636 resultados para Rhesus Monkey


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This thesis describes investigations upon pseudopeptides which were conducted to improve our understanding of the fate of synthetic macromolecules in cells and to develop approaches to influence that fate. The low uptake of molecules across the external cellular membrane is the principal barrier against effective delivery of therapeutic products to within the cell structure. In nature, disruption of this membrane by amphiphilic peptides plays a central role in the pathogenesis by bacterial and toxin infections. These amphiphilic peptides contain both hydrophobic and weakly charged hydrophilic amino acid residues and upon activation they become integrated into the lipid bilayers of the extracellular or endosomal membranes. The architectures of the pseudopeptides described here were designed to display similar pH dependent membrane rupturing activity to that of peptides derived from the influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2. This HA protein promotes fusion of the influenza virus envelope with the cell endosome membrane due to a change in conformation in response to the acidic pH of the endosome lumen (pH 5.0-6.0). The pseudopeptides were obtained by the copolymerisation of L-lysine and L-lysine ethyl-ester with various dicarboxylic acid moieties. In this way a linear polyamide comprising of alternating pendant carboxylic acids and pendant hydrophobic moieties was made. At physiological pH (pH 7.4), electrostatic repulsion of pendant anionic carboxyl groups along the polymer backbone is sufficient to overcome the intramolecular association of the hydrophobic groups resulting in an extended conformation. At low pH (typically pH 4.8) loss of charge results in increased intramolecular hydrophobic association and the polymer chain collapses to a compact conformation, leading to precipitation of the polymer. Consequently, a conformation dependent functional property could be made to respond to small changes in the environmental pH. Pseudopepides were investigated for their cytoxicity towards a well known cell line, namely C26 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) and were shown through the use of a cell viability assay, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to be well tolerated by C26 cells over a range of concentrations (2-500,μg/ml) at physiological pH (pH 7.4). A modified version of a shorter 30-minute coupled enzymatic assay, the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay was used to evaluate the ability of the pseudopeptides to disrupt the membrane of two different cell lines (COS-1; African green monkey, kidney and A2780; human ovarian carcinoma) at low pH (pH 5.5). The cell membrane disruption property of the pseudopeptides was successfully demonstrated for COS-I and A2780 cell lines at this pH (pH 5.5). A variety of cell lines were chosen owing to limited availability and to compare the cytotoxic action of these pH responsive psudopeptides towards normal and tumorogenic cell lines. To investigate the intracellular delivery of one of the pseudopeptides, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide) and its subcellular location, a Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into its backbone, at ratios of dye:lysine of 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:60 and 1:80. Native polyacrylacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and high voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) studies of the polydyes were conducted and provided evidence that that the Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into the backbone of the polymer, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide). The subcellular fate of the fluorescentlylabelled "polydye" (hereafter PD20) was monitored by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells cultured in-vitro at various pH values (pH 7.4 and 5.0). LSCM images depicting time-dependent internalisation of PD20 indicated that PD20 traversed the extracellular membrane of CHO cells cultured in-vitro within ten minutes and migrated towards the endosomal regions where the pH is in the region of 5.0 to 6.0. Nuclear localisation of PD20 was demonstrated in a subpopulation of CHO cells. A further study was completed in CHO and HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cells cultured in-vitro using a lower molecular weight polymer to demonstrate that the molecular weight of "polydye" could be tailored to attain nuclear trafficking in cells. Prospective use of this technology encompasses a method of delivering a payload into a living cell based upon the hypercoiling nature of the pseudopeptides studied in this thesis and has led to a patent application (GB0228525.2; 20(2).


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This thesis is an exploration of the organisation and functioning of the human visual system using the non-invasive functional imaging modality magnetoencephalography (MEG). Chapters one and two provide an introduction to the ‘human visual system and magnetoencephalographic methodologies. These chapters subsequently describe the methods by which MEG can be used to measure neuronal activity from the visual cortex. Chapter three describes the development and implementation of novel analytical tools; including beamforming based analyses, spectrographic movies and an optimisation of group imaging methods. Chapter four focuses on the use of established and contemporary analytical tools in the investigation of visual function. This is initiated with an investigation of visually evoked and induced responses; covering visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and event related synchronisation/desynchronisation (ERS/ERD). Chapter five describes the employment of novel methods in the investigation of cortical contrast response and demonstrates distinct contrast response functions in striate and extra-striate regions of visual cortex. Chapter six use synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) to investigate the phenomena of visual cortical gamma oscillations in response to various visual stimuli; concluding that pattern is central to its generation and that it increases in amplitude linearly as a function of stimulus contrast, consistent with results from invasive electrode studies in the macaque monkey. Chapter seven describes the use of driven visual stimuli and tuned SAM methods in a pilot study of retinotopic mapping using MEG; finding that activity in the primary visual cortex can be distinguished in four quadrants and two eccentricities of the visual field. Chapter eight is a novel implementation of the SAM beamforming method in the investigation of a subject with migraine visual aura; the method reveals desynchronisation of the alpha and gamma frequency bands in occipital and temporal regions contralateral to observed visual abnormalities. The final chapter is a summary of main conclusions and suggested further work.


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Bacterial colonization of the upper respiratory tract is the first step in the pathogenesis of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) disease. Examination of the determinants of NTHi colonization process has been hampered by the lack of an appropriate animal model. To address this, we have developed a model of NTHi colonization in adult rhesus macaques that involves intranasal inoculation of 1x105 CFU and results in persistent colonization of the upper respiratory tract for at least three weeks with no signs of disease, mimicking asymptomatic colonization of humans. Using this model, we assessed the contributions to colonization of the HMW1 and HMW2 adhesive proteins. In competition experiments, the parent strain expressing both HMW1 and HMW2 was able to efficiently out-compete an isogenic mutant strain expressing neither HMW1 nor HMW2. In experiments involving inoculation of single isogenic derivatives of NTHi strain 12, the strains expressing HMW1 or HMW2 or both were able to colonize efficiently, while the strain expressing neither HMW1 nor HMW2 colonized inefficiently. Furthermore, colonization resulted in antibody production against HMW1 and HMW2 in one-third of the animals, demonstrating that colonization can be an immunizing event. In conclusion, we have established that NTHi is capable of colonizing the upper respiratory tract of rhesus macaques, in some cases associated with stimulation of an immune response. The HMW1 and HMW2 adhesive proteins play a major role in the process of colonization.

After establishing that the HMW1 and HMW2 proteins are colonization factors we further investigated the determinants of HMW1 function. HMW1 is encoded in the same genetic locus as two other proteins, HMW1B and HMW1C, with which HMW1 must interact in order to be functional. Interaction with HMW1C in the cytoplasm results in the glycosylation of HMW1. By employing homologues of HMW1C that glycosylate HMW1 in slightly different patterns we show that the pattern of modification is critical to HMW1 function. Structural analysis showed a change in protein structure when the pattern of HMW1 modification differed. We also identified two specific sites which must be glycosylated for HMW1 to function properly. These point mutations did not have a significant effect on protein structure, suggesting that glycosylation at those specific sites is instead necessary for interaction of HMW1 with its receptor. HMW1B is an outer membrane pore through which HMW1 is transported to reach the bacterial cell surface. We observed that HMW1 isolated from the cytoplasm has a different structure than HMW1 isolated from the bacterial cell surface. By forcing HMW1 to be secreted in a non-HMW1B dependent manner, we show that secretion alone is not sufficient for HMW1 to obtain a functional structure. This leads us to hypothesize that there is something specific in the interaction between HMW1 and HMW1B that aids in proper HMW1 folding.

The NTHi HMW1C glycosyltransferase mediates unconventional N-linked glycosylation of HMW1. In this system, HMW1 is modified in the cytoplasm by sequential transfer of hexose residues. To determine if this mechanism of N-linked glycosylation is employed by species other than NTHi, we examined Kingella kingae and Aggregatibacter aphrophilus homologues of HMW1C. We found both homologues to be functional glycosyltransferases and identified their substrates as the K. kingae Knh and the A. aphrophilus EmaA trimeric autotransporter proteins. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed multiple sites of N-linked glycosylation on Knh and EmaA. Without glycosylation, Knh and EmaA failed to facilitate wild type levels of bacterial autoaggregation or adherence to human epithelial cells, establishing that glycosylation is essential for proper protein function.


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Integrating information from multiple sources is a crucial function of the brain. Examples of such integration include multiple stimuli of different modalties, such as visual and auditory, multiple stimuli of the same modality, such as auditory and auditory, and integrating stimuli from the sensory organs (i.e. ears) with stimuli delivered from brain-machine interfaces.

The overall aim of this body of work is to empirically examine stimulus integration in these three domains to inform our broader understanding of how and when the brain combines information from multiple sources.

First, I examine visually-guided auditory, a problem with implications for the general problem in learning of how the brain determines what lesson to learn (and what lessons not to learn). For example, sound localization is a behavior that is partially learned with the aid of vision. This process requires correctly matching a visual location to that of a sound. This is an intrinsically circular problem when sound location is itself uncertain and the visual scene is rife with possible visual matches. Here, we develop a simple paradigm using visual guidance of sound localization to gain insight into how the brain confronts this type of circularity. We tested two competing hypotheses. 1: The brain guides sound location learning based on the synchrony or simultaneity of auditory-visual stimuli, potentially involving a Hebbian associative mechanism. 2: The brain uses a ‘guess and check’ heuristic in which visual feedback that is obtained after an eye movement to a sound alters future performance, perhaps by recruiting the brain’s reward-related circuitry. We assessed the effects of exposure to visual stimuli spatially mismatched from sounds on performance of an interleaved auditory-only saccade task. We found that when humans and monkeys were provided the visual stimulus asynchronously with the sound but as feedback to an auditory-guided saccade, they shifted their subsequent auditory-only performance toward the direction of the visual cue by 1.3-1.7 degrees, or 22-28% of the original 6 degree visual-auditory mismatch. In contrast when the visual stimulus was presented synchronously with the sound but extinguished too quickly to provide this feedback, there was little change in subsequent auditory-only performance. Our results suggest that the outcome of our own actions is vital to localizing sounds correctly. Contrary to previous expectations, visual calibration of auditory space does not appear to require visual-auditory associations based on synchrony/simultaneity.

My next line of research examines how electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus influences perception of sounds in a nonhuman primate. The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus is the major ascending relay of auditory information before it reaches the forebrain, and thus an ideal target for understanding low-level information processing prior to the forebrain, as almost all auditory signals pass through the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus before reaching the forebrain. Thus, the inferior colliculus is the ideal structure to examine to understand the format of the inputs into the forebrain and, by extension, the processing of auditory scenes that occurs in the brainstem. Therefore, the inferior colliculus was an attractive target for understanding stimulus integration in the ascending auditory pathway.

Moreover, understanding the relationship between the auditory selectivity of neurons and their contribution to perception is critical to the design of effective auditory brain prosthetics. These prosthetics seek to mimic natural activity patterns to achieve desired perceptual outcomes. We measured the contribution of inferior colliculus (IC) sites to perception using combined recording and electrical stimulation. Monkeys performed a frequency-based discrimination task, reporting whether a probe sound was higher or lower in frequency than a reference sound. Stimulation pulses were paired with the probe sound on 50% of trials (0.5-80 µA, 100-300 Hz, n=172 IC locations in 3 rhesus monkeys). Electrical stimulation tended to bias the animals’ judgments in a fashion that was coarsely but significantly correlated with the best frequency of the stimulation site in comparison to the reference frequency employed in the task. Although there was considerable variability in the effects of stimulation (including impairments in performance and shifts in performance away from the direction predicted based on the site’s response properties), the results indicate that stimulation of the IC can evoke percepts correlated with the frequency tuning properties of the IC. Consistent with the implications of recent human studies, the main avenue for improvement for the auditory midbrain implant suggested by our findings is to increase the number and spatial extent of electrodes, to increase the size of the region that can be electrically activated and provide a greater range of evoked percepts.

My next line of research employs a frequency-tagging approach to examine the extent to which multiple sound sources are combined (or segregated) in the nonhuman primate inferior colliculus. In the single-sound case, most inferior colliculus neurons respond and entrain to sounds in a very broad region of space, and many are entirely spatially insensitive, so it is unknown how the neurons will respond to a situation with more than one sound. I use multiple AM stimuli of different frequencies, which the inferior colliculus represents using a spike timing code. This allows me to measure spike timing in the inferior colliculus to determine which sound source is responsible for neural activity in an auditory scene containing multiple sounds. Using this approach, I find that the same neurons that are tuned to broad regions of space in the single sound condition become dramatically more selective in the dual sound condition, preferentially entraining spikes to stimuli from a smaller region of space. I will examine the possibility that there may be a conceptual linkage between this finding and the finding of receptive field shifts in the visual system.

In chapter 5, I will comment on these findings more generally, compare them to existing theoretical models, and discuss what these results tell us about processing in the central nervous system in a multi-stimulus situation. My results suggest that the brain is flexible in its processing and can adapt its integration schema to fit the available cues and the demands of the task.


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Making decisions is fundamental to everything we do, yet it can be impaired in various disorders and conditions. While research into the neural basis of decision-making has flourished in recent years, many questions remain about how decisions are instantiated in the brain. Here we explored how primates make abstract decisions and decisions in social contexts, as well as one way to non-invasively modulate the brain circuits underlying decision-making. We used rhesus macaques as our model organism. First we probed numerical decision-making, a form of abstract decision-making. We demonstrated that monkeys are able to compare discrete ratios, choosing an array with a greater ratio of positive to negative stimuli, even when this array does not have a greater absolute number of positive stimuli. Monkeys’ performance in this task adhered to Weber’s law, indicating that monkeys—like humans—treat proportions as analog magnitudes. Next we showed that monkeys’ ordinal decisions are influenced by spatial associations; when trained to select the fourth stimulus from the bottom in a vertical array, they subsequently selected the fourth stimulus from the left—and not from the right—in a horizontal array. In other words, they begin enumerating from one side of space and not the other, mirroring the human tendency to associate numbers with space. These and other studies confirmed that monkeys’ numerical decision-making follows similar patterns to that of humans, making them a good model for investigations of the neurobiological basis of numerical decision-making.

We sought to develop a system for exploring the neuronal basis of the cognitive and behavioral effects observed following transcranial magnetic stimulation, a relatively new, non-invasive method of brain stimulation that may be used to treat clinical disorders. We completed a set of pilot studies applying offline low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the macaque posterior parietal cortex, which has been implicated in numerical processing, while subjects performed a numerical comparison and control color comparison task, and while electrophysiological activity was recorded from the stimulated region of cortex. We found tentative evidence in one paradigm that stimulation did selectively impair performance in the number task, causally implicating the posterior parietal cortex in numerical decisions. In another paradigm, however, we manipulated the subject’s reaching behavior but not her number or color comparison performance. We also found that stimulation produced variable changes in neuronal firing and local field potentials. Together these findings lay the groundwork for detailed investigations into how different parameters of transcranial magnetic stimulation can interact with cortical architecture to produce various cognitive and behavioral changes.

Finally, we explored how monkeys decide how to behave in competitive social interactions. In a zero-sum computer game in which two monkeys played as a shooter or a goalie during a hockey-like “penalty shot” scenario, we found that shooters developed complex movement trajectories so as to conceal their intentions from the goalies. Additionally, we found that neurons in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex played a role in generating this “deceptive” behavior. We conclude that these regions of prefrontal cortex form part of a circuit that guides decisions to make an individual less predictable to an opponent.


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OBJECTIVES: Three dental topography measurements: Dirichlet Normal Energy (DNE), Relief Index (RFI), and Orientation Patch Count Rotated (OPCR) are examined for their interaction with measures of wear, within and between upper and lower molars in Alouatta palliata. Potential inferences of the "dental sculpting" phenomenon are explored. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen occluding pairs of howling monkey first molars (15 upper, 15 lower) opportunistically collected from La Pacifica, Costa Rica, were selected to sample wear stages ranging from unworn to heavily worn as measured by the Dentine Exposure Ratio (DER). DNE, RFI, and OPCR were measured from three-dimensional surface reconstructions (PLY files) derived from high-resolution CT scans. Relationships among the variables were tested with regression analyses. RESULTS: Upper molars have more cutting edges, exhibiting significantly higher DNE, but have significantly lower RFI values. However, the relationships among the measures are concordant across both sets of molars. DER and EDJL are curvilinearly related. DER is positively correlated with DNE, negatively correlated with RFI, and uncorrelated with OPCR. EDJL is not correlated with DNE, or RFI, but is positively correlated with OPCR among lower molars only. DISCUSSION: The relationships among these metrics suggest that howling monkey teeth adaptively engage macrowear. DNE increases with wear in this sample presumably improving food breakdown. RFI is initially high but declines with wear, suggesting that the initially high RFI safeguards against dental senescence. OPCR values in howling monkey teeth do not show a clear relationship with wear changes.


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Frederick Douglas was a reader of and writer on the nineteenth-century political and social texts and contexts of oppression, which he experienced at home and witnesed while in Ireland and Britain, 1845-47. This thesis is unique in its identification of several surprising lacunae in the research and critical evaluation of Frederick Douglass’ activities of reading and writing and the texts and contexts that supported these activities. This thesis takes Douglass’ relationship with Ireland and the Irish as its starting point, and offers several moments in the transnational space engendered by Douglass’ readerly and writerly experience of the transatlantic axes of Ireland, Britain and America. This thesis draws upon archival research to recover information regarding Douglass’ trip and subjects his reading and writing on Ireland and the Irish to the critical rigours of narratolgical, cultural and discourse analysis. One lacuna is Douglass’ favourite and neglected school primer, the Columbian Orator, which Douglass signified upon across his autobiographical project. The speech by the Irish patriot and exile, Arthur O’Connor, included in the Orator, is crucial to Douglass’ understanding and expression of justice and equality. Genette’s narratological analysis gives theoretical traction to the ways in which, in his autobiographical representations of his British trip, Douglass recalibrates his autobiographies to reflect his changing perspectives on his life and work. Contrary to popular assumptions, Douglass did, in two letters to Garrison address and comment on Irish poverty. This thesis interrogates the strategic anglophilia of these letters. While the World’s Temperance Convention (WTC) refused to discuss African- American slavery, analysis of Douglass’ speech in Covent Garden and of the paratextual apparatus of the published proceedings of the WTC demonstrates the impossibility of separating these closely interrelated reform causes. When a newly discovered poem from Waterford that admonished the city for its disregard for Douglass’ message is juxtaposed with an uncomfortable moment in Cork, we understand that Douglass became a pawn to bolster sectarian rivalries between nationalist and establishment factions. Though Douglass believed imperial politics was the best vehicle for modernity, he recognised that it had failed Ireland: consequently, in Thoughts and Recollections of a Trip to Ireland (1886), he advocates for Home Rule for Ireland.


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Euryhaline decapod crustaceans possess an efficient regulation apparatus located in the gill epithelia, providing a high adaptation potential to varying environmental abiotic conditions. Even though many studies focussed on the osmoregulatory capacity of the gills, acid-base regulatory mechanisms have obtained much less attention. In the present study, underlying principles and effects of elevated pCO2 on acid-base regulatory patterns were investigated in the green crab Carcinus maenas acclimated to diluted seawater. In gill perfusion experiments, all investigated gills 4-9 were observed to up-regulate the pH of the hemolymph by 0.1-0.2 units. Anterior gills, especially gill 4, were identified to be most efficient in the equivalent proton excretion rate. Ammonia excretion rates mirrored this pattern among gills, indicating a linkage between both processes. In specimen exposed to elevated pCO2 levels for at least 7 days, mimicking a future ocean scenario as predicted until the year 2300, hemolymph K+ and ammonia concentrations were significantly elevated, and an increased ammonia excretion rate was observed. A detailed quantitative gene expression analysis revealed that upon elevated pCO2 exposure, mRNA levels of transcripts hypothesized to be involved in ammonia and acid-base regulation (Rhesus-like protein, membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase, Na+/K+-ATPase) were affected predominantly in the non-osmoregulating anterior gills.


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Durante el siglo XIX el transformismo irrumpe en el panorama científico, una irrupción cuyas implicaciones filosóficas y sociales se traducen, entre otros, en obras teatrales en las que la temática refleja la difusión de estas nuevas ideas. Les deux Jockos, de 1825, ejemplifica ese grupo de representaciones que ponen en escena el debate transformista en una sociedad todavía dominada por los preceptos fijistas defendidos desde las instituciones y las élites sociales de la época. Así pues, el análisis de la obra permitirá desvelar aquellos elementos relacionados con el nuevo paradigma de naturaleza propuesto, al tiempo que evidencia la capacidad de influencia de la realidad histórica, social y cultural sobre el género teatral.


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Esta pesquisa faz parte dos requisitos do Mestrado Profissional em Sistemas de Informação e Gestão do Conhecimento e tem como tema central aceitação de tecnologia e prontuário eletrônico de paciente (PEP). Diversas inovações tecnológicas foram incorporadas no setor de saúde e, em especial, no controle e gestão de informações e ainda quanto à gestão do histórico do paciente. A partir deste cenário, buscou-se contribuir na descrição e análise das variáveis percebidas como geradoras de utilidade e facilidade de uso da tecnologia de prontuário eletrônico a partir do modelo de aceitação de tecnologia. Buscando atender as premissas propostas pelo modelo TAM, no contexto específico de gestão hospitalar, surge o problema de pesquisa: Como usuários de prontuário eletrônico de paciente percebem a utilidade e facilidade desta tecnologia em seu cotidiano? Pretendeu-se desenvolver estudo descritivo onde o objetivo principal foi descrever e analisar as variáveis que influenciam na percepção da utilidade e facilidade de uso de prontuário eletrônico de pacientes sob o ponto de vista dos profissionais da área da saúde da região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Especificamente, pretendeu-se: descrever a percepção de utilidade; descrever a percepção de facilidade de uso, e; analisar o perfil dos respondentes envolvidos com a tecnologia. Optou-se por utilizar o questionário original proposto por Davis Jr. (1989), somente sendo traduzido e contextualizado ao ambiente da pesquisa. O questionário adotado foi disponibilizado por meio da ferramenta Survey Monkey ® e os respondentes foram profissionais que atuam na área da saúde, sendo o critério de escolha dos mesmos, por meio da técnica de snow ball, a acessibilidade e disponibilidade. A partir das respostas dos profissionais pode-se perceber que a grande maioria relatou utilidade percebida com o uso da tecnologia, sendo que alguns profissionais indicaram que ocorre ainda algumas dificuldades de uso. Os resultados e discussões gerados nesta pesquisa, apesar das limitações, indicam a importância de novos estudos que envolvam a saúde e a importância da tecnologia para a sociedade.


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L’élucidation de la position qu’occupent les projections sérotoninergique (5-HT), cholinergique (ACh) et dopaminergique (DA) du tronc cérébral dans l’organisation anatomofonctionelle du globus pallidus externe (GPe) et interne (GPi) au sein des ganglions de la base chez le primate est primordiale à la compréhension de ce système neuronal hautement complexe impliqué dans le contrôle du comportement moteur. Les travaux de recherche consolidés dans la présente thèse rapportent les résultats principalement obtenus chez le singe écureuil (Saimiri sciureus) à l’aide de marquages immunohistochimiques et de quantifications stéréologiques servant à évaluer la distribution régionale et les caractéristiques ultrastructurales des varicosités axonales 5-HT, ACh et DA observées dans le pallidum. Nos données ont permis l’éloboration d’un nouveau modèle du neurone pallidal en tenant compte de la hiérarchie et des caractéristiques neurochimiques de ses entrées synaptiques. Ainsi, l’analyse quantitative en microscopie optique révèle que le GPe et le GPi reçoivent des innervations 5-HT, ACh et DA de densités variables et distribuées de façon hétérogène. Plus particulièrement, le GPe est innervé par 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3 de tissu, 500 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 170 000 varicosités DA/mm3. En revanche, le GPi reçoit 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3, 250 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 190 000 varicosités DA/mm3. De plus, la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA ciblent préférentiellement les secteurs correspondant aux territoires fonctionnels associatifs et limbiques du pallidum, suggérant un rôle de ces projections dans la planification du comportement moteur ainsi que dans la régulation de l’attention et de l’humeur. Nos analyses en microscopie électronique révèlent que très peu de ces varicosités axonales établissent un contact synaptique, puisque plus de 70% des varicosités 5-HT, ACh et DA sont complètement dépouvues de jonction synaptique. Ainsi, bien que la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA seraient en mesure de moduler directement les neurones pallidaux grâce à la transmission synaptique, leur plus grande influence s’opérerait par la transmission volumique, permettant d’influencer à la fois les neurones pallidaux et leurs afférences, principalement du striatum et noyau subthalamique. L’ensemble de ces résultats indique que les projections 5-HT, ACh et DA du tronc cérébral agissent de concert avec les afférences plus robustes en provenance du striatum et du noyau subthalamique. Ces nouvelles données neuroanatomiques positionnent le tronc cérébral en tant qu’acteur important dans l’organisation anatomique et fonctionnelle du pallidum chez le primate et doivent être prises en considération dans l’élaboration de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques visant à contrer les processus neurodégénératifs qui affectent les ganglions de la base, tel que la maladie de Parkinson.


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Tese de doutoramento em Farmácia (Toxicologia), apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 2009.