630 resultados para PARENTING
This paper explores the changing role of contemporary grandparents with many demonstrating a willingness and ability to take on parental responsibilities for their grandchildren, where they may face challenges and opportunities in difficult times. Three main forms of grand parenting are identified in the literature, those who hâve primary responsibility and are raising their grand children as their main carers perhaps in response to crisis situations, those who live in extended families and participate in care, and those who provide day care while the child's parents work. The rôle of Grandparents encompasses ail three areas in the United Kingdom. This has occurred as a resuit of the increased récognition of children living in abusive families, of the increasing frequency of divorce, single parenting, children and families living in poverty, socio-economic deprivation and the lack of available or subsidised child care in the United Kingdom when parents hâve to work to support the family. Ail of this against the backdrop the Every Child Matters change for children Agenda. When grandparents step into a troubled situation and attempt to offer stability and security for their grandchildren they may hâve to manage the combined responsibilities of family caregivers and parental figures. Grandparenthood is atenuous rôle, lacking clear agreement on behaviour norms. In the current culture of advice and parenting support, while care must be taken not to undermine parenting skills or make judgements about the ability to cope with the demands of childcare, an exploration of the impact on grandparents, and children in the context of families must be undertaken. Due to the complex web of interrelated factors the process and outcomes of care giving by grandparents is not well known in the literature. It is proposed therefore that it is timely to explore the impact of this on the health of children and their families in the current climate of change when there has been dissolution of the nuclear family and grandparents are playing increasingly significant rôles in healing and supporting their families.
The main objective on this research is to evaluate and detect the profile of development and possible deviations that expouses a high biological, social and / or environmental risk on Indigenous children under three years old who attend to Child Centers of Good Living in the Indigenous Community of Salasaca - Tungurahua. The study was conducted with 90 children whom attend these centers. The Bayley Scale for Infant Development III (Bayley Scales for Infant Development - BSID) was applied to the study, for it was a standardized international test for scientific research on child development. It values the state of development and identifies deficits on children from 0 to 42 months old. Two types of questionnaires were applied to the Technical Assistants Child Development and to the Daily care Child Centers. Another querionary was used for the mothers of this centers in order to establish the level of knowledge over some factors, which may influence on child development during early childhood, as well as the parenting patterns characteristic of the indigenous community of Salasaca- Tungurahua. Analytical, synthetical and statistical methods for results interpretation were used for the Theoretical framework of this work. The scope of this research is the socio educative type. It benefits generally to all society particularly to children on infant stage and to the Indigenous Community of Salasaca...
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clinica
O diagnóstico de Cancro da Mama (CM) desencadeia uma crise na doente e no seu sistema familiar, levando a mudanças no seu modo de funcionamento. O presente estudo tem como objetivos analisar as mudanças percebidas, a curto e a longo prazo, na relação mãe-filhos e na parentalidade na sequência do diagnóstico de CM materno, bem como analisar de que forma “ser mãe” influenciou o modo como as pacientes lidaram com o CM. Foram entrevistadas 17 mulheres sobreviventes de CM com filhos dependentes no momento do diagnóstico através de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados segundo a Grounded Theory. Os resultados demonstraram que esta experiência desencadeia mudanças, temporárias e permanentes, nos padrões de funcionamento familiar. Perante as mudanças nos comportamentos dos filhos, as mães adotam novas estratégias para promover bem-estar nos descendentes. Após a família se conseguir descentrar da doença, as mulheres conseguem refletir sobre os contributos da vivência do CM na relação mãe-filhos. Clinicamente, estes resultados permitem conhecer as necessidades destas mães e apoiar a elaboração de programas de intervenção psicológica, capazes de responder a essas necessidades, salientando a importância de uma intervenção sistémica e que potencie a expressão emocional.
Research into families of children and young people with disability maintain that parents or caregivers seem to experience higher levels of global stress than parents of children without disabilities, thereby presenting a high risk of developing disorders in their health and quality of life. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in parental stress and social support among groups of parents whose children have different disabilities in the context of parental adjustment to disability. Considering that adjustment is related to the effectiveness with which the family uses its resources and the support of their social network, we intend to analyse the differences of stress and social support among groups of parents of children with different problems and to clarify the relationships between the variables under study in order to adapt family intervention strategies. For this purpose a comparative, descriptive-correlational study was undertaken. The convenience sample included 152 parents of children with different disabilities (82 with intellectual disability, 37 with motor problems and 33 with autism) supported by schools and institutions in Viseu. The instruments used were: a Portuguese version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), the Social Support Questionnaire – short version (Pinheiro & Ferreira, 2001) and a Parental Questionnaire (demographic and family data). Data were collected in schools and institutions that support people with disabilities, located in the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). The results revealed significant differences between groups of parents in the partial results of parental stress, specifically in the Hyperactivity/Distract (DI), Acceptability (AC) and Adaptability (AD), dimensions of the Child Domain subscale (CD stress) and the Role Restriction (RO), dimension of Parent Domain subscale (PD stress). With regard to social support dimensions, we found significant differences between parents in the extent and availability of the social support network (SSQN).
This study investigates the ‘self’ of six Irish working-class women, all parenting alone and all returned to the field of adult education. Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are the backdrop for the study of the ‘self’, which is viewed through his lens. This study commenced in September 2012 and concluded in August 2014, in a small urban educational setting in an Irish city. All of the women in the study are single parents, most of them did not complete second level education, and none of them had experienced adult or third level education. Their ages vary from 30 to 55 years. The study pursues the women’s motivations for returning to education, the challenges they faced throughout the journey, and their experiences, views and perspectives of Adult Education. The methodology chosen for this research is critical eethnography, and as an emerging ethnographer, I was able to view the phenomena from both an emic (inside) and an etic (outside) perspective. The critically oriented approach is a branch of qualitative research. It is a holistic and humanistic approach that is cyclical and reflective. The critical ethnographic case studies that developed are theoretically framed in critical theory and critical pedagogy. The data is collected from classroom observations (recorded in a journal) and interviews (both individual and group). The women's life experiences inform their sense of self and their capital reserves derive from their experience of habitus. It also attempts to understand the delivery of the programmes and how it can impact the journey of the adult learners. The analysis of the interviews, observations, field notes and reflective journals demonstrate what the women have to say about their new journey in adult education. This crucial information informs best practice for adult education programmes. This study also considers the complexity of habitus and the many forms of capital. The theme of adults returning to education and their disposition to this is one of the major themes of this study. Findings reflect this uncertainty but also underline how the women unshackled themselves of some of the constraints of a restricted view of self. Witnessing this new habitus forming was the core of their transformational possibility becoming real. The study provides a unique contribution to knowledge as it utilises Bourdieuian concepts and theories, not only as theoretical tools but as conceptual tools for analysis. The study examined transformative pedagogy in the field of adult education and it offers important recommendations for future policy and practice.
O experimento da parentalidade vai ser sempre único, seja o primeiro filho ou não, a experiência vai reger-se pela individualidade de cada criança e também pelas experiências vividas pelos pais. Deste modo, muitas vezes os pais não se sentem preparados, ou encontram dificuldades e inseguranças nesta tarefa. De acordo com Santos e Morais (s/data) a falta de preparação e as inseguranças que os levam a cometer erros na parentalidade podem advir de falta de experiência própria, ou então das falhas nos métodos e técnicas. Contudo, o papel dos pais é fundamental para o desenvolvimento da criança, tal como a família. A parentalidade pode ser encarada pelo adulto como sendo um desafio, e como sendo o mais exigente, sendo assim, também o que lhe irá proporcionar mais satisfação. Este desafio vai carecer que o adulto se aplique psicologicamente, fisicamente e intelectualmente. Ao viver a parentalidade, cada pai/mãe, vai experienciar o seu papel de diversas formas e deste modo, os pais vão avaliar o seu próprio desempenho, permitindo que estes se sintam mais ou menos competentes. Ao avaliar as suas competências e falhas como pais, permite que haja um bom ajuste ao papel parental e permite uma abertura a práticas parentais positivas. Os recentes problemas económicos que atravessam o país, têm vindo a constituir-se como um fator de mudanças na família. Neste contexto, diversas instituições de apoio comunitário, propõem-se a um acompanhamento e intervenção a nível parental e familiar. Deste modo, o presente estudo debruçou-se em compreender as necessidades das famílias acompanhadas em contexto social e comunitário numa IPSS, de forma a possibilitar um planeamento de uma intervenção mais adequada e eficaz, que lhes permita uma melhoria da qualidade da vida familiar. Pretende-se assim, dar resposta a determinadas questões como: Qual o estilo parental mais evidente nos agregados familiares; Quais os principais problemas familiares; quais as maiores dúvidas dos pais/tutores; Qual o modelo de intervenção em Educação parental mais apropriado; qual o nível de intervenção e finalmente que tipo de intervenção será a mais adequada.
Esta investigación analiza el impacto del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en el trabajo infantil en Colombia a través de varias técnicas de evaluación de impacto que incluyen emparejamiento simple, emparejamiento genético y emparejamiento con reducción de sesgo. En particular, se encuentra que este programa disminuye la probabilidad de que los escolares trabajen alrededor de un 4%. Además, se explora que el trabajo infantil se reduce gracias a que el programa aumenta la seguridad alimentaria, lo que consecuentemente cambia las decisiones de los hogares y anula la carga laboral en los infantes. Son numerosos los avances en primera infancia llevados a cabo por el Estado, sin embargo, estos resultados sirven de base para construir un marco conceptual en el que se deben rescatar y promover las políticas públicas alimentarias en toda la edad escolar.
Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.
Objetivos Determinar si existe asociación entre la exposición a violencia, experimentada a nivel individual o municipal, y el embarazo adolescente en mujeres Colombianas entre 13 y 19 años de edad que contestaron la Encuesta de Demografía y Salud en el año 2010. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal, nacional y multinivel. Se tomaron datos de dos niveles jerárquicos: Nivel- 1: Datos individuales de una muestra representativa de 13.313 mujeres entre 13 y 19 años de edad provenientes de La Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud del año 2010 y Nivel- 2: Datos municipales de 258 municipios provenientes de las estadísticas vitales del DANE. Resultados La prevalencia del embarazo adolescente fue del 16.8% IC 95% [16.2-17.4]. El análisis mostró que la asociación entre embarazo adolescente y violencia tanto individual, representada como violencia sexual [OR= 6.99 IC99% 4.80-10.10] y violencia física [OR= 1.74 IC99% 1.47-2.05] así como la violencia municipal medida con tasas de homicidios altas [OR= 1.99 IC99% 1.29-3.07] y muy altas [OR= 2.10 IC99% 1.21-3.61] se mantuvo estadísticamente significativa después de ajustar por las variables: Edad [OR= 1.81 IC99% 1.71-1.91], ocupación [OR= 1.62 IC99% 1.37-1.93], educación primaria o sin educación [OR= 2.20 IC99% 1.47-3.30], educación secundaria [OR= 1.70 IC99% 1.24-2.32], asistir al colegio [OR= 0.18 IC99% 0.15-0.21], conocimiento en la fisiología reproductiva [OR= 1.28 IC99% 1.06-1.54], el índice de riqueza Q1, Q2, Q3 [OR= 2.18 IC99% 1.42-3.34], [OR= 2.00 IC99% 1.39-2.28], [OR= 1.82 IC99% 1.92-2.25] y alto porcentaje de Necesidades básicas insatisfechas a nivel municipal [OR= 2.34 IC99% 1.55-3.52]. Conclusiones Este estudio mostró una relación significativamente estadística entre la violencia sexual y física con el inicio de relaciones sexuales y embarazo adolescente después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos en reproducción sexual en mujeres colombianas de 13 a 19 años en el año 2010. Esta asociación debe continuar siendo estudiada para lograr optimizar las estrategias de prevención y disminuir la tasa actual de embarazos adolescentes en el país y sus consecuencias.
Este trabajo es una revisión de literatura que abarca una selección de artículos disponibles en bases de datos especializadas y publicados en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2006 a 2016 para artículos científicos y entre los años 2000 a 2016 para libros. En total se revisaron: 1 tesis doctoral, 1 tesis magistral, 111 artículos y 9 libros o capítulos de libros. Se presentan diversas definiciones de mindfulness y formas de conceptualizarla, sus mecanismos de acción, sus enfoques psicoterapéuticos predominantes, los efectos de su práctica estable, sus principales campos de acción y la importancia de la formación de los docentes que imparten la práctica. Finalmente se presentan algunas conclusiones acerca del diálogo entre la literatura psicológica sobre mindfulness y algunas de las concepciones de la tradición budista en torno a la meditación.
Characterize the profile and describe the expectations of a sample of couple's participants in prenatal education programs integrated into the 'Tender Adventure - Preparation for childbirth and parenting' ", an outreach project of Nursing School of Coimbra.
Nos últimos anos, devido às mudanças estruturais, relacionais e sociais, a família detém agora configurações diferentes; diferentes formas de atuar na sociedade e perceções diferentes consoante a faixa etária dos seus elementos. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar e compreender a perceção das crianças de duas das diversas formas de família existentes, a família tradicional (FTr) e a família monoparental (FMn). Participaram no estudo 29 crianças, das quais 17 de famílias tradicionais e 12 de famílias monoparentais de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 10 anos de idade. Para a recolha dos dados foi utilizada uma entrevista semiestruturada e os resultados obtidos resultaram da análise de conteúdo das respostas dos/as participantes. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a FTr é percebida pelas crianças de FTr e FMn, participantes no estudo, como sendo aquela que apresenta mais aspetos positivos e é percebida como sendo a família ideal. No entanto, a FMn apesar de ser percecionada menos positivamente, pelas crianças de ambos os grupos, pela perceção das crianças de FMn podemos inferir e realçar o fato positivo de que estas famílias têm capacidade de lidar com as adversidades e, tal como as FTr, são capazes de promover o bem-estar das suas crianças; Abstract: In recent years, due to changes in structural, relational and social, the family have now different settings, different forms to act acting in society, and different perceptions depending on the age of its elements. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify and understand the perceptions of children of two of the various forms of Family exist. Participated in the study, 29 children, of which 17 traditional families and 12 single-parent families of both gender and with ages understood between the 8 and 10 years of age. For the collection of data was used a semistructured interview and the results obtained resulted from the content analysis of the responses from the participants. The results obtained, suggest that the traditional family is perceived by children of traditional families and single-parent families study participants as being one that has more positive aspects and is perceived as being the ideal family. However, the single-parent family, despite being perceived less positively by the children of both groups, through the children's perception we can infer and highlight the positive fact that these families have the capacity to deal with adversities and, like the FTr, are able to promote the welfare of their children.
A presente investigação visa apurar se existem esquemas parentais (EPs) ou mal-adaptativos precoces (EMPs) que predisponham à escolha, por parte de mulheres vítimas de violência na intimidade, de parceiros potencialmente agressores. Adicionalmente pretende identificar como se manifesta a vitimação com os tipos de relacionamento amoroso de reparação narcísica. O estudo, de cariz quantitativo, recorre a três instrumentos (QEP, QE e ITRA) preenchidos por 27 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 23- 67 anos, das quais 10 sofreram algum tipo de violência numa relação de intimidade. Este estudo concluiu que existem EPs e EMPs que parecem predispor à escolha de parceiros amorosos abusivos. Estas escolhas amorosas parecem estar relacionadas com a tendência para enveredar por tipos de relacionamento amoroso mais patológico, nomeadamente, os tipos evitante-desnarcisante e eufórico-idealizante. Posto isto, criou-se um modelo que caracteriza vítimas e não-vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade com uma precisão de 96,3% com base nos resultados dos instrumentos anteriores; When sorrow replaces love Violence in intimate relationships: Randomness or effects of parental heritage? Abstract: This research aims at determining whether there are schemas originated by parenting styles (PSs) or early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that predispose women, who were victims of violence in their intimate relationships, to choose abusive romantic partners. Additionally it intends to identify how victimization reveals itself through romantic relationship types that are due to repair the Self narcissistic vulnerabilities. This quantitative study relies on three instruments (PSQ, SQ, ITRA) filled by 27 women with ages between 23-67, 10 of which were victims of violence in their intimate relationships. This study concludes that there are PSs and EMSs that seem to predispose to the choice of abusive romantic partners. These romantic choices seem to be related with the predisposition to more pathological romantic relationship types, namely, the avoidant-devaluate and euphoricidealizing types. Following this, a model was created to characterize individuals as victims or non-victims of violence in their intimate relationships with a precision of 96.3%, based on the results of the instruments above.
The interest in research on parents of children with severe developmental disorders has known different focuses of interest over time, from a more psychopathological approach, interested in describing the negative aspects of the impact of having a child with disabilities, to the study of coping strategies used to deal with the situation, and the study of the strength and resilience mobilized by these parents. The big change, however, is that the concern about parents is not only because of the child, but also for what happens in their own development processes. This developmental perspective is addressed here to the construction of the fundamental attachment between mother/father and the baby, how this bond is broken, and how it can be reconstructed when the child has a severe disability diagnosis. Only the resumption of parents’ developmental process will enable them to perform their parenting in an emotionally appropriate and consistent manner, based on adequate responsiveness in everyday life situations. This view allows to open new interdisciplinary challenges about how to work on early intervention in child development and to a comprehensive understanding of the family centered intervention.