858 resultados para Initiation to teach interns PIBID


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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In this action research study I focused on my eighth grade pre-algebra students’ abilities to attack problems with enthusiasm and self confidence whether they completely understand the concepts or not. I wanted to teach them specific strategies and introduce and use precise vocabulary as a part of the problem solving process in hopes that I would see students’ confidence improve as they worked with mathematics. I used non-routine problems and concept-related open-ended problems to teach and model problem solving strategies. I introduced and practiced communication with specific and precise vocabulary with the goal of increasing student confidence and lowering student anxiety when they were faced with mathematics problem solving. I discovered that although students were working more willingly on problem solving and more inclined to attempt word problems using the strategies introduced in class, they were still reluctant to use specific vocabulary as they communicated to solve problems. As a result of this research, my style of teaching problem solving will evolve so that I focus more specifically on strategies and use precise vocabulary. I will spend more time introducing strategies and necessary vocabulary at the beginning of the year and continue to focus on strategies and process in order to lower my students’ anxiety and thus increase their self confidence when it comes to doing mathematics, especially problem solving.


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In this action research study of my teaching of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated the importance of showing work on daily assignments. I wanted to find out what happens when I ask students to show their work, specifically, whether it would improve students’ grades or not and whether I could help the students to understand the importance of showing their work. I discovered that students need to be shown the proper way to show their work, how to look at a problem and then how to show all of their steps to get to the answer. They need to be encouraged and be held accountable for showing their work when asked. Once they were able to show work, they could start to see the value in showing their work and they tended to show their work more often. Students became more confident in themselves as mathematics students and, in some cases, their grades improved. As a result of this research, I plan to teach and explain to my future classes about how showing their work can benefit them in a variety of ways. They will be able to use the knowledge that they gain in my classroom in their future math classes in middle and high school.


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In this action research study, I investigated the careless errors made by my seventh-grade mathematics students on their homework and tests. Beyond analyzing the types of careless errors and the frequency at which they were made, I also analyzed my students’ attitudes toward reviewing their work before they turn it in and self-reflection about the quality of work that they were producing. I found that many students did not know how to review their test before turning it in; no one had ever taught them how to do so. However, when students were given tools to help them with this task, they were able to make strides towards reducing the number of careless errors that they made and began to turn in high quality work that demonstrated their understanding of the content that had been taught. As a result of this research, I plan to teach my students how to go back over their homework and tests before turning them in. I also intend to continue to use the tools that I have produced to encourage students to self-reflect on the work that they have done. Assessment is such an important piece of educating my students and the careless errors made on these assessments needed to be addressed.


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The purpose of the current study is to identify the impact of teaching students to revise their stories on writing production (Total Words Written; TWW), writing accuracy (Percent Correct Writing Sequences; %CWS), number of critical story elements included in stories, and quality of writing. Three third-grade and one fourth-grade student who were experiencing difficulties in the area of writing were involved in the study. The students were first taught to plan their stories using the evidence-based program, Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), which has frequently been implemented to teach students to plan their stories. Students were then taught to revise their stories using SRSD procedures modified for instruction in revision strategies. Student progress was evaluated through a multiple-probe design across tasks and a multiple-probe design across participants, which allowed for experimental control over time and across story probes. In addition to the previously mentioned variables, student’s acceptability of the intervention and their attitudes toward writing were also assessed. Results indicated that instruction in revising increased student writing accuracy beyond the effects of instruction in planning. Additionally, although instruction in planning was shown to increase writing production, number of critical story elements, and quality of writing, instruction in revising produced additional improvement in these variables as well. Finally, results indicated that students liked the intervention and their attitudes toward writing generally increased. Implications for practice and future research directions will be discussed. Advisor: Merilee McCurdy


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A systematic social skills training intervention to teach reciprocal sharing was designed and implemented with triads of preschool-age children, including one child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and two untrained classroom peers who had no delays or disabilities. A multiple-baseline research design was used to evaluate effects of the social skills training intervention on social-communication and sharing behaviors exhibited by the participants with ASD during interactive play activities with peers. Social-communication behaviors measured included contact and distal gestures, touching peers and speaking. Four sharing behaviors were also measured, including sharing toys and objects, receiving toys and objects, asking others to share, and giving requested items. Results indicated considerable gains in overall social-communication behaviors. The greatest improvements were observed in the participants’ use of contact gestures and speaking. Slightly increasing trends were noted and suggested that participants with ASD made modest gains in learning the sharing skills taught during social skills training lessons. Social validity data indicate that participants with ASD and peer participants found the intervention appropriate and acceptable, and staff perception ratings indicated significant changes in the social skills of participants with ASD. Study outcomes have practical implications for educational practitioners related to enhancing social-communication and social interactions of young children with ASD. Study limitations and future directions for research are discussed.


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*When the Morrill Act was passed in 1862, creating the land-grant university system which includes our own University of Nebraska, part of the language of the bill read: " ... the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.


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Thi report summarizes the results of the first year of the Reading First Initiative in Nebraska. Results show that teachers and schools have made a real effort to change. Student performance in the earlier grades has shown great promise for the following years, however, growth in fluency and comprehension in grades 2 and 3 were not as impressive and require additional attention. Overall, students make at least a year’s progress in most schools and most demographic groups. Schools can make much better use of the data they were collecting and need further direction in this area The assessment results were triangulated by observations in the classrooms, interviews, and teacher responses to professional development- teachers know how to teach PA and the alphabetic principle but were still struggling with: finding time and effective strategies for fluency training teaching comprehension strategies teaching self monitoring. Growing gaps for SPED, Ethnic minorities, and ELL students suggest an emphasis on the secondary and tertiary levels of intervention in the schools.


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Desde as primeiras décadas do século XX, foi constatada nos currículos dos cursos de formação de professores a existência de uma disciplina cuja constituição, funcionamento e objetivos têm como pressuposto ensinar a ensinar a matemática. Historicamente, a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática tem aparecido nos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática com distintas denominações. Ao longo dessas mudanças, os pressupostos e as características dessa disciplina foram se modificando. Tomando como metodologia de pesquisa a análise documental e a história oral, e como referencial teórico os estudos de André Chervel (1990), este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o processo histórico de disciplinarização da Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática em cursos de licenciatura em Matemática de instituições públicas de ensino superior do estado de São Paulo (USP, UNICAMP e UNESP-Rio Claro), buscando conhecer a gênese e o desenvolvimento histórico da disciplina, identificando conteúdos e métodos propostos bem como as mudanças pelas quais passou a disciplina.


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Pelo fato de o fracionamento da prática da cortada ser um tema polêmico que tem gerado inconsistências teóricas e práticas, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar quais métodos de fracionamento da cortada são utilizados por professores de Educação Física em diferentes fases profissionais no processo ensinoaprendizagem da cortada. Além disso, pretendeuse descrever as justificativas dos professores para a escolha dos métodos. A amostra foi composta por 36 professores de Educação Física com níveis distintos de experiência na área, os quais responderam a um questionário sobre o uso de métodos de ensino relativos ao fracionamento da cortada do voleibol. As maiores frequências de respostas favoráveis ao fracionamento foram fornecidas por professores em estágios iniciais da carreira, os quais alegaram que a complexidade da cortada é o motivo principal para o uso de tal procedimento


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[ES] La utilización de los dispositivos móviles para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa implica una exploración profunda de nuestra práctica y diseño docente. El presente estudio desvela a través del paradigma de las ciencias cognitivas algunos conceptos base que han sustentado la educación española, sugiere el empleo de los dispositivos como herramientas de innovación y por último analiza diversos materiales disponibles en la red para su aplicación en entornos educativos.


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[ES] Si educar es transmitir experiencias vividas para favorecer la convivencia social, esa labor se puede llevar a cabo en numerosos campos sociales, constituyendo el de la Seguridad Vial, uno de ellos. [EN] To speak of education is to speak of culture, of transmission of knowledge and health habits for coexistence but, the meaning that locks up this term goes beyond what in principle could seem: it includes different fields, particularly the one from Road Security which is about the norms that regulate drivers and pedestrians’ conduct. It is in this scope where education plays an excellent role in the sense that it constitutes a suitable instrument to teach road norms and values favouring coexistence in road behavior.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Diseño e Implementación de un Convertidor Numérico como Aplicación Android es una aplicación desarrollada para terminales móviles con SO Android. Esta desarrollada en el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse, sobre el lenguaje de programación Java y hace uso de diferentes herramientas, las más importante de ellas el SDK TOOLS para Android. El objetivo o principal motivación por el cual he creado dicha aplicación es facilitarle al usuario final una forma más fácil y amena de acceder a toda la información proporcionada por el Servicio Web Números TIP. Esta aplicación podría tener gran uso en el campo de las enseñanzas primarias para enseñar a los niños a escribir números con letras y también podría ser de gran utilidad para las personas que no tengan un dominio extenso de nuestro idioma. La principal funcionalidad de la aplicación es realizar una consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP y luego mostrar por pantalla todos los datos devueltos. Todo el proceso de dibujo de la interfaz de usuario se realiza de manera dinámica y en tiempo de ejecución, logrando de esta manera adaptarnos a los datos que devuelva el servicio web. Para realizar la consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP el usuario introduce una ristra de caracteres sobre la cual se realizan determinadas comprobaciones en el servidor y se dibuja en la interfaz de usuario la respuesta devuelta. Esta ristra de caracteres puede contener cualquier signo, letra o número y el servicio web se encarga de devolver un error o reconocer un número, ya sea en su forma entera, fraccionaria, decimal o romana. La aplicación esta estandarizada para los cuatro tamaños generales reconocidos por Android y para sus densidades. Además se podría decir que la aplicación reconoce el idioma pre configurado en el teléfono y en base a ello solicita al servicio web las respuestas en español o en inglés.