673 resultados para Melanosuchus niger
Presented are physical and biological data for the region extending from the Barents Sea to the Kara Sea during 158 scientific cruises for the period 1913-1999. Maps with the temporal distribution of physical and biological variables of the Barents and Kara Seas are presented, with proposed quality control criteria for phytoplankton and zooplankton data. Changes in the plankton community structure between the 1930s, 1950s, and 1990s are discussed. Multiple tables of Arctic Seas phytoplankton and zooplankton species are presented, containing ecological and geographic characteristics for each species, and images of live cells for the dominant phytoplankton species.
Over 300 surface sediment samples from the Central and South Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea were investigated for the preservation state of the aragonitic test of Limacina inflata. Results are displayed in spatial distribution maps and are plotted against cross-sections of vertical water mass configurations, illustrating the relationship between preservation state, saturation state of the overlying waters, and overall water mass distribution. The microscopic investigation of L. inflata (adults) yielded the Limacina dissolution index (LDX), and revealed three regional dissolution patterns. In the western Atlantic Ocean, sedimentary preservation states correspond to saturation states in the overlying waters. Poor preservation is found within intermediate water masses of southern origin (i.e. Antarctic intermediate water (AAIW), upper circumpolar water (UCDW)), which are distinctly aragonite-corrosive, whereas good preservation is observed within the surface waters above and within the upper North Atlantic deep water (UNADW) beneath the AAIW. In the eastern Atlantic Ocean, in particular along the African continental margin, the LDX fails in most cases (i.e. less than 10 tests of L. inflata per sample were found). This is most probably due to extensive "metabolic" aragonite dissolution at the sediment-water interface combined with a reduced abundance of L. inflata in the surface waters. In the Caribbean Sea, a more complex preservation pattern is observed because of the interaction between different water masses, which invade the Caribbean basins through several channels, and varying input of bank-derived fine aragonite and magnesian calcite material. The solubility of aragonite increases with increasing pressure, but aragonite dissolution in the sediments does not simply increase with water depth. Worse preservation is found in intermediate water depths following an S-shaped curve. As a result, two aragonite lysoclines are observed, one above the other. In four depth transects, we show that the western Atlantic and Caribbean LDX records resemble surficial calcium carbonate data and delta13C and carbonate ion concentration profiles in the water column. Moreover, preservation of L. inflata within AAIW and UCDW improves significantly to the north, whereas carbonate corrosiveness diminishes due to increased mixing of AAIW and UNADW. The close relationship between LDX values and aragonite contents in the sediments shows much promise for the quantification of the aragonite loss under the influence of different water masses. LDX failure and uncertainties may be attributed to (1) aragonite dissolution due to bottom water corrosiveness, (2) aragonite dissolution due to additional CO2 release into the bottom water by the degradation of organic matter based on an enhanced supply of organic matter into the sediment, (3) variations in the distribution of L. inflata and hence a lack of supply into the sediment, (4) dilution of the sediments and hence a lack of tests of L. inflata, or (5) redeposition of sediment particles.
Paleotemperature estimates calculated by the SIMMAX Modern Analog Technique are presented for two gravity cores from the Rio Grande Rise, one from the Brazil Slope, and one from the Ceara Rise. The estimates are based on comparisons between modern and fossil planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and were carried out on samples from Quaternary sediments. Estimated warm-season temperatures from the Rio Grande Rise (at approx. 30° S) range from around 19°C to 24°C, with some coincidence of warm peaks with interglacial stages. The temperature estimates (also warm-season) from the more tropical Brazil Slope (at approx. 8° S) and Ceara Rise (at approx. 4° N) cores are more stable, remaining between 26°C and 28°C throughout most of their lengths. This fairly stable situation in the tropical western Atlantic is interrupted in oxygen isotope stage 6 by a significant drop of 2-3°C in both of these cores. Temperature estimates from the uppermost samples in all cores compare very well to the modern-day measured values. Affinities of some foraminiferal species for warmer or cooler surface temperatures are identified within the temperature range of the examined samples based on their abundance values. Especially notable among the warmer species are, Globorotalia menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoides ruber, and Globigerinoides sacculifer. Species indicative of cooler surface temperatures include Globorotalia inflata, Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and Globigerina falconensis. A cluster analysis was carried out to assist in understanding the degree of variation which occurs in the foraminiferal assemblages, and how temperature differences influence the faunal compositions of the samples. It is demonstrated that fairly similar samples may have unexpectedly different estimated temperatures due to small differences in key species and, conversely, quite different assemblages can result in similar or identical temperature estimates which confirms that other parameters than just temperature affect faunal content.
Living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were collected with a multicorer from six stations between 2°N and 12°S off West Africa. The foraminiferal communities in the investigated area reflect the direct influence of different productivity regimes, and are characterized by spatially and seasonally varying upwelling activity. At five stations, foraminiferal abundance coincides well with the gradient of surface productivity. However, at one station off the Congo River, the influence of strong fresh water discharge is documented. Although this station lies directly in the center of an upwelling area, foraminiferal standing stocks are surprisingly low. It is suggested that the Congo discharge may induce a fractionation of the organic matter into small and light particles of low nutritional content, by contrast to the relatively fast-sinking aggregates found in the centers of high productivity areas. Quality and quantity of the organic matter seem to influence the distribution of microhabitats as well. The flux of organic carbon to the sea-floor controls the sequence of degradation of organic matter in sediment and the position of different redox fronts. The vertical foraminiferal stratification within sediment closely parallels the distribution of oxygen and nitrate in porewater, and reflects different nutritive strategies and adaptation to different types of organic matter. The epifauna and shallow infauna colonize oxygenated sediments where labile organic matter is available. The intermediate infauna (M. barleeanum) is linked to the zone of nitrate reduction in sediments where epifaunal and shallow infaunal species are not competitive anymore, and must feed on bacterial biomass or on metabolizable nutritious particles produced by bacterial degradation of more refractory organic matter. The deep infauna shows its maximum distribution in anoxic sediments, where no easily metabolizable organic matter is available.
Contiene: Premiere partie, Livre cinquiéme, Voyages en différentes parties de l'Afrique & dans les isles adjacentes, avec la description des pays & des habitants. - Premiere partie, Livre sixiéme, Voyages au long de la cote occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le Cap Blanco jusqu'à Sierra Leona, contenant la description de plusieus pays & de leurs habitants. [Incluye los relatos de: Roberts en 1721-24 a Cabo Verde, Jannequin en 1637 a Libya, Senegal y rio Niger y Brue en 1697 a la costa occidental de Africa]
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Binding: Contemporary Niger morocco; gold-stamped title on front board; leather clasps; stamped on inside of back board "C. & C. McLeish".
The effects of microbial phytase supplementation of phosphorus-adequate, wheat-based diets with available lysine : energy density ratios ranging from 0.75 to 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE on growth performance of weaner pigs were investigated in 3 studies. In the first study, increasing levels of dietary phytate depressed growth rates (P<0.08) and efficiency of feed conversion (P<0.01) and phytase supplementation enhanced growth rates (P<0.05) and tended to improve feed efficiency (P<0.15). There were no significant interactions between dietary phytate and phytase inclusion to support the hypothesis that dietary substrate levels of phytate govern responses to phytase. However, in this and other studies, percentage increases in efficiency of feed conversion generated by phytase were positively correlated to dietary phytate concentrations to a significant extent (P<0.005), so it is possible that dietary substrate levels are of importance to the magnitude of responses following phytase supplementation. Diets with 3 levels of protein, expressed as 0.80, 0.85, and 0.90 g available lysine/MJ DE, were offered to pigs without and with phytase in the second study. Protein/amino acid levels or lysine : energy density ratios did not influence growth performance, which was not expected. However, phytase tended to increase growth rates (P<0.08) and improved feed efficiency (P<0.01). Although it is believed that phytase may have a positive influence on protein utilisation, this was not demonstrated in this experiment. In the third study, the simultaneous inclusion of phytase and xylanase feed enzymes in wheat-based weaner diets did not increase growth performance responses in comparison with phytase alone. Individually, phytase improved feed efficiency (P<0.05) and numerically increased growth rates (P<0.25). Although responses in growth performance of weaner pigs following phytase supplementation lacked consistency, they were generally positive and indicative of anti-nutritive properties of phytate that are unrelated to P availability. That these positive responses were observed in diets with suboptimal available lysine : energy density ratios is consistent with the possibility that phytate has a negative influence on protein utilisation, which is ameliorated by phytase. However, these antinutritive effects and their underlying mechanisms need to be better defined if full advantage of the potential protein-sparing effects of microbial phytase is to be taken.
During the 24 hour period following inoculation, aggregation of spores and sporelings can have an important effect on the subsequent growth of filamentous fungi in submerged culture. This early phase of growth does not appear to have received much attention, and it was for this reason that the author's research was started. The aggregation, germination and early growth of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger have been followed in aerated tower fermenters, by microscopic examination. By studying many individual sporelings it has been possible to estimate the specific growth rate and germination times, and then to assess the branching characteristics of the fungus over a period of from 1 to 10 hours after germination. The results have been incorporated into computer models to simulate the development of the physical structure of individual and aggregated sporelings. Following germination, and an initial rapid growth phase, fungi were found to grow exponentially: in the case of A.niger the mean germination time was about 5 hours and the doubling time was as short as 1.5 hours. Branching also followed an exponential pattern and appeared to be related to hyphal length. Using a simple hypothesis for growth along with empirical parameters, typical fungal structures were generated using the computer models : these compared well with actual sporelings observed under the microscope. Preliminary work suggested that the techniques used in this research could be successfully applied to a range of filamentous fungi.
Earlier investigations (Cartland Glover et al., 2004) into the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the modelling of gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid flow allowed a simple biochemical reaction model to be implemented. A single plane mesh was used to represent the transport and reaction of molasses, the mould Aspergillus niger and citric acid in a bubble column with a height to diameter aspect ratio of 20:1. Two specific growth rates were used to examine the impact that biomass growth had on the local solids concentration and the effect this had on the local hydrodynamics of the bubble column.
Mechanistically and structurally chloroperoxidase (CPO) occupies a unique niche among heme containing enzymes. Chloroperoxidase catalyzes a broad range of reactions, such as oxidation of organic substrates, dismutation of hydrogen peroxide, and mono-oxygenation of organic molecules. To expand the synthetic utility of CPO and to appreciate the important interactions that lead to CPO’s exceptional properties, a site-directed mutagenesis study was undertaken. ^ Recombinant CPO and CPO mutants were heterologously expressed in Aspergillus niger. The overall protein structure was almost the same as that of wild type CPO, as determined by UV-vis, NMR and CD spectroscopies. Phenylalanine103, which was proposed to regulate substrate access to the active site by restricting the size of substrates and to control CPO’s enantioselectivity, was mutated to Ala. The ligand binding affinity and most importantly the catalytic activity of F103A was dramatically different from wild type CPO. The mutation essentially eliminated the chlorination and dismutation activities but enhanced, 4-10 fold, the epoxidation, peroxidation, and N-demethylation activities. As expected, the F103A mutant displayed dramatically improved epoxidation activity for larger, more branched styrene derivatives. Furthermore, F103A showed a distinctive enantioselectivity profile: losing enantioselectivity to styrene and cis-β-methylstyrene; having a different configuration preference on α-methylstyrene; showing higher enantioselectivites and conversion rates on larger, more branched substrates. Our results show that F103 acts as a switch box that controls the catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and product enantioselectivity of CPO. Given that no other mutant of CPO has displayed distinct properties, the results with F103A are dramatic. ^ The diverse catalytic activity of CPO has long been attributed to the presence of the proximal thiolate ligand. Surprisingly, a recent report on a C29H mutant suggested otherwise. A new CPO triple mutant C29H/C79H/C87H was prepared, in which all the cysteines were replaced by histidine to eliminate the possibility of cysteine coordinating to the heme. No active form protein was isolated, although, successful transformation and transcription was confirmed. The result suggests that Cys79 and Cys87 are critical to maintaining the structural scaffold of CPO. ^ In vitro biodegradation of nanotubes by CPO were examined by scanning electron microscope method, but little oxidation was observed. ^
Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary conditions along continental margins. In this study, we present a new approach to regionalize the total organic carbon (TOC) content in surface sediments (<5 cm sediment depth). It is based on a compilation of more than 5500 single measurements from various sources. Global TOC distribution was determined by the application of a combined qualitative and quantitative-geostatistical method. Overall, 33 benthic TOC-based provinces were defined and used to process the global distribution pattern of the TOC content in surface sediments in a 1°x1° grid resolution. Regional dependencies of data points within each single province are expressed by modeled semi-variograms. Measured and estimated TOC values show good correlation, emphasizing the reasonable applicability of the method. The accumulation of organic carbon in marine surface sediments is a key parameter in the control of mineralization processes and the material exchange between the sediment and the ocean water. Our approach will help to improve global budgets of nutrient and carbon cycles.