCl. A 2 nil aliquot of the elute is air dried and reconstituted with 1 ml of deionised water. HPLC separation with a cation exchange column (Partisil SCX-10) is used for the separation of betaine from other compounds. The mobile phase is kept constant at 50mm KH2PO4 in water, and eluted compounds are detected by UV absorbance (200nm). The flow rate is maintained at 1.5ml min(-1). This assay is very accurate over the range of betaine concentrations from 15 to 650 mug ml(-1), with a lower detection limit in feeds of approximately 500 mug g(-1) when 4g of sample is extracted. Recovery assays done with standard betaine hydrochloride and hard red wheat resulted in a consistent recovery of 80%. Betaine content was quantified in several feed ingredients, including alfalfa (1.77 mg kg(-1)), wheat (3.96 mg kg(-1)), wheat middlings (4.98 mg kg(-1)) and poultry meal (0.77 mg kg(-1)). Betaine in corn and soybean meal was not detectable by this method, even when 16g of sample was used (<125 mg kg(-1)). Betaine present in several feed ingredients should influence choline supplementation to animal feeds and may have implications for human health. (C) 2002 Society of Chemical Industry.
The bacterial wilt caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens is currently considered one of the most important bacterial bean disease in Brazil. One of the most effective control methods against this disease is the use of healthy seeds. However, no methods are known that could be routinely used to detect this bacterium in bean seeds under Brazilian condition. The aim of this work was to evaluate qualitative and quantitative detection methods for Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in naturally-infected bean seeds, and the detection of this pathogen in thirty bean seed samples, by sowing onto a semi- selective culture medium the leachate obtained from soaked bean seeds. Both the qualitative and quantitative methods were effective for detecting the presence of the bacteria in the seeds samples analysed. The qualitative method proved more practical for rotine use; of the thirty bean seed samples analyzed by this method, fifty percent were infected with Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens.
In this work, we report the synthesis of titanium oxide nanocrystals, especially the rutile TiO2 phase with nanorod morphology, by a method based on peroxotitanium complex decomposition. The results indicate that the anisotropic morphology reported for rutile TiO2 nanocrystals is related to the oriented attachment process. Despite the predominance of rutile nanocrystals at longer treatment times, the nanocrystals were obtained also in the anatase type, according to the degradation time adopted. XANES results evidenced the absence of structural correlation between the peroxytitanium complex and phase evolution, and the coexistence of the two phases strongly suggests a correlation of the oriented attachment mechanism and the rutile phase stabilization.
The AlMCM-41 material with Si/Al=50 was synthesized by hydrothermal method, using cethyltrimethylammonium as template. The protonic H-AlMCM-41 acid form was obtained by ion exchange with ammonium chloride solution and subsequent calcination. The characterization of the material by several techniques showed that a good-quality MCM-41 material was obtained. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been submitted to thermal degradation alone, and in presence of the exchanged H-AlMCM-41 catalyst at a concentration of 1: 1 in mass (H-AlMCM-41/HDPE). The reactor was connected on line to a gas chromatograph connected to a mass spectrometer. This process was evaluated by thermogravimetry (TG), from 350 to 600degreesC, under helium dynamic atmosphere, with heating rates of 5.0; 10.0 and 20.0 degreesC/min. From TG curves, the activation energy, calculated using a multiple heating rate integral kinetic method, decreased from 225.5 KJ.mol(-1), for the pure polymer (HDPE), to 184.7 KJ.mol(-1), in the presence of the catalyst (H-AlMCM-41/HDPE).
A soft chemistry route is described to obtain glasses in the P2O5-Na2O-ZnO-H2O. It is based on the addition of zinc salts to coacervates prepared from sodium polyphosphate. The processing of these coacervates leads to polyphosphate glasses with the same properties as those of glasses prepared in the classical way. So far, little work has been implemented in this system using 'coacervate route'. However, it makes an attractive method for coating and joining processes on the industrial scale. As the anion associated to zinc may take part in the adhesion mechanism, coacervate formation has been studied using zinc chloride, nitrate and sulphate as starting materials. The physical properties of the glasses obtained by this method are reported and potential applications of zinc and silver coacervate are described. (C) 2002 Academie des sciences / Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
Reactive zirconia powder was synthesized by the complexation of zirconium metal from zirconium hydroxide using a solution of 8-hydroxiquinoline. The kinetics of zirconia crystallization was followed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and surface area measured by the nitrogen adsorption/desorption technique. The results indicated that zirconia with a surface area as high as 100 m(2)/g can be obtained by this method after calcination at 500degreesC. Zirconia presents three polymorphic phases (monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic), which are reversibly interconversible. The cluster model Zr4O8 and Z(r)4O(7)(+2) was used for a theoretical study of the stabilization process. The ab initio RHF method was employed with the Gaussian94 program and the total energies and the energy gap of the different phases were calculated and compared with the experimental energy gap. The theoretical results show good reproducibility of the energy gap for zirconia. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotype x environment interaction for weaning and yearling weights, daily weight gain from weaning to 12 months of age and the growth performance in Canchim (5/8 Charolais + 3/8 Zebu) beef cattle estimated by a principal components analysis including those three traits. The environment was defined by season of birth (first and second semesters of the year). Genetic parameters were estimated by bayesian method with the Gibbs sampler using bivariate analyses (considering the trait in each of the two seasons as a different one) and models that included the fixed effects of year and month of birth, sex and age of cow (linear and quadratic) and the random effects of animal and residual. The results suggested that genetic evaluation and selection in Canchim beef cattle for the traits studied should consider the genotype and season of birth interaction.
Experimental studies were carried out to determine thermal conductivity (k), thermal diffusivity (alpha), specific heat at constant pressure (c(p)), and density (rho) of cooked ham as functions of both sample moisture content (M) and temperature (T). Thermal conductivity was measured using the heat-line-source probe, thermal diffusivity by Dickerson method, specific heat by differential scanning calorimeter, and density by pycnometer assembly. Temperature ranged from 3.0 degrees C to 74.0 degrees C, corresponding to the cooking process, and moisture ranged from 40.0 to 73.0% (w. b.). Equations are provided for alpha as a function of M, c(p) as a function of T, and rho as a function of both M and T. Results for thermal conductivity are compatible with those published in the literature.