975 resultados para Oat bioassay
Bacillus circulans D1 is a good producer of extracellular thermostable xylanase. Xylanase production in different carbon sources was evaluated and the enzyme synthesis was induced by various carbon sources. It was found that D-maltose is the best inducer of the enzyme synthesis ( 7.05 U/ mg dry biomass at 48 h), while D-glucose and D-arabinose lead to the production of basal levels of xylanase. The crude enzyme solution is free of cellulases, even when the microorganism was cultivated in a medium with D-cellobiose. When oat spelt xylan was supplemented with D-glucose, the repressive effect of this sugar on xylanase production was observed at 24 h, only when used at 5.0 g/ L, leading to a reduction of 60% on the enzyme production. on the other hand, when the xylan medium was supplemented with D- xylose ( 3.0 or 5.0 g/ L), this effect was more evident ( 80 and 90% of reduction on the enzyme production, respectively). Unlike that observed in the xylan medium, glucose repressed xylanase production in the maltose medium, leading to a reduction of 55% on the enzyme production at 24 h of cultivation. Xylose, at 1.0 g/ L, induced xylanase production on the maltose medium. on this medium, the repressive effect of xylose, at 3.0 or 5.0 g/ L, was less expressive when compared to its effect on the xylan medium.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelophatic potential ethanol extract of leaves of Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan (angico) and Astronium graveolens Jacq (aroeira) on the biomonitor germination of Brassica chinensis (Malaysia's cabbage) and Lactuca sativa (lettuce). For the test of allelopathy was the bioassay of germination of B. chinensis and L. sativa using solutions of ethanol extracts in different concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mg / mL) with continuous light for 11 days. The experimental and control groups were divided into the Petri dish containing 50 seeds of B. chinensis and L. sativa each. Were performed six replicates for each concentration of extract of leaves of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens and the negative control (water). The rolling action of the treatments was performed by quantitative observation and monitoring of germination every six hours. The results show that the ethanol extract of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens presents allelopathic potential, regardless of the concentration used, but with answers dose-dependent, and thus able to interfere directly in germination, average speed and time of germination biomonitor of B. chinensis and L. sativa.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The family Meliaceae has been identified as one of the most promising for biological control, as most species have biologically active compounds. Among the species, the Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is that stands out most for its efficiency and low toxicity, and it is utilized to control insects, fungi and nematodes. The aim of this work was to verify the allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Neem on germination of lettuce, soybeans, maize, beans and Bidens pilosa, as a way to control this weed. The extract was obtained by grinding 200g/L of fresh leaves of the Neem (considered extract 100%) and diluting in distilled water at concentrations of 80, 60, 40, and 20%, and a control with only water. The seeds were kept in the germination chamber at a temperature of 25 degrees C, with photoperiod of 12 hours of light. The aqueous extract affected the germination percentage and average length root of lettuce, with values of 1% and 0.1, cm respectively. For the soybeans, the extract influenced negatively the average time of germination and average speed of germination. There was a drastic reduction of the average root length at higher concentration for soybean, corn and beans. For Bidens pilosa all the parameters analyzed were negatively affected, which means sensitivity to the extract. The bioassay performed in the laboratory showed that the aqueous extract of fresh leaves of Azadirachta indica has allelopathic effect on all species.
Organic carbon is a major component of soil organic matter and its stock is influenced by the management system adopted. This study aimed to examine the effects of cropping systems and nutrient sources (mineral and organic) on the concentrations and storage of soil organic carbon in no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in Mercedes, Parana, Brazil, in an Nitossolo Vermelho (Alfisol) from October 2007 to September 2009. The treatments consisted of four crop succession systems: (1) soybean/wheat/corn/wheat; (2) soybean/black oat/corn/black oat, (3) soybean/radish/corn/radish and (4) soybean/common vetch/corn/common vetch and by two sources of nutrients (mineral and organic), arranged in a to split plot randomized block design with four replications. Soil samples were collected in layers of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20 to 0.40 m deep in the first and the second years of cultivation. Different cropping systems does not affect the content and the stock of soil organic carbon in the first two years of adoption of the systems. The organic fertilization with manure increased soil organic carbon stock, with an annual contribution of C, layer 0.0 to 0.20 m, 1.15 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1). Cropping systems fertilized with mineral fertilizers provide the greatest losses of soil organic carbon, resulting in negative balance of C in soil.
Toxic effects of phytosanitary surfactants for jewel tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques). Surfactants are amphipatic molecules that reduce the surface tension of water and make up the inert components of pesticide formulations. Thus, the objectives of this study were: to estimate the lethal concentration (LC(I)50;96h); classify and evaluate water quality during testing of the following surfactants: Agral[registered trademark], Aterbane[registered trademark]BR, Ag-bem[registered trademark], Energic[registered trademark], Fixade[registered trademark] and Gotafix[registered trademark] for jewel tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques); and the signs of intoxication in the animals. For this, the fish were acclimated for ten days in the bioassay room. The animals were exposed to the surfactants in an entirely randomized design with three replications. The LC(I)(50;96h) of surfactant Agral[registered trademark] was 3.29 mg L-1; Aterbane[registered trademark] BR 8.21 mg L-1; Energic[registered trademark] 2.34 mg L-1; Gotafix[registered trademark] 4.37 mg L-1; Fixade[registered trademark] 3.38 mg L-1; and Ag-bem[registered trademark] 34.95 mg L-1. The variables of water quality were unchanged. The fish showed an increase in the opercular beating after exposure; 4 and 24 hours, loss of gasping ability; 48 hours, slow opercular beating; and 72 and 96 hours later, recovery. The surfactants Energic[registered trademark], Agral[registered trademark], Gotafix[registered trademark], Aterbane[registered trademark] BR and Fixade[registered trademark] can be classified as moderately toxics, and Ag-Bem[registered trademark] as slightly toxic for H. eques; this organism shows similar intoxication signs for all surfactants.
Bioactivity-guided fractionation of a methanolic CHCl 3 extract of the leaves of Pterogyne nitens afforded the known guanidine alkaloid pterogynidine [2] and three new guanidine alkaloids, nitensidines A [3], B [4], and C [5], all of which exhibited selective activity towards the DNA repair-deficient yeast mutant RS 321 (IC 12=9.3-20.0 μg/ml); 3,4, and 5 were moderately cytotoxic to CHO Aux B 1 cells (IC 50=8.5-13.0 μg/ml).
In order to investigate epidemiological and clinical aspects of beef cattle mortalities caused by botulism, a syndrome popularly known as doença da vaca caída, studies were carried out in 32 naturally affected 4 to 9 year old cows, 27 belonging to the Nellore breed and 5 to crossbred Nellore, all from 27 farms located in municipalities near Botucatu, State of São Paulo. The epidemiological and clinical features were based, respectively, on the farm and herd managements, and on the general physical examination of the cows. Mouse bioassay and complement microfixation tests were performed to detect the presence of botulinum toxins in liver samples. The results showed that the disease occurs in beef cattle of range breeding systems, reared under inadequate mineral nutrition and deficient health management. Pregnant and milking cows represented the group at risk, and the incidence was higher during the rainy season (December to March), with morbidity and mortality rates of 3,2 ± 3,6%. Clinical examination revealed cows with no alterations of vital signs, behavior, visual and auditory acuities and skin sensation; but revealed ruminal hypomotility, anorexia, dehydration, flaccid para or tetraparesis with permanent recumbency, and a paretic or paralytic tongue. The diagnosis of botulism, involving type C and D toxins, was consistent with the epidemiological and clinical findings.
A novel triterpene; viburgenin (1), has been isolated from an extract of the ripe fruit rinds of Rudgea viburnioides, together with the known saponins, arjunglucoside I and trachelosperosides B-1 and E-l, and the triterpenes trachelosperogenin B (2) and arjungenin. Compound 2 was previously obtained as a product from enzymatic hydrolysis, and it is reported for the first time as a natural product. The structure of compound 1 was determined as 2α,3β,19α,23,24-pentahydroxyurs-12-ene by extensive use of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic methods. Compound 1 exhibited moderate antifungal activity against Cladosporium cladosporioides.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Bioactivity-guided fractionation of several bioactive extracts obtained from Cerrado and Atlantic Forest plant species led to the isolation of potent DNA-damaging piperidine 1-5 and guanidine alkaloids 6-9 from Cassia leptophylla and Pterogyne nitens respectively, two common Leguminosae from Atlantic Forest. By means of biotechnological approach on Maytenus aquifolium, a species from Cerrado, moderate DNA-damaging sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloid 10-11 was isolated. Bioassay-guided fractionation on Casearia sylvestris, a medicinal plant species found in Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, led to the isolation of clerodane diterpenes 12-13 which showed effect on DNA. In addition, we have reported several interesting potent antifungal iridoids: 1β-hydroxy-dihydrocornin (14), 1α-hydroxy-dihydrocornin (15), α-gardiol (16), β-gardiol (17), plumericin (18), isoplumericin (19), 11-O-trans-caffeoylteucrein (20); ester derivative: 2-methyl-4-hydroxy-butyl-caffeoate (21), amide N-[7-(3'.4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2Z, 4Z-heptadienoyl] pyrrolidine (22) and triterpene viburgenin (23).
The effects of two diets based on hydrolysed sugarcane bagasse (HSB) and whole cottonseed (WCS), with or without oat hay, were analyzed for the in situ disappearance of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of HSB. Six mature castrated rams with a permanent T ruminai cannula were used in a complete randomized split plot design. The incubation times were 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72h. The diet with oat hay showed higher disappearance indexes for the NDF fraction. Furthermore, the maximum degradation of HSB constituents was reached around 48h of incubation. The diets were T1=64% hydrolyzed sugarcane + 36% whole cottonseed and T2=14% hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse + 36% cottonseed + 50% oat hay.
The hexane extract of the stems of Raulinoa echinata afforded the sesquiterpenes germacrene D (6), 1β,6α-dihydroxy-4-(15)-eudesmene (4) and oplopanone (5); the triterpenes squalene, isomultiflorenol (7), isobauerenol (8) and friedelin (9); the protolimonoids melianone (2) and melianodiol (3); and the pyranocoumarin 3-(1′-1′-dimethylallyl)-lomatin (1), which has not been reported previously as a natural product; together with β-sitosterol. The hexane extract and some of these compounds were assayed in vitro against trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Brine shrimp lethality and antimicrobial activities of the crude extract and pure compounds were also evaluated.
The susceptibility of the tick Boophilus microplus to Beauveria bassiana was evaluated by inoculating eggs, larvae and engorged females of the tick with five fungal isolates at concentrations of 106, 107 and 108 conidia/ml. Tick eggs (0.25 g) were immersed in 1 ml of a suspension of the different conidial concentrations for 1 min. Similar exposure was performed by immersion of 2000 larvae and homogeneous groups of nine engorged females in 2 and 20 ml of conidial suspension, respectively. Treated eggs, larvae and adults were placed in an incubator at 27 ± 1 °C and relative humidity above 80% for evaluation of the fungal action. All fungal isolates applied at all conidial concentrations reduced the hatching rate of larvae from treated eggs by 1.36-65.58% and increased the mortality rate of inoculated larvae by 0.8-70.49%. In the bioassay with engorged females, oviposition period was reduced by 9.69-47.80%, egg mass weight by 4.71-53.87%, estimated reproduction by 8.3-60.62%, egg production index by 5.03-54.20%, percent larval hatching by 0.27-13.96%, and the mortality rate of treated females was increased by 96.60-100%. The reduction of the estimated reproduction obtained for the treated groups ranged from 8.37 to 64.52%. The sporulation of the pathogen on dead females ranged from 3.70 to 88.88% depending on the isolate and concentration used. Isolates AM 09, CB 7 and JAB 07 were the most effective and effectiveness increased with increasing concentrations of conidia in the suspensions.