810 resultados para Fundamental Rights Conflicts


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A alteração na definição da idade de ingresso no ensino fundamental de 7 para 6 anos pela Lei nº 11.114 de 2006 no Brasil tem suscitado debates nos campos da educação e do sistema de justiça sobre a data limite de ingresso. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o cenário da implantação do corte etário para o ingresso no ensino fundamental, bem como problematizar a entrada precoce da criança nesta etapa da educação básica, buscando analisar as implicaçõesdo ingresso das crianças pequenas no ensino fundamental na limitação do seu direito educacional e para a constituição da infância. O acesso a cada uma das etapas da educação básica pressupõe uma faixa etária adequada e seu ingresso deve ocorrer tendo com referência a idade estabelecida e não laudos psicológicos e/ou pedagógicos que atestem a capacidade de cada criança, o que revela certa concepção de criança, infância e processos educativos.


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En este artículo, basado en el derecho a la libertad de iniciativa, se discute la constitucionalidad de la medida judicial que determina la intervención en sociedades comerciales en conflicto mediante administradores judiciales provisionales. Por lo tanto, se eligió el método hipotético-deductivo de enfoque, comenzando con laclasificación de la libre empresa como un derecho fundamental. Posteriormente, se presenta el panorama de las medidas judiciales dichas. Más que buscar y proporcionar una respuesta simple, se diseñan métricas de constitucionalidad basadas en argumentos que se encuentran en la teoría de los derechos fundamentales y en el derecho de sociedades. Como resultado principal, se vio que, incluso si toman la designación de terceros a la función de gestor comercial, la intervención judicial en conflictos societarios conserva el núcleo esencial de la libre empresa y los intereses corporativos y extra-sociales que rodea la organización empresarial, estableciendose de forma abstracta, como una medida legítima y constitucional.


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Comunicação apresentada no V Encontro do CIED – Escola e Comunidade, nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro de 2011, na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, organizado pelo CIED, com o apoio da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa. Atas do V Encontro do CIED – Escola e Comunidade publicadas em junho de 2012 por CIED - Centro de Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais.


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On 13 December 2006, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century. The Convention is intended as a human rights instrument with an explicit, social development dimension. It adopts a broad categorization of persons with disabilities and reaffirms that all persons with all types of disabilities must enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Precisely, the Convention marks a 'paradigm shift' in attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities The Convention contains two articles directly connected with judicial effective protection, one more than the other, but on the other hand, one cannot be understood without the other. Both articles are Article 12 –Equal recognition before the law- and Article 13 –access to justice- As a scholar in Procedural Law, my contribution to the International Scientific Congress on Private Law of the Philippines and Spain aims to enshrine the relevant importance of the both provisions that guarantee effective judicial protection for persons with disabilities in order to analyze, subsequently, the implementation of them in Spanish legislation


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One of the most important events which characterizes the process of transitioning to the European Union is the ratification of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by the European Council in 1950. Since then, the topic of human rights has become the inspiring principle in the construction of the European Community and afterwards the institutional apparatus which constitutes the Union. The primary objective of the European Union States currently is to promote a harmonization of the national legislations on mental health, favoring a central health policy which reduces inequalities amongst the member States. For this reason Europe is a region of the world in which is more abundant the normative one about mental health, especially in form of Recommendations directed to the States by the Council of Europe, although norms of direct application also exist. Special interest has the sentences dictated by the European Court of Human Rights and the conclusions of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. It should be mentioned the work of European Union equally and of the Office for Europe of the World Organization of the Health. This group of juridical instruments configures the most complete regulation on the mental patient's rights.


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Foreign fighters have become inextricably linked to perceptions of human rights abuses in the Syria and Iraq wars, particularly since the Islamic State group founded its caliphate. This paper explores the human rights impact of foreign fighters in the conflicts, noting that while foreign fighters have been involved in grave human rights abuses, such behavior has not been uniform and must be differentiated by group and role. In this regard, it is argued that while foreign fighters have overwhelmingly had a negative impact on most human rights indicators, fighters in some groups have positively impacted the Right to Self-Determination. Further, the paper notes that while foreign fighters have been large-scale perpetrators of human rights abuses, one must also consider the propaganda value of such acts because foreign fighter-led violence is more newsworthy globally than local-led violence.


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1-Resumo: A iniciativa privada é um Direito humano fundamental que está consagrado nos ordenamentos jurídicos modernos. No caso português, na Constituição portuguesa. A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos consagra o Direito à propriedade. E, por conseguinte, também a iniciativa privada. A iniciativa privada é tanto mais eficaz na sociedade, quanto mais democrático e livre for o Estado respectivo. A iniciativa privada está ligada ao financiamento público, mas também ao financiamento privado. Seja o financiamento de pessoas singulares, seja o financiamento de pessoas colectivas, organizações. O terrorismo pode ser financiado por outrem, assim como o terrorismo pode financiar actividades lícitas. Por acção ou por omissão. Assim, a isto tudo, está associado o ilícito de branqueamento de capitais. O crime de branqueamento pode ter por origem o crime de terrorismo e/ou o crime de organização terrorista. O branqueamento de capitais também pode servir para financiar o terrorismo. Neste contexto, se desenham zonas de contraste entre Direitos Humanos e Segurança. Entre crime e paz pública. Assim como se geram zonas de confluência entre Segurança e Direitos Humanos. O Direito Humano Fundamental à iniciativa privada e ao financiamento – passivo ou activo – pode sofrer restrições. As restrições podem existir desde que sejam proporcionais, adequadas, necessárias. Ou seja, as restrições têm que respeitar uma intervenção mínima. Assim, em nome da segurança, a prevenção do crime de terrorismo e do crime de branqueamento provoca novas dificuldades também ao próprio sistema económico capitalista. Provoca novas dificuldades ao Direito fundamental da iniciativa privada. Uma vez que o branqueamento de capitais, ou o próprio financiamento, podem estar associados ao crime de terrorismo.§ 1.1-Abstract: The private sector is a fundamental human right that is enshrined in modern legal systems. In the Portuguese case, in the Portuguese Constitution. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines the right to property. And therefore also the private sector. The private sector is much more effective in society, if the state is more democratic and free. Private initiative is linked to the public funding, but also to private funding. It could be the financing of individual persons, but also the financing of legal persons, organizations. Terrorism can be financed by others, as well as terrorism can finance legal activities. By act or omission. Thus, all this is associated with money laundering. Money laundering may have been originated in the crime of terrorism and / or in the crime of terrorist organization. Money laundering may also be used to finance terrorism. In this context, we have conflict zones between human rights and security. Between crime and public peace. As well as generates confluence zones between security and human rights. The Fundamental Human Right to the private sector and its financing - passive or active - can be restricted. Restrictions would be acceptable if are proportionate, appropriate and necessary. In other words, restrictions must comply with minimum intervention. So in the name of security, the prevention of the crime of terrorism and the Money laundering causes new difficulties also to the capitalist economic system. Causes new problems to the fundamental right of private enterprise. Money laundering or the financing itself may be associated with terrorist crime. The question is also: what could do the criminal lawmaker?


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Abstract: The implementation of Fundamental Constitutional Health and Social Rights is necessary, appropriate and proportionate, following the demands of the population. Accountability and self-responsibility play a very important role. This requires the development of constitutional principles that protect public funds against corruption and offer a constitutional right to health protection. Financial and criminal liability might provide an incentive to improve the management of public funds and reinforce fundamental constitutional principles, particularly regarding the right to health. Constitutional, administrative and criminal issues, as well as public management and administration and the science of good governance, should be articulated in a single strategy also in the health sector. In Portugal and Brazil, as examples, the Federal Court / Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court / High Court of Justice or the Court of Auditors should be considered together.


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AbstractHousing rights are now one of the most fundamental social and economic human rights. It is therefore the duty of every country to implement such rights for its own citizens, irrespective of its economicdevelopment, political situation, or social conditions. Possession of appropriate living conditions determines, in fact, the possibility of using other, more advanced human rights (e.g. the right to health, right to development, right to peace, or access to culture). Realization of the right to adequate housing is increasingly problematic for developed countries. According to the United Nations, there areover 100 million homeless people worldwide and more than 1 billion inadequately housed. Poland is an example of a country particularly afflicted by housing problems after the Second World War.Experiences of Polish democratic transformation after 1989, therefore, provide interesting lessons (and warnings) for all countries wishing to deal with the social problems arising from housing difficulties.Keywords: right to adequate housing, human rights, housing rights, social transformation, transition, economic and social human rights, social issues, Poland, United Nations, communism.ResumenEl derecho a la vivienda es uno de los derechos humanos sociales y económicos más elementales. Por lo tanto, es un deber de todos los países implementar esos derechos para susciudadanos y ciudadanas, independependientmente de su desarrollo económico, situación política, o condiciones sociales. La posesión de adecuadas condiciones de vida determinala posibilidad de utilizar otros derechos humanos más avanzados (por ejemplo, derecho a la salud, derecho al desarrollo, derecho a la paz, acceso a la cultura). La realizacióndel derecho a una vivienda adecuada es cada vez más problemática para los países desarrollados. Según las Naciones Unidas, hay más de 100 millones de personas sin hogar en todo el mundo y más de 1000 millones alojadas en viviendas inadecuadas. Polonia es ejemplo de un país particularmente afectado por los problemas de vivienda después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Experiencias de la transformación democrática de Polonia después de 1989 ofrecen lecciones interesantes (y advertencias) para todos los países que deseen hacer frente a los problemas sociales derivados de las dificultades de vivienda.Palabras clave: derecho a la vivienda, derechos humanos, transformación social, transición, derechos económicos y sociales, cuestiones sociales, Polonia, Naciones Unidas, comunismo.