953 resultados para Semi-dual income tax


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The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of cognitive-motor dual-task training compared with single-task training on balance and executive functions in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Fifteen subjects, aged between 39 and 75 years old, were randomly assigned to the dual-task training group (n = 8) and single-task training group (n = 7). The training was run twice a week for 6 weeks. The single-task group received balance training and the dual-task group performed cognitive tasks simultaneously with the balance training. There were no significant differences between the two groups at baseline. After the intervention, the results for mediolateral sway with eyes closed were significantly better for the dual-task group and anteroposterior sway with eyes closed was significantly better for the single-task group. The results suggest superior outcomes for the dual-task training compared to the single-task training for static postural control, except in anteroposterior sway with eyes closed.


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Persistence of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Vectobac WDG) and methoprene (Metoprag S-2G) was evaluated against Aedes aegypti late third instar larvae of the Rockefeller strain in a semi-field bioassay. Tests were performed in Rio de Janeiro, using containers made of plastic, iron, concrete and asbestos, placed in a shaded area. The formulations used were 0.2 g of Vectobac-WDG and 1g of Metoprag S-2G per 100 liters of water in house storage containers. Vectobac WDG was tested twice, in March and in April/May, 2002. In March (temperature ranging from 21.5 to 39.3 ºC), 70-100% mortality was observed by the 7th day and declined abruptly thereafter. No significant differences were observed among the container types. In April/May (18.6 to 34.8 ºC) mortality was higher than 70% to 30-36 days in all cases, except in the iron container (40% mortality on the 12th day). Metoprag S-2G was evaluated in April/May, 2002, and induced mortality higher than 70% up to 15 days in the plastic and iron containers and only seven days in the concrete container. In the asbestos container, maximal mortality was achieved on day one post-treatment (66%). Our results point to a low persistence of both formulations in the weather conditions of Rio de Janeiro.


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13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2015). 21 to 23, Oct, 2015, Session W1-A: Multiprocessing and Multicore Architectures. Porto, Portugal.


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Paper/Poster presented in Work in Progress Session, 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.


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Poster presented in Work in Progress Session, 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.


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Presented at IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015.


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Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses worldwide. The seroprevalence for T. gondii in human population from Brazil might range from 40 to 80%. The aim of this paper was to study the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in children from age one to 15 living in a low socioeconomic community, named community of Jardim São Remo in the year of 2002. The community is located in the West area of São Paulo municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 110 (32.4%, CI 95%: 27.5 - 37.7) of the 339 children tested with indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. The titration of the samples revealed 29 children with serum titer equal to 16, 14 children with 32, 18 children with 64, 21 children with 128, 20 children with 256 and eight children with serum titer > 512. The age dependence of the prevalence of T. gondii infection and the association between seroprevalence for T. gondii and seroprevalence for T. canis suggest that the infection is chiefly postnatal. Seroconversion in infant population of community Jardim São Remo occurs in children as young as two years old, earlier than in the children attended at health centers of São Paulo city. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in children from Jardim São Remo was compared to the prevalence in children from other urban centers of Brazil.


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In order to determine the role of lysozyme, an antimicrobial peptide belonging to the innate immune system, against the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, co-cultures of the MH-S murine alveolar macrophages cell line with P. brasiliensis conidia were done; assays to evaluate the effect of physiological and inflammatory concentrations of lysozyme directly on the fungus life cycle were also undertaken. We observed that TNF-α-activated macrophages significantly inhibited the conidia to yeast transition (p = 0.0043) and exerted an important fungicidal effect (p = 0.0044), killing 27% more fungal propagules in comparison with controls. Nonetheless, after adding a selective inhibitor of lysozyme, the fungicidal effect was reverted. When P. brasiliensis propagules were exposed directly to different concentrations of lysozyme, a dual effect was observed. Physiologic concentrations of the enzyme facilitated the conidia-to-yeast transition process (p < 0.05). On the contrary, inflammatory concentrations impaired the normal temperature-dependant fungal transition (p < 0.0001). When yeast cells were exposed to lysozyme, irrespective of concentration, the multiple-budding ability was badly impaired (p < 0.0001). In addition, ultra-structural changes such as subcellular degradation, fusion of lipid vacuoles, lamellar structures and interruption of the fibrilar layer were observed in lysozyme exposed conidia. These results suggest that lysozyme appears to exert a dual role as part of the anti-P. brasiliensis defense mechanisms.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil Estruturas


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A presente dissertação/trabalho de projeto pretende ser um contributo para uma abordagem científica de um problema que nos últimos anos ganhou dimensão e contornos diferentes, tornando-se um dos polos das preocupações dos professores, chegando mesmo a extravasar a escola, alargando-se aos variados setores da sociedade. O estudo teve como objetivo geral conhecer as representações dos vários atores educativos sobre a indisciplina na sala de aula, e no ambiente escolar, do 3º ciclo na escola em estudo. Ao analisar as relações interpessoais, pretende-se também compreender a relação entre os comportamentos de disciplina e as práticas pedagógicas dos professores. O planeamento da investigação foi feito de acordo com os conceitos e perspetivas recolhidas de autores de referência, com os documentos legais e enquadradores do problema e com as pesquisas já realizadas neste domínio. Optou-se por uma metodologia com um tratamento misto de natureza quantitativa/qualitativa desenvolvida através do método de estudo de caso. A pesquisa realizou-se por meio de inquéritos por questionário aos professores que lecionam o 3º ciclo, percecionando- se através das relações entre as variáveis um quadro da realidade da escola em estudo. Privilegiou-se igualmente a compreensão dos comportamentos tidos como indisciplinados, partindo da própria perceção dos sujeitos envolvidos, através das entrevistas semi-diretivas aos diretores de turma do 3º ciclo, coordenador dos assistentes operacionais, presidente da associação de pais e à diretora da escola. O estudo realizado permite reconhecer as dificuldades na relação pedagógica professor/aluno; o desrespeito pela autoridade do professor; a ineficácia das medidas preventivas; a ineficiência das medidas sancionatórias aplicadas; ausência da autoridade paternal; bem como a falta de estratégias convergentes por parte dos professores no controlo das causas da indisciplina. O estudo termina com a elaboração de um plano operacional de intervenção que tem como finalidade diminuir a indisciplina na sala de aula na escola X.


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As cooperativas assumem um papel fundamental na economia social portuguesa, o que justifica a necessidade de um conhecimento mais aprofundado destas entidades tanto a nível jurídico como a nível contabilístico. O principal objetivo deste estudo consiste em identificar os vários tipos de resultados nas cooperativas, compreender e caraterizar o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico dos mesmos e aferir se o normativo contabilístico em vigor permite evidenciar as especificidades daqueles. Assim, utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à análise de conteúdo, realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo. Antes, porém, procedeu-se à revisão de literatura, seletiva e seminal, sobre o estado da arte dos resultados das cooperativas em Portugal. Foram identificados três tipos de resultados, os resultados cooperativos, os resultados extracooperativos e os resultados extraordinários. O estudo mostra que o tratamento jurídico e contabilístico dos resultados cooperativos não está devidamente adequado à realidade das mesmas, por duas razões: em primeiro lugar, não são claramente identificáveis na legislação em vigor os diferentes tipos de resultados; e, em segundo lugar, constata-se que os resultados nas cooperativas têm o mesmo tratamento contabilístico que os resultados das sociedades comerciais, apesar das diferenças substanciais entre as duas formas jurídicas. Concluiu-se, então que a alteração do enquadramento contabilístico aplicável às cooperativas é pertinente e necessária no sentido de impor uma contabilização separada dos resultados cooperativos e dos resultados extracooperativos e extraordinários. Esta contabilização separada é essencial, por razões fiscais mas sobretudo para que as demonstrações financeiras apresentem a imagem verdadeira e apropriada do desempenho das cooperativas. Conclui-se, de igual modo, que existe no ordenamento português um normativo contabilístico aplicável às entidades do setor não lucrativo que seria adequado para evidenciar as especificidades das cooperativas em matéria dos resultados, dado que o modelo das demonstrações dele constante permitiria o desdobramento dos resultados por atividades.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente – Perfil de Engenharia Sanitária


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In Brazil, domestic dogs are branded as the primary reservoir for zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis, due to the clear positive correlation observed between human and canine infection rates. This study aimed to carry out a serological survey of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) in dogs housed at a public kennel in the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, using the immunochromatographic TR DPP® CVL rapid test. Additionally, conventional and/or real time PCR assay was used to detect and confirm L. infantum infection in the DPP positive dogs only. Of the 400 dogs studied, most did not present clinical signs for CVL (p < 0.05), and fifteen (3.8%) were seropositive in the DPP test. There was no statistically significant difference between the DPP seropositive dogs and the clinical signs of the disease (p > 0.05). Both conventional and real time PCR tests confirmed L. infantum infection in nine (75.0%) of the twelve DPP seropositive dogs that remained alive during the follow-up period. This study is the first seroepidemiologic survey of CVL held in the city of Juiz de Fora, and the results reinforce the idea that this disease is currently in a process of expansion and urbanization in Brazil. Furthermore, this study highlights the use of the DPP test as an alternative for diagnosing CVL in large and mid-sized cities, due to its ease of implementation.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino da Matemática